I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 247 246 My eighth level is stable!

Chapter 247 246. My eighth level is stable!

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, this long 'gamble' finally came to an end.

The housekeeper became the winner without any suspense, taking away Boss Olga's notebook and Boss Inisa's pop-up book.

In addition, there were two more large-amount checks as the next 'hush money'.

After he fuses and digests the two people's [Stories] later, and then performs a simple small ritual, he can complete the eighth [Transcendence] and become the 'Agent' who is only one step away from the Saint.

"Okay, congratulations to you, old friend. I hope you'll be alive to meet again next time."

Boss Olga still spoke very gracefully, but her face was a little pale and her facial expression was like a grin. I don't know if she was feeling distressed or because of the physical discomfort caused by losing [Story].

Boss Inisa also looked pale and grinned, and said directly:

"I'm too lazy to say those beautiful words. I just want to go and have a private meeting with my little cutie right now."

The butler spread his hands and replied:

"Of course, please do so, but please remember your previous agreement, so there is no need for those unpleasant quarrels to break out again."

The two losers have already discussed it in front of the butler, and will then go to Lloyd and invite him to help.

But for the sake of dignity and friendship, both of them will only talk to Lloyd once. No matter who he chooses to help in the end, there will be no more entanglement or revenge.

As for the remuneration promised to Lloyd, it has also been agreed upon, and it will be based on the butler's remuneration this time. The core is a material for promoting the [veto] system to level 5, and a sacred object starting with '5', and some knowledge, experience, or commitment.

This price is actually a bit high. Generally speaking, one piece of material or holy object, plus some additional conditions should be enough. This is the market price that has been agreed upon by the [Extreme] system for so many years.

It was only because Lloyd was so good that the two big guys were willing to pay a premium for it. After all, compared to the temptation of the eighth level, this reward was nothing.

And when the two people's asking prices are roughly the same, who Lloyd will help depends on the properties and functions of the sacred object, and what additional conditions the two can offer.

"Then let's go talk to Lloyd."

Boss Olga stood up from the table and asked Boss Inisa again:

"Should I go first?"

"It's up to you, as long as you don't rely on your wealth to make random offers."

Boss Inisa replied nonchalantly.

"Haha, I'm actually worried that you're asking for random prices. After all, you keep calling me 'little cutie'. Do you like this kid very much?"

"That's of course. You're good-looking and have a great figure, and you still exercise every day. You're much better than the little puppies I raised. How could I not like it?"

The two big guys bickered for a while, and then Olga took the lead to the second floor.

He first took a look at the condition of his nephew, who was lying on the bed with a pale face and a dreamy look on his face. He was also mumbling an unfamiliar name. It was obvious that he still had unfinished thoughts and had not heard from others yet. completely come out of the [story].

Are you caught up in such vulgar male and female emotions? What a disappointment...

Boss Olga complained in her heart, suppressed the disappointed look on her face, and walked into Lloyd's room.

Lloyd had already known in advance through the butler's narration that the two bosses wanted to see him, so he had been waiting in the room for a long time. When he saw the boss coming in, he quickly stood up to show courtesy, then nodded in a neither humble nor condescending manner, and said hello. .

"Hello, Your Excellency Olga."

"Hello, my shining star, your performance in the past three days has really impressed me."

Olga smiled and took out a small soundproof device from her arms to prevent others from eavesdropping. Then she omitted the greetings, explained her purpose straightforwardly, and then put forward her offer price:

"... Randolph said that you are a young man who will not disappoint. I am also very optimistic about your prospects, so if you can help me win a bet, I will definitely come up with something to surprise you. Generous remuneration...

I already know that Randolph promised to give you a fifth-level material of the [veto] system, plus a fifth-level sacred object, so I am willing to give you an additional fifth-level material, or a fifth-level sacred object, for a total of The three fifth-level rewards can be regarded as my investment in your future prospects.

In addition, I would also like to share with you some of the insights I accumulated when I was young. Of course, our family will always remember the friendship between you and me. "

Lloyd was stunned for a while while listening to it, and he quickly thought about it in his mind.

Meaning, he also wants me to be a shooter? Oh no, it should be called ‘reader’? And give so much?

But what the butler promised me was just a fifth-level material? Why did he say so much as soon as he opened his mouth?

After Lloyd thought for a moment, he roughly understood the butler's intention.

He obviously deliberately exaggerated the remuneration promised to him. In this way, if other big guys wanted to ask him for help, they would have to increase the price on the basis of "level five plus level five".

Mr. Randolph, you are so kind to me!

As for other additional conditions such as 'big boss' experience' and 'family friendship', they are also very good. If used well, they can also bring extremely high profits, but they are not as intuitive as the three-piece and five-level rewards.

Of course, Lloyd would definitely not tell the truth stupidly, but he also did not raise the price without any good reason. Instead, he looked as usual, showing that he did not care about these rewards, and replied:

"I value the friendship I can build with you more than these."

"Yeah, not bad."

Boss Olga nodded, seeming to like Lloyd's mentality, and continued:

"Think about it and write me if you're interested."

As he spoke, he left a business card with only a name and a symbol on it, and no specific address.

Obviously, he also has the same kind of 'messenger' as the butler.

After Olga finished talking, she was supposed to leave, but just when she was about to go out, she seemed to suddenly remember something, turned back, lowered her voice, and told Lloyd a 'little secret':

"Next, that old woman Inisa will come to you to talk about this kind of thing, and will even use her beauty to seduce you... I shouldn't have reminded you of this, after all, she and I are considered friends, but I really can't bear your talent to be wasted by her, and you will just sink next to her...

So, you'd better be careful about her and don't be fooled by her lies. This woman is the best liar. "

After saying bad things about others, Boss Olga left the room with a confident smile on his face, feeling that this matter must be achieved.

After all, compared to the price they had agreed upon before, he had secretly added a fifth-level reward. Is there any reason why he couldn't take it?

My eighth level is stable!

He couldn't help but secretly hum a happy ditty in his heart, and returned to the third floor with a solemn look on his face, as if the previous conversation was not pleasant.

Boss Inisa glanced at him, then stood up and prepared to go downstairs.

But before leaving, he specifically asked:

"You didn't raise the price without authorization, did you?"

"Of course not. I always tell the truth. Besides, no matter how outstanding your 'little cutie' is, he is only a second-level one. I am also a seventh-level one after all. How could I lose my dignity in front of newcomers?"

Boss Olga looked as usual and answered confidently.

"Huh~ I'll believe you once."

As Inisa said, she came to the second floor and took the same look at her little puppy first.

He was looking like a lovelorn person, looking out the window in a daze, with the feeling of being hopeless all over his body.

It's such a useless thing. It can't even resist the temptation in [the story]. It will definitely be deceived by other women in the future.

Inisa shook her head in disappointment, then adjusted her mood, put on a charming smile, walked into Lloyd's room, and took the initiative to say hello:

"Hello, my little cutie, I have long wanted to be alone with you."

"Uh...hello, Mrs. Inisa..."

"Bah! You are not allowed to call me madam, you have to call me 'Ms.', do you understand? You have to learn to use appropriate titles in order to gain the favor of girls."

Lloyd's scalp was numb and his heart was pounding at what she said. He couldn't help but take two steps back, fearing that if she disagreed with her, she would strike hard.

In fact, objectively speaking, Mrs. Inisa's appearance is not bad, and she can be considered a beauty. Compared with the girls around Lloyd, she is only one or two levels behind.

The figure is even more well-maintained, and is larger than Evraolgavia times Airolo.

But... I'm a bit older, and I look like I'm at an age where I like to play with steel balls, which is really scary...

And at this age, coupled with the more deliberate posing, it is even more overwhelming.

She is obviously more suitable for the dignified and elegant lady route, but she chose the hungry and thirsty rich woman route...

Lloyd was helpless and could only endure the discomfort in his heart. He was provoked by the other party's various words and patiently listened to the other party's offer:

"...So, the situation is like this, my little cutie, are you willing to do this favor for your sister?

Of course, my sister will definitely not treat you badly. You came here to help Randolph bully your sister. He just gave you a fifth-level material and a fifth-level sacred object, right?

Humph~ He is so stingy. As long as you are willing to help my sister, my sister will give you another fifth-level one. You can choose the material or the holy object.

In addition, if you have any questions you want to discuss with my sister in the future, my sister will not refuse. You can come to me with any questions..."

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