Chapter 435 434. Go read "The Book of Illusions"

Lloyd casually found a stuttering pad to put on his stomach, and then took out the student handbook and looked for some 'academic service' items on it to adjust the sacred objects.

At this time on weekdays, he would have gone to bed long ago, but after wearing the bone bracelet, as his vitality increased, he became very energetic and could stay awake most of the night while reading the student handbook.

After some searching, Lloyd quickly found the 'academic service' he needed. By paying only a few credits, he could find someone to help process and optimize the appearance of the two sacred objects.

And there are many people who can provide this kind of 'academic services', and they boast all kinds of hype, such as 'the performance is improved by 30 to 50 percent', 'my design can make it easier for you to win the favor of women', 'leading fashion, Trendsetting' and stuff like that.

But Lloyd just wanted to optimize the appearance and didn't need any of these.

Fortunately, the student handbooks are all "real-name online" and can be easily "opened with one click", allowing Lloyd to easily check these people's resumes, academic qualifications, awards, etc.

So after a little screening, he quickly selected a qualified teaching assistant from the engineering department, hoping to ask him to help him re-polished the vascular belt, at least not to make it so disgusting now.

Then there is a top student in the art department, specializing in jewelry design. His works have won several awards within the art department. He is a jewelry master with great artistic attainments.

Lloyd hopes to ask him to redesign and process the bone bracelet for him.

After leaving messages and placing orders for the two people he had chosen, Lloyd calculated the credits needed and frowned slightly.

The two 'academic services' don't cost 10 points in total. Isn't it too cheap?

How can I spend so many credits?

With this troublesome question in mind, Lloyd slowly fell asleep.

Then he slept soundly until early the next morning, and then eagerly returned to the [Thinking Realm]. While helping Hiltina share the mental pollution, he told her about the taboo knowledge that seemed a bit outdated.

During this process, he gained 5 attribute points by leveling up, which he added to [Inspiration], bringing the total value to 415 points.

Leaving the [Thinking Realm], Hiltina couldn't wait to occupy Lloyd's [Projection], then held his face and pressed her forehead against it. Just like last time, she extracted those taboos from Lloyd's mind. Knowledge.

Then she concentrated on reading, so seriously that she didn't notice that her beautiful naked feet were secretly held by Lloyd in his hands, letting him knead and play with them.

After a long time like this, Hildina came back to her senses, then kicked Lloyd angrily, then changed into a duck sitting position, hiding those delicious feet, and then Let’s talk about business:

"This knowledge is indeed, as you said, somewhat ancient and conservative. It is very different from our current ideas of adjusting life forms. It can be said that they are two completely different paths, right?

If we are adjusting our life forms now, we hope to transform ourselves into a stronger form that can better adapt to today’s environment;

Then the idea of ​​​​this knowledge is to transform yourself into a more perfect and pure human being. "

Lloyd heard something that he didn't understand, so he had to ask a relatively simple and direct question:

"So which route is better?"


Hiltina did not answer in a hurry, but thought carefully and weighed it before saying:

"If you put aside all objective factors and only talk about personal preferences, I naturally prefer the current idea of ​​changing life forms; but if you let your mentor choose, he will definitely recommend you to choose this ancient idea...

But maybe, because this part of the knowledge you have is not all of this path, if you follow the above to get to the end, in the best case, you will become similar to the rest of us, right? Even worse in some aspects?

But it will make you more handsome and good-looking, and it will not affect your fertility, but it is a pity..."

She was still talking nicely, but for some reason, she suddenly puffed up her cheeks and became unhappy.

Lloyd didn't know what she was feeling sorry for. He only knew that the woman's emotions were really difficult to understand, so he quickly asked:

"The 'you guys' you are talking about, are you saints? It should be good to be able to optimize the life form to your level, right?"

"Yeah, and it can be more human than us."

Hiltina nodded, but then immediately said:

"But what you want is the ability to not have to eat, sleep, or go to the toilet, and not be afraid of pain, cold, heat, or illness, but there's nothing you can do about it."


"Okay, don't hesitate about this. There's nothing wrong with being a more pure human being, right? And you don't have a better choice right now, right?"

Hiltina said, then reached out and gently touched the strange key that Lloyd hung on his chest as a necklace.

In order to avoid being targeted by that 'arrogant bastard' again, Lloyd actually had no choice but to follow the cheap uncle's arrangement and choose the life form he arranged for himself.

In fact, this slightly conservative ancient path is obviously not as good as the modern path after iterative optimization. Xildina's previous evaluation is relatively polite and optimistic.

In fact, Lloyd can roughly guess that at the end of this path, it is likely that the life forms of these saints will not be as good as those of the current saints.

But fortunately, the gap is not very large, and there is still the possibility of further improvement in the future?

Let's go this way first. As Xildina said, there is nothing wrong with being a pure human being.

In this case, Lloyd can start to adjust his life form according to the way those taboo knowledge are taught.

But what is the adjustment of life form? In fact, what can be done at this stage is just to master a unique breathing method first, then exercise, stay healthy, and control private life, don't mess around.

Although I don't know the specific principles, I just do it anyway, right?

But when Lloyd tried it specifically, he found that this specific breathing frequency was really... a bit troublesome...

It made me very uncomfortable and very uncomfortable. I'm afraid it will take a long time to practice to adapt.

Alas... I never thought of becoming a ripple user...

Lloyd couldn't help but complain in his heart.

It is said that this breathing method was used in ancient times to cultivate fighting spirit and magic power...

But today, fighting spirit and magic power have long been deconstructed into a unified spiritual power. Even if you master this breathing method, you can't reach the "third stage of fighting power".

But according to those knowledge, obtaining fighting spirit is only secondary. The main thing is to enhance your physiological functions and exercise your internal organs through this training method.

But if you choose the modern path, you don't have to be so troublesome. There are a lot of ways to achieve the same effect, and it is even possible to replace all those weak internal organs.

So Lloyd is a little disgusted with the old-fashioned and conservative knowledge...

But there is no way, the choice has been made, and you can only continue. What else can you do?

Lloyd can only continue to work hard to get familiar with this strange breathing method, and toss himself blushing.

He paused for a moment until a vibration came from the student handbook, and then he looked at the new message.

It was a response to the academic service he had arranged last night.

Lloyd then went to the Engineering Department and the Art Department, and found the teaching assistant and the top student one after another, and then handed the vascular belt and the bone bracelet to the two of them respectively.

They seemed to often take on such service projects, and they were not at all surprised by the two strange holy objects, but praised Lloyd for his taste.

They also said that it would be completed in three days, but if Lloyd was willing to add some credits, he would receive the goods tomorrow morning.


Lloyd said without hesitation.

I was worried that the credits would not be used...

In short, the two left with a smile on their faces, and promised to bring out a hundred times the craftsmanship level, so that Lloyd's credits would not be wasted.


After handling all these trivial matters, Lloyd was temporarily free, and planned to go back to the dormitory to read the big books of the Space Department.

But Dean Hazlade suddenly found him through the student handbook and left a message asking:

"Your [Distortion] and [Veto] are both at level 4, so it's time to go to the Mage Department and borrow the Book of Illusion from them."

Only then did Lloyd remember that the dean had mentioned before that he would borrow this strange book before he was promoted to level 5.

"Okay, I can stay in the academy for two days, so there should be no problem with time, right? Then which professor should I contact?"

"Go find Professor Armitage, a tall bald man. I've already talked to him."

Lloyd then stretched out his hand and swiped open the portal, went to the school district of the Ancient Mage Department, and saw a group of tall bald men...

Which one should he go to?

I can only say that Dean Hazlade is sometimes quite unpredictable...

Just when Lloyd was still a little confused, he happened to meet acquaintances he had met twice before, the brothers Bald Jeddo and Bald Jeddon.

Then the next thing was easy. With an acquaintance leading the way, Lloyd soon found Professor Armitage mentioned by the dean in a single gym.

He was bench pressing a heavy-looking barbell, and his muscles were shiny and shiny, which made people envious.

But then again, why is the mage department so keen on fitness? You don’t meditate or anything, and you just lift weights in the gym every day. What kind of mage are you?

Lloyd complained in his heart for a while, and then saw Professor Armitage put down the barbell, wiped his sweat with a towel, and walked towards him.

"Are you the Lloyd who saved the college? He is indeed a handsome guy, but he is too thin. I am afraid that you will be blown up by the wind."

Professor Armitage made a joke when he opened his mouth. He felt like the kind of person who was easy-going and easy to get along with, not as serious as Professor Lawrence.

So Lloyd also smiled, lifted his sleeves, showed off his biceps, and said:

"Actually, I have some muscles."


Professor Armitage smiled awkwardly but politely, and then said:

"If you have time, you can come to our mage department to exercise more. I can promise that all fitness areas are open to you for free. You can also find anyone to guide you at will. Everyone still respects your outstanding contribution medal."

"If I have time, I'll try it."

Lloyd said casually and asked curiously:

"But I have always had a question in my mind. I don't know whether I should talk about it..."

"Oh? You want to ask why we are all bald? And then we are all keen on exercising?"

Professor Armitage immediately guessed what Lloyd wanted to ask. After seeing him nod, he explained:

"There is nothing we can do about it. The magic in the past was indeed powerful, but in today's era, there are not many left that can function normally. Moreover, using it not only consumes spiritual power, but is also a huge test of physical fitness. …

As for hair, you should treat it as part of your consumption...

Of course, the changes here are very complicated, and I can't explain it to you in a short time. Go read "The Book of Illusion", maybe there will be the answer you want. "

Lloyd nodded, and suddenly remembered the first 'ancient mage' he had ever seen, the lazy guy in the antique shop.

He doesn't have a burly figure and a trademark bald head...

So Lloyd asked curiously:

"I have a friend who is also an ancient mage, but he must have graduated..."

After briefly describing the situation of the antique shop clerk, Professor Armitage thought for a moment, and then said thoughtfully:

"So it's him... the guy who went to the 'Dream Theater' later, right? But strictly speaking, he should be from your space department, but... you'd better not go to Lawrence to inquire about him, it will cause displeasure. "

Um? It seems there is another story here?

Lloyd became even more curious and heard Professor Armitage continue:

"He once had a strong body and a shiny bald head, but after graduating from our mage department, he deliberately adjusted his life form and chose a form more suitable for space exploration. It can be said that he made A big sacrifice, right?

It's a pity that later... Oh~ forget it, I shouldn't have said this to you. "

Judging from the professor's tone, the story that happened to the boy should be quite regrettable?

Although Lloyd was very curious, the other party no longer took the initiative to mention this issue. Instead, he turned to more important matters and told Lloyd some things to pay attention to next.

The two walked while talking, and soon came to the door of a lonely mage tower deep in the school district.

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