I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 436 435 How long can he hold on?

Chapter 436 435. How long can he hold on?

This lonely wizard tower looks inconspicuous from a distance. It is not tall enough or gorgeous enough. Instead, it is a bit dirty, like a place to store sundries and punish students. It is comparable to the tall tower of the Twisted Department of Lloyd.

However, this wizard tower of others belongs to the "treasure of the department" of the wizard department. It is also a holy place that many students yearn for and want to take a glimpse of the true appearance of the "Book of Illusion".

According to the student handbook, this "Book of Illusion" records the precious knowledge that can make people become stronger quickly and even ascend to the saint; some people say that it involves the deepest secrets of the world. Mastering it can control the world; others say that it contains the inheritance of an ancient strong man and can create another [Brilliant Gold]

It's a pity that the wizard department keeps a close eye on this book. Ordinary students, even top students, lecturers, and professors have no chance to borrow it.

That’s why this book and this tower are portrayed as extremely cool and mysterious, which has triggered various speculations and discussions in the student handbook, and some people have used this as the background for various secondary creations.

On the other hand, the tower of the Distortion Department clearly encourages everyone to visit and apply for admission, but it has become a "campus legend" in the mouths of others, with all kinds of lonely ghosts, cannibal monsters, etc.

Alas... the sense of contrast...

But what made Lloyd feel even more contrasted was Professor Armitage's next sentence:

"The statements in the student handbook are not entirely correct, but they are not entirely wrong."

"Is this... "The Book of Falsehood" really so magical?"

"Of course, it was personally compiled by the former dean. In my opinion, It is even higher than the "Book of Truth" you have... But if we start from practicality and reading experience, "Book of Truth" is still better. "

Professor Armitage briefly compared the two strange books of Mitzkatok, but did not go into details, and then said:

"Okay, do you still remember the precautions I mentioned earlier? Repeat it again. "

Lloyd nodded, and then he recited the professor's previous instructions word for word, which was a trivial matter for his current memory.

There are more than a dozen precautions, big and small, but the most core and critical ones are only three.

First, no matter what you encounter next, you must keep your mind clear and be able to clearly realize who you are, where you are, and what you are going to do.

This is also the most important item, which was repeated three times by Professor Armitage to emphasize its importance.

Then, you must remember that everything you encounter next can be regarded as a special, real [story]. Be careful not to lose yourself in the [story], and be more careful not to die in it.

This is somewhat different from the [story] of the materialized supernatural person, because there is no "narrator" to brainwash and indoctrinate in your ears, so as long as you can stay awake, it is not so easy to fall into it.

But it is more real, making Lloyd feel a bit like the "copy" in various games, but there is no fixed clearance route and boss fighting stage, and the plots experienced in it are all random.

The longer you stay in it, the more you may gain, and the biggest gain is a "Book of Illusion" that belongs to you.

Lloyd didn't quite understand what this meant, but Professor Armitage didn't explain much, just arranged for him to experience it on his own, and he could persist as long as he could.

In this way, it involves the last key point to note-

If you see a familiar person or thing in it, don't hesitate to leave immediately.

Professor Armitage's explanation for this is that this means that the "Book of Illusion" begins to read your memory and try to keep you in it forever.

This may be because you have stayed in it for too long; it may also be because you are exhausted and can't stick to your self-awareness.

For this reason, Professor Armitage gave Lloyd a cat's paw biscuit amulet. If you encounter the above situation, don't hesitate, crush the amulet, and then escape from the tower as quickly as possible.

It is precisely because of these precautions that it explains why the Mage Department regards the Book of Falsehood as so important and will not easily allow people to visit it.

Rather than saying that you go in to read, it is more like participating in a trial. If you have the life to go in, you may not have the life to come out...

"If there are no other questions, I will prepare to wake it up."

Professor Armitage led Lloyd to stand in front of the gate of the Mage Tower and finally confirmed.

Lloyd then repeatedly checked his own condition, confirmed several pieces of equipment on his body, then thought for a while and asked:

"There should be many people who have been in before? What kind of performance did they have?"

Professor Armitage smiled and replied:

"The Book of Falsehood is a product of that glorious era, and it has a long history. Of course, many people have been in it. As for the specific performance... it's better not to tell you. I don't want to put pressure on you, not to mention that it's unfair for us to compare with people of that era now."

"Ah! By the way, there is a record that I can reveal to you. Professor Hiltina once went in and persisted in it for 3 hours and 22 minutes, setting the highest record since the new era, and gained a lot from it, which helped her to be promoted to a saint in the future...

But... she was already at the sixth level of the [Law and Order] system at that time, right? At the same time, I have gone a long way on the path of [veto], so I am very good at dealing with the situations inside. "

Lloyd also didn't expect that Professor Armitage would actually mention the gossip about his 'childhood sweetheart', and he had never heard her say it.

He did know that Hiltina started from the [Law and Order] system at the beginning, and only started to get involved in the taboo system at that time [Rejection] after reaching the fifth level.

As a result, the subsequent core ability [Veto Declaration] was somewhat influenced by [Laws], such as the slightly shameful design of needing to shout out the name of a move...

However, Hiltina did not say that she had also participated in the trial of the "Book of Illusions". She only encouraged Lloyd after hearing that he had gotten this opportunity, and briefly mentioned that he would indeed benefit a lot.

Based on Lloyd's understanding of her, the reason why he didn't take the initiative to mention it was probably because he was not satisfied with the results, right? Although that is already the highest record in the new era.

So he couldn't help but ask one more question:

"How does Professor Hiltina's record compare to that of the glorious era?"

"There is still a little gap..."

Professor Armitage said, using his index finger and thumb to create a small gap.

I just don’t know how much this gap actually represents...

But having said that, why did the dean specially arrange for him to come here at the fourth level? Hiltina only came here at the sixth level.

Lloyd briefly thought about it in his mind, but without saying anything else, he took a long breath and nodded.

"Okay then, I'm fine."

Then, Professor Armitage began to mutter something, as if he was reciting some spell in ancient language.

Lloyd immediately felt that the air around him was different. An indescribable strange atmosphere began to spread. Some auditory hallucinations appeared in his ears, as if he heard a beating heart, and something like The sound of some kind of engine starting was heard.

According to the precautions explained by Professor Armitage earlier, this is a normal reaction, and it is recommended that you adapt as soon as possible.

As he continued to recite the spell, Lloyd felt that the mage tower in front of him seemed to come alive, becoming like a python jumping straight, and the heavy iron door in front of him was a giant door leading to the snake's belly. mouth.

This made him a little nervous.

"Okay, go in, good luck to you, Lloyd."

Professor Armitage finished reciting the incantation and then spoke.


Lloyd nodded, but he still pushed open the iron door and entered.

And just as his figure disappeared, there were many bald mages outside coming from all directions to watch the excitement.

It seems that the reaction to the activation of this mage tower has alarmed the entire school district.

"Wow? Someone got the opportunity to [Trial of Falsehood] again? I remember it's been three years since the last time someone got the opportunity, right?"

"To be precise, it's been four years... It's such an important thing, how come there was no news beforehand? I don't even know who got the opportunity of this [False Trial]?"

"From a rational perspective, the one who is most likely to be qualified in the recent period should be the freshman named Lloyd, right? He is the one who recently won the Outstanding Contribution Medal. Apart from him, I have not heard anything about anyone else. News.”

"Wow? Outstanding Contribution Medal? Then this must be qualified, but I seem to have heard someone say that this Lloyd's rank is not high, right? He is also good at the abilities of the space system, so why are you so anxious to get in? Woolen cloth?"

"Who knows what he thinks? Professor Armitage is over there. Do you want to go and ask?"

These bald mages were whispering to each other and seemed particularly gossipy. They also gathered around Professor Armitage and started asking questions.

"Professor, what is the origin of the newcomer who just entered? How long do you think he can last in there?"

"It shouldn't be long, right? I remember that the senior four years ago only managed to escape for half an hour and stayed in the mental hospital for a long time... But his gains seemed to be not small, and he was quickly promoted to Assistant coach."

"In that case, how long do you think this new student can last?"

"No more than three minutes!"

"You're going too far. It only takes five minutes, right?"

"I guess ten minutes later, he is also a recipient of the Outstanding Contribution Medal. How can he be as weak as you think?"

"A medal can only represent contribution, but it does not equal strength or rank. Ten minutes... I can only say that you are still too optimistic."

"Professor, you know more than we do, what do you think?"

Professor Armitage did not answer such a boring question at all, but was a little annoyed by the noise. He immediately waved his hand and scolded:

"Go, go, go!"

Although he did not answer the question with his mouth, he still made an estimate in his heart.

So they didn't leave, planning to wait outside until Lloyd came out and then clean up the aftermath.

It won’t be a long wait anyway, right? Just a few minutes.

Three minutes passed quickly. The door of the Mage Tower was closed tightly, and no Lloyd escaped.

oh? Not bad. Although it is only the fourth level, the foundation is quite solid. I have persisted longer than I expected, and I should be able to gain a lot. My efforts to help him awaken the "Book of Illusions" are not in vain.

Professor Armitage nodded at the side, recognizing Lloyd's current performance and not disappointing himself.

The bald mages who were also waiting at the side also said:

"It seems that this freshman lecturer is not bad? Three minutes have passed, and he is definitely not the worst one."

"Uh... the worst one you mentioned is from the Art Department. His situation is special, so it is not convenient to compare directly... But then again, why can the Art Department qualify for the [Triumph of Illusion]?"

"Maybe they have made some outstanding contributions?"

Because this [Triumph of Illusion] is a rare event for the Mage Department, every time it is held, it will attract a lot of attention, and there are also enthusiastic people who have sorted out the records of the past generations, so that the results of the past trials can be seen.

But it is limited to the new era. The situation in the glorious past is probably only clear to the administrator Professor Armitage.

Because there were not many people who were qualified to participate in the [Triumph of Illusion], the relevant records were not long, and it was easy to see the ‘highest score’ and the ‘lowest score’, and then calculate the average duration, which was about half an hour.

This was mainly due to the fact that Hiltyna’s record greatly raised the average, and after her, not many people could last more than an hour, and there were even many who could not last more than ten minutes.

And with the various discussions of the onlookers, ten minutes passed quickly, and there was still no sign of Lloyd coming out.

"That's quite impressive. Didn't you say that this Lloyd is only at level 4? How come he lasted longer than those level 5s in the records?"

"Uh... maybe because his level is relatively low, the situations he will encounter in there are relatively easy?"

"Maybe his system is relatively special? Is he lucky?"

"Anyway, ten minutes is long enough, and I have gained enough, right?"

"That's right, damn it, I also want to go in and try it! Isn't it just for the chance to try that I work hard every day?"

Professor Armitage listened to the students' discussion, looked down at his pocket watch, and nodded secretly.

He was very satisfied with Lloyd's performance, thinking that it was a surprise for him, and commented in his heart:

It's worthy of being a young man favored by the dean and Lawrence! He is really excellent.

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