I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 314 Altar

The archmage who turned into a sparrow and Aphelios who turned into a gopher slowly rushed over more than ten kilometers away from the canyon. They didn't know the enemy's detection range, so it was best to start moving in disguise from a distance.

When approaching the canyon for nearly a thousand meters, the archmage saw a few beholders patrolling around. It should be Aphelios' previous familiar that alarmed them. Of course, the beholders with extraordinary vision did not miss the flying in the air the Archmage.

But creatures like sparrows really don't need to be wary. Too low a life is not even qualified to become a familiar or a war beast. If it is an owl or a crow, it is worth being vigilant.

I am a little sparrow, a harmless little sparrow! The archmage chanted these words in his heart, and flew into the canyon. Tweets threatening.

That fellow Aphelios shouldn't worry, I'll just fly a few laps at my own pace. The point of not attracting attention is not to hover all the time, but to rest properly on a branch, and not to observe too deliberately! No problem, I can!

The archmage was as excited as a child with a new toy, flapping his wings and flying at the normal speed of a sparrow.

Entering the canyon, the Archmage was shocked by the sight in front of his eyes. The huge space like a giant city not only stretches for more than ten kilometers, but also the sides of the canyon have been hollowed out to create a large amount of space.

Countless slaves labor, including humans, dwarves, winged men, and even the orcs themselves!

They are supervised by a large number of violent orcs whose skin has begun to look like brown. In addition, a large number of demons who did not have close contact with the orcs are also very familiar and move around.

After circling briefly, the archmage drove away the original sparrow on a branch with a collision, and Zhan began to organize his thoughts on the branch: There may be hundreds of thousands of slaves, most of them are humans, and they should be born after the defeat of Lukanir. civilian!

What they built is... the location, and the symbolic meaning of those buildings... it's an altar. What does the devil want?

While the archmage was meditating, a lizardman slave took an ax to cut down the big tree where he was, and the archmage flew to the nearby tree in a hurry.

The mark on the lizardman slave, if you read it correctly, is a symbol of sacrifice. Could it be that these slaves will be sacrificed directly after building the altar?

The archmage was not surprised by this cruel atrocity. The purpose of the demons and these irrational orcs was to destroy and destroy. He just marveled at such a huge altar and such a large number of sacrifices. What did they want to summon?

Afterwards, the Archmage kept flying around. After continuous investigation for half a day, it was found that a total of 12 altars had been set up. The scale was about the same, and they were all far beyond the normal range. It can be completely completed in ten days.

Fortunately, we discovered it in time. No matter what they summoned, we must not let them succeed, but what should we do? The enemy's combat strength is still unknown!

The archmage didn't dare to release magic or fly too close to investigate, so he could only observe the situation with the basic vision of sparrows on the periphery. He didn't see any traces of legendary orcs, nor did he find any powerful high-level demons.

There is a strange feeling in the body, it should be almost the duration of the magic! There is no way, let's retreat first!

The archmage flapped his wings and left. After leaving the canyon for a long distance, he suddenly changed from a sparrow back to a human form. Aphelios also just came out of the ground, probably not.

Aphelios should be used to transforming into small animals, still in the form of a gopher, but after coming out of the ground, he quickly dispelled the magic and restored his humanity.

Not so good, you should have seen those scenes from above?

Did you hear something, except for the 12 big amazing altars, I only saw a large number of slaves and ordinary orc soldiers and low-level demons, and those guys on the upper level didn't show their heads!

Although Aphelios has been digging underground, he has obtained more information than the archmage. He happened to sneak under the room of an important person.

I didn't find out what was specifically summoned, but this time the action was carried out by a demon lord named [King of Misfortune], and there are 3 high-level demons gathered here!

There are three legendary orcs, and one of them was executed because he still had the will to resist when he was controlled by the demon!

The Archmage clearly explained the distribution of the 12 altars, the terrain inside the canyon, and the distribution and approximate number of ordinary soldiers and low-level demons.

The efficiency of the two is very high. It has only been less than half a day since the discovery of the canyon. The high-end legendary combat power and the strength of the main troops in the canyon have been found out clearly. It can be said that they are perfect as scouts.

However, the Archmage has never positioned himself as a scout, and he said with a look of embarrassment: We have to do something before going back to inform the dwarves, but the strength of the enemy is a bit beyond imagination, Aphelios, what can you do? Is there a way?

No! Even if there is, I won't say it, let alone the three legendary orcs who are delirious and turned into tools. The abilities and forms of the three high-level demons are unknown, and they may pose a fatal threat to us! Here In this case, any action you want to take is taking a risk!

Aphelios patted the archmage on the shoulder and dissuaded him: Just do what we have to do. There are still more than ten days before the altar is built. Let us gather our strength and come back after we notify the dwarf kingdom!

Our two legendary mages have joined forces, and there is no other result except bringing back information. Do you think the dwarves will trust us unconditionally and assemble and dispatch a large number of troops according to our wishes?

The archmage also has his worries. Even if the contract is signed, there is nothing the dwarves can do about their indifference. Will they take risks based on their dictation?

The situation in Buluo Fortress is not optimistic. If the dwarf king judges that the situation here can be delayed, he will definitely be more willing to gather his combat power to kill the dwarves over there first, and then deal with this side when he has free hands.

Aphelios did not expect this. He is good at summoning magic, and he is very clear about the power of such a huge 12 altars. The 12 monsters summoned are at least legendary.

Then what do you say, and then lurk in and use magic props to record the scene? The risk of being discovered is very high!

The archmage waved his hand, and said boldly: Don't you feel that the terrain of this canyon has reached the critical point of collapse? We just need to add fuel to the flames a little!

Aphelios' eyes widened, You're crazy, those demons are not orcs or centaurs who don't understand magic, and the magic fluctuations that release legendary magic can't be covered up!

There are two of us! It's enough for one to cast spells and the other to block the enemy. They won't be able to attack with all their strength as soon as they sense the movement!

Aphelios opened his mouth wide, wanting to say something but had no target to talk to. The archmage had already got up to find a suitable place to cast the spell.

This place is not bad. Start drawing the magic circle and recharging energy first, and strive to compress the time to the shortest when it is released at midnight. In the most optimistic situation, you can help me fight for 10 minutes!

Don't start talking about yourself alone. I haven't agreed yet. Hey, I'm the type who avoids risks as much as possible. Don't ignore me!!! 1

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