I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 153 152 Can you give me courage?

Chapter 153 152. Can you give me courage?

In any case, "Book of Truth" finally has a new function. Compared with the previous one where it only played the "Giant Stickman" comic strip and inexplicably ran to be a "Seed of Consciousness", it is finally much more practical.

As for this bracelet... I can't say it's completely useless, it can only be said to be better than nothing...

But it’s better than a cake with a cherry missing, right?

So Lloyd still sent a barrage in response:

"Haha~ Not a bad gift."

After receiving this response, Goldron dared to raise his head, then took a deep breath and whispered:

"It seems that my tribute is still better than the small cake."

Eloro suddenly felt embarrassed and quickly defended:

"Then I...I will give Lord Uther to the Lord next time."

She was talking about the plush octopus doll placed beside the bed...

Judging from her tone, she looked extremely reluctant to give up.

Jenkins noticed her reluctance and advised:

"We offer tributes just to show our respect to His Holiness, so I don't think there is any need to compare. After all, the things we can offer are just insignificant toys to Him."

When Lloyd heard this sentence next to him, he couldn't help crying or laughing, and couldn't help but sneered:

No, Lao Zhan, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business. I'm still thinking of getting a few more 'big brothers'.

It's a pity that in order to maintain his unpredictable and strong persona, he can only say this in his heart.

The four people on the chessboard were chatting about Goldron's experience, and Valdez was speaking:

"I didn't expect that the knowledge gifted by His Holiness would have such an effect. It's a pity that I didn't learn anything... But it's not bad to be able to withstand the impact of forbidden knowledge. Is that an effect that only holy objects can have?"

"Yes, and only holy objects above level 4 can have this kind of effect. However, holy objects of that level are controlled by the Holy Family of the Order. Our investigation team is not qualified to hold them. They can be kept privately. It’s an even more egregious illegal act.”

Goldron replied, his tone sounding quite helpless.

Jenkins said:

"Knowledge can also be divided into high and low, strong and weak. Low-level taboo knowledge may be dangerous to us, but it naturally pales in comparison to the great knowledge given by His Holiness. Now with the gift of His Holiness, I also have I feel confident that I can continue my wasted research.”

Ai Luoluo asked slightly strangely:

"Hmm... I would like to ask, can your Lord's gift make me stronger?"

Jenkins explained:

"If you can understand that piece of knowledge, you will definitely be able to become stronger. In other words, you must become stronger before you can truly understand it. Before that, it should just protect you from the impact and contamination of forbidden knowledge, right? "

After that, he asked again:

"Why do you suddenly want to ask this? Weren't you quite taboo about the extraordinary way before?"

"That was before..."

Ai Luoluo said, with a hint of obvious grievance in his tone, and continued to explain:

"In the past, I felt that staying at home every day and walking around town from time to time was a very happy thing. After all, my father said that girls can't run around...

But I don’t know what I’m thinking these days, and I suddenly want to go somewhere else... No, I’ve always wanted to go somewhere else, but in the past two days, this idea has suddenly become stronger? "

After listening to this, Jenkins tried to help analyze:

"Your mentality has changed like this, maybe because you have experienced the power and mystery of the Supreme Being, just like a traveler who sees a high mountain and doesn't want to stop moving forward, right? This is a good thing. With your Talent, it’s long past time to move forward.”

Valdes also chimed in:

"That is to say, isn't your father very powerful? He is also an expert in mysticism and engineering, and he is also a powerful person in a high position, right? Why don't you just start studying with him?"

"Ugh...but...forget it, it's nothing."

Ai Luoluo seemed to want to say something in defense, but he didn't say anything. He just shook his body from side to side, as if shaking his head.

When the topic came to this point, the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward. It seemed that everyone had nothing to talk about.

Lloyd, who was observing, could also understand. After all, it had only been three days since the last meeting. It was impossible for everyone to have experienced something like Goldron.

So today’s meeting has almost ended here, and I happen to have some discoveries that I need to think about.

So he replaced Jenkins and announced the breakup of the meeting with a barrage:

"Okay, that's it for today."


"As commanded."

"Looking forward to the next meeting."

Jenkins and the three of them responded one after another, and their figures slowly disappeared from the chessboard.

Elolo, who had always been the first to run away before, stayed uncharacteristically. He boldly raised his head and glanced at the 'audience' next to him. He didn't look back until he was dizzy, and then said pitifully:

"Your Majesty, if I offer you a small cake and Lord Uther, will you help... No, will you protect me?"

As she spoke, a gap opened in the chessboard in front of her, and a ball of furry stuff was thrown into it.

Lloyd lowered his head and saw a naive octopus puppet gradually appearing in his hand, and he couldn't laugh or cry at all.

If he had the ability, he wouldn't mind protecting this cute little girl...

But the question is, what can he use to protect someone far away in the City of Joy?

But if he refuses, will it damage his image as the Supreme?

When Lloyd was hesitating, Eloro below, perhaps seeing that he had not responded, took the initiative to say:

"I know very well that Little Cake and Lord Uther are just insignificant dust to you, but now... I really want to go out of town to see, but I dare not disobey my father's order, so... I just want more courage..."

"You really gave me a difficult problem?"

Lloyd scratched his head helplessly, and could only think about whether to strengthen her [Distortion] effect a little bit? Make her more 'strong'?

Just at this time, he noticed that the tentacle grass was dancing towards him, trying to attract his attention.

Lloyd took a look at it, and it immediately put on a chest-high posture, patting its chest, giving people the feeling that a project manager is bragging to a customer:

"Let me solve this requirement!"

"Okay, why don't you give it a try?"

The tentacle grass twisted proudly, and the two newly grown "arms" emitted two faint red lights, then stretched out and touched the octopus puppet in Lloyd's hand.

The two red lights immediately sank into the puppet.

Lloyd picked up the puppet and looked at it carefully, and found that it actually revealed some power of [Curse] and [Disaster]?

Then he felt a little itchy on his head, and the "Book of Truth" was spinning, but it was not opened.

Then he inexplicably understood that the octopus puppet was currently a low-level temporary holy object with a certain validity period.

The approximate function is that within the next thirty days, when Eloro is attacked or hurt, it will launch an attack of the [Curse] and [Disaster] system.

But the specific attack effect and power are random, not very strong, maybe very weak...

After launching once, or after the validity period of 30 days, the puppet will turn back into an ordinary plush toy.

Lloyd didn't expect that after the tentacle grass grew a pair of 'arms', the development ability actually became stronger? Can it directly hit the user's pain points again?

But these two systems...

Lloyd turned his head and looked at the new buds on the other side.

The blood-red one representing the consultant, the red on it faded a little, and the already sluggish state suddenly became even more listless, and the leaves drooped down.

Good guy, not only borrowing someone's 'tiger skin', but also wanting to pull out their strength, right? Really not letting others revive properly?


Well done! Pull! Pull hard! Pull more!

Otherwise, you really look down on the strongest eighth-level strength of others.

Lloyd felt amused, and even imagined a scene in his mind:

Eloro was attacked and let out a cry of "Ah".

The consultant suddenly flashed in front of her and said coldly:

"Leave Eloro!"

Then he shot out a beam of light and "bang" the enemy.

It's quite a déjà vu?

Lloyd then turned on the "gift" function on the screen, and the octopus puppet in his hand slowly disappeared and fell back onto the chessboard.

"Eh? Lord Uther is back again? Did the Venerable Lord reject me?"

Eloro said a little disappointed at first, but immediately felt the change on the puppet.

"Lord Uther seems to have become more powerful?"

Before she had time to think about it, she saw another line of text floating in front of her:

"Courage comes from your heart, not from others."

Eloro was stunned, the white bishop chess piece nodded, and said very seriously:

"Well! I know, I will definitely remember your teachings! I will definitely present you with a small cake next time!"

After that, her figure gradually disappeared.

As the meeting was disbanded, the last remaining 'white soldiers' also slowly disappeared, and the screen in front of Lloyd fell into darkness.

"It feels like our seminar is becoming more and more promising?"

Lloyd also concluded in a low voice.

Seeing that everyone's mental state is good, he was relieved.

And the [distortion] direction set before also worked.

Goldron has indeed become more cautious than before, and Jenkins also intends to resume his research, which should be starting to cheer up.

But I don't know if the degree of [Distortion] is set too low. Judging from the experience Goldron talked about, although he did investigation and preparation in advance, didn't he still rush directly towards the forbidden knowledge in the end?

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