I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 402 401 Basic but Advanced

Chapter 402 401. Basic but advanced

His idea could be recognized and encouraged by a saint. Lloyd felt warm in his heart and said with emotion:

"I didn't expect that Hiltina would actually support my idea that others think is crazy."

"Hehe, I have always been the bold and proactive type. Even my mentor's comment on me was 'rebellious, irreverent to tradition, but extremely creative, action-oriented and adventurous'..."

Hiltina said, then reached out and gently touched Lloyd's cheek, showing a charming and charming smile.

"That's why I like you so boldly."

As a high-ranking saint, he would take the initiative to like a young man of lower rank. Although the young man is humble, low-key, mature, steady, reserved, handsome, sunny, healing, patient, meticulous, gentle and considerate, for a saint, he is also very It's 'deviant'.

Lloyd felt moved in his heart and said quickly:

"I like Hiltina like this too."

After saying that, the two of them started to chew together without shame...

After a while, Hiltina's pretty face had a slightly seductive blush, she reached out and brushed the hair around her ears, and continued to ask:

"Speaking of which, how did you come up with such a bold approach?"

"This... is a story from a long time ago..."

Lloyd then told her about the origin of the unknown fragment, as well as the [story] about the butler, and by the way, he also talked about their friendship.

But in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, he replaced the 'unknown fragments' with 'weird knowledge', and then omitted the influence of the panel. He only said that it was only through his own determination that he successfully woke up from the [story]. And unexpectedly gained 'weird knowledge'.

"Huh? Is it actually related to that Randolph? This person..."

After Hiltina finished speaking, she seemed to want to comment on the role of the housekeeper, but taking into account Lloyd's mood, she carefully considered her words before continuing:

"When he was young, he was more famous than he is now. Later, when he became stronger, he kept a low profile. I haven't heard much about him. I can't believe that I didn't notice him even after staying in the Brilliant City for such a long time?"

Uh...you didn't even notice such a big seventh-level one?

It seems that the seventh level is also a level that is 'not worth caring about' for saints, right?

Lloyd thought about it in his mind, and felt that Hildina seemed to be hesitant to speak, so he took the initiative to ask:

"Mr. Butler's reputation when he was young... wasn't very good?"

"Well...after all, he is your friend and has helped you, so it's hard for me to say anything before. But since you asked, it seems that you don't know the name of the 'ruthless executioner of heretics' when he was young. No.?"

"Uh... this name sounds quite cruel, like an executioner..."

"This is not just a 'like'... When he was still working for the Tribunal of the False Cult, he once set a glorious record of killing hundreds of cult members and evil forces in a month, although they were all guilty. Man, but this is too crazy..."

Hiltina said, frowning slightly, showing a different cuteness, and continued:

"At that time, he was not yet at the fifth level, which made the people in the False Religion a little afraid of him, thinking that his mental state might be abnormal...

I heard about him at that time, but then he seemed to have left the False Religion and disappeared. Many people thought he was crazy or had died. Unexpectedly, he survived in the end and just changed his behavior. Choose to settle yourself. "

This... the housekeeper was so cruel when he was young?

Lloyd was also a little frightened by this performance.

He was already ruthless enough by reading the housekeeper's notes. He was so outrageous that he was somewhat influenced by him. He didn't even frown, whether he was killing cult members or the pedantic high-ranking officials of the Pleasure Cult. .

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be just the tip of the iceberg?

Lloyd still remembers that Big Brother specifically reminded him before that killing people is no better than killing monsters. The more people you kill, the farther away you will be from human beings, which may affect your self-perception as a human being.

This is the bottom line that even the lunatic consultant Eskimir insists on.

Even the steward himself reminded him not to give up on human self-understanding...

It seems that he must have been affected by this in the first place?

And when he leaves the False Religion, he probably doesn’t leave by himself, but is expelled by someone, right? He was not given the opportunity to legally kill anyone.

It’s not difficult to understand. If he kills people like this before he reaches the fifth level, if he continues to stay in the Tribunal, he might raise some kind of demon king...

Fortunately, although the housekeeper killed a lot of people, he finally settled down. I don't know how he adjusted back.

Lloyd thought for a moment and then asked:

"So the weird knowledge I gained is related to the butler's experiences when he was young?"

"Well, it's very possible. Although I don't know much about the path of the [story], I also know that it is closely related to a person's experience, thinking, and subconscious...

Of course, Randolph's ability to return to normal after killing so many people may be due to some adventures, and this weird knowledge may be related to it. "

Hiltina said, tilting her head slightly, thinking for a while, then shaking Lloyd's arm, looking at him eagerly, and said:

"To be cautious, tell me all that knowledge?"

"Okay, do you want me to tell you orally or write it down?"

"Stupid... of course I'll use a more intimate way."

Hiltina said, reaching out to hold Lloyd's head, and then leaning her face closer to him, forehead to forehead.

The next second, Lloyd felt his vision go black, and suddenly he came to a vast expanse of white. Looking around, there was a vast expanse of white, with no end in sight, and no extra things at all.

Only in front of him, there was a floating pink note, with beautiful and lovely handwriting on it:

"Reach out and touch it, and then recall what you want to tell me in your mind."

There is actually such a magical way to pass on knowledge?

Lloyd also felt a sense of freshness, and quickly reached out and gently touched the note, and then saw that the message on it had changed slightly:

"Don't think too much, I will know..."

Uh... Lloyd quickly adjusted his thoughts, discarded those messy thoughts, and concentrated on recalling the knowledge brought by the unknown fragments.

After quickly going through this knowledge in his mind, Lloyd quickly let go of his hand.

I saw that the pink note began to fade gradually, and then turned into a crystal clear crystal sheet, a bit like the "e-book" that the intellectual saint gave him before.

Then, his sight changed, and Hiltina's beautiful face emerged, showing a sly smile, whispering:

"Hehe, you didn't think about those messy things just now, right?"

"No, no, I just recalled the knowledge seriously."

Lloyd quickly patted his chest and said.

"Hehe~ I'll know after I take a look."

Hiltina said, spreading out a white and tender little hand, on which the crystal flake was floating.

Then she began to read carefully, and the more she read, the more surprised she looked.

"This knowledge... is amazing!"

"Eh? But when I look at these, aren't they all very basic knowledge? Although there are some differences in details from what I learned today, such as allowing myself to participate in the production of transcendental materials."

"They are indeed very basic, but the more basic they are, the more stable they are, and the more difficult it is to optimize and adjust them. This highlights the value of this knowledge, which must be done by people with extremely high attainments and understanding in related fields."

Hiltina responded, and continued to read carefully, and stopped talking.

She seemed to attach great importance to these basic knowledge.

It was not until half an hour later that Hiltina carefully held the crystal flake with both hands, put it close to her chest, and let it blend into her body.

Then she smiled with satisfaction but with a look of regret and pity, and said with emotion:

"I didn't expect that after so many years of involvement in the [materialization] department, I would finally get the opportunity to improve and supplement my basics... If I could have been exposed to this knowledge earlier, I would definitely be able to create a more powerful [projection] for us, but fortunately it's not too late to react now!"

As she said, she earnestly reminded Lloyd:

"I have checked all this knowledge. Although they are basic, they are more advanced and more complete than the existing [materialization] knowledge. If what you learn in the future contradicts this knowledge, then just believe it."

Lloyd nodded, and asked curiously:

"I didn't expect the butler's attainments in the [materialization] department to be so profound? Has he reached the level of being able to improve the basics?"

But Hiltina shook her head and denied:

"No, it's not him... …”

“Ah? ? ?”

Hiltina then explained seriously:

“When you obtained this knowledge from his [Story], he was already at the seventh level and had formed a deep-rooted cognitive system. It was impossible to make such adjustments and modifications. It was not only very dangerous, but also extremely difficult...

Not to mention him, Zam El couldn’t do it, including myself. Although I can accept these new things, I don’t have the ability to optimize and adjust them, and this is not only the case on the [Concrete] side, but also my own [Veto] is the same.

So this knowledge must not have been modified by him, but from another source, maybe it is related to the ‘adventure’ we speculated before? ”

After a simple explanation, she thought about it seriously and added one more sentence:

“I even suspect that Randolph himself did not receive this knowledge, but it was a bargain for you. ”

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