I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 369 368 A novel way to commit suicide

Chapter 369 368. A novel way to commit suicide

Let's take a look at the panel first...

Lloyd felt a little confused in his mind, so he opened the panel while rubbing his temples, and then took a look at his mental state at first glance.

Well, fortunately, it's still normal.

He was relieved, and then noticed that there were 25 attributes waiting to be distributed below.

This means that I suffered 50,000 points of mental pollution and upgraded by 5 levels?

It's not the first time that Lloyd suffered mental pollution during the [Meeting with the Saint], but it's the first time he suffered so much.

Is it because there are two more spirals on the tower?

But the blue and white one is indeed a legitimate [materialization] system, and I did gain some knowledge in that area this time.

And this black one...

Lloyd stared at the black spiral carefully and found that it was different from the previous one.

That deep black color that was like a bottomless abyss was actually flowing slowly?


Lloyd quickly went back to the panel prompts, and sure enough, in addition to the madness value and various messy fragments, he found a special prompt:

[Ding~ Knowledge fragment +1]

In addition to fragments, there are actually fragments?

Lloyd was a little surprised, but he didn't rush to browse the extra knowledge in his mind, but read the content behind the panel first.

Although he had obtained a lot of fragments before, his skill level had not been upgraded, and the progress of "The Book of Truth" had not changed much.

Then he used the attribute points he had just obtained, 5 points of [rationality], 10 points of [spiritual power], and 10 points of [cognition]

After adding, all his attributes had 550 points, and he became a balanced water tank again.

Lloyd then turned off the panel and sorted out the knowledge that grew like weeds in his mind.

He has mastered a lot of knowledge in the [Veto] system. Although the specific skill level has not been improved, the function of [Veto Declaration] has become stronger, and it is still a very practical enhancement-

He can now veto the defense of some monsters, and even the defensive abilities of some extraordinary people.

Of course, if these powers are too mysterious and beyond his cognition and understanding, the effect will be "resisted".

This improvement can be said to be very large for a normal third-level veto system extraordinary person. [Veto] itself is not a system that is good at direct damage. This kind of lowering defense combined with weapon attacks is their main means of damage output.

But for Lloyd, the improvement is relatively limited. His [Extraordinary Swordsmanship] is still very strong, and his gun skills are also very accurate. Moreover, with the help of [Distorted Realm], the damage ability is still very strong.

Maybe this is the reason why the skill level has not been improved even though the new function has been enabled? The panel no longer looks down on this not-so-obvious improvement?

Of course, it may also be that [Veto Declaration] has now become a fusion skill, and the skill level has reached level 7, which should be considered very high, right? So it has become difficult to improve?

But anyway, the "progress bar" to the next [Transcendence] has been pushed forward by more than one-third. After two more times, the fourth [Transcendence] of the [Veto] system can be carried out.

Coincidentally, someone sent a complete set of the corresponding materials last time, so there is no need to worry about this.

As a result, [Distortion] was dragged down and basically did not obtain any knowledge fragments in this area. I don’t know if it is because the four-spiral tower occupies a part of the "flow", or if the spiral tower alone is not enough?

After all, [Veto] has Hiltina, and [Meeting the Saint] is equivalent to directly learning the knowledge she has mastered, which is of course well-organized, systematic, graded, and coherent.

On the other hand, the [Distortion] system does not have a saint, and the knowledge that can be obtained is very miscellaneous, fragmented, chaotic, and casual, and it is also very unsafe, and of course it is difficult to compare in terms of efficiency.

So the existence of the saint is not only to help resist spiritual pollution, but also has this kind of effect in organization and teaching.

People outside say that saints are great, and this is true...

So no matter how close I am to Hildyna, I always feel that I am not worthy of her...

Lloyd thought about it, shook his head, and continued to look at other knowledge in his mind.

He also gained a lot of knowledge on [materialization], and directly reached the point where he could perform a second [transcendence].

But how to say this knowledge...a little embarrassing?

It's all about how to build [projection] and write [story]. But Lloyd already has [projection], and he doesn't plan to take the path of [story]. So this knowledge can only be regarded as consolidating the foundation, not raising the upper limit.

Fortunately, it's not completely useless. At least he can now make his [projection] present a specific image in the eyes of outsiders, and he can also "customize" the image, so he won't be like before, only able to release a ball of spiritual power that others can't see.

It's OK, I'll read it in depth later...

Lloyd nodded with satisfaction, and focused on the very special 'knowledge fragment' he got at the end.

Since it's called a fragment, the degree of completeness must be much higher than that of a fragment. After reading the whole article, it looks a bit like an academic paper.

But the topic and content...

Although there is no clear title, Lloyd summarized it himself and thought that the title should be called:

"How to commit suicide through a method called deep consciousness diving"

This is not to scare people, this "academic paper" is about this...

The so-called "deep consciousness diving" sounds a bit like the "space diving" he experienced before, and the form is also somewhat similar, both of which allow one's consciousness to leave the body and travel freely.

Even the degree of danger is similar, and it is possible to encounter various inexplicable dangers, and then die suddenly or fall into madness.

It’s just that the direction and field of ‘deep dive’ are different. ‘Space deep dive’ is to let the consciousness go deep into the other space to die; while this ‘consciousness deep dive’ is to visit those high-level beings and resonate with their consciousness…

The ‘high-level beings’ mentioned here are obviously not human transcendents, but those big guys at a higher level…

The paper does not elaborate on what kind of ‘big guys’ they are, but only affirms the existence of such creatures, and believes that these powerful creatures have wisdom and power beyond humans, and their consciousness can form a certain [thinking field]

‘Consciousness deep dive’ is to enter the [thinking field] of such creatures, communicate with them, exchange knowledge, and seek resonance.

As for the benefits of playing like this, the ‘academic paper’ has not had time to mention it, but only briefly explains the possible consequences.

For example, what instant madness, or the body disappears directly out of thin air, or the consciousness is imprisoned forever, or the brain is directly burned by the knowledge that suddenly pours in, or the physiological functions of the body are inexplicably suspended, etc.

There are probably more than 30 ways to die, 13 of which are likely to happen, and the rest are painful or inexplicable.

And this "academic paper" mainly wants to explore how to commit suicide safely, and wants to serve as a starting point for others.

In short, after reading this, Lloyd felt a tingling sensation on his scalp...

This method is too troublesome and painful to use for suicide...

How can such a thing be written? Could it be someone using it to write a paper?

It's also a starting point for others, I think it's more like throwing your head and dying!

Lloyd complained in his heart, and at the same time he was a little relieved. Fortunately, he saw such a thing that described the dangers of "deep consciousness diving". If it was a paper that taught how to "deep consciousness diving", maybe he would really try it?

This is really creepy to think about...

But then again, who would write such a paper?

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