I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 289 288 Is this a welcome ceremony for freshmen?

Chapter 289 288. Is this a welcome ceremony for freshmen?

Lloyd ran to Weiya's office excitedly, said hello to her, and then shouted to the little kitten who was lazy on the desk:

"Xiao Mi, let's go, I'll take you to see the world."

"Meow meow meow!"

The little kitten happily pounced on him, was grabbed by Lloyd and put into his pocket.

"Remember to change clothes and leave a good impression on the new classmates."

Weiya reminded him quickly.

"Don't worry, I know."

Lloyd said, and then returned to the office, then opened the storage bag, picked out a light gray set of new clothes from the few new clothes Weiya sent yesterday, and then packed it up casually, without a tie or a watch chain, keeping a light and casual look.

Then he couldn't wait to tap the frequency he had just calculated on the brooch, waiting for the space rift to open and the black wooden door to emerge.

Of course, before opening the door, he still used his inspiration to confirm that there was no mental pollution and no gongs and drums, which meant that it was safe behind the door.

Lloyd pushed the door open and walked in. His vision blurred for a while. When he recovered, he had come to a wide square, which felt like the square in front of the school gate.

"This is..."

Lloyd was talking, and before he had time to see the surrounding environment clearly, he suddenly felt a burning heat and a severe cold, attacking him from the left and right -

On his left hand side, a basin-sized fireball was coming towards him, with a high-temperature green flame leaping on it;

On his right hand side, several slender ice spikes were coming towards him, flashing a cold and sharp cold light.

Lloyd didn't have time to think about it, and instinctively turned on [Distortion Realm]. The passive defensive distortion effect took effect instantly, forcibly changing the flight direction of the fireball and ice spikes, narrowly passing by him and attacking to the side.

At this moment, Lloyd saw a large circle of people around the square, men and women, young and old, even in different clothes and skin colors, with faces filled with excitement of watching the excitement, or the kind of surprise as if they had seen a ghost.

The only thing in common is that they all have a brooch of the same style as his on their chests.

It seems that this is indeed the Mizkatok University where he will study and live in the future.

But what is going on with this oncoming attack?

Some kind of freshman welcome ceremony?

Before Lloyd had time to think more, he saw the previous fireball and ice spikes, which were turned by him and directly smashed into the crowd of onlookers.

Two unlucky guys were unable to dodge and were hit in the face by the fireball, and another was pierced in the chest by the ice spike...


One of them was immediately roasted black and fell down weakly.

The other one grabbed the ice spike in his chest with both hands and yelled:

"Ahhhh!!! I got hit! I'm injured! I'm bleeding!"

The onlookers nearby also started yelling:

"Huh? Good! There's an accident! It's true! My divination is accurate! Hahahahaha!"

"Save people first! Is there anyone from the medical department? Oh no, someone from the engineering department is needed."

"Get out of the way, let me do it, I finally found a test subject for the life-revitalizing potion I just made yesterday..."

"I'm from the engineering department, but I didn't bring any tools with me, can anyone help me get it?"

The crowd of onlookers suddenly became a mess, and no one seemed to notice Lloyd who suddenly appeared.

Until two people ran to him from the left and right.

On the left hand side, there was a bald man with a mature face, probably in his forties or fifties, who was asking with concern:

"Hey? Classmate, are you okay? Are you injured?"

On the right hand side, there was a bald man with a burly figure, broad shoulders and a round waist, probably in his thirties, who was also asking:

"Classmate, which department are you from? How did you suddenly appear in the duel arena?"

Both of them had brooches on their chests, and they didn't look hostile.

"Ah? No... I..."

Lloyd felt that his mind was a little confused, so he quickly raised his hands and made a downward gesture, indicating to the two "programmers" to let him calm down and think about it.

First of all, the spatial coordinates he calculated were indeed correct, and this was indeed Mitzkatok University.

But for some reason, he didn't appear at the school gate or the freshman reception where novices should go, but came to some "duel arena"?

So the fireballs and ice spikes just now were not aimed at him?

But his subconscious reaction caused the students watching nearby to suffer, and it seemed that someone was killed?

Oh no, I was expelled right after entering school, right?

Why is this happening?

It was obviously the [Space Control] skill that I acquired after going through hardships and dangers, and it was obviously the spatial coordinates that I finally calculated. The two things together should have doubled the joy, but... why is this happening?

Lloyd suddenly felt a chill in his heart...

His mind was also a little numb, and he could only stare blankly at the classmate next to him whose chest was pierced by an ice spike. He was pale and painful, waving his hands desperately, struggling, refusing to take the potion that others handed to his mouth.

"No! I won't drink! Even if I die here, I will never drink your medicine!"

"Stop talking nonsense, drink it!"

"Don't come over here!"

The poor classmate ran away with two bright ice spikes on his chest, but he ran faster than a dog. The kind-hearted classmates who wanted to give him medicine could not catch up.

Lloyd was stunned for a moment, then pointed at the guy's back and asked:

"Uh... he's... okay?"

"Huh? Didn't you notice the armband he was wearing? There are five etchings on it, indicating that he is at least a fifth grader. This minor injury is nothing to him."

The 'old bald man' next to him opened his mouth to explain.

"Then he screamed so miserably just now?"

Lloyd asked again.

Another young bald man guessed:

"Perhaps you want to attract a young and beautiful school girl to come and help?"

Lloyd: "…………"

He then turned to look at another guy who was blown into black carbon by the fireball.

Two kind-hearted classmates were helping him. They were holding electric drills, hammers, welding guns, grinders and other equipment, and they were beating him hard. Then they picked up a pair of electrodes, rubbed them, and then pressed them on the victim. On the body.

With a burst of lightning, 'Black Carbon' suddenly sat up from the ground, then scratched his head and asked blankly:

"What happened to me just now?"

"It's okay, brother. It was just short-circuited by the high temperature for a moment. I have soldered it back for you."

"Is that so? But why is there only darkness in front of me?"

"Oh, wait a minute..."

Two kind-hearted people immediately picked up the grinder and polished his face. They quickly rubbed away the scorched part, revealing a normal human face underneath.

Apart from being a little discolored, it seems to be normal?

"Ah, I'm fine. Thank you for your help... I really shouldn't come here to watch the fun today. I should still take care of the flowers and plants."

‘Black Carbon’ sat up from the ground, bowed slightly to the two well-wishers, then turned and walked away.

As he walked, a few electric sparks would burst out from his body, or bits and pieces of screws and nuts would fall off...

"Ah...is he okay?"

Lloyd asked softly.

"Maybe it needs a touch of paint?"

'Old Baldy' said with a smile, and then looked at Lloyd carefully and found that he was not wearing anything on his right arm.

"Huh? Where's your armband?"

"This... my name is Lloyd. I am a new student who only received the admission notice two days ago, so I haven't gotten the 'armband' you mentioned yet."

Lloyd explained quickly.

I also turned on [Enhanced Detection] and took a look at the attributes of these two bald heads.

As expected, the four attributes are all ‘? ? ’, indicating that the detection limit of 150 [Inspiration] points has been exceeded.

As for the extraordinary system, it was also an [ancient mage] that Lloyd had seen once before, just like the guy in the antique shop.

As for the threat level, it is a ‘? ’, which probably means that you are not familiar with it yet and you are on guard?

As expected, there are no ordinary people who can enter this university...

Neither of the two bald heads felt Lloyd's [exploration], and the older one still subconsciously stated his name:

"My name is Jeddo, and this is my brother Jeddon."

Then he was stunned and asked again:

"Wait, you're a freshman?"

"How is that possible? It's vacation now and the new school year hasn't started yet. How can new students get in?"

His younger brother also asked with surprise on his face.

"Ah? This..."

Lloyd suddenly realized something was wrong...

At this time, the space in front of the three people suddenly distorted, revealing a space portal, and an old man with gray hair and beard walked out of it.

He was wearing the most stereotypical 'mage robe' and a big, pointed wizard's hat on his head. The wrinkles on his face were so deep that they could pinch a kitten to death, but he looked in good spirits. , the whole body is filled with that kind of "powerful aura" that is like a substance.

"Professor Lawrence! I never thought I would be lucky enough to meet you."

The two bald heads quickly said hello respectfully.

The old man who was called Professor Lawrence nodded slightly, which was regarded as a response, and then stared at Lloyd with a pair of sharp old eyes.

"I found out that there is a new student who entered the academy through unconventional means."

"Uh...Hello, I'm actually..."

Lloyd seemed to want to explain something, but saw the professor opposite him slowly wave his hand.

"Let's talk somewhere else. Come with me."

As he spoke, he turned back, stretched out his hand to draw the shape of a door in the air, and then saw a dark space rift and a portal emerging out of thin air.

This method seems much more powerful than tapping the brooch.

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