I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 370 369 My sister can testify!

Chapter 370 369. My sister can testify!

In Lloyd's opinion, this "academic paper" has no title, no introduction, no illustrations, no annotations, no references, and even no signature. It is simply "three-no" to the point of being ridiculous.

Not only do we not know who wrote it, but we also don't know where it came from and when it was written?

The key is that Lloyd feels that the author's motives are impure and his intentions are ill-intentioned. Although most of the space is promoting the dangers of "deep consciousness diving", but in the words and deeds, it is quietly encouraging more people to try it, and believes that this will discover real treasures and wealth.

So it is said that three-no papers are harmful!

Lloyd cursed in his heart, and then thought of another question-

Why did he get such a paper when he [Meeting the Saint]?

Could it be...

Written by Hiltina?

Or...is this the black part from the spiral tower?

But that area looks like a different space, so the knowledge gained should be related to space, right? How did it involve this kind of suicidal thesis?

He still remembered that this black spot suddenly appeared after the confrontation with the hexahedron statue. At that time, he thought it was related to space, but it turned out not to be the case?

Lloyd was confused and wanted to find someone to discuss it. Hiltyna was the best.

But she should be busy meeting with other saints right now, right?

Lloyd could only shrug his shoulders and leave the [Thinking Field], then took out his pocket watch to check the time.

It was almost 11 o'clock, so let's talk about it tomorrow morning...

Because he fell asleep in the academy today, there was naturally no Eloro or cute junior school girl around him, only the little kitten beside the pillow to accompany him to sleep.

But Lloyd was sleeping, and suddenly heard a fragmented and vague mumbling in his ear, as if someone was talking in his ear.

A sudden headache came with it, and inspiration and strange intuition began to beat the drums and prepare for the feast, which woke him up suddenly.

Then he heard the panel issued a prompt:

[Ding~ Madness value +5000]

What is this?


I'm afraid it's not that simple...

Lloyd was scared and quickly opened the panel to check it again.

The status is still [Normal]

There are no more prompts, only the previous 5000 points.

But Lloyd can still remember clearly that the mumbling was actually very short, so short that it was like a human greeting.

If it weren't for the pain in my head, coupled with the timely reminder of inspiration and strange intuition, if the mumbling had said a few more sentences, the consequences would be unimaginable...

When I fall asleep, the panel can't work...

Not good...Am I being targeted by some ruthless character?

Want to kill me in my sleep?

Or am I too inspired and heard something I shouldn't hear?

The more Lloyd thought about it, the more confused his mind became, and the more uneasy he felt.

The kitten beside the pillow was also woken up by him, and seemed to have noticed Lloyd's uneasiness. It quickly got into his arms, kept acting cute, and wanted to comfort its owner.

This made Lloyd relax a little. He quickly picked up the kitten and kissed it hard twice, then took a few deep breaths, forced himself to calm down, and then looked at the time.

It was only 3 o'clock in the morning, and it was still early before dawn.

But Lloyd was still frightened and didn't dare to sleep anymore. He quickly took out the student handbook and tried to send a message to the dean, telling him briefly about the situation.

Unexpectedly, Dean Hazlade replied quickly:

"Come to my office."

Lloyd put down the kitten and let it continue to sleep. He quickly opened a portal and went to the dean.

As soon as he landed, he felt a burst of inspiration entangled up and checked himself.

Then, a bright flashlight suddenly appeared in the air, and it flashed around while Lloyd was not paying attention.

"Oh my! I'm blind!"

"Well, it's good that I'm blind, which means the situation is not bad."

The dean said with a relieved tone, and then sighed:

"Fortunately, you woke up quickly, otherwise..."

"So what did I encounter?"

Lloyd grabbed a chair and sat in front of the dean's desk, asking with lingering fear.

"It's a low-probability event. You accidentally came into contact with the [Thinking Field] emitted by a high-level existence. This is very dangerous."

"The [Thinking Field] of a high-level existence? How could I encounter such a thing? I didn't do the 'Deep Consciousness Dive'?"

"Well? How did you know about the 'Deep Consciousness Dive'?"

Lloyd quickly told the dean about the [audience with the saint] today.

Then the dean asked in a surprised tone:

"How is this possible?

"Deep consciousness" was completely banned long before the end of the world, and most of the relevant documents and records were destroyed. Even the word itself was listed as a taboo that must not be mentioned. I only saw this word in the top-secret documents of the past after I took over the academy."

"Ah? This..."

Lloyd felt like he had touched an electric switch and was numb.

"So I just did a 'deep dive' unconsciously in my dream? But I don't understand this at all. The little knowledge I know is all about its dangers, which makes me wary of it."

"Some things don't necessarily need to be learned before they can be learned. This is related to talent or instinct. Your vigilance against 'deep dive' has inadvertently formed a kind of attention to it..."

The dean explained it first, then conjured a document record on the table, flipped through it, and continued:

"This is left over from the glorious past. The 'deep dive' in it is just a progress. A brief description was given. It is the small part that was not destroyed that year, right?

According to the brief description above, ‘deep consciousness dive’ is undoubtedly an extremely dangerous suicidal behavior, and it may be related to the subconscious mind. This means that many times, humans will unconsciously make such dangerous actions, so the more attention they pay to it, the deeper the impression it leaves in the subconscious mind...

And according to some of my subsequent secret investigations, I found that the higher the inspiration, the faster the genius students progress in the extraordinary way, the greater the chance of encountering such things. "

The dean's words reminded Lloyd of Olga's advice.

Those young, teens, level three and level four geniuses, without exception, all died halfway...

If nothing unexpected happens, some geniuses encountered the previous thing, and then died in their sleep without resistance.

Although I am a little old, in my early twenties, I didn't expect to encounter such a thing?

And the trouble is that such a dangerous action is actually ‘subconscious’ and ‘unconscious’, which is too pitfall, right?

Lloyd vaguely felt that the danger involved in this "deep consciousness dive" was like an invisible shackle and chain, trying to restrain humans in some way? To prevent humans from emerging as geniuses?

No, this idea is not perfect and has many loopholes...

Although all those geniuses who were eager for success died, there are still more geniuses who are steady and steady and have become talents, such as Olga, who is in her thirties and has reached the fifth level, or the young housekeeper in the notes.

They are just a little slower. If you look at it from the perspective of the grand narrative, this difference is completely negligible.

Then could this not be a shackle or restriction, but a kind of screening?

Lloyd was thinking divergently, but heard the dean whispered:

"Don't think too much, don't ask too much."

Lloyd couldn't help but shudder and quickly gathered his thoughts.

Good thing, I almost fell into it!

Lloyd was still in a state of fear. For things like this involving the subconscious realm, the more you think about it, the greater the probability of encountering it.

"What should I do in the future? Should I stay awake all the time?"

He asked hurriedly.

"Not that bad, not that bad. Although it is indeed very dangerous, it is not 100% fatal, and it is not something that will happen every time you fall asleep."

Dean Hazlade comforted him first, then stretched out his hand and swiped on the table, turning it into a table, and continued:

"In fact, you are not the first student to encounter such a thing in the academy. There have been many before you, but the number of people who eventually died or fell into madness was less than a hundred, accounting for only 70%."

"How much?!"

"70%... Don't think it's too little. Compared with the danger, a 30% survival rate is already very high, right? Besides, this is also a low-probability event."

"Well... objectively speaking, it seems to be true... But what if I become that 70% one day?"

Lloyd asked worriedly.

The dean did not answer directly, but instead had some inspiration, checked his body again, and then asked a very strange question:

"Are you already living with Hiltyna? Do you sleep in the same bed with her every night?"

"No!!! No!!! No!!!"

Lloyd stood up suddenly, waved his hands again and again, and quickly explained:

"I have always been a reserved and conservative young man, not that bold."

"Huh? That's very strange..."

The invisible figure of the dean rubbed his chin, and then asked:

"Then are you with 0-266 every night?"

This... How did he know?

Lloyd panicked all of a sudden, feeling the embarrassment of a scumbag who was caught by his father-in-law after having two affairs at the same time.

He quickly defended himself:

"No...no, I'm at home every night, my sister can testify for me...Why do you suddenly ask this? This has nothing to do with our topic, right?"

"Not unrelated, but closely related."

The dean's tone was a little more amusing, as if he had seen through Lloyd's disguise, but he didn't expose it, instead he said:

"Your current spiritual power and inspiration are almost the same as the sixth level, and your rank is not bad. At the same time, you are involved in three systems, and you can still achieve one fourth level, one third level, and one entry level. This is an incredible speed, surpassing all previous records...

So your talent can't be said to be very good, it can only be said to be unprecedentedly excellent."

When the dean said this, he paused for a moment, which made Lloyd's heart tighten. He hurriedly thought about how to explain his excellence and how to make the dean believe that this was all due to his own hard work, not cheating.

As a result, the dean did not delve into it at all, but even found an excuse for him:

"Of course, this is normal for you. If it were in the glorious era of the past, it would be a little better than those [Brilliant Gold] back then...

So according to your excellence, it would be reasonable to encounter the "deep consciousness" earlier, but you encountered it today, a big reason is the attention and protection from the saints, which is the best way to prevent the "deep consciousness".

Of course, this is not the general attention, but the kind of closer and more trusting, just like your relationship with Xildina."

After listening to this explanation, Lloyd finally understood.

It turned out that he went to play with Ai Luoluo every night, but he was inadvertently protecting himself?

And in the academy, it seems that Xildina would run to his bed from time to time to "cheat"?

In addition, this is a low-probability event, and I have never heard of "deep consciousness", so I didn't catch up until today.

If I continue to associate this, this kind of thing is indeed more like "selection" than "shackles"?

Because I have been chosen by a saint, I will not be "robbed of my love" by others?

Lloyd just made a simple association and didn't dare to go deeper. He continued to ask:

"Then... how should I prevent this kind of thing in the future? I can't really be with Xildina every day, right? Isn't it not good?"

"Wouldn't it be right for you to get married as soon as possible? Then I can feel at ease..."

"No, no! She is a saint, and I am only a fourth-level rookie. The gap is too big..."

"It seems so... The gap in strength and status is too big, which is easy to cause emotional discord. What's more, Xildina can no longer fulfill the responsibilities of a normal wife, which is even more likely to cause many conflicts..."

Lloyd was very curious and wanted to ask what the "responsibilities of a normal wife" are? But before he could open his mouth, he heard the dean continue to add:

"Why don't you move to a mental hospital? I can help you arrange a special care ward, which should be quite safe."

No... Who would go to a mental hospital for no reason? I'm not crazy...

Lloyd muttered to himself and asked again.

"Uh... Is there a better way?"

"You can use your credits to exchange some sleeping pills from the medical department, which will allow you to enter a deep sleep state and minimize brain activity. It should be able to effectively reduce the probability, right?"

No... Who would take medicine for no reason? I'm not sick...

Lloyd also felt like crying, so he had to put forward his own idea:

"Then I remember some rituals or incense that can also help with sleep. Can I use this instead?"

"Theoretically, it should be fine. There are similar equipment in the engineering department. You can go and ask."

The dean said, and then persuaded:

"But this method is not as safe as having a saint by your side..."

"Well, I know, but Xildina is everyone's saint, and I still don't want her to worry too much about me."

The dean was silent for a moment and replied:

"It's good that you have such an idea, but... Oh~ Forget it, I won't care about your young people's affairs. Anyway, you don't have to worry too much. This unconscious "deep consciousness" is only a low-probability event after all.

What's more, you successfully woke up on your own the first time you encountered it, which is not easy... ...So don't make yourself too nervous or too concerned, that will increase the probability. "

"Well, okay, I understand."

Lloyd nodded, and then asked a previous question:

"Then according to you, most of the knowledge related to this "deep consciousness" should have been destroyed? How did I learn it?"

"This...you can only ask Xildina, after all, it happened during the audience with her, and I don't know your [thinking field] as well as she does."


Lloyd nodded, and asked boldly:

"Since you met during the audience, could it be..."

"That's impossible, Xildina doesn't know much about this "deep consciousness", after all, even I don't know much. "


In this way, Lloyd passed this level without any danger and returned to the dormitory again.

But now he definitely can't sleep, so he just wants to brush the student handbook.

But at this moment, he felt that his [projection] became a little restless, as if he wanted to penetrate his body.

Lloyd quickly released the [Projection], and then he saw his beautiful childhood sweetheart coming to him.

"Huh? Why didn't you sleep?"

Hiltina asked curiously.

Lloyd then told her about the previous [audience with the Saint] and the subsequent "deep dive of consciousness".

But Hiltina's reaction was a bit strange:

"Huh? You actually met her now? I thought you would have met her earlier, it seems that you are quite lucky?"

Compared to Dean Hazlade, Hiltina must know Lloyd's situation better and had guessed that he would encounter such a thing.

But there was no reminder...

Well, it's better not to remind me about this kind of thing...

"So I'm curious, where did that piece of knowledge come from?"

Lloyd is obviously more concerned about the abnormality of his [Thinking Field].

The knowledge he gained this time is the dangerous "deep consciousness dive", what about next time? Will something terrible be stuffed directly into his brain?

Hiltina is very concerned about this problem, so she twisted her chin and thought for a long time, but finally shook her head helplessly.

"Sorry~ Lloyd, I don't know either, because everyone's [Thinking Field] is too private, I can only try my best to protect you. This time it's all my fault. I was busy arguing with those guys and didn't care about you."

As she said that, she showed a pitiful expression again, shook Lloyd's arm like a spoiled child, and whispered:

"I will sleep with you every day in the future, okay? This way you don't have to worry about encountering such things."

Lloyd scratched his head and said with a wry smile:

"Ahaha... That's not Yes, I can handle it myself. After all, if I have to rely on you for such a small matter, what will I do if I encounter more difficult things in the future? You are a saint, you can't devote too much energy to me alone. "

"That does make sense, but you are not thinking of using this as an excuse to secretly find the little girl in the City of Joy, right?"

"How is it possible? I must stay at my own home every night, my sister Evelor can testify to it!"

"That's true..."

Hiltina nodded, but her face was still suspicious.

Lloyd was afraid that she would continue to ask questions, so he quickly changed the subject:

"By the way, how did you discuss with the other saints? Is there a way to deal with the changes outside?"

Speaking of this, Hiltina immediately laughed easily and nodded.

"The result is unexpectedly good. Bayer's mental state has recovered a lot and he can give a lot of effective suggestions. "

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