I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 395 394 This AI is really abominable

Chapter 395 394. This AI is really hateful

Airolo said he wanted to entertain Lloyd well, but in fact he found a chef from nowhere and cooked a table of dishes that left Lloyd speechless.

There is no creativity in either the taste or the cooking method. Only 3-5 kinds of seasonings are used, only up to three kinds of ingredients are used, and only the traditional technique of frying, steaming and boiling is used.

It's really uncreative...

Lloyd expressed his disdain for the chef in his heart, but he didn't say anything, he just kept expressing his approval.

"Hmm...not bad, not bad."

Airolo liked it so much that while eating it himself, he put a fork into Lloyd's mouth, looking very happy to share.

During the dinner, Lloyd also told Eloro about the previous experience of fighting against the Witch Mother, and stated it in as pertinent terms as possible, without much use of rhetoric or exaggeration.

"...I will fight with it until the sky is dark, the sun and the moon lose light, and the road is wiped out..."

Ai Luoluo naturally listened very carefully, without blinking, and even held his breath slightly, until finally, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh~huh~ It was so thrilling. Fortunately, Lord Uther won in the end... By the way, you weren't injured, were you?"

"No, no, I have always been a steady young man who is good at protecting myself."

"Hehe...that's good..."

After the warm and sweet dinner was over, the two of them had nothing serious to do for the time being, so they listened to 0-006's suggestion to take a good rest tonight and get busy again tomorrow.

So Ailuoluo couldn't wait to hold Lloyd's hand and lead him back to his bedroom.

"I'm going to take a shower first. Lord Uther, you can sit wherever you like and get whatever you need. Anyway, you should be very familiar with this place, right?"

Ai Luoluo said and went to the bathroom next to him first.

Lloyd didn't have any other ideas, so he slumped down on the sofa naturally. It really felt like he had returned to his own home.

After all, I come every night...

While Elolo was taking a bath, Lloyd continued to look up the information that 0-006 had given it before, as a warm-up for the next academic research.

After waiting for a long time, it became fragrant and wet, and Ai Luoluo returned to the bedroom and put on an ordinary home pajamas, but on his legs was just a pair of casual shorts, revealing the fair skin on his legs, with a little... A lovely light pink.

Then he came closer to Lloyd and said in a coquettish tone:

"Lord Uther, would you wipe my hair down for me?"

Lloyd quickly took the towel in her hand, then held her head and wiped it, making the short light blue and white hair a little messy, making it look fluffy, like a kitten with fried hair.

But Eloro didn't mind at all, and instead smiled sweetly.

"Hehe, Lord Uther is so kind. As long as you are by my side, I will be the happiest girl in the world."

As she said that, she seemed to feel her legs were a little cold again, so she took out a pair of white stockings from the closet, then sat on the edge of the bed and carefully put them on her legs bit by bit.

The texture of the silk stockings is very thin, making the little feet white and sweet, and allowing people to clearly see the round and lovely toes inside.

It's like applying a thin layer of cream to delicious food, making it smoother and more delicious.

"Huh? Lord Uther, why do you keep staring at my feet?"

Airolo seemed to notice Lloyd's gaze and asked curiously.


Lloyd quickly looked away, thinking that Elolo must be hiding her feet like Hiltina.

Unexpectedly, she stretched one leg straight to the ground, and bent the other leg to hug her chest. Then she tapped the instep with her fingers and slowly slid the silky white stockings to her calf.

Then she showed a charming and silky smile and asked softly:

"Lord Uther, do you want to touch it too?"

Lloyd's eyes were blurred for a while, and he subconsciously stood up and walked towards the bed.

But at this critical moment, a line of subtitles suddenly popped up in front of him:

"Please do not engage in more intimate behavior before the wedding."

This moment completely ruined the atmosphere...

Ahhhh! This damn AI! Why can it interfere in Elolo's boudoir?

Lloyd cursed angrily in his heart, and his previous sexual interest suddenly disappeared.

It's like when two people are making out, there's a camera filming their faces.

Eloro also received the reminder, and his cheeks suddenly puffed up and became bulging. The iconic hair on the top of his head also stood up and became curved and curled again.

Then she threw herself into Lloyd's arms, held his face in her hands, and kissed him several times in a row, as if it was some kind of reverse psychology.

It's a pity that I still didn't dare to proceed to the next step...

After enough kissing, Elolo crawled into Lloyd's arms like a poor kitten, took his hand and hugged his waist, and then said pitifully:

"When I mature, Mr. Butler will not dare to take care of me. When that time comes, we will..."

As she said that, she squirmed in Lloyd's arms and changed her position. She took the initiative to hand the jade foot wearing white stockings to Lloyd's other free hand, and whispered:

"Since we separated last time, I have been missing you, looking forward to being held in your arms like this, and then saying a lot of things to you... But I don't know why, when this day really comes, I don't know what to say first..."

"Yeah, me too, then let's not say anything for now."

Lloyd said softly, closed his eyes, and rubbed his cheek against Eloro's head.

Eloro nodded, closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep peacefully in Lloyd's arms, with a sweet smile on his face.

She was very tired today...

In fact, Lloyd was also very tired, and he almost fell asleep like this, but the panel prompt from his ear helped him dispel his sleepiness.

[Ding~ Madness value +520]

[Ding~ Madness value +520]

It's really a special number, isn't it?

Lloyd couldn't help but smile, lowered his head, kissed Eloro secretly, then carefully picked up her delicate body, put her back on the bed, and wrapped her in a blanket like a silkworm.

The relationship between the two seemed to have returned to their usual routine.

Lloyd patiently stayed by Eloro's side until the panel prompts stopped coming to his ears, and then he took out his pocket watch to check the time.

Still the same as usual, half an hour...

Even the total amount of madness value obtained has not changed much, it is still a little short of 10,000, but with the previous accumulation, it is enough to upgrade to level 1. The newly obtained 5 points of attributes were added to [Spiritual Power] by Lloyd, and the total value reached 555 points.

It seems that saints like Hiltina and Eloro can control mental pollution in some way. They want me to share as much as they want. When I don't need to share, no matter how close we are, I will not suffer mental pollution.

The saint is really amazing...

While thinking about all sorts of things in his mind, Lloyd quietly left Eloro's room, and then went to the guest room specially arranged for him, took a quick shower, and went to bed early.


The next morning, Lloyd was still half asleep, and suddenly felt something rubbing his face, which was a little itchy. He thought it was a kitten, but when he opened his eyes, he found that it was Eloro?

"Hehe, good morning, Lord Uther!"

She smiled brightly and kissed Lloyd hard, then continued to ask:

"Did you sleep well last night?"

"Not bad."

Lloyd nodded, and noticed that Eloro had finished dressing up and changed into her usual suit and hat. She obviously woke up very early, so he asked curiously:

"You got up so early?"

"Well... because I had a bad dream last night..."


"It was fine at first. I dreamed that I married you, but when we were holding hands and walking towards the marriage hall together, a bad woman suddenly appeared next to us and forcibly snatched you away..."

As Eloro said this, her cute little face drooped, and she was helpless. said:

"I am no match for the bad woman. I couldn't catch up with her. I could only watch you being snatched away, and then I sat on the ground and cried non-stop. In the end, I woke up while crying."

After that, she laughed again and continued:

"Fortunately, when I woke up from the dream, I found that you were still by my side, so I felt relieved."

"Is that so? I didn't expect that you saints would have all kinds of strange dreams?"

"It's not like that. I don't dream much. Only when I miss you very much, I will dream about the day we first met, and every time it ends with me being driven out of the Oracle City by the bad woman."

As Eloro said, he suddenly asked:

"Lord Uther, is that bad woman very beautiful?"


Lloyd answered subconsciously.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt that the air around him was a few degrees lower.

Turning his head, Eloro was indeed a little unhappy. He frowned and stared at himself fiercely.

How come you are so possessive...

Lloyd complained in his heart, and quickly said according to the words of "The Scumbag's Quotes":

"But I prefer your type."

Eloro was obviously easier to coax than Hildyna. Just this sentence made her laugh again, and she replied formally:

"Yeah! I like Lord Uther the most too!"

Obviously, she failed to catch the details and loopholes in this speech...

After having breakfast with Eloro, the two of them went back to the meeting room yesterday hand in hand.

As a result, as soon as he entered the door, he saw Professor Toledo pacing back and forth alone, muttering:

"That's not right, why can Lloyd get the third level authority, but I have the eighth level authority? Because I am an honest man?"

As he said, he noticed that someone else had come, and then he found out about the intimacy between Lloyd and Eloro, and suddenly he tapped his palm as if he had suddenly realized something.

"So it's because of this reason!"

"Which one do you mean?"

Lloyd quietly let go of Eloro and asked.

"Because you captured Miss Eloro's heart, you gained higher authority? Damn it! Isn't it great to be handsome? I think back then, I was also the most handsome man in the town... uh... it wasn't because What's the reason for this?"

Professor Toledo's reaction was a little strange, as if he was communicating with two people at the same time.

It seems that he has also established a connection with 0-006 and can conduct some communication, but he did not obtain sufficient permissions.

It's just level 8, which is probably the lowest level, right?

At this time, Elolo next to him also saw some subtitles in front of his eyes, and said quickly:

"Lord Uther, I will go to the office to handle official business first. I will leave you here to conduct academic research. Remember to have dinner together at noon."

After that, she first bowed slightly to Professor Toledo in a very ladylike and humble manner, as a greeting, and then blew a kiss to Lloyd as a brief farewell.

Professor Toledo's attention was not here at all. He just waved his hand casually, and then asked eagerly:

"Then why does Lloyd have so much higher authority than me? Can he still have free access to the database?"

This question was such that Lloyd didn't know whether he was talking to him or whether he should answer?

"Damn it, you actually refused to explain to me because of insufficient authority? Then... Lloyd, has it explained to you why?"

"No...but you should wait a moment, right? Why did you come here to study it so early in the morning and you were the only one?"

"Huh? Randy and Lille and their students had a tiring day yesterday and have returned to the academy to recuperate. They should be here in a while, right? I don't have anything to do here, so I came here earlier and started earlier... …”

Professor Toledo said, stared at Lloyd suspiciously, and asked angrily:

"You are the guy who managed to catch Miss Eloro so quickly? Could it be that the guy who kidnapped her last time was your kid?"

Lloyd quickly excused himself:

"Ahem... That was a misunderstanding... Anyway, everything is in the past, so don't cling to the past. Let's continue studying 0-006 first, right?"

Fortunately, Professor Toledo was more interested in 0-006 than anything else, so he really didn’t ask any further questions and immediately asked instead:

"I want to go to the hangar where its main body is housed, but it doesn't allow me to go alone. Ask it if it can go with you?"

As soon as they finished speaking, a line of subtitles appeared in front of their eyes:

"Certification allows entry into this array hangar accompanied by a Level 3 authority holder."

Of course, 0-006 has a real body. The face shield hanging on the wall is just an output device used for external communication, which is equivalent to a speaker or a monitor.

The main hangar is buried beneath the headquarters of the Order of Joy, where Lloyd is.

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