Chapter 5 5. Skill Fragments

According to the manual, this No. 9 tower has 13 floors above ground and 13 floors below ground. It is the tallest and largest tower in the entire District 18 and is the main activity area for executors.

The first floor above ground is the office area, the second and third floors are the library, and the fourth floor is the classroom for public classes. There are courses and lectures on various subjects every day, and executors can freely choose what they are interested in.

The remaining five and six floors are used for experiments, fitness, and training. If you need to go there, you can go there by yourself. It all depends on your own initiative.

The higher floors are not written in the manual, and executors are not allowed to go up.

The lower floors are all cells for holding various monsters, which are the areas where executors execute monsters.

The deeper the floor, the more dangerous the monsters are. Even if it is a relatively safe execution, it is easy to encounter various accidents.

But there are extra bounties to earn. If you successfully recover the high-value parts of the monsters, you can also get commissions. It is the most important source of income for executors, but you need some skills and courage to earn this dangerous money.

Lloyd was not in a hurry about this. As a progressive young man who had received higher education, he never forced himself to grow. He just took things step by step.

He walked into an old-fashioned elevator next to him, closed the fence, and pulled down the lever on the wall. The elevator blew out a puff of steam and made a noise of "clicking" of gears running, and slowly rose to the second floor.

As soon as he came out of the elevator, he was greeted by a magnificent circular library. The towering bookshelves were neatly arranged, like an ocean of knowledge, which seemed to allow people to read books for a lifetime.

Many executors in light blue uniforms were seen flipping through books quietly. Sure enough, there was no shortage of hard-working people anywhere.

At the entrance of the library, there was a dazzling plaque with two eye-catching mottos:

"Knowledge is the most precious thing in this era, and the most terrible thing."

"Curiosity is the most necessary quality for exploring knowledge, and it is also the most dangerous quality."

Lloyd was in awe before he even went in, so he went to greet the administrator first.

The administrator here looked strange, like a woman who was unkempt and decadent...?

Her whole face was covered by seaweed-like messy hair, and nothing could be seen. She was wearing a dirty, yellowed gray uniform, which constantly exuded a pungent smell of alcohol. Her figure was so high that it was hard to tell the front and back of her. If she didn't speak, it would be impossible to assume her gender.

"Hmm? Mysticism? The third or second on the left? Look for it yourself..."

The administrator heard Lloyd's request and said drunkenly, then sat down and seemed unconscious.

Compared with those who were studying hard inside, this administrator seemed out of place.

Lloyd could only find the mysticism books he wanted by himself, which was the direction he was most interested in at the moment.

The "mystery and supernatural" mentioned by people refers to the mysticism and supernatural system.

Among them, the content of mysticism is wide and diverse, including divination, spiritualism, transfer, hypnosis, etc. Humans have not yet fully mastered it, and can only glimpse the tip of the iceberg. There are still many mysteries waiting to be explored.

But the more mysteries there are, the more dangers there are. Moreover, many things in occultism are easy to learn and can be tried by ordinary people. Therefore, relevant knowledge has been strictly controlled and real occult knowledge cannot be accessed outside.

Like the "love divination" and "transfer ceremony" in magazines, they are all jokes for fun.

Lloyd has been interested in occultism for a long time, especially the "divination". He has always felt that turning danger into fortune is a necessary skill to fight in this dangerous world.

At the reminder of another kind executor, he found a book "Overview of Occultism" on the bookshelf. Its heavy feel can probably take people's lives on both spiritual and physical levels.

The books here cannot be borrowed, let alone copied privately, and the corresponding notes cannot be passed on. They must be strictly controlled.

Lloyd did not have any thoughts in this regard, so he found a place to sit down and read carefully.

With the bonus of 14 points of [Cognition] and the help of [Efficient Learning] skills, the knowledge in the book, which may be advanced for ordinary people, does not constitute any obstacle for him. He reads smoothly and has a good reading experience.

After he read for an hour, a reminder came to his ear:

[Ding~ Madness value +5, skill fragment +1]


Lloyd was not surprised that reading can "acquire skills", but he did not expect it to be in this form.

But why can the madness value increase?

Being able to obtain madness value means that he has been mentally polluted...

Although the degree is very mild, a mentally healthy person only needs to rest for a few minutes to relieve it even without the help of the attribute panel, but this is just entry-level knowledge.

Lloyd suddenly understood why the knowledge here must be strictly controlled, and also understood the meaning of the two mottos at the door.

Fortunately, for him, the higher the madness value, the better, it is not a big problem, and continue to read!

He continued to read for another two hours, and reluctantly put the book down until lunch time.

I read the book for three hours in total, and gained 15 points of madness and 3 skill fragments. I can't add points yet, and I haven't unlocked any new skills.

"Have a meal, and continue in the afternoon. I will try to finish the book today and tomorrow."

Lloyd set a simple goal for himself.

He had already added several points, so he wanted to try what it was like to "acquire skills"?

He left the library, and then found the cafeteria near Tower 9 according to the instructions in the manual.

There was no hustle and bustle of ordinary cafeterias here. There were not many people eating inside, and they kept quiet tacitly. At most, they whispered to each other, which made them look particularly reserved. Naturally, there was less fireworks and more depression and indifference.

"I don't hate this atmosphere. After all, I am also a reserved and introverted literary youth."

Lloyd whispered, and went over to take some food.

The food was very good, comparable to the level of the last meal after execution; the price was even cheaper, just a symbolic charge.

Anyway, after experiencing this half-day, Lloyd couldn't say that he loved this place to death, but he couldn't say that he didn't want to move.

After a simple meal, he stayed in the library until 8 o'clock in the evening, when he heard another reminder:

[Ding~ Madness value +5, skill fragment +1]

[Enough skill fragments have been obtained, unlocking the skill - Divination, LV1]

Thanks to Call Me Ah Jin for the 1,000 points

Thanks to Neck Itch for the 500 points

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