I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 401 400 A bold approach

Chapter 401 400. A bold way

Lloyd originally wanted to use this knowledge to gain a better understanding of [Destiny], so that he could better use the "Future Title Page"

After reading this knowledge, I found that the entire article emphasizes the unpredictability of the future and destiny?

These 'papers' are all written in ancient Chinese that has been translated by the "Book of Truth". Judging from the style of words and sentences, they should be from different authors. They all seem to be very knowledgeable about [Prophecy] and [Destiny]. Practitioners with relevant attainments may still be very powerful extraordinary beings.

They believe that [destiny] may exist objectively, but based on the identity and position of human beings, it is completely impossible to pry into it, and whether it is the so-called precise prediction or the vague statement, it is inaccurate and cannot be established.

Finally, the authors of these papers generally show a pessimistic tendency, believing that they cannot control [prophecy], that humans cannot control [destiny], and that their lifelong learning and research are just a joke.

The emotions expressed by two of them were even a little extreme, as if they were about to die as martyrdom...

After reading this knowledge, Lloyd couldn't help but think of what the dean said. Many of the studies on [Prophecy] conducted by Mizkatok in the past were still led by the former dean of the [Brilliant Gold] level. And invested a lot of time and resources into this.

The final conclusion is consistent with the views of these papers, and they all believe that fate and the future cannot be pried into.

So why were these people in the past so keen on peeking into the future?

Don't you know whether the sun will rise tomorrow, so you have to stop breathing and heartbeat today?

Lloyd really can't understand the thinking and philosophies of these ancients...

Maybe it was because that era was too glorious, too full, and too leisurely?

But then he thought of his own "Future Title Page" and the Redemption Saint's enthusiasm for [Prophecy].

"Future Title Page" did work in the hands of a layman like me, predicting the emergence of the Witch Mistress.

Although I can't interpret it myself, it doesn't help much...

As for the Saint of Redemption, according to Hiltina's description, his interest in [Prophecy] has become fanatical...

A saint shouldn't be more confused than himself, right?

In addition, Jenkins is a prophet who also majors in archeology, and he has made a lot of money through this.

In fact, even Hiltina herself doesn't seem to be very repelled by fate. Before the two of them got acquainted, she used words like 'fate' to guide herself against consultant Esquimir in order to recover. "The Book of Truth"

There is even a rumor in the outside world that ‘the saint can spy on the fate of all extraordinary people in the system’.

All of the above seem to explain the true validity of [Prophecy] and [Destiny], which contradict the conclusions reached by the ancients in the past.

"It's such a mess..."

Lloyd pursed his lips and complained, then tried to open the "Book of Truth" in his mind, found the extra title page, and touched it.

In the end, there was no response. Maybe it's because the 'skill CD' is not ready yet, or maybe it's because I won't meet something as precious as the Witch Mistress during this time?

This is good, you can seize the time to complete [Transcendence].

Lloyd remembered the advice given by Hiltina before. Don't rush into [Distortion]. For now, upgrade [Rejection] and [Embodiment] to the fourth level, and finally use the help of the history department to carry out the ceremony. Completed the fifth [Transcendence]

And I currently have all the fourth-level materials of the [Rejection] system on hand, and I can perform [Transcendence] at any time.

The subsequent fifth-level materials have been booked long ago, not to mention the commitment of the dean and Hiltina. There is no need to worry about the subsequent [distortion] and [veto] materials.

As for the [Extended] system, I didn’t say anything about it.

It should be no problem to go talk to the dean. He is certainly good at this.

But the knowledge in Lloyd's mind told him that the system of [Embodiment] is somewhat special. Whether you choose [Projection] or [Story], it is best if you can participate in the production process of the materials and let those materials Glue on some personal touches about yourself.

This part of knowledge was not something he just learned today, but something he knew earlier when he analyzed the unknown fragment. It should be an extra detail step in the regular process.

This extra detail will affect the degree of control over [Projection] in the future, making it more natural and smooth to use.

Is it a bit similar to the ‘recognizing the master by dripping blood’ in Xianxia novels?

Of course, you don't really need to use blood, and you don't need to make the materials entirely by yourself. You just add it to the final link.

So Lloyd thought about it and went to the dean to talk. Instead, he thought about whether he could go to the Materials Department.

Anyway, I have a lot of credits, so this shouldn’t be difficult, right?

Lloyd then took out the student handbook, and first searched for the materials needed next based on the [Embodiment] knowledge acquired today.

Uh...why are they just raw materials? No finished product?

What's the use of this? The distance from raw materials to finished products is wider than the gap between people. Especially for low-level materials such as second- and third-order materials, the main functions and values ​​are all concentrated in the subsequent processes. The raw materials are of no use.

What's more, if you don't take the final steps, you won't be able to get involved.

Lloyd was a little puzzled, so he simply stretched out his hand to open a portal and ran to the materials department to ask.

Compared with the painting style of other subjects, the school area of ​​the Department of Materials at least looks quite normal. It has a very standard university style, which makes Lloyd feel a lot like studying.

Then, he randomly found a student who was standing on a bench by the roadside. He looked at the two etchings on his armband, indicating that he was a second-year student, and went over to inquire about exchanging materials.

"Huh? This is the question again. You are a new student, right?"

The second-year student showed a helpless smile and looked at Lloyd's bare armband, but then saw his dazzling golden collar clip and asked in confusion:

"Eh? Then why do you have a top student lapel?"

"I was lucky and got a high admission rating."

Lloyd explained casually.

"That's really enviable..."

The second grader said sincerely and continued to answer Lloyd's question.

"Huh? Your materials department has only completed half of the processing process? The remaining steps need to be taken out into the world? Why is this?"

After hearing this, Lloyd asked strangely.

"That's the academy's rules..."

The sophomore shrugged and explained:

“This may be because we actually don’t have a very stable source of raw materials here. After all, we are an academic institution and we don’t go around hunting monsters. So you see, many of the raw materials we provide here are mineral-based;

Secondly, the environment here in the college is different from the real world. The processed materials will show various characteristics and there will be differences in parameters and indicators. You are not from the materials department and I can’t go into too much detail. You can simply understand The quality of the materials made for us is not stable enough;

Finally, half of the materials we process will be handed over to outside alumni associations to complete the final process and then put out for circulation. This is one of the funding sources of the college. "

After hearing this explanation, Lloyd could understand. After all, the time flow rate here in the academy is different from that outside. There may be many differences, which may indeed have various effects on the processing of materials.

So to be conservative, don’t even think about being lazy.

Sigh...Why can't I spend the credits?

Lloyd was a little helpless and asked again:

"Then can I obtain materials through the alumni association outside? As you know, if I buy it on the free market, the price..."

"Of course you can. Many people get the materials through the channels of the alumni association. The price is fair and the quality is good. Not to mention you have an honors student lapel, which is definitely more convenient."

“Then can I participate in the material production process myself?”

Lloyd asked again.

"Huh? Participate yourself? What kind of weird request is this?"

The second grader was a little confused.

"Just before the materials are about to be processed, I hope to exert some influence on them and add some elements related to me to them."

Lloyd explained simply.


The second grader's face became a little weird, as if he was embarrassed about whether rockets should burn kerosene.

Then, from the standpoint of a scholar, he earnestly advised:

"I suggest you not do this. Extraordinary material processing is a profound and complex subject, and the entire process is more precise and complex than you expected. That's why the price is so high. If you mix it indiscriminately, let alone waste. It’s also your own irresponsibility.”

"Is that so? Okay...thank you."

Lloyd didn't blame him for being nosy. After thanking him, he left the Materials Department and went back to his 'hometown', the Space Department, to find Professor Lawrence.

As soon as he got closer, he heard the old professor showing a headache expression and muttering in a low voice:

"What role does this step play? Why does it affect the reading of Space Storm? There is obviously no connection between the two..."

Seeing Lloyd coming, he quickly pulled away the light curtain in front of him, and instantly changed to his usual dignified demeanor, as if he didn't want Lloyd to know what he was studying.

Then he cleared his throat and asked:

"Ahem...have you encountered any problems again?"

"It's like this. Didn't I tell you before that I am actually involved in the [Embodiment] system? I am currently preparing the materials needed for [Transcendence], but I ran into a little trouble..."

"Huh? What kind of problem is this? Why don't you just go to Hazred and ask? Although this old gangster is stingy, his family is unimaginably rich. If you ask, he will definitely give you everything."

"That's not the problem..."

Lloyd shook his head and told Professor Lawrence what he thought.

After the other party listened, he showed an awkward expression like a rocket expert meeting a crosstalk actor, and asked:

"Huh? Why do you have such a whimsical idea?"

As he spoke, he took out another small cloth bag from his arms, threw it in front of Lloyd, and then continued:

"[Detachment] material is a very sensitive thing. A little carelessness may lead to unpredictable consequences, ranging from failure of [Detachment] to loss of control and depravity. Besides, you don't know anything about materials science. How dare you go there?" Getting involved in this kind of thing?"

"I know, but..."

Lloyd didn't know how to explain it for a moment, so he picked up the small cloth bag, opened it and took a look.

There are several dazzling precious stones inside, and one cannot even imagine how valuable they are...

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Professor Lawrence smiled and replied:

"I guess you just care about face, so you don't want to talk to Hazred anymore, right? Then why don't you exchange these broken stones for some money, and then go to the Alumni Association to buy a batch of the highest quality materials?"

With that said, he handed Lloyd another business card.

"Go to this guy and he will arrange it for you. Remember it must be of the highest quality! Don't mess around with it yourself. This is in line with the professionalism of our space department."

Professor Lawrence didn’t explain much and just emphasized the ‘highest quality’ again.

This card is the contact information of the person in charge of a private organization that specializes in the processing of extraordinary materials. Although it does not seem to have anything to do with Mizkatok, it must be an industry belonging to the alumni association outside.

No... what kind of professionalism is this for spending money on materials? It's just that he's very wealthy, right?

Lloyd complained in his mind and put away the small bag of gems and business cards in his hand.

Anyway, the professor gave it to me, so don’t give it up for free.

He was about to say goodbye and leave, but was stopped by Professor Lawrence, who asked about his previous study status of several large professional books.

Lloyd truthfully reported his study progress and explained that he was a little busy during this period and did not continue to study much, but promised that he would seize the time to study later.

"Um...ok...you go first."

Professor Lawrence didn't say anything, just waved his hand.

After Lloyd left, he couldn't help but sigh in a low voice:

"What kind of creature is this kid? He has almost finished learning all the basic subjects of space knowledge in less than a month?"

"Fortunately, he is still young and easily distracted by other matters. Otherwise, I would soon have to worry about what to teach him... It seems that giving him a lecturer title in advance is a wise choice."

"Sigh... Let's continue studying his operational records. As we get older, our brains are really running out..."


Lloyd walked around in a circle outside, and finally returned to his dormitory, and then wondered whether he should trust the knowledge in his head?

Objectively speaking, it is definitely impossible for the second-year student and Professor Lawrence to collude to deceive themselves. Their risk warnings are definitely fine, and this is indeed something that I need to pay attention to.

So should we continue to believe in the knowledge in our brains that comes from interpreting unknown fragments?

Lloyd was a little unsure.

Logically speaking, this kind of knowledge can be regarded as having unknown origins, and one should not believe it at all?

But he had a vague feeling, or a judgment based on intuition, that made Lloyd feel that his suggestion was actually quite good?

After struggling for a while, Lloyd thought that he should finally ask his saint and see what she said?

It just so happens that it is still morning outside at this time, and it is still early for lunch. You can stay in the academy for one night, make out with Hiltina, and then go out to have lunch with Elolo in the morning...

I am really a good young man who is good at managing time.

Lloyd praised himself in his heart, and then took out the student handbook again, scrolling through it randomly while waiting until it got dark in the college, and then Hiltina's beautiful figure appeared next to him again.

Seeing that Lloyd stayed in the academy obediently and did not run to find the 'little goblin', Hildina seemed quite happy, so she took the initiative to kiss him and asked:

"Looking at your expression, is there something you want to say to me?"

Lloyd nodded, then put the delicate body into his arms, and then told her about the various gains from the previous [Meeting the Saint].

As a result, Hiltina, as the saint being met, actually asked with some surprise:

"Eh... I didn't expect that you gained so much from this [Meeting the Saint]?"


Lloyd was a little confused for a moment.

"Didn't I tell you before? My rational thinking is usually responsible for that. I won't pay too much attention to what you are seeing."

As Hiltina spoke, she pinched Lloyd's cheek and added in a slightly resentful tone:

"Isn't it all just to see you? In order to make up for the time difference between the academy and the real world, I have to be busy adjusting the time difference in front of you. I am not very active when you are away...so you know that you are right How important am I?"

"Yeah! You are equally important to me."

Lloyd quickly coaxed her, feeling distressed in his heart.

Hiltina's mental state is not as optimistic as she is in front of him...

So Lloyd did not continue to ask her where her pessimistic knowledge about [Destiny] came from, and the Hildina in front of her probably didn't know it very well either.

He decided to get straight to the point and asked about transcendent materials.

And Hiltina's answer was indeed different from the previous two.

"Huh? This is really a bold idea, and it can indeed improve something..."

She first said this, then lowered her head and thought carefully, and then added:

“When I got involved in the [embodiment] system, why didn’t I think of this method?

Although there are some risks, if it is you, Lloyd, I think you can give it a try! If necessary, I can help you arrange for the cooperation of the people in the Holy Court. "

I can only say that she is worthy of being a woman who has been promoted from the original taboo system to a saint. This mode of thinking is definitely not as conservative as others...

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