I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 313 The Orc's Movement

Back to the three archmages, Aphelios and the archmage volunteered to investigate the movements of the orcs on the West Road. After defeating the Kingdom of Lucanir, hundreds of thousands of orcs did not attack the dwarves immediately, but hid their traces, like a The sharp knife hanging above the head made people restless.

Acosta went to the Buluo Fortress to support, so this arrangement is also a helpless move. Originally, according to the specialties of the three, it would be better for Acosta, who is extremely mobile, and Aphelios, who is very good at collecting information, to investigate and pursue the orcs and find out their purpose.

And the archmage who is good at elements and energy can take advantage of his powerful firepower and bombard the orcs in the Fortress of Buluo. However, based on the problem of compatibility, Acosta and Aphelios cannot be separated at all. I'm afraid the two will have to fight before they find the orc.

And the Archmage and Iacosta were worried about letting Aphelios act alone, so they could only make this somewhat inefficient task assignment.

How, have you found any traces of orcs? The archmage is really not very good at scouting and finding enemies, and because he is worried about Aphelios, he dare not stay away from the opponent, his detection range is completely covered by Aphelios Covering, thus becoming an embarrassing existence like a pendant.

Not at all, there should be demons helping to clean up the traces, otherwise there would be no clues at all, but I did find clues to another batch of orcs, which should be the ones that helped humans get back the scepter of the sun. I have to catch up and see. see?

Iacosta moved his hand away from a big tree while talking. The magic he developed is indeed amazing. It can communicate with all things. Just touching this big tree can communicate with all kinds of animals and plants in the entire forest. .

Crom and his party have nothing to do with our purpose. Your thinking is very strange. Why do you want to pursue them? The archmage answered Aphelios calmly, and asked with a little vigilance.

Are you even so wary of me? I'm just offering advice, there's no need to read too much into it. Shall we continue to move south?

There is a mountain in the east. The orcs are probably hiding there. Go over there and have a look. Also, I remind you, you'd better not leave magic marks everywhere!

Aphelios raised his eyebrows, and replied without nervousness: You found out, I thought I was still doing it quite covertly, it seems that the title of 'Hidden Sage' will be changed!

I don't want to spy on you as if I were an enemy, but I'm not blind either! You leave traces everywhere like this, whether it's a demon who is proficient in magic or the traitor Sauron can find us, don't underestimate them!

Or did you intentionally leave them a signal? The archmage was still restrained, just questioning in a serious tone, and Iacosta probably had already pulled out his staff and was ready to do it.

I have my style of doing things. I can't find the enemy most of the time. It is also a good idea to let the enemy find us. As long as my magic mark is flipped, I will notice it immediately! I will automatically record the position of the enemy and destroy other Mark, you can search for enemies without exposing yourself!

The archmage began to hesitate, whether he should believe that his compatriots recognized his explanation, and finally the archmage decided not to have a conflict.

.At least you should notify me in advance. The reason why you are not trusted is because you often act without prior notice. You hide your actions too deeply!

After hearing this, Aphelios replied with a smile: Because I'm hiding something so I can't be trusted? That's really helpless, because I don't trust other people to hide something!

Il Tiran, don't you know the secret of the Queen's continuous rebirth? And Sauron sent us around in the Eastern Continent. Who do you think sent him the signal?

The enemy is right next to us, hiding among those few compatriots who are usually amiable. The most important thing is that the Queen is also subtly untrustworthy!

The archmage finally heard the voice of Aphelios. Everyone has their own style of dealing with things. There are indeed traitors among the elves. It cannot be said that there is something wrong with Aphelios speculating and suspecting others.

You told me this, it seems that you believe me? The archmage stroked his beard, thinking that it's great that Acosta is not here, maybe this stinky guy shouldn't be allowed to act together in the first place, without him Aphelios might have dispelled his doubts long ago.

Wrong, I trust that rigid guy, Iacosta, who doesn't know how to flex and cover up, and shows whatever he thinks on his face, but you, the guy who keeps smiling like a grandpa, obviously You were wary of me and deliberately drew closer!

If Iacosta hadn't trusted you so much, I wouldn't have acted with you, a violent mage with top lethality, even if I was killed!

The archmage felt as if someone had slapped him in the chest, and he couldn't vomit out something that was particularly uncomfortable. Was he the one who had the opposite effect? Thankfully he still feels good!

Just as the archmage was about to refute a few words and sprayed Aphelios to vent his emotions, Aphelios suddenly changed his expression, I found out, my familiar has found the movement of the orcs, and it is in the canyon to the east. !

Is there any other information? Don't you need to hide it now?

No, there are hundreds of familiars I have sent, and the number and scope are very wide, but they can only act and observe instinctively. More detailed information needs to be searched further. Wait a minute and I will summon an elemental servant to investigate.

The Archmage stopped Aphelios' actions. Although it would be better to be more cautious in arranging the servants, but it is also easy to scare the enemy and be deceived. It is better to go out in person.

Let's go directly, your name is so loud, you should be able to hide the breath of the two of us, right?

Yes, but you can't mess around with your promise. You can't act casually without reaching a consensus. We are here to investigate!

The archmage actually really wanted to make a meteorite, especially after hearing Harold tell about Sauron's brilliant deeds, the terrain of the canyon sounds very suitable for the meteorite technique!

Whether it is from the magic he is good at (meteorite technique) or the research he is engaged in (ancient war tree), it can be concluded that the archmage is a guy with unique violent aesthetics. Of course, Aphelios must prevent this from happening.

I see, I promise, even if I want to do something, I will wait until I have thoroughly figured out the enemy's details and purpose, and I promise not to implicate you!

After receiving the archmage's reply, Aphelios put his hand on the archmage's shoulder. With the surge of magic power, the archmage felt his body begin to change and shrink, and he became a little sparrow after a while!

And Aphelios also slowly turned into a gopher, and said with sound transmission: You fly over inadvertently from the sky to observe the scene and record it. I will dig a hole in the ground to listen to the sound and store it. I will send the information to you later. Combine!

The archmage swings his wings back and forth in the posture of a sparrow, and he flies around very freely. He can't help but sigh that he is indeed an expert. No matter how clever his concealment method is, he may be discovered. Instead, the swaggering movement of this transformed small animal was discovered. Will not be suspected!

At this time, the archmage can feel that his body has really become a sparrow, not just a simple disguise of magic power, he has all the characteristics of a sparrow, this magic is simply amazing, this guy is really unfathomable!

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