I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 529 529 Create a little surprise

Chapter 529 529. Create a little surprise

How should I put it? If you want to pick out the most representative "crazy" element in the Mitzkatok Asylum...

Then Lloyd feels that the mental hospital can't get a place, and the inexplicable toys and inventions in the engineering department are more vivid.

But then again, he is quite satisfied with the expansion function of this bracelet?

It's really not that I have been in Mitzkatok for too long and have been assimilated by them...

It's just that Lloyd imagined the scene of his sister's petite and cute body, carrying a two-handed axe taller than her, fighting monsters in his brain...

Unexpectedly cute?

So it's really not 'integration segmentation'...

So Lloyd nodded and said:

"Well! Not bad, very good function, can make me feel satisfied!"

Finally, Professor Dell took out another booklet and handed it to Lloyd, and specifically reminded:

"This is the user manual and maintenance guide, please be sure to read it carefully! Each piece of equipment made with [Star Tears] is extremely precious, please be sure to take care of it carefully."

"Okay, you can rest assured about this."

Lloyd agreed casually.

It's not my own maintenance anyway...

As for my sister's love for things, she is much more careful than me.

It's all caused by the shadow of childhood...

Just like this, Lloyd returned to the world with this heavy bracelet and went directly back to his office in District 18.

Looking at the time, it's almost time for dinner. If Wei Ya is here, we can have dinner together and invite her to participate in her sister's [Enlightenment] ceremony tomorrow.

Although Xildina is here, inviting other girls over is somewhat "asking for trouble"...

But Weiya should be different...

As for Eloro, that's definitely not okay, someone will jump up and bite...

But when Lloyd went to Weiya's office, he found that she still didn't come today. It was the judge of another tower who was on duty, and he had a nodding relationship with Lloyd.

But Weiya hasn't come for two or three days, right? The last time Lloyd came back, he came back empty-handed.

Lloyd was a little surprised, and hurriedly searched in the storage bag, took out the communication equipment he left for Weiya last time, and wanted to contact her.

As a result, when the call was connected, the voice from the other end was actually Eloro's:

"Eh? Lord Uther? Why did you contact me suddenly? Did you miss me?"

Uh... I seem to have taken the wrong one...

This communication equipment is exchanged for credits. Both Weiya and Eloro have a share, but they have never had the opportunity to use it before. After a long time, it is a bit difficult to tell who is who...

Lloyd immediately acted like a scumbag who accidentally dialed the wrong number, and hurriedly explained in a panic.

Fortunately, Eloro is simple and easy to coax, and he was fooled in a few words.

Lloyd was relieved, and quickly made a mark on this device representing Eloro, and then took out another one to try to contact Weiya.

But it didn't connect?

It's not a problem of distance, it's more like some kind of interference and obstruction?

"Waiya... is there something wrong with her?"

Lloyd was a little anxious, and hurried to find the judge on duty and asked about Wei Ya's situation:

The judge on duty replied:

"It seems that something happened at home, so she took a week off temporarily. Do you have anything to do with her?"

"Something happened at home? What exactly?"

"I don't know... But to be honest, I feel that she may not come back for quite a long time. I am currently arranged by the higher-ups to take over her duties completely. This doesn't seem like a temporary leave."

"Okay, thank you."

Lloyd nodded, frowned slightly, and felt something was wrong.

Is there something very difficult about her family?

And she hasn't contacted me, or left me a message...

Lloyd combined the various online novels he had read on Earth, and instantly imagined all kinds of plots in his mind.

What the family has fallen, and she needs to marry a noble dude...

What her father wants to send her to a high-ranking sect as a disciple, and wants to break off the engagement...

What the family has suddenly changed, and she needs to step forward to save the family...

What the big shot has taken a fancy to her and wants to forcibly possess her...

The more Lloyd thought about it, the more frightened and scared he became, and he immediately decided to go to Wei Ya's house to find out the truth.

The address must have been known long ago, and Wei Ya took the initiative to tell him, and even revealed the interests and hobbies of her butcher father.

Although Lloyd wrote it down, he didn't take it seriously...

Until his girlfriend disappeared, he realized the hint in these words.

There is no way now, no matter how fierce her butcher father is, he has to bite the bullet!


"I didn't expect that there is such a rich area in the Brilliant City? I thought Miss Desda's family was already the best, but it turns out there are masters?"

Lloyd couldn't help but sigh as he strolled in a spacious, quiet, elegant and beautiful park.

He opened the portal through the address left by Wei Ya and came to this park.

To be precise, it was the 'neighborhood' where Wei Ya's family lived.

The area here is three times the size of the middle-class area such as the White Rose Block where I live. If it is replaced by a civilian area with a higher plot ratio, I am afraid that five can be squeezed in.

And the residents here, after a rough exploration with inspiration, are actually only ten households.

Each household does not live in a simple big villa, but a huge manor with a racecourse and hunting ground, or a Western-style garden with a lake.

Lloyd originally felt good about himself and felt that his current life was pretty good, but when he came here, he couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Grandma Luo entered the Grand View Garden...

It can be said that the most powerful and wealthy people in the entire Brilliant City basically live in this block.

It's outrageous, why don't you build a castle?

Lloyd cursed in his heart again, and wanted to invite the people here to choose the street lamp style they like.

There should be no injustice...

But this also contrasts how good Wei Ya is.

With such a good family background, she didn't have the bad habits that she should have. Instead, she was gentle, considerate, low-key and introverted. She didn't wear any expensive jewelry or luxurious clothes, nor did she have any bad habits of being bossy, arrogant and indifferent.

She never showed off her family background, for fear of putting pressure on her boyfriend.

Even her work was so simple and unpretentious.

If he hadn't come to see her today, Lloyd really didn't know that Wei Ya's family background was so good and she was such a good person...

This thought also cleared the embarrassment and tension in his heart, and he decided to face the butcher father-in-law calmly.

In this way, Lloyd quickened his pace and soon came to the door of the garden-style villa wrapped in a small lake.

Just by observing with inspiration and spiritual vision from the outside, you can experience the magnificence and luxury here.

Surrounding the pearl-like lake, there are large and small houses, as complicated as a maze, and even small theaters, gymnasiums, hospitals, and various facilities are more complete than those of ordinary towns.

Even though they were both declining nobles, this place was undoubtedly much more exaggerated than the Ista family that Lloyd had visited, that is, Olga's family. There was no sign of decline at all. It was completely a small kingdom, a small world.

In addition to these superficial things, Lloyd also found many power fluctuations emitted by extraordinary people, including three eighth-level strongmen. Could they be the security consultants here?

In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, he carefully controlled his inspiration and walked around without alarming these people.

The outside was sealed tightly with a large circle of several meters high courtyard walls. Only four entrances were prepared, one in the east, south, west and north, making it look like a castle. The one in the north was still a noisy scene with a lot of traffic, so Lloyd chose this place, which was the quietest and closest to him.

There must be gatekeepers at the door. Although there were only two people, their ranks were not low. They were two fourth-level ones?

Let the fourth-level guard the gate?

The gatekeepers downstairs of the Veto Sanctuary were not so outrageous!

Besides, there was the Manifested Sanctuary that was arranged as an art museum and had no guards in sight.

Lloyd muttered a few words in the dark, straightened his clothes, and rubbed his face hard.

Although he had taken a shower before and relieved his fatigue a little, he was still a little too hard in the academy today and still hadn't recovered to his best condition.

But Lloyd still walked forward and greeted the two guards.

As a result, before he could explain his purpose, the other side politely refused:

"Sorry, we don't allow salesmen to enter here."

Isn't it... a blind man can also be promoted to the fourth level?

Have you ever seen a salesman as handsome as me?

Lloyd complained in his heart, but asked politely:

"I'm not here to sell anything, I'm your young lady's friend, and I'm here to visit."

"Young lady? Uh... which one are you referring to?"

"Ah? Are there many young ladies here???"

"Of course, there are probably more than 20? So which one are you referring to?"

Fuck, is the butcher a pig killer or a pig? More than 20 young ladies living in one family?

Lloyd was complaining in his heart, but he answered seriously:

"It's Miss Wei Ya."

"Oh? She's the jewel in the palm of the head of the family? Then may I ask if you have an appointment or an invitation?"

"Ah? I haven't heard her mention this..."

"Then please go around to the main gate in the north and register for an appointment there first. This is where the people of the Rand family go in and out on a daily basis, and outsiders are not allowed to enter."

Lloyd thought about the scene in the north that was like a busy city, and he was a little confused. He had no choice but to report his identity:

"I am Lloyd from the Brilliant Cult, and I am also the boyfriend of your eldest lady. I should be considered half of your own, right? Can I be convenient?"

Who knew that the other party not only did not buy it, but even showed an expression of facing a great enemy, emitting inspiration from his body, lingering around Lloyd, and almost locked directly.

This action is equivalent to putting your hand on the gun, and the next step is to draw the gun and aim.

But after all, there are only two fourth-level people, so Lloyd is not nervous, but just a little surprised.

"Hey, hey, hey? That's not the case, is it?"

"Back off! The head of the house has specifically ordered that no liar who claims to be the eldest lady's boyfriend or lover is allowed to approach!"

Lloyd: "…………"

He pursed his lips, weighed it for a few seconds, and finally chose not to push forward, but took two steps back.

It wasn't that he was really afraid of the butcher, he just made the situation too tense, and he didn't want to embarrass Wei Ya.

She is not as rebellious as Metis. She has always been a traditional, conservative and family-oriented 'good girl'. She is indeed the most suitable type for marriage, but if there is an unreasonable butcher dad standing in the way, it will also be the most embarrassing. Types of headaches people have…

But Lloyd was different. If he really wanted to find Wei Ya, he didn't have to go through the main entrance.

He walked around the wall in another direction.

With nearly 3,000 points of [Inspiration], it is not difficult at all to find Wei Ya's location.

What's more, Lloyd is already very familiar with the smell and spiritual power fluctuations on Wei Ya's body.

Soon, he came to the outskirts of a small villa where Wei Ya lived. There was only a high courtyard wall and a small garden between them.

Wei Ya showed no signs of being under house arrest. She was drawing at a desk and was in the mood to do these things that cultivated sentiments, indicating that her mood should be very stable.

This is different from the plots that Lloyd had imagined before, but it doesn't seem like there's really something going on at home.

Lloyd looked up again at the courtyard wall, which was as thick as a city wall, and used inspiration to check the various rituals hidden everywhere——

The entire garden is dotted with various well-camouflaged and concealed rituals and their arrays. There are all types of surveillance, suppression, defense, and even attack types. Their quality levels are not low, and they are better than those of guard resources. The military fortresses at each point must be dense and well-equipped.

If Lloyd's [Ritual Control] level was not high enough to discover the existence of these rituals in advance, people might have discovered that he was 'peeping' with his inspiration.

Of course, there are also rituals that block communication and monitor. Lloyd was unable to contact Wei Ya because of this influence.

What is this for? Is it so airtight?

Considering the large number of extraordinary people inside, if Lloyd hadn't discovered the weapons depot, ammunition depot, and granary for the time being, he would have suspected that the butcher had other intentions...

With Lloyd's current ability, it is certainly not difficult to climb over the wall, but it will definitely trigger those early warning rituals, and it will be difficult to explain then.

But fortunately, he had already made some preparations in advance before opening the portal, so he first took out an invitation card from his storage bag.

He just bought this from the store, or borrowed the store's pen to write it temporarily. The content above is naturally an invitation to Wei Ya to attend his sister's ceremony, which is considered a more formal invitation.

Then, Lloyd rummaged through the storage bag again, and finally took out two small toys that he had redeemed with credits.

One is a palm-sized gramophone, which looks like a delicate handicraft. It has several classic songs built in. It is said to be burned with genuine vinyl. It has 100% lossless sound quality and can be controlled by voice.

This was intended to be given to the butcher's father-in-law. Wei Ya once mentioned that her father liked music, painting, gardening and other arts, and he had to be classically oriented, and he scorned fashion and fashion.

As for the other piece of equipment, it is a beautiful women's brooch, which has the functions of shielding, calming the mind, detoxifying, healing, etc. It is obviously much more powerful than a small gramophone.

This is what Lloyd prepared for Wei Ya.

After preparing these 'door-to-door gifts', Lloyd held the invitation in one hand and the gift box in the other, and then released the [Projection], allowing it to support him from behind, float into the air, and poke his head out from behind the high wall.

It happened that in the small garden not far from him, there was a gardener who was pruning shrubs. He looked to be in his forties, thin and elegant. He was definitely not an ordinary gardener, but a gardener hired with a high salary.

But there are no power fluctuations in his body. He is just an ordinary person, not an extraordinary person. He looks quite honest and is easy to talk to. He should be easier to talk to than the two doormen.

Lloyd had also been aware of this person's existence for a long time, and that's why he made the current operation.

So he took the initiative to say hello:

"Hey! Brother! Please do me a favor!"

"Who are you?"

The gardener was stunned and asked in surprise.

"My name is Lloyd, and I am your Miss Wei Ya's boyfriend. Please help me give these to her."

Lloyd said, throwing the invitation and gift box in his hand, and using his spiritual power to guide the landing point, it fell accurately into the gardener's hand.

Then, he took out a pack of high-end cigarettes from his pocket and stuffed them all in the same way, treating them as payment for others' help.

Lloyd doesn't smoke or drink, but he always has these in his storage bag just to deal with this situation.

"Remember to hand it over to Miss Wei Ya with your own hands! Don't let anyone else know."

Lloyd reminded softly again.

The gardener looked down at the thing in his hand, with a look that didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Then he raised his head again and looked at Lloyd carefully. After hesitating for a while, he reluctantly nodded.

"Hehe... thank you very much! After I get married to your Miss Wei Ya, I will definitely hire you as an art consultant!"

In the end, Lloyd did not forget to draw a big cake for others, and then he sat down on the wall and clapped his hands with satisfaction.

Although the process was a bit troublesome and the optimal solutions were not chosen, it was exciting and interesting, so the experience was quite good.

But he did not leave in a hurry, but continued to spy with inspiration until he "saw" the gardener put down his work, went to Wei Ya's room, and handed the things to her, and then he left with peace of mind.

It's a pity that because of the obstruction of those messy rituals, I couldn't hear what Wei Ya said, I only knew that she suddenly jumped up and seemed very excited.

Hehe, it seems that she is very satisfied with this little surprise.

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