I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 354 Four Great Artifacts

There are a total of 10 artifacts stored in the Sea God Temple, each of which is registered, and 6 of them can only be used by borrowing the power of the Sea God, such as the heart of the ocean that I used to separate the sea water before!

Kangel still spoke in a stiff tone, his eyes had lost focus, and he didn't look at Harold at all when he was talking to Harold. This is basically a hosting model.

Wait, then I can only use 4 of them? Then I can choose freely! Harold suddenly realized that he is not a Poseidon believer, and it is impossible to become a Poseidon follower. How can he borrow the power of the Sea God?

You can ask the Seagod to have a try. If you are not a believer, you may not be able to borrow the Seagod's divine power. Similarly, even a believer may not be able to borrow the Seagod's divine power!

Harold nodded and made up the picture in his head.

Brother, I need to borrow your power to charge this artifact! Thank you very much!

Okay, you're welcome, it's fully charged, use it, and come back when it's empty!

Such a fantastic unfolding should be unrealistic. Although Poseidon is down-to-earth and can talk, he is definitely not a cat or a dog that can be manipulated casually. Just look at Kanger's fate to know how stingy the god is.

In this way, the Sun God is really flattered to help enthusiastically as soon as the God's Descending Ceremony starts. There shouldn't be any hidden price, right?

Harold shuddered, throwing away the worry that there would be no solution even if he knew it in advance, and began to think about how to choose the artifact.

Undoubtedly, those 6 artifacts are absolutely top-notch. Thinking of the heaven-defying feat that Kangor separated the sea and created a waterless environment in the deep sea that day, Harold had to marvel at its great power. Compared with it, Xiangyang Hua's black scythe, his giant wristbands are as useless as [legendary equipment +1]!

In the final analysis, an artifact is a definition without an accurate measurement standard. As long as it is stronger than ordinary legendary equipment, it can be called an artifact. If it is 1 times stronger, it is an artifact, and if it is 100 times stronger, it is also an artifact. Like the Sun Scepter, even the gods are jealous.

The opportunity to obtain an artifact is once in a lifetime, especially this kind of powerful artifact that contains immense power. Once you miss it, it will be difficult to meet again in this life. It would be too wasteful to only get a few defective items of [Legendary Equipment +1]!

Think carefully about what you need, what you already have, and don't blindly pursue the strongest!

Sunny Flower reminded Harold in time that she was quite sensible when her own interests were not involved at all, but when her own interests were involved, she was completely blinded.

After hearing this, Harold thought about it calmly. In terms of value, an artifact like the Heart of the Ocean is indeed stronger, but what he lacks is a practical artifact that can be used immediately. artifact.

The artifact that can only be used by borrowing the power of the Seagod might be able to be slowly transformed and recast, or there are various other solutions, but when will that be?

He has the strongest artifact, the Sun Scepter, and as long as he can be perfectly liberated, he can gain infinite power. What about the Heart of the Ocean, which can separate the sea water? Does he still need it? On the contrary, even if it is an artifact like the four giant's wrist guards, it can still give him plenty of cards and double his strength.

Okay, just give me those four artifacts that can be used without the power of the Seagod!

Harold glanced at Sunflower gratefully. It wasn't that she reminded herself that she had fallen into a misunderstanding. What's the use of level 60 and the best equipment that requires level 100? What's more, you already have the strongest artifact in the whole server in your hand, as long as the level is full, you will be invincible in the world. At this time, it is king to get some small top-quality equipment that can be used at level 60!

Negate Warhammer, an attack artifact that can ignore all defenses. Of course, this 'everything' means all types. Whether it is physical defense or magical defense, it will be vetoed and broken if the priority is lower than it, not true. You can ignore all defenses!

In addition to this, it has the characteristic of swiftness. Although it is a heavy weapon, its attack speed is not slow!

That is to say, the heart shield with the 'Water Escape Technique' I picked earlier, and the starstone armor given to me by the Sea Clan are useless in front of this thing. Overwhelming the characteristics of legendary treasures, if the Devil Slashing Sword could not increase the power attribute, it would probably be completely eliminated.

Cursed Necklace, the soul fragment of the boarder's hundred-eyed octopus, made by the sea god, can cast a curse on a single enemy, greatly weakening its various abilities, and the strength of the legendary strong will plummet after being hit. The duration depends on the user. Depending on your mental strength, three minutes is probably the limit for you!

Harold asked curiously: Then what effect does it have on a strong man of your level?

Kangel had already closed his feelings and had no mood swings at all. He said in a flat tone: It's not completely useless, but the effect is very poor. It's probably equivalent to not sleeping well and not feeling refreshed!

Got it, it's a garbage artifact! Harold made a clear conclusion. Although this thing is very practical, it is really sorry for the name of the artifact. It weakens the legendary strong for three minutes, which is a little more useless than the giant's wrist.

Destroying the spar can cause a large-scale energy explosion. It is made of the magic core of the octopus with hundreds of eyes. The energy contained is extremely chaotic and difficult to use. It can only be used as a one-time consumable to kill the enemy! By the way, this 'scale The rating of 'bigger' was marked by Sea God himself!

Why is this hundred-mesh octopus worth more than a giant dragon? It is full of treasures. From what he heard, there are three artifacts made from the trophies of the hundred-mesh octopus. Is this artifact too rubbish? ? Even if its power is strong enough, but one-time consumables are too cheating, right?

Scroll of heaven, it seems to be the crystallization of the broken plane in ancient times. We don't have any records of this thing. Maybe there are relevant records on the elves. You can figure it out yourself! It's all connected!

The four artifacts were thrown over at once, and Harold didn't have time for each of them. He stuffed them into the inventory first, and before he could open his mouth, Kangel issued an expulsion order:

Let's go, Selton will take you ashore. I'm a little tired, so I won't entertain you!

Still expressionless like a robot, Kangel's thoughts may have drifted to the sky. Harold and Sunflower looked at each other, and quickly slipped away without daring to say anything.

God knows if this female dragon will fight after recovering, and a broken arm is enough to torture Harold and Sunflower. I don't think the four third-rate artifacts can help them turn defeat into victory.

Selton thanked Harold very much, his face was full of joy, and all the sea people were full of joy for successfully rescuing the sea god, oh no, no one can understand her pain except Kangel, who has been exposed. .

Are you going back? I'll go and call Abu, and tell me and Sasha later what the Sea God left you to do. The new Sea God seems to be more gentle, thanks to you!

A moment after Selton left, Xiang Yanghua frowned and thought hard, she seemed to be familiar with the word heaven picture scroll, where did she have this memory?

By the way, it seems that she spied on that guy Aphelios when she was peeping into his mind, and she didn't care about it for a moment, so what should I do, should I sell this information to Harold for a profit? Or is it a long-term game to catch big fish and use it as a long-term meal ticket?

What are you thinking? I'm going to leave. Why don't you say goodbye to Tia? Harold pushed Xiang Yanghua, feeling somewhat grateful in his heart. Although this bastard elf was quite cheating, he helped a lot along the way. Go back In the future, it is time to send a small territory.

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