I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 386 385 I'll leave you a surprise

Chapter 386 385. Leave a little surprise for you

In fact, the reason why Lloyd was standing outside in the rain was not to covet the madness value, but mainly to observe this rare monster from a closer distance.

Not only did he observe with his naked eyes, but he also boldly opened his inspiration and spiritual vision, which made the madness value soar, and his eardrums had phantom pain.

It was not stimulated by mental pollution, but by the panel prompts...

Soon, Lloyd found that these monsters were indeed similar to the demons he had dissected, but there were also not small differences.

The first is the body structure. In addition to the size difference, it is far less tough than the demon, and it also lacks the weird characteristic of being able to quickly adapt to various injuries-

When dissecting the demon before, the scalpel felt slower and slower the further it cut, not because the blade was worn, but because the demon was quickly adapting to this kind of "cutting damage".

But the monsters in front of him don't have such a heaven-defying characteristic. They are much more fragile than the demon.

Then there is the internal structure. They are a kind of mechanical and biological fusion structure, with a ratio of about half and half, and there are obvious traces of human processing;

Unlike the devil, the main body is still biological, relatively more "pure natural", but there are some unknown mechanical parts in the body.

However, this half-organic and half-inorganic structure is also unheard of by Lloyd. It is very strange and magical. I really don’t know where the creators of these "Miss Xie Beileda" got the technology from?

Finally, there are a lot of sticky and disgusting tentacles covering the surface of "Miss Xie Beileda". Although it seems that the two have been highly integrated and integrated, it seems that they have always looked like this.

Lloyd has seen what "Miss Xie Beileda" looks like before, and has also seen them full of vitality and transformed into monsters, but the image at that time is still very different from now.

After a careful inspection, he found that the outer layer of tentacles was most likely covered or superimposed later, and it was similar to some kind of remote control device, connecting to the distance through an extremely secret channel.

From time to time, some vague mumblings can be heard coming from that direction, as if someone is giving orders to these monsters.

However, under the influence of the [Twisted Realm], these monsters are completely out of control and cannot obey the instructions sent from afar.

Who is controlling these monsters? Who can control such monsters? The mental pollution they emit is so intense and rapid, basically at the same level as the devil. What creature can give orders with such mental pollution?

Could it be the "witch" mentioned earlier?

Lloyd made a simple guess in his mind, but in a series of panel prompts, he heard the anxious voice of Ai Luoluo:

"Please help my lover, he must be struggling to resist mental pollution and can't move!"

No, I...

Although Lloyd felt warm in his heart because of the concern of his "girlfriend", he really wanted to persuade her not to meddle in other people's business.

He has only leveled up less than 10 in this time, which is obviously not enough!

But it was not easy for him to explain at the moment. He could only hear the three top students saying righteously:

"Teacher, hold on! We are here to help you!"

"Wow! Fight them!"

"For Mizzkatok!"

Although he could feel the "passionate friendship", Lloyd still felt a little amused and complained in his heart:

These monsters are all controlled by me and cannot move. Why are you so excited about hitting a wooden stake?

But even though he complained, he was afraid that these people would be injured by mistake, so he quickly launched the microscopic physical distortion, destroying the body joints of those monsters, making them unable to move; and then destroying several key structures that provide energy to the body, so that even the tentacles stopped working.

So they couldn't even output to the air, and could only fall softly to the ground, playing the role of wooden stakes.

Lloyd wanted to delay a little longer to earn more Madness Points, so he did not make any further operations. Instead, he observed the actual combat level of these three top students.

But after watching for a while, he could not help but shake his head in his heart.

The previous 0-006 assessment of their combat power was indeed just a rough estimate based on data theory. When they really started fighting, it was really a bit eye-catching...

For example, the one in the [Redemption] system used a matchlock gun with a historical atmosphere. Before firing, he cut his palm and smeared his blood on the gun, as if he was "enchanting" the gun.

Then he aimed at the head of a monster on the street and pulled the trigger.

As a result, the matchlock gun chose to remain silent...

He realized that the rain was a bit too heavy...

The one in the [Ancient Mage] system also realized this. He waved the weapon that looked like a spear and a staff in his hand, cast a big fireball, and then smashed it at the monster below while steaming.

As a result, when the fireball flew to the right place, only a spark was left...

The last top student of the [Law] system was slightly smarter than the previous two. The weapon he used was a weapon with a distinct Mizzkatoke style and a special appearance...

Bolt-action pistol?

Although it is only about the size of a pistol, it has a melee bayonet installed on the front. To fire a shot, you need to pull the bolt to retract the chamber, then push it back to reset. The rate of fire is extremely impressive.

Isn't this kind of comic weapon made by some clever person from the engineering department?

The key player's positioning and gun control skills were also poor. He fired five shots in a row before hitting one shot, which broke one of the monster's tentacles.

He also muttered with a puzzled look on his face:

"Eh? Why is my marksmanship suddenly so bad? Is it because the distance is too far?"

Sigh...you just need to practice more cooking! If your shooting skills were compared with Professor Toledo, you would be able to make a four-character idiom...

Lloyd groaned in amusement.

I felt like a mystery that jumped five times, and then I looked back and found that my teammates' Finger of Death and Doom had hit the minion.

Anyway, it can be clearly seen that these top students are not bad in strength and ability, but they lack practical experience and probably rarely compete with others.

But top students are top students after all. After overcoming the embarrassing mistakes caused by nervousness at the beginning, they quickly adjusted and imitated Lloyd's example, jumping out and each pulling out different styles of psychic blades. , fighting hand-to-hand with wooden stakes at close range.

"Ha! This thing is much easier to use than a gun!"

"Ice spike! Die!"

"Let me redeem your sins!"

After finding the right method, the damage output of the three people suddenly increased, and they killed a wooden stake in two or three strokes.

Lloyd also immediately absorbed a certain amount of madness through [Consciousness Tentacles].

[Ding~Insanity value +700]

700 points, really a risk level of 7?

Well...their speed, lethality, and intensity of mental pollution are worthy of this degree of danger.

Although its defense power is a bit low, it doesn't have the ability to adapt to damage like a karma demon, and its vitality is also a bit lower, but it has a more flexible body shape and faster speed. If there is no [Distortion Realm] to control it, it will probably be quite good. Tricky.

Anyway, in addition to being easy to eat and control, it is quite powerful overall.

And only [Distortion] can still control them. If it is replaced by [Veto], it is likely that the ability will fail due to insufficient understanding of it.

Even the distortion of consciousness is useless. They do not have some simple thinking consciousness like giant cicadas, and can only distort their perception.

Lloyd mentally evaluated the level of this new monster and gained a better understanding.

If there are no people with the [Distortion] system present, it is hard to imagine how much damage they can cause...

There shouldn't be many monsters of this level, right?

Those lunatics in the City of Joy couldn't possibly have made many, right?

While Lloyd was thinking about it in his mind, the three top students quickly killed another wooden stake.

But just when they were about to solve the third wooden stake, everyone present felt a line of sight coming from the distance on the horizon.

Although the gaze was far away and looked very mysterious, it was not as majestic as the saint's gaze, and it did not make people tremble. It just felt a little cold on the back, as if being looked at by a poisonous snake.

It seems that the controller of these monsters in the distance noticed something unusual about his subordinates and spied on them in some way.

After quickly scanning several people present, the gaze temporarily let go of the three top students and just focused on Lloyd and Elolo.

Lloyd also looked in the direction of his gaze without fear, engaging in some kind of distanced gaze.

In the end, less than a second later, the gaze actually chose to retreat and disappeared.

"Lecturer? Someone was spying on us from a distance just now."

One of the top students quickly reminded him.

"I know it's not a good time to stay here for a long time, so hurry up and solve it."

Lloyd responded, no longer greedy for the madness value, and chose to take the initiative.

He then used his inspiration to lock on all the seemingly critical organs and structures in the nearest demonic object, and launched the maximum physical distortion to destroy them all.

[Ding~Insanity value +700]

Then change to the next one, and the next one, and finally get rid of the one that the top students are besieging.


Lloyd opened a portal and let others go in first, while he paused briefly.

The corpses of the six monsters on the ground have not been disposed of yet, so why not...

In the name of Lloyd, the gift is twisted!

Lloyd consumed some of the reading progress of the "Book of Truth", left [Seed of Distortion] on the corpses, and set the maximum distortion effect.

Then he walked into the portal.

He hoped this would bring a little surprise to the sneaky voyeur.


After Lloyd and his group had evacuated for several minutes, the sight that had briefly flinched before was cast over again.

But this time, it was not just a simple peeping, but also wrapped in undisguised hostility and anger...

The heavy rain falling from the sky suddenly took on a dark green texture, as if it had turned from liquid into light.

And when these green raindrops fell on nearby buildings, a plume of dark green smoke suddenly rose up, followed by bursts of nauseating stench.

In just a few seconds, the entire neighborhood where Lloyd and the others were previously was completely shrouded in fog composed of dark green smoke.

After a few minutes, when the fog gradually dissipated, the entire block was completely unrecognizable. Whether it was the ground buildings or the underground structures, they were all covered with large and small pits, showing signs of corrosion and melting, looking like a piece of cheese soaked in water.

When normal raindrops fell again, just such a little bit of weak force caused the buildings here to collapse and shatter, turning into soft debris on the ground.

In the entire block, only the six monster bodies on the ground could still maintain the final integrity.

So the sight focused on these monsters one by one, as if to see if they could be rescued.

But after it checked all the monster bodies one by one, it couldn't help but reveal obvious disappointment and stronger anger in its sight.

Then, probably with the idea of ​​some kind of waste utilization, it issued some instructions to the corpse.

So the layer of tentacle tissue on the surface of the corpse quickly shrank and shrank, like a deflated ball, gradually turning into a weird dark green mark.

Then the mark burned up again, turned into an invisible force, and flew in the direction of the sight.

At the same time, in a luxurious theater near the city center, a businessman who looked about fifty years old slowly opened his eyes.

Next to him was a young man who looked like a theater waiter. The two were staying in a VIP box.

And outside this box, in the ordinary audience seats, on the stage, in the corridor, and in various other places, there were scenes of crazy behavior everywhere.

Some people were singing loudly, some were dancing, some were overeating, some were performing stage plays, some were holding French salons in the chaos, and some were even cutting their skin bit by bit with a knife, showing a crazy and satisfied laugh.

It was not limited to the theater. In the streets outside and in other buildings outside, there were such people everywhere, all of them were reveling as if they were welcoming the end of the world, enjoying the morbid joy that they could not enjoy on weekdays.

The theater was originally the most central and prosperous area of ​​the City of Joy, with institutions providing various services and enjoyment everywhere, and there was no interference from the cult to avoid destroying everyone's interest in enjoying themselves.

So when the turmoil came, this place was the first to fall.

But it did not lose its appeal because of this. Instead, more and more ordinary people ignored the cult's obstruction and tried every means to join here.

It may be because the usual consumption level here is extremely high, and few ordinary people can come here to enjoy; it may also be because these people accidentally noticed something and developed a kind of fanatical interest in this place.

So in just one day, this place became the center of turmoil, and it quickly spread and dissipated to other areas.

Those normal people outside thought that the people who came here were panicking or something, but in fact they were not. They just stopped suppressing their inner instincts and simply wanted to come here to enjoy themselves.

"Our 'old friend' is searching for us."

The young waiter in the VIP box whispered.

But he did not use human language, but more like ancient language, but it was not standard, should it be an ancient dialect?

His voice was not as masculine as his appearance, but rather revealed a strange feminine tone, as if he was deliberately speaking with a shrill voice, making him sound somewhat androgynous.

“It was Mizzkatok. I didn’t expect them to react so quickly and easily detect our presence.”

The merchant replied in the same language and voice.

"In the past thousands of years, those scholars have been one of our biggest enemies, and their sense of smell is naturally more acute than that of these low-level creatures today."

"They have destroyed my puppet and held the second target hostage."

"Oh! Madam, this is really regrettable news. Because of your arrogance and stupidity, our plan has deviated. Madam will no longer favor you."

"No, it's not that bad. Although the puppet is broken, I have successfully recovered the Madam's gift. I just need to find a better carrier for them, and I can have a stronger puppet."

The businessman said, stretched out his fingers and gestured twice, and some wavy patterns appeared in the air in front of him, and then formed a blurred water curtain, reflecting several figures inside.

It was the two lecturers from the history department who were leading several top students, looking for something on the street in the heavy rain.

But it was not smooth, and they were often stopped by the overly enthusiastic people on the street, inviting them to join the cocktail party, dance, and even salon party.

Although they refused with a look of disgust and determination, they were inevitably delayed in their search.

The young waiter also glanced at the water curtain, sneered, and asked:

"Can you handle it alone? Do you want to beg for my help?"

"Hehe, the strongest among them is active in the suburbs. You should first care about your own situation and don't get found."


The young waiter snorted coldly, and his figure instantly became transparent, then turned into a pool of liquid and fell to the ground.

The businessman smiled disdainfully, stood up and walked out of the VIP box, then used some means to locate the position of Mitzkatok and his group, and then held up a female parasol and walked towards them.

His steps looked unusually awkward, as if he was walking on tiptoe, similar to those people with ambiguous gender.

But it was still brisk and relaxed.

Although he alone could not fight so many Mizkatok scholars head-on.

Whether in the past or now, the "witch" is not good at head-on combat, that is too rude and too ugly.

So as the mistress's favorite daughter, he has always been known for his intelligence and cunning, and has ten thousand ways to play these rigid scholars.

"Well, let's have an appetizer first. When your life and death are at stake, can you still maintain your ridiculous sense of justice?"

The merchant showed a grim smile at the corner of his mouth, and stretched out his hand to point in the air.

Soon, Mizkatok and his party on the water curtain were surrounded by a large group of people.

These people all held various crude weapons, such as table knives, pitchforks, hoes, and even simple wooden sticks. They all had ferocious faces and bloodshot eyes, and they rushed towards Mizkatok's people viciously.

But these stupid scholars thought that these people were just innocent people whose minds were affected, so they didn't dare to take action and could only flee in embarrassment.

Then they were blocked in all directions...

Soon, an excellent student slipped and fell to the ground, and then was instantly drowned by those "innocent people", and in the end, not even a complete body was left...

But even so, Mizkatok still didn't intend to attack, but just tried to drive them away gently.

Gradually, they were caught one by one, and one died more miserably than the other.

"Hahaha, it's really funny. My favorite show is to watch these idiots die from their own stupidity."

The businessman said with satisfaction.

Then, someone beside him suddenly spoke up:

"Lecturer...why don't you give this guy a quick death? It feels creepy..."

"Well, it's really disgusting anyway."

The businessman was stunned for a moment, and gradually came to his senses. He found that the Mizzkatok scholars who had clearly died tragically at the hands of the mob suddenly appeared in front of him intact, and then looked at him with the eyes of observing some kind of experimental subjects.

"Ah this..."

He hurriedly tried to resist, but found that his body and limbs had long disappeared, and only his head was left on his body?

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