I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 6 6 Black Technology?

Chapter 6 6. Black technology?

[Divination (LV1) - A crude trick of mysticism, which can be performed with only some simple props. It does not provide many useful answers, but it will not lead to terrible consequences. Continue to learn to improve the skill level]

Lloyd quickly checked the description of the new skill, and noticed that there was an additional supplementary description below the main description:

"The interweaving of illusion and reality is the world you touch."


That's it? Can the content be filled in a little more?

Just as Lloyd was complaining, he suddenly felt itchy in his head, as if he was going to grow a brain.

Then, a simple divination technique appeared in his mind.

It's probably about finding a medium first, such as a pencil or a coin, then activating the skill, repeating the question in your mind, and finally rotating the pencil or throwing the coin to get the answer to a judgment question, or the direction of a fork in the road.

It should be 55% correct?

This effect cannot be said to be completely useless, but it can only be regarded as better than nothing.

However, Lloyd was not disappointed. After all, this skill came easily, and it was only LV1, so there was a huge room for improvement.

If only he could learn this on Earth, the small guarantee would not be so bad...

Lloyd muttered to himself and got up and left the library.

Although it was already 8 o'clock in the evening, there were more people in the library than during the day, and Lloyd was the first one to leave.

In fact, you can stay here overnight, just rent a dormitory, which can make the already tight income worse.

But Lloyd's situation is different. He has a sister to accompany at home. In order not to worry her, he has to go back early.

It took him more than two hours to come here in the morning, but fortunately he didn't have to go so slowly when he went back.

According to the manual, this place is equipped with a 'next-generation all-domain, all-weather, multi-purpose, multi-functional advanced subway network', which was built by another one of the three major courts, the Holy Court of Justice, with a lot of resources.

It uses a lot of cutting-edge technologies and is known for its safety, efficiency, convenience, speed and humanity. It is the brightest pearl in the crown of industry. It is currently in the trial operation stage and can be experienced for free with just an ID card.

Anyway, it sounds very powerful, so Lloyd can't wait to try it.

"The current technological level of this world is still using steam engines and matchlock guns. Even electricity has not been widely popularized. Can it actually make a subway? It seems that the cult has mastered a lot of black technology that is beyond the times..."

Lloyd whispered while finding the "subway station" in District 18 according to the instructions of the manual.

This place doesn't look like the subway station he remembers. There are no fancy advertisements and a constant stream of people. There is only a not-so-high hole. It looks dark inside, a bit like an air-raid shelter.

There was a black-clad priest outside who was in charge of guarding. Seeing Lloyd coming, he first checked his ID card and then said:

"New here? Then I'll show you how to operate it."

As he said that, he led Lloyd into the dark air-raid shelter.

It was dark and damp inside, and the walls were wet. There was only a few weak lights to provide illumination, and the air was still filled with an indescribable faint fishy smell.

I don’t know if it’s because of the light, Lloyd always feels that the walls around him are alive, slowly wriggling...

Anyway, it doesn’t look like a subway station in my impression, but more like the esophagus of a giant beast?

Not far into the cave, the two came to a relatively open and bright ‘platform’. From the ceiling hung a row of sacs that looked like pitcher plants. They were green and as big as an adult. They looked like a meat processing plant, and they were quite creepy...

“Where are you going?”

The priest asked, and then took out a map of the Brilliant City from his arms.

“White Rose Avenue.”

“Well... there is no outpost there, so let’s go to the Old Oak Street next door? It’s not far away.”

The priest put down the map, reached out and grabbed an iron chain, dragged the pulley, and pulled a pair of sacs in front of the two.

He bent two fingers again and reminded:

"Remember this frequency."

He tapped the surface of the bag with his hand a few times, making a muffled sound of knocking on plastic.

The bag automatically opened a hole, like a pitcher plant opening its mouth.

"Okay, go in."

"No... This is a little different from the 'subway' I imagined, right?"

"Don't be afraid, it's very safe, you'll get used to it after riding it a few times."

The priest pushed Lloyd into the bag without saying anything, and then closed the opening from the outside.

It was clean and refreshing inside, without any sticky things; there were seats prepared, so you didn't have to stand all the time; the air permeability was good, and there was no strange smell; but the visibility was very poor, and you couldn't see the situation outside at all.

"Are you ready? It's time to start accelerating!"

Lloyd heard the priest's voice coming from outside.

The next second, he felt a strong push on his back, his eyes went black, and then he felt dizzy.

About ten minutes later, a black wardrobe in the corner suddenly opened its door and "vomited" Lloyd out.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

Lloyd coughed dryly, staggered, and almost fell to the ground. There was a buzzing sound in his ears. He felt that his soul had left his body and he didn't even hear the system prompts clearly.

[Ding~ Madness value +50, skill fragment +1]

Fortunately, someone nearby pulled him up in time.

"First time?"

The man said, and kindly handed him a tissue.

"Cough cough cough!"

Lloyd took a long time to stand up straight and found that he had come to a simple chapel.

Next to him stood a smiling priest of the sect. His uniform was somewhat similar to Lloyd's, but it was white and the style was closer to the traditional robe.

"This is..."

"The Brilliant Church on Old Oak Street, you in the Inquisition prefer to call it the 'outpost'."

"Thank you for your help, my name is Lloyd, the new executor today."

"My name is Mad, a psychologist, welcome to join our big family, I wish you a bright future, you can always come to me if you need me in the future."

"Thank you, may the bright light always be with you."

Lloyd exchanged a few words with Pastor Mad, and his body was almost recovered, so he said goodbye and left.

When he walked out of the small church, he saw that it was indeed the familiar Old Oak Street, just a few hundred meters away from his home.

Including the time spent before, it only took 20 minutes to get home, which was much faster than the normal commute.

When Lloyd and his sister first moved here, he didn't expect it to be a prime location 'near the subway'?

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