I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 394 393 Crisis Resolved

Chapter 394 393. Crisis Relieved

Although the threat from the witch mistress has been temporarily calmed, Lloyd still feels a little scared when he thinks back -

This guy is really a little bit powerful...

Domination rules, creation domain, folded space, all of which are difficult to understand and touch, and I can barely understand some principles.

If I hadn't taken back the [Incomplete Miracle], and this guy didn't expect that a mere ant could resist, then there would be no way to deal with it.

Lloyd couldn't help but think further, if this guy escaped later, how should he deal with it?

The witch mistress must have more mysterious powers...

The key is that this guy also has the weird characteristic that the more you know about it, the more it knows about you...

And the biggest trump card in my hand, [Incomplete Miracle], has been played...

Where should I go to find another pool of [Blood of the Supreme]?

Should I go and kill my cheap uncle?

I'm afraid that just killing my uncle is not enough. According to the records in the Book of Truth, this [Blood of the Supreme] is not just blood, but the [price] paid for [miracles]. It belongs to "things that should not exist in the world". It was only left behind due to various changes, which gave me the opportunity to recycle it.

It may not be so easy to find something of this level again...

Lloyd thought about it all and finally shook his head.

Thinking so much is just a fuss. Anyway, if the sky falls, there are still saints to support it, right?

He decided not to worry about these long-term problems for the time being, but to work hard to become stronger, stronger than the witch mistress. When he can control or even dominate any rules, won't he have to be afraid of nothing?

Well, at that time, not only will he get rid of the witch mistress, who is a "bullying the weak", but he will also establish some more reasonable world rules, such as "a man who changes his mind when he sees someone else is not a scumbag" and "a man who is young is not a scumbag".

Thinking of this, Lloyd felt the motivation in his heart surge up again, so he opened the panel and distributed the 100 attributes he had obtained before.

25 points of [rationality], 25 points of [spiritual power], 25 points of [inspiration], 25 points of [cognition], plus plus plus!

[User: Lloyd]

[Status: Normal]

[Madness value: 3879/10000, upper limit: 615000]

[rationality: 615]

[spiritual power: 615]

[inspiration: 325]

[cognition: 615]

[System: distortion LV4, denial LV3, embodiment LV1]

Well, this time it is really a water tank balance addition...

These 100 attributes, that is, level 20, were earned by Lloyd when he bombarded those monsters before.

At that time, together with Professor Toledo and his team, we had killed a lot of monsters. In addition, we had been helping them share the mental pollution, which was equivalent to opening the multiple experience mode, so the madness value naturally increased.

It was a pity that I didn't have the opportunity to add "Aho-Mao" to the medical team that killed the enemy when they saw it, otherwise I could have gained more.

As for why I suddenly wanted to add [Inspiration], it was because after entering the battlefield, Lloyd deeply felt the importance of attack range and ability coverage. At present, this [Inspiration] is really not enough.

I can only lock on to more than ten monsters at the same time, and "mowing the grass" seems inefficient. I have to make up for it appropriately in the future.

Alas... It's a pity for my well-balanced perfect water tank body...

Lloyd sighed in his heart, and then glanced at the extra knowledge fragments and skill fragments in his mind.

They were all absorbed casually when helping teammates share mental pollution.

However, most of them were useless knowledge, such as "good at riding", "two-timing", and "hair care tips", which were all swept into the "recycle bin" and then emptied out when the [Miracle] was cast.

Some fragmentary engineering knowledge, historical knowledge, and magic knowledge were considered useful, but they were too fragmented and could not be combined into skills or popular science. In fact, they were useless and could only be kept for the "Future Page".

Speaking of the "Future Page" given by the intellectual saint, it even foresaw the existence of the witch mistress, which made Lloyd, who did not believe in fate, have to admit that this thing really has something.

It's a pity that I don't have other matching abilities and can't interpret it in depth, which is a bit of a waste...

But if I try this "Future Page" again in the future, no matter what I see, I have to be careful.

In this way, Lloyd simply completed the inventory, and felt that his spiritual power had almost recovered. He was willing to continue lying in bed, so he stretched out his hand to open a portal and ran to find the dean.

"Huh? Why are you here? Aren't you resting?"

The dean asked in surprise when he saw Lloyd coming out of the portal.

"I've almost rested, so I came to report to you what happened before... By the way, can you contact Hiltyna? Let's report together."

"No, she hates me always talking about her. If she wants to contact her actively, she can only write a letter."

"Ah... Then I'll tell you first."

Taking advantage of the time difference between the present world and the academy, Lloyd can describe the previous events to the dean in detail, including the process of dealing with the witch mistress.

I was just a little vague on some details, such as how to perform the [miracle], and said that I wasn't very clear about it. I was a little dizzy at the time, so I used it subconsciously, but now I can't use it anymore.

As a result, instead of asking further questions, the dean took the initiative to explain to him:

"This is normal. Be it [Miracle] or our [Miracle Magic], they are already beyond the reach of human beings. They are extremely mysterious and obscure. Even the former dean dare not say that he fully understands them. Otherwise, there would be no relevant inheritance left at all.

Since you can't remember it, don't think too much about it for the time being, don't ask too many questions, and wait for future encounters. "

After the dean comforted Lloyd, he said again:

"As for the old rival of the witch, this group of vicious monsters have been fighting wits and courage with us since the glorious era. The two sides have long been in a fight to the death. But many people, including me, did not expect that they are so weak. Can you survive the apocalypse?

Fortunately, you are here this time, otherwise the city of joy may be in trouble...

It seems that we have to start a new round of 'witch hunting' again. "

Lloyd nodded repeatedly and immediately said to call me anytime if necessary.

But the dean laughed and explained:

"You don't have to worry about this anymore. Let's leave it to the alumni association in this world. Witches who are extremely cunning and good at hiding their things are not that easy to catch."

"Is that so? Okay then... I'll go back to the City of Joy first to see if there are any more troubles that need to be dealt with there, and then we have to continue our research project."

"Go ahead."

The dean didn't try to persuade him to stay.

But when Lloyd was about to leave, he suddenly asked:

"By the way, why is our college's armed force called the medical team?"

"Huh? Don't talk nonsense. We have been an academic institution since ancient times. How can we equip ourselves with armed forces?"

Well... just believe it yourself...

Lloyd shrugged and asked again:

"What about the armor of the medical team? Can I exchange my credits for one?"

"Of course not. It is a high-level controlled product of the college. Even if you pass various assessments and join the medical team, it is strictly prohibited to hold it privately. It will be considered a violation of the second school rule."

The dean said without mercy, but immediately turned to comfort:

"Okay, okay, there are so many things that credits can be redeemed for, why do you want to consider this? Isn't your research project going to make breakthrough progress this time? After it is completed, I will secretly give you more credits."

You almost secretly increased my credits to almost 10 million? Don’t credits need to follow the laws of economics?

Lloyd quietly cursed, then opened a portal, returned to the City of Joy, and came directly to Elolo.

As a result, as soon as I walked out of the portal, a sweet-smelling, soft and cute thing came into my arms.

"Lord Uther! We won! We successfully defended the City of Joy!"

Ai Luoluo smiled brightly and beautifully, hugged Lloyd's waist tightly, and relying on the excitement and excitement in his heart, he stood on tiptoes and kissed him hard on the lips.

"Huh? So fast?"

Lloyd was a little surprised by this sudden good news.

I didn't rest for a long time in the academy. When converted to the real world, less than an hour had passed. Why was victory suddenly declared?

Isn't it time to open the champagne at halftime again?

Another line of subtitles appeared in front of Lloyd's eyes:

"Thanks to your outstanding contributions to this city, all aspects are now becoming stable and optimistic. It is expected that basic order will be restored within three days and normal operations will return within seven days...

Here, please allow us to express our most sincere respect and gratitude to you.

Therefore, you have become our most trusted ally, and we are willing to provide you with any help and services we can. "

Lloyd didn't care too much about the bad check issued by AI, but was more concerned about the situation, and asked in his heart:

"Stability and optimism so soon? What about the turmoil in the city? What about the monsters outside the city?"

"With the assistance of your colleagues, the toxins spread by the witch have been effectively suppressed, and the high-level areas are quickly returning to calm. After the witch was eradicated and the mistress was sealed, the monsters outside the city fell into chaos on their own and were no longer able to do anything. An effective threat has been formed.

As a result, more manpower can be withdrawn from the defense line to speed up the recovery process in the city. "

0-006 explained it and opened the 'big map' in front of Lloyd. As expected, there were no red areas on it.

Although this AI is impersonal and can make decisions such as sacrificing millions of people to save tens of thousands, Lloyd will not question his efficiency at the management level, being able to remove corrupt senior executives and promote them in an instant. The new high-level people have emerged, which is definitely beyond the reach of human beings.

It is reasonable for this guy to restore order quickly.

As for how to restore it specifically, and how to develop the City of Joy and the [Asylum] system after the restoration, these are other people's "internal affairs". Lloyd has no further stance and cannot interfere.

After all, I only have level three authority...

He only cared about his Elolo and subsequent academic projects, so he asked:

"Is Eloro going to be very busy from now on?"

"Correction, no, Ms. Ai Luoluo's current priority is to become mature, stable, powerful and efficient as soon as possible. This array will help share many complicated and trivial matters so that she can have more time to improve herself."

"Reminder, Ms. Ai Luoluo is currently under the guardianship of this array, so this array cannot acquiesce to the transitional intimacy between you. Please complete the formal marriage ceremony before further intimacy."

These two lines of instructions appeared in front of Lloyd at the same time.

There is nothing much to say about the first one, the key is the second one...

This AI obviously misunderstood something, and I am not a scumbag, how could I do something that goes further?

Will be beheaded by Hiltina...

So he quickly answered in his heart:

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person... By the way, our next academic project should be fine, right? You shouldn't mind being studied, right?"

"Of course, or to put it another way, I really need your research to help me find a way to restore my functions. I currently have many functional modules that cannot operate correctly."

"That's good."

Lloyd nodded, and continued to ask a question that he was a little concerned about:

"I heard before that you have the function of converting mental pollution into extraordinary power?"

"The design indicators of this array do have a functional module with a similar description, but after self-inspection, no corresponding module was found."

"Analysis, there is a 30% probability that the corresponding module is damaged, a 20% probability that the description is incorrect, and a 50% probability that the module is not properly installed."

"Uh... This is really a regrettable result..."

Lloyd said in his heart and shrugged helplessly.

He was going to ask what modules were currently installed and what functions needed help to repair, but he felt that Eloro was shaking his arm.

"Lord Uther, I'm hungry. Let's go eat first, okay? Let's let Mr. Butler take a break."

The 'Mr. Butler' she mentioned was obviously referring to the shelter management array.

But after she reminded him, Lloyd noticed that it was almost dark now?

He had been tossing around all day without realizing it, and he hadn't eaten a single bite of food in the middle, and he was very hungry.

"Okay, let's go eat first. Do you want me to show you my cooking skills?"

Lloyd asked confidently.

But Eloro showed a look of joy and relief, waved his hand, and said:

"No, no, you are already very tired today, let me entertain you."

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