I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 528 528 The most cutting-edge design

Chapter 528 528. The most cutting-edge design

"What...what's going on?"

Jenkins was originally angry and wanted to go to the Redeemer to ask for an explanation, but he was fooled and "driven" out again. He didn't know whether he should continue to be angry?

After standing there for a long time, he sighed helplessly and muttered in a low voice:

"Alas...now that things have come to this, I can only choose to continue to believe him. No matter what, he at least saw the fork in the road of human destiny, which is always more useful than the human future seminar I fiddled with..."

There was a bit of bitterness and self-mockery in his tone, and finally he said:

"I hope our sacrifice and dedication will not be wasted..."

The so-called "sacrifice and dedication" in Jenkins' mouth refers to the price paid by a group of prophets, scholars, and even the Redeemer himself to make the [prophecy] about the fate of mankind clearer and more specific.

It is impossible to get an effective answer to such a huge, complex, mysterious and dangerous [prophecy] through conventional means, and even a vague outline cannot be seen.

Instead, it requires various dangerous, radical, and even taboo prophecy methods, and then after a long period of polishing, and many prophets coming one after another, to get a roughly accurate conclusion.

For example, Jenkins paid the necessary price a week after completing the prophecy - his young child suffered an accident...

Although he and his wife Millie are still alive, the couple suffered a heavy blow and were burdened with a strong sense of guilt, thinking that they had killed their children with their own hands.

I don’t know whether to say it’s lucky or unfortunate, Jenkins is the last batch of people who made such dangerous predictions, so although he doesn’t know the specific final result, he can vaguely glimpse a general direction -

Darkness, despair, helplessness, the future destiny of mankind is such a pessimistic tendency.

And those prophets before him, but they couldn’t even glimpse this tendency, and couldn’t be sure whether their sacrifices and efforts were worthwhile.

So is it better not to know the result? Or is it better to know the desperate ending? This is a very complicated question...

But fortunately, at least today, the [prophecy] has changed. Although the fork in the road is very vague, there is at least a chance to choose.

So another difficult question is placed in front of Jenkins-

If the Redeemer wants to restart the previous prophecy and explore this fork in the road of human destiny, will he still go?

If he goes, he may pay a more painful price and get a more desperate result...

But if he doesn't go, when the end comes, will he regret not doing anything at the beginning?

This question is so difficult that Jenkins doesn't want to think deeply about it.

He just walked to the window of the study, looked up at the sky, and whispered:

"If there is still a chance to see the Venerable, I hope His wisdom can help me solve these difficult problems..."

As he said, he suddenly thought of something, so he quickly returned to the table and began to write a letter to the White Knight Valdes, trying to contact him.


Unfortunately, Jenkins didn’t know that the ‘venerable’ he wanted to rely on was now ‘complaining’ about him unceremoniously:

“It’s 7 o’clock in the morning in the academy, but it’s almost 10 o’clock in the morning in the real world outside. Old Jenkins hasn’t even gotten up yet? He’s such an enviable retired cadre…”

While Lloyd was talking, he made some food for himself and the kitten, then went to the yard to ‘water the flowers’, and then rushed to the Broken Library to continue playing the puzzle.

Because I have to go back to the real world in advance to prepare for my sister’s [Enlightenment] ceremony tomorrow, I can’t stay in the academy for too long today, and I have to go back at night, so I’ll use this scattered daytime time to piece together the fragments.

Although it is fine to continue developing his own mature version of the trial, Professor Deco of the History Department seems to have returned to the real world to rest, so he should hurry up and put together more fragments...

So Lloyd entered a state of concentration and full firepower. He didn't want to explain or demonstrate anything more, so he let the other researchers watch and record by themselves.

In this way, except for taking time to eat at noon, Lloyd was busy with the rest of the time.

Although theoretically speaking, this "jigsaw game" is more counterintuitive and the more you put it together, the harder it is.

But there is also a saying that "practice makes perfect". As Lloyd's proficiency gradually improves, his speed is not slow.

But he didn't pay much attention to how many pieces he had put together. He didn't pay much attention to it. He just heard the panel prompt beside him telling him that he had picked up a lot of skill fragments.

In this way, the daytime ended quickly.

When Lloyd finished putting together the last piece of space fragment for the day, he stood up from the various instruments and equipment, took a long breath, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Such a high-intensity, high-precision, and high-consumption operation would inevitably make Lloyd feel tired even with his current physical fitness.

But just as he took a breath, he suddenly heard a series of applause from behind him.

The researchers who had been observing for a day all applauded him, with expressions of admiration and even awe on their faces.

Lloyd was stunned for a moment, then turned back to calculate his achievements today.

In just one day, thirty pieces were put together? Are there some extremely difficult ones?

You know, it took the dozen researchers present more than ten days to put together three pieces...

No wonder they only applauded, and no one said any words of compliment or praise.

Because of such a gap and such a shock, it is really difficult for people to formulate words.

"Huh~ It's okay..."

Lloyd looked at the area he had repaired. He could now access a lot of books inside, and the area that could be entered had also expanded a lot. It was no longer crowded like before for one person to enter.

It can be regarded as quite fruitful.

The only regret is that the panel prompted several times [Skill Fragment +1], but the space control skill was not upgraded?

This skill is really difficult to level up...

It is more difficult to improve than the skills in mobile games that require a lot of materials. If this kind of design is placed in a mobile game with gold, it will inevitably be criticized.

But fortunately, the skill [Space Domination] itself is quite special. In addition to the skill level, there is also an implicit improvement within the "ability range". As long as the understanding of space is enhanced, the skill effect will also be enhanced. It does not rely entirely on level growth.

Like Lloyd now, he feels that his efficiency in 'playing puzzles' has improved significantly;

The impractical new ability of 'space cutting' that I obtained before has also been somewhat enhanced. The cutting that originally took a few minutes to a few hours or even a few days to complete has been upgraded to...

It still takes a few minutes to a few hours or even a few days...

There is no way. This ability requires specific analysis of specific situations. In many cases, it is necessary to test the limitations of space environment, space complexity and other factors...

But no matter what, improvement is a good thing.

Lloyd nodded with satisfaction, then rubbed his face vigorously, and then turned back to the researchers who were still paying attention and said:

"You should ask someone from the mage department to come over and take over this batch of documents. Remember to be careful."

After that, he opened the portal and planned to go back to the dormitory to take a shower to relieve his fatigue, and then go to find Professor Dell——

The delivery time agreed upon by the two of them was later.

Professor Dell won't let me down, right? It feels like he has gathered a lot of people into his project team this time, so it shouldn't be a problem to create some jewelry suitable for petite girls, right?

Lloyd took a shower, full of expectations for Professor Dale.

After Lloyd returned to his dormitory, the researchers who had been afraid to express their feelings before came to their senses as if they were awakening from a dream, and began to discuss for a while:

"Have you all written down the operation record of Professor Lloyd just now?"

"It is true that the entire process was recorded with equipment, but I think it is meaningless. We can't understand it at all, and we can't keep up with it at all..."

"I came here from the equipment department to observe. I took a brief look at these records and found that some of the operations on them were not at all our original design specifications..."

"Huh? What does this mean?"

"You can simply understand that Professor Lloyd turned a toothbrush into a sword, and then used the sword as raw material to build a luxurious villa."

"Huh??? Isn't this a bit too exaggerated?"

"Yes, I also know that this is ridiculous and outrageous, but it is indeed true! This kind of thing happened in front of me. If I hadn't known about Lecturer Lloyd's illustrious reputation... Oh no, it's illustrious. I have gained a good reputation and prepared myself mentally in advance. I am afraid that I will have a cognitive breakdown and be admitted to a mental hospital.”

"Haha, it may be surprising to others, but to Lecturer Lloyd, it's not surprising. Those of us in the technical department have long been accustomed to the various shocks he brings to us."

"Having said that, today's... I still think it's too exaggerated. There are so many of us, working together, and it took so long to put together three pieces, but Professor Lloyd did it in such a short time. Thirty yuan...

"Yes, there are some very complicated fragments in it, but they are not difficult for him at all... Maybe this is Lecturer Lloyd? Every time I take action, it can deeply shock my mind and cognitive system."

"Ah...is it true that Professor Lloyd is such a dangerous person? Then why don't I just stay in the equipment department? I don't know whether I should continue to study these operation records, they even make me feel afraid. …”

"Don't be afraid, just get used to it slowly... In our space department, whether it is equipment science, theory or technology, we are always chasing the forefront, and Lecturer Lloyd is the forefront in front of us. Will you choose Give up and be willing to be left behind?”

"Well, what you said makes sense, I understand, then I will continue to study these operation records, and I will share them with everyone as soon as I get results!"


Lloyd definitely couldn't hear such a distant discussion. After taking a bath and regaining some energy, he took the kitten and ran to the previous laboratory building of Professor Dell.

Compared to yesterday's deserted state, the laboratory building today was completely different. It was as lively as a vegetable market. Before Lloyd could even walk in, he heard the slightly dissatisfied voice of Professor Dell:

"Be careful, be careful! How many times do I have to stress this? This is an extremely precious material, and there is no room for waste! A tremor of your finger may very well ruin the future of the entire human race!"

Then a girl said with a cry:

"I'm sorry, Professor! I...I...wuwuwu..."

Lloyd was stunned for a moment while listening outside. He didn't know whether he should tell Professor Dale that he still had a lot of such extremely precious materials...

After thinking about it, I decided to forget it, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings and troubles.

He didn't want to have the trouble of having just won the lottery, and before he had time to enjoy it, his relatives from all walks of life lined up in front of his house to borrow money.

Anyway, his purchase this time was considered very generous. According to the popular science literature, excluding those who made jewelry, it would be enough for Professor Dell to spend a long time.

So Lloyd didn't say anything more. He just went upstairs to find Professor Dell. Then the two of them went to yesterday's office and received a gift box that had been packaged in advance from the professor.

Opening it up, there is a pair of exquisite and gorgeous bracelets inside. The overall texture is like platinum, and it is dotted with many precious gemstones at first glance. The artistic content is extremely high, and the craftsmanship level is impeccable.

Even a person like Lloyd who doesn't understand the jewelry business can feel the overflowing luxury, which undoubtedly belongs to the "auction" and "museum" level.

If nothing else, this is probably the work of a master jeweler?

"As for the appearance, I exchanged it with the art department. It was designed and built by five professors. It must have taken them a long time, right? I hope it will satisfy you."

Professor Dell first introduced the origin of the ‘raw materials’, and then added:

"As for the functionality you need, it is jointly handled by me and two professors from the engineering department. It is loaded with all the functions you proposed, and it also comes with some additional emergency functions..."

"Thanks to the power of [Tears of Stars], its efficacy is at least 50% higher than our design expectations. This undoubtedly proves that my previous conjecture is correct. The correct application of [Tears of Stars] is definitely not If you want to use a simple additive to achieve its true effectiveness, you must follow the 'resonance', 'amplification' and 'sublimation' routes I proposed! ”

"Do you need me to tell you about my design ideas in this area?"

Lloyd quickly shook his head and declined.

It feels like Professor Dell is getting more and more excited as he talks, and he can’t wait to share his results and prove himself. If there weren’t still many experiments waiting for him to do, he might already be drafting a paper, right?

"Well, these are all very good, but I have a question...that is, the weight...is it a little beyond the scope of jewelry?"

Lloyd weighed the gift box in his hand, feeling like he was holding a pair of weights...

The workmanship seems to be light and agile, and there are many exquisite and complex hollow designs, but why is it so heavy to buy?

Can my sister really be able to carry her with her small arms and hands?

Fortunately, it is only a single one. If two of them were paired, it would make people wonder whether it is a bracelet or a shackle...

However, Professor Dell responded confidently to Lloyd's question:

"Weight? I don't think there's any problem with that. This is how heavy [Tears of the Stars] should be."

"No...but is this jewelry?"

"I know, but you should also know that even I don't have that deep understanding of [Tears of the Stars]. Weight loss is indeed a new topic we are currently trying...and in order to show sincerity, I did not skimp. Too much weight, at least half of it is used on this pair of bracelets.”

"Okay... no wonder its function is so powerful, but the weight... will it be inconvenient to use?"

"I think this should be a problem that can be overcome. Considering the physique of an extraordinary person, it is really not heavy, not to mention that for its performance, this weight is really nothing. At the same time, we are also targeting this weight, some expanded functions have been added, and they are all the latest and most cutting-edge designs..."

Professor Dell was still so confident, and after asking for Lloyd's permission, he picked up the heavy bracelet and demonstrated the extended function for him.

"It only needs to be injected with spiritual power of a specific frequency, and it will transform like the armor of the medical team..."

As soon as Professor Dale finished speaking, the delicate bracelet in his hand began to stretch, change and lengthen, and finally turned into a pair of...

A meteor hammer with fine spikes?

Professor Dale swung the meteor hammer vigorously, as if it could smash the monster's heavenly cap, and continued to introduce:

"In addition, I also specially designed two other deformations for it, totaling three types."

As he spoke, the meteor hammer turned into a thick and long mace, covered with barbs and spikes, which was even scarier than the one commonly used by Professor Lawrence...

But it is all silver and white, with smooth lines, like a fusion product of technology, art and bloody violence.

The last form is a heavy two-handed axe with saw teeth added to the blade. When a certain function is activated, the saw teeth will run at high speed like a chain saw, bursting out with a strong killing force that can even cut through concrete walls.

"Please note that this last form requires continuous injection of spiritual power to take effect."

Professor Dell kindly reminded, and then reluctantly changed the bracelet back to its original shape and put it back into the gift box.

It can be seen that he is very satisfied with his design...

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