I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 290 289 I am really a human being!

Chapter 290 289. I am really human!

Lloyd followed the old Professor Lawrence into the space portal.

The bald brothers outside waited until the portal completely disappeared before looking at each other, and then his younger brother Jayton asked:

"Then is it necessary to continue the duel between us?"

Brother Jie Duo shook his head and said:

"Let's go another day, I'm not very interested today."

As he said that, he looked back at the direction where Lloyd suddenly appeared before and asked:

"Did you control the direction of the spell at that moment just now?"

"No, if I had that kind of control, I would have proven myself better than you long ago."

"Me neither..."


"Then why do our spells fly to the classmates next to us? Do you have a pig?"

"Is it the sacred object on the new student? I felt the spirituality of at least three sacred objects in him."

"It must be a very powerful sacred object that can deal with my spell in such a twisting way. It seems that he is another rich young man..."

"Then why did he suddenly appear in the duel? Or at this time when there is no freshman enrollment at all?"

"I don't know, maybe he is the legendary recommended student? He is different from us mud-legged students...Compared to this, I am more curious about another thing——

This execution arena is surrounded by protective barriers arranged by space department instructors to ensure that attacks on the arena will not affect the surrounding areas. Why did it fail just now? "

"Perhaps this is the reason why Professor Lawrence suddenly appeared? He is the most mysterious professor in our college. He will appear in person. It is obvious that he encountered an unusual situation."

"It seems that this new student is also a powerful character. He is indeed a bit unusual. Being taken away by Professor Lawrence is big news worthy of being reported to the colonel."

"Haha, it doesn't matter. There are no mediocre people at Mizkatok University."


At this time, Lloyd didn't know that two bald heads were talking about him behind his back. After following the old professor through the portal, he actually came to a very sci-fi laboratory?

The overall style here is that of a silvery sci-fi future. There are all kinds of unnamed automated equipment floating in the air, calculating a lot of data on their own, and you can see various suspended light curtains everywhere, with scrolling lights on them. with a lot of information.

On the wall next to it is the same light curtain, which displays various data and icons, as well as some strange 3D models that are constantly rotating.

Anyway, the overall look is like a sophisticated laboratory that only appears in science fiction movies on the other side of the earth, as if it can incubate some kind of world-destroying virus or giant robots.

However, the dozen or so people here, including the old professor, all wore very stereotypical mage robes. It was just that the others did not wear such exaggerated big hats, but the characters and the background still seemed particularly inconsistent.

Lloyd carefully observed the researchers who looked like classical mages and found that they were all young. Maybe all the people present combined were not as old as the old professor, right?

He didn't react to his sudden appearance. He was still busy with the research at hand and didn't even look at him. It seemed that the old professor often brought strangers in?

Lloyd also discovered that on their shoulders, they were all wearing a pair of 'armbands' mentioned by the bald man before, and they all had at least three notches on them.

Does that mean these are all third graders?

By the way, what are the grade standards here? How are the disciplines of the "Department of Medicine" and "Department of Engineering" divided?

And is there anything wrong with my enrollment method?

Lloyd felt that his mind was filled with confusion and he needed someone to have a good chat with him. He couldn't help but shout in his heart:

Can anyone explain to me the specific settings?

Then he heard the old professor say:

"Come two people and do a mental assessment on this kid."

So two more mage-looking researchers quickly approached, and they were very unfriendly. As soon as they met, they took out a flashlight and dazzled Lloyd's eyes.

"Oh oh oh oh..."

After all, it was someone else's territory, and Lloyd didn't dare to make any mistakes, so he could only be shaken dizzy.

Another person asked him some very basic common sense questions, such as ‘Where do you live? ’, ‘Do you have a girlfriend? ’, ‘Name, height, education? ’ These, and then took out the color-blind tiles for Lloyd to identify.

This process is similar to the two scammers yesterday, but it is much simplified.

But the conclusion reached in the end was even weirder:

"Professor, he has normal human thinking and the appearance, limbs, and organs of a humanoid creature."

But what's even weirder is that the old professor is actually surprised by this result?

"Huh? How is that possible?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his skinny hand, held Lloyd's wrist, and with some inspiration, he inspected Lloyd's whole body in a domineering manner.

He was not 'burned' by Lloyd's inspiration, nor was he surprised by the spiritual power in Lloyd's body. He just tilted his head slightly, twirled the snow-white beard on his chin, and said with confusion:

"How can it be exactly the same as a human being? How is this level of simulation achieved? Has the science and technology outside now achieved some kind of rapid advancement?"

No... Is it possible that I am a human?

Lloyd couldn't help but say this in his heart.

The researcher who had just flashed his eyes with a flashlight became his mouthpiece and helped to say:

"Huh? Professor? Isn't he a human?"

"He is a freshman who just got the space brooch, and then he directly 'opened the door' and broke into the duel arena, causing the space barrier around the duel arena to fail, causing the two students to be attacked by the duel parties."

The old professor briefly explained the situation just now.


The researcher who had previously helped Lloyd to speak also showed the same surprised expression, and hurriedly stepped back a few steps, as if Lloyd had suddenly turned into some kind of terrible monster.

Seeing this, Lloyd finally couldn't help it and asked:

"Can you please... respect me a little? Even if I'm a freshman? Don't expel me from the human race for no reason?"

As a result, the old professor and the researcher ignored his words and discussed in front of him:

"Professor, he has a strong self-awareness of his identity as a 'human'?"

"Yeah, it's quite interesting. Maybe those crazy people in the biology department will be very interested in him?"

"Then where did he get his brooch? Did he snatch it from someone else?"

"I don't know. Check the brooch number."

"Okay, please wait... Got it. His brooch belongs to a recommended student named 'Lloyd', and it was jointly recommended by three honorary professors? Good guy, there hasn't been a joint recommendation of this level for a long time, but it's a pity that it has been killed by this guy..."

Lloyd really couldn't listen anymore. Are these guys mentally ill? Not only did they expel themselves from the human race, but they also accused themselves of murder?

Too much, right?

He was really angry now, and couldn't help shouting:

"What are you talking about? I am Lloyd! I didn't kill myself! I am not the weird monster you imagined!"

The whole laboratory suddenly became quiet, and all the researchers present looked at him.

The old professor frowned slightly and scolded in a stern tone:

"Why are you yelling so loudly? We won't hurt you."

"But I... I just came to school? Did I do anything wrong?"

Lloyd asked back.

"No, the pursuit of knowledge is the instinct of every living being."

The old professor answered calmly.

"Then why do you treat me like this?"

"What's wrong with us? We didn't attack you or imprison you, and we didn't ask you to compensate for the space barrier you damaged."

Lloyd was speechless for a while, feeling that he couldn't explain himself.

Although these people said that they were not human and that they killed people, they didn't have the slightest sense of tension. Their attitude towards themselves was also weird and unreasonable. It felt like they were not thinking like normal people at all?

Lloyd couldn't help but turn on [Enhanced Detection] and looked at the attributes of the people present.

Good guy, the weakest one among them also has 150 points in four attributes, and most of them are '? ? '

In terms of systems, there are even more diverse, including ordinary [Intelligence], [Manifestation], and rare [Ancient Mage], but what's more exaggerated is that there are even criminals in the [Disaster] and [Pain] systems?

Then in terms of mental state, except for the old professor, all are in a [Mild Madness] state...

But the threat level is not high, they are all the same '? ' as the two bald guys outside, just doubting themselves, but not showing hostility.

As for the old professor's panel, it's even more outrageous, it's actually blurry, and nothing can be [detected]?

Either he has some kind of anti-reconnaissance means, or he is no longer considered a human being...

So this looks like a high-tech science fiction research institute, but in fact it is more like a mental hospital?

No wonder this series of performances and behavioral logic are so strange...

Forget it, why bother with a madman...

Lloyd forced himself to find an explanation in his heart, shook his head, and said:

"I... forget it, whatever... but I have a lot of questions now, can anyone explain it to me?"

The old professor thought about it, gave a look to the researcher who spoke for Lloyd earlier, indicating that he should communicate with Lloyd, and then he swiped over a floating light screen and began to check the rows of data on it.

The researcher stretched out his hand and gestured in the air, and Lloyd immediately felt that there was something invisible behind him.

It seemed to be an invisible chair floating in the air?

There was also an invisible chair behind the researcher, and he sat on it, looking like he was suspended in the air in a sitting position.

Lloyd was a little curious and tried to sit on it.

Hmm...it's actually quite soft?

What a magical space technology...

"Okay, you can tell me if you have any questions, but don't yell like you did just now, it will easily interfere with other people's work."


Lloyd felt a little ashamed of his attitude...

He asked quickly:

"So why do you think I'm not human?"

"That's because your 'enrollment method' is too special. It's obviously beyond the limits of what humans can achieve, and it's also beyond our common understanding. So whether you are a human or not, in our eyes you are definitely No, or rather, it must not be.”

The researcher gave a very strange answer, then smiled and continued to add:

"You may think this kind of thinking is strange? But at Mizkatok University, this is a very common means of self-preservation - no matter what, don't believe in things that are beyond your own knowledge, even if they are real."

Lloyd nodded in understanding.

Do you feel like this is some way to prevent your own outlook on life from collapsing?

Although it sounds strange, it seems to make sense?

He had read in textbooks outside that the collapse of one's outlook on life or the collapse of one's cognition were both very dangerous situations, ranging from falling into madness to death with a headshot. They must be treated with caution.

So in this magical Mizkatok University, maybe it is indeed easy to encounter situations that can lead to the collapse of three views or the collapse of cognition?

Is that why these people have such weird thinking and only want to believe in what they can accept? Will he not be easily shocked and 'taken a breath of cold air', nor will he be 'horrified' at every turn?

Lloyd briefly thought about it in his mind and continued to ask:

"So what's wrong with my 'enrollment method'?"

"Well...please tell me how you got in first, right?"

"I received the invitation letter, knew how to use the brooch, and then I just figured out a way to use that brooch to get in. It took a lot of effort on my part to find the specific frequency leading here, and it took me several days... …”

Lloyd answered truthfully.

When the researcher with five scratches on his armband opposite heard that he did it in this way, his eyes suddenly widened, his pupils contracted rapidly, and even the corners of his mouth began to twitch.

It looked like he had suffered some kind of mental attack.

But he immediately calmed down and began to mutter in a low voice:

"You are not human...you are not human..."

After muttering a few words like this, his state returned to calm, and then he showed a wry smile and said:

"You really... chose the one that is least in line with human behavior among the many ways to enroll..."

"This...then how did others get in?"

"Wait patiently and find your own 'guide'. After the guide conducts a simple basic test, you can come in in a safe way."

The researcher replied, then asked another question:

"You have no guide?"

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