I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 246 245 I only need three seconds

Chapter 246 245. I only need three seconds

Lloyd listened to the narration ringing in his ears, watched the scenery in front of him change, and finally came to a classroom.

According to the 'narration' in my ears, I am a new student in this college, and I come here to learn knowledge and skills in the mysterious and extraordinary fields...

There were already several characters in student uniforms standing opposite him, each with a straight face and an extremely serious expression.

One of them was still shouting very loudly:

"I'm a fourth grader..."

"In the name of veto!"

Lloyd didn't even want to hear him finish reading his lines, but he was hit on the head with a [Gift Distortion].

"Why are you shouting so loudly?"

With a muffled sound, Lloyd's vision blurred and shrank, and he returned to the previous room.

This [story] ended like this, it ended just after it started...

A few seconds later, a middle-aged woman's voice came to his ears:

"You little bastard! Why don't you save some face for me? You're done in three seconds? Can you respect my rank? Really... such a fast boy will not be liked by girls. of!"

The tone sounded a little angry, making Lloyd almost laugh.

Then, Boss Olga commented from afar:

"Well done young man! I appreciate your simple and direct style the most!"

His tone sounded a bit gloating. He might have laughed out loud, right?

Finally, the butler commented:

"It's a bit too hasty... Actually, it's okay to experience Inisa's [story] a little bit. She was a famous best-selling author back then."

Hearing what the butler said, Lloyd immediately regretted that he came out in such a hurry and had nothing to do for the next few hours...

Fortunately, as another [story] was cracked, the analysis progress of the unknown fragment had reached 77.5%. More knowledge soon grew in Lloyd's mind, allowing him to have something to do to kill time.

This knowledge is still related to [Projection], and it seems to be at a relatively basic level, focusing on allowing [Projection] to perform some simple self-disciplined actions, similar to the AI ​​in Krypton Gold mobile games.

Although it is relatively basic and simple, it is exactly what Lloyd wanted.

In the future, whether it is arranging rituals, cleaning, or cooking, having a helper with simple intelligence will definitely be better than having to control and operate everything by yourself.

It's best to click 'Auto' and then it can do everything by itself.

In this way, when your "make big money" plan starts in the future, you won't need to hire too many workers, and you can squeeze out the surplus value as much as you want. It's wonderful to think about it.

Lloyd simply sat at the table in the room, took out his "Lloyd's Notes", and then while browsing the extra knowledge in his mind, he recorded what he saw and gained from this incident in his notes.

As this knowledge is browsed, panel prompts also come one after another:

[Ding~Insanity value +200]

[Ding~Insanity value +200]

Sigh... Although the insanity value is good, is there really no problem with this knowledge?


At this time, on the third floor, Boss Inisa was looking unhappy.

Her [Story] only lasted 3 seconds in front of this little bastard, Lloyd, which was worse than Olga. It was a total loss of face, which really made her a little angry.

"Obviously my 'plot' is most suitable for young people, but his behavior will make me doubt my writing skills."

"Don't blame him harshly for this. He just wants to make sure I win. He doesn't mean to target you."

The housekeeper quickly helped to smooth things over.

But Boss Inisa immediately laughed and changed his face faster than turning the page of a book.

"I know, so I just said it casually. I couldn't bear to criticize my little cutie."

In fact, from the perspective of the audience outside the venue, the [story] she brought can be said to be the most relaxed and the best experience among the three.

Unlike the "breathless" one like the housekeeper, and not "full of hesitation" like the boss Olga, the main theme of the story of the boss Inisa is "lucky and unwilling to miss home".

To put it simply, after the protagonist enters that college, he will meet all kinds of beautiful girls or boys one after another, such as intellectual seniors, well-behaved seniors, gentle neighbors, domineering seniors, perfect teachers, loyal best friends, etc.

The ‘plot’ is also a variety of warm daily life, with exciting but not dangerous fights, plus some funny and pretentious parts as embellishments, allowing the protagonist to reach the peak of life accompanied and surrounded by a group of beautiful girls.

Because a lot of space is used in character creation, her characters are more realistic and agile than the other two bosses, giving readers an excellent reading experience.

Even if it were sold as an ordinary story, it would definitely be a popular best-seller.

After some 'readers' enter it, even if they realize the problem, they will be reluctant to come out. There are even some people who have already left, but still want to go back and continue.

Through this choice of focus, we can also roughly see that the use of stories by Boss Inisha is not like the butler's, which is about killing people, nor is it like Olga's, who is aimed at other people's thinking, but for himself. Build fans and followers.

It is precisely because these three [stories] of three people have their own emphases, advantages and disadvantages, that is why today's bet is created, allowing the winner to merge the stories of the other two people, make up for his own shortcomings, and obtain more. More 'length', in order to advance to the eighth level and create a more realistic and complete [story]

"So...what happens after you advance to the eighth level? What are your plans?"

Boss Olga on the side no longer cares much about the outcome or the performance of the other two 'readers', but is asking about the steward's next plan.

The butler answered frankly:


As soon as these words came out, the other two big guys immediately switched to the position of 'old friends' and each said:

"Uh...it's been so many years, but you still can't let it go?"

"But you should know that this is very dangerous. Even the eighth level, or even the ninth level, may not be able to fight against the guy you described."

"I know, but this is my motivation and my [destiny]"

"Have you ever considered advancing to the ninth level? Everyone outside thinks that the seventh saint will come from our [Embodiment] system. Although you are the latest eighth level, you may not have no chance. After all, our system's [Transcendent Saint] , which is different from other systems.”

"When I complete my revenge, I might consider it."

"What if you can't come back?"

"Then...you can't come back."

Ruan Mei looks good, licks her well~

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