I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 385 384 Lecturer, what are you doing?

Chapter 385 384. Lecturer, what are you doing?

"Who knows... In short, just think of them as a slightly smaller karma demon."

Lloyd shrugged and briefly weighed the combat capabilities of both sides in his mind.

The enemy is six suspected weakened versions of Karma Demons, and their danger level should be between 6-7.

On our side are four fourth-level ones plus one saint.

Except for Lloyd himself, who is the fourth level, the attributes of the three top students are basically around 100 points, which is obviously better than the fourth level outside. The system is a [redemption], a [law], and a [law]. Ancient Mage]

This is the conclusion that Lloyd got through [probing], and 0-006 made a preliminary estimate of the combat power of these people before setting off.

Among them, the core Saint Elolo has a combat power of 5.

The combat power of these three top students is estimated to be more than 200 Elolo...

Among the entire project team, the one estimated by 0-006 to have the strongest combat power is the bald mage Bartolo, who can kill 2,000 Elolos.

As for Lloyd himself, 0-006 did not give a combat strength assessment based on what considerations he had.

The comparison of strength between the enemy and ourselves is probably like this. Lloyd made a simple estimate and came to the conclusion——

The advantage is mine! Tend to be optimistic!

But even so, Lloyd quickly formulated a set of exquisite and thorough tactics:

"The enemy is a bit tricky, we need a safe and prudent tactic, so let's do this——

I'll deal with the three on the next street, and then I'll take care of the other two. You can find a way to help me contain the closest one. "


The three top students were stunned for a moment.

Is there any essential difference between your tactics and going ahead directly?

"Well...it's not that I question the instructor's strength, but if we face the three heads alone..."

An honors student was trying to persuade Lloyd to calm down, but the honors student who was hiding by the window to observe the situation suddenly interrupted:

"Wait! Something's wrong, they seem to have stopped?"

Lloyd also quickly took a look outside and found that the nearest Karma Demon was no longer walking in the rain, but was frozen in place, twisting and shaking.

"Is it going crazy?"

Lloyd asked quickly.

"No...this is a habit that ordinary karma demons don't have. It looks a bit like...waiting for me to confirm it with inspiration."

The top student said, boldly releasing some weak inspiration, but with just a light touch, he immediately retracted it.

[Ding~Insanity value +53]

[Ding~Insanity value +122]

[Ding~Insanity value +27]

A panel prompt came to Lloyd's ear immediately.

What a strong mental pollution!

Although the single value is not high and fluctuates greatly, the frequency is a bit scary. Just contact in less than one second, and there are three waves of mental pollution?

Although the top student's condition was not bad, and with Lloyd helping to share the burden, he would definitely be fine, but his expression suddenly changed and he whispered:

"They... seem to be receiving and transmitting some kind of information? Is someone controlling them? How is this possible?"

"Wait a minute! You mean controlling monsters? It's definitely impossible for humans. Could it be... that those 'witches' have resurrected?"

Another top student with a history major in etching said quickly.

Lloyd was wondering what this 'witch' was when he saw the monster on the street suddenly turned around and looked towards the house where he was hiding.

Then, a lot of panel prompts came to his ears:

[Ding~Insanity value +215]

[Ding~Insanity value +22]

[Ding~Insanity value +6]


Then, six roars came one after another in the nearby air, followed by the sound of heavy footsteps 'dong dong dong'.

It means that the six monsters here have discovered the hiding enemy at the same time and are rushing towards them quickly.

"Oops, they found us! Just follow my plan just now and do it!"

Lloyd said immediately without hesitation, then directly summoned his [Projection] and shouted lowly.

The white dough-like [Projection] then punched hard, smashing the wall in front of him with one punch, opening a passage for Lloyd, allowing him to jump out and jump to the street outside.

While Lloyd's figure was still in mid-air, he directly activated his [Distortion Realm] to maximize the coverage area.

With the range that he could expand with 300 [Inspiration] points, he directly covered the entire nearby street.

The monster closest to him was stunned and stopped running temporarily, but it recovered in just two seconds and rushed towards Lloyd.

It was extremely fast, and in just a blink of an eye, it arrived in front of Lloyd. The tentacles wrapped around its body shot out like sharp black arrows, attacking Lloyd in its eyes.

Lloyd seemed not to have expected the speed of this thing to be so fast. He froze on the spot and did not make any reaction.

Ai Luoluo, who was still hiding in a private house, saw his lover being attacked. His heterochromatic eyes suddenly widened, and he was so nervous that he even forgot to scream.

Then she saw the monster furiously typing at a mailbox a few meters away from Lloyd, tearing the mailbox into pieces in the blink of an eye, and even the letters inside were turned into confetti by an invisible force.

Lloyd, who was standing next to him, was not only unscathed, but also showed an awkward smile, and whispered an apology:

"Sorry, I really overestimated you before."

After that, he turned on the distortion function at a subtle level.

The flying confetti seemed to instantly turn into a pile of sharp blades, leaving large and small and dense wounds on the monster's body while slicing through it. It took only a second for it to be covered with wounds, and a sticky blood like motor oil was gushing out of its body.

But it seemed to be unaware of the pain, still waving its tentacles wantonly, fighting wits and courage with the air, and never found where Lloyd really was from beginning to end?

"It...what is it doing?"

"It doesn't seem to know where the enemy is?"

The two top students, who were originally nervous and thought they were going to fight for their lives, were now full of astonishment.

"Look, the same is true for the few here."

Another top student shouted again.

The few people who hadn't had time to join the battle quickly looked at the monsters rushing from the other direction.

They were either frantically attacking the electric poles, or showing off their output capabilities against the manhole covers, or taking out their anger on a roadside restaurant, but they just couldn't find where the real enemy was.

This scene made the top students feel astonished and refreshed their worldview.

"What kind of power is this? Why can it turn them into blind people and fools?"

"Is this... Is this the strength of the winner of the Outstanding Contribution Medal?"

"Ah! I thought of it. If nothing unexpected happens, this should be... [Distortion]?"

"What? The [Distortion] that is said to be the strongest but is completely unsuitable for humans? Is Lecturer Lloyd from this system?"

"Is this [Distortion] so strong? It can even control monsters at the level of the Demon?"

"Wait... Let's put the system aside for now. Do you feel that we don't seem to suffer much mental pollution? Logically speaking, any roar of the Demon can bring tons of mental pollution."

"I feel it. I have indeed suffered mental pollution. It makes my eardrums sting, but it doesn't seem to have any substantial impact on me? What's going on? Is it this invisible strand of hair on my head?"

"Who exactly is Lecturer Lloyd? And... why doesn't he do anything? Just stand outside in the rain?"

As the top students talked, they found something abnormal about Lloyd.

Obviously, these monsters didn't notice him, and they wouldn't fight back if attacked, but this lecturer had no intention of attacking at all. Instead, he was observing something leisurely?

Isn't he afraid that these monsters will break free from his control?

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