I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 152 151 Just need to witness

Chapter 152 151. Just witness

Although Lloyd decided to borrow the consultant's "tiger skin", he still placed a "ban" on the consultant just in case.

Lest he suddenly talk in his sleep...

Then he posted another barrage:

"Don't help him, just witness."


Jenkins was a little confused. What was the intention of the Supreme Being?

Could it be said that this strong man's current life hanging by a thread, and even his subsequent recovery, are all part of some kind of ritual? A ritual that needs to be witnessed?

He has indeed heard that some systems need to perform various weird rituals during the subsequent [transcendence]. It is not uncommon for such links to require some kind of 'witness'.

But this is the first time I have encountered someone who first inflicts serious injuries on someone to the point of death before starting the ritual...

Aren't you worried that a careless, small accident could lead to the death of an eighth-level powerhouse?

Moreover... He is already an eighth-level expert, and if he performs [Transcendence] again, wouldn't it be...

Ninth-level saint?

But isn’t the purpose of our ‘Seminar on the Future of Humanity’ to get rid of the shackles of the saints?

Jenkins suddenly felt that the Supreme Being was playing a very bad joke on him...

But then he changed his mind again——

If we want to transcend the saint, shouldn't we first have enough understanding of the saint and know how a saint is born, so that we can involve subsequent transcendence? Otherwise, wouldn’t it be all empty talk?

And Your Excellency, the Most High, allows us to observe the birth process of a saint, so as to find the way to transcendence!

I see! It turns out that this is the true intention of His Holiness!

When Jenkins thought of this, he suddenly felt an urge to cry.

I have been setting up seminars for so many years, but I have always just shouted slogans, but I have no idea how to surpass the saint.

It wasn't until the Supreme One joined that he really pointed out a route for himself, so that the Transcendent Saint would no longer just stop at slogans!

He is really... so great! So generous!

At this moment, Jenkins felt an urge to offer his heart to the Supreme One, and the appearance of the chess pieces began to shake, expressing his inner excitement and admiration.

The other three chess pieces didn't think as far as he did, but they also vaguely felt that the so-called 'witness' should be witnessing an important ceremony?

It was Eloro who spoke up and said slightly innocently:

"Wow? According to this, when the white soldier recovers, our seminar will have an eighth-level powerhouse sitting in charge? Hoho~ I finally feel a little safer, and I don't have to think about escaping every now and then."

Valdez on the side quickly reminded her of the omission in her remarks:

"Can you be of some use? Isn't the Venerable still here?"

"Eh? That's right... The Lord should be more powerful, but... He is too far away from us?"

"No, it's not as far away as you think."

Goldron suddenly interrupted.

"Oh? Is there a story?"

Baldes suddenly became energetic and pointed his ears.

"This... I have to start with what I have experienced in the past two days. You should know that the investigation team I am in is mainly responsible for handling various abnormal cases, and I happened to encounter a very difficult case in the past two days. …”

Goldron then began to tell his story about the past two days, which brought the seminar to the point.

At the end of the last meeting, because he saw that incredible barrage, he fell into a coma for an instant, and it took more than an hour for him to wake up.

After waking up, he also found that he could not remember the line of text he saw at that time, but he had a vague feeling that it should be some kind of very terrible, or very great knowledge.

Worried about mental damage, Goldron hurriedly ran for a mental evaluation. The final result was that everything was normal?

This made him feel surprised and surprised at the same time. He had been mentally prepared that he would transform into a monster, but in the end he was safe and sound?

Somehow, Goldron remembered [Meeting the Saint]. When absorbing the knowledge from the hands of the Saint, accidents such as sudden coma will also occur, but under the protection of the Saint, he will not suffer mental pollution. This is also the biggest advantage of the legal system.

So he concluded that the method of imparting knowledge by the Supreme Being should be somewhat similar to "Meeting the Holy One".

This is quite reasonable. After all, does the Supreme Being transcend the saint?

It's a pity that I couldn't understand and remember that great knowledge at all...

Just as Goldron was regretting this, he was assigned a task - to investigate the mysterious death of a famous painter.

As soon as he heard that the case was related to the painter, Goldron immediately became cautious and spent a lot of time before taking action, running through various files related to the painter's profession in the past.

Then I came to a general conclusion: it is basically related to taboo knowledge.

And painters, especially accomplished painters, have a common special trait - their inspiration is much higher than that of ordinary people.

So for this case, Goldron was fully prepared before setting off. He brought a potion that could help stabilize his mind and rationality. It could instantly cut the palm of his hand, create a triangular piece of severe pain, and probe the air. Spiritual special candles and other auxiliary supplies.

This surprised the two colleagues who partnered with him, thinking that there was something wrong with his mental state.

In the past, Goldron had never prepared anything like this. He would always act recklessly just by thinking of [laws].

In the end, it turned out that his preparations were not in vain.

"Our team did not expect at the time that the dangerous forbidden knowledge was not in the form of a common book page, nor was it a complete painting, but was hidden under the messy color blocks of a painting, making it difficult to find."

"The painting looked like a bunch of haphazard patterns, almost formed by splashing paint randomly, and then it was stuffed into a lot of abandoned paintings. If it weren't for the help of spiritual candles, I might not have found it so easily. it."

"I estimate that the painter should have been unconsciously exposed to this knowledge during the creative process, and then subconsciously recorded it with a brush. But he immediately realized the danger of this knowledge, so he used paint to record it. Its smudge.”

"It's a pity that once the forbidden knowledge is recorded, it cannot be destroyed by such simple means. The painter has long been mentally polluted and chose to pierce his own throat with a paintbrush..."

"But his actions are not meaningless. Such a cover-up makes it difficult for taboo knowledge to spread and spread temporarily, and temporarily protects his family and children until the arrival of our team."

"But you should know that searching for taboo knowledge is a troublesome and dangerous thing, because you can't use inspiration and spiritual vision, you have to rely on the naked eye. But when the naked eye looks directly at that knowledge, it will instantly invade the brain... …”

"In the past, I was used to using the power of [Laws] to fight against it, but this time I found that I can deal with this kind of knowledge more easily."

"At that time, one of my companions was the first to look for the painting, and then suffered mental pollution and fainted. The medicines I prepared in advance saved his life; the other companion did not dare to approach, and only I was there [Law Order] 】With the blessing, he bravely rushed forward. "

"Then I was surprised to find that those forbidden knowledge could only cause me a slight headache and slow mental pollution. It was not as scary as before. I could easily burn the painting and solve this incident. ”

"This was unimaginable in the past. Even with the blessing of [Laws], contact with taboo knowledge will cause a considerable degree of mental pollution. They will try their best to burrow into the brain like all-pervasive insects. You must hurry up before you fall. Get rid of these problems before you go crazy."

"But this time, I acted with ease and ease... You know, the companion I fainted was more powerful than me. The forbidden knowledge that could make him unconscious instantly was undoubtedly very terrifying, but I It’s incredible that I endured it unscathed!”

"My companions were also surprised by this, thinking that I was carrying some kind of powerful medicine or holy object... But I knew very well that such a change came from the great gift of His Holiness."

Goldron said this, turned to face the 'audience' next to him, and said loudly:

"Please allow me to praise your generosity and nobility, and thank you for the great knowledge you have given me!"

"Please allow me to offer you this small tribute. I know this is insignificant to you, but I hope I can express my gratitude and admiration."

As he spoke, a gap opened in the chessboard in front of him, and something fell into it.

Lloyd, who was listening to the story, also felt a slight chill in his hand, and something with a cold aura appeared in his hand.

He tried lowering his head and spreading his palms.

A colorful turquoise bracelet gradually appeared in his palm.

It looks quite delicate and artistic, and it also exudes a soft spirituality. It should have some special effect, but I don't know what it is? Goldron did not elaborate.

Do I still need to try it myself?

Lloyd was wondering when he suddenly felt a little itchy on his head.

It’s not like he had any brain problems, he just turned a page in the “Book of Truth” in his mind.

A black and white painting appeared on it, exactly like the turquoise bracelet in his hand.

There is also a line of explanation written next to it:

[Code name: 7-1134, its name: The color that heals pain]

[Description: A small man-made sacred object, its colorful appearance has a certain degree of ornamental value. When played with, it will slowly eliminate and heal minor physical trauma, but the effect is slow]


The "Book of Truth" actually has this function?

Lloyd was a little surprised, but then he thought:

Why didn't I notice it when I put on that space-invisible vest before?

Is it because I was not in the [Thinking Realm] at the time?

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