Alice observed her surroundings very keenly, trying to rely on her own perception instead of being led astray by Frank next to her.

After Frank made a fake move and saw that Alice was unmoved, he stopped doing it. Both seekers used their own observation to make the most accurate judgment they thought.

The battle situation gradually became tense. Almost in an instant, both seekers began to move, and there were bursts of exclamations from the stands, although the flying traces of the Golden Snitch might not be clearly seen from the stands.

But the only option that could allow the two seekers to fly in the same direction at the same time was that they could catch the Golden Snitch with their eyes at the same time.

"It's started, it's started, the finals kicked off!" Sirius made a telescope with both hands and watched what was happening on the field intently. As the commentator explained, his heart began to hang.

"Lily, are you okay?" Remus next to him suddenly said, which made Sirius's eyes turn to Lily. Lily seemed not to hear Remus' words. She held her hands, smiled, nervous, and tangled.

"Don't worry about her, she will fight with herself first." Sirius helped Remus and decided not to disturb Lily for the time being.

On the stands over there, seeing that the situation had changed slightly, Sever woke up Carl, who had been sleeping for a while, "Carl, get up, it's time for you to understand the part."

There was no intention to insult Carl. He probably could only understand the part where the two seekers competed for the Golden Snitch. Apart from the main factor of flying ability, even if Carl was a super flying player, he would be judged out by the referee because he didn't understand the rules.

"Hmm... what? What?" Carl turned over with a start, dragging his nerves that were slightly able to jump after a nap to watch the next game.

"Ah, I actually fell asleep. When did Alice start playing?" Carl looked at the two Seekers flying in the sky in confusion.

Well, actually Sif overestimated him. Even if he could understand, it didn't mean he understood completely. Carl could probably only understand.

Wow - they flew so fast -

This is just a small part.

Carl glanced at the scoreboard and was shocked by the difference in scores between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Although Ravenclaw changed a Chaser this year and James got along well with his teammates this year, the difference wouldn't be that big.

Carl was answered by another Quaffle flying in the air. "Gryffindor has opened up the score again. This is an unprecedented score difference. If Ravenclaw's Seeker cannot get the Golden Snitch as soon as possible, the score difference will drop to 150. Even if he gets the Golden Snitch, the game will fail!"

"This is a rare situation in Quidditch games!" The commentator's voice was very loud. Even Carl, who was standing next to him, felt a certain amount of pressure. He was a little worried about Alice over there. You know, Alice's mentality is very easy to collapse.

The big mistake made last time can be seen.

Carl moved his eyes to the side of the field. He tried to find Alice's traces in the air, whether there were any players who paused for a moment or their operations were deformed.

But he did not find any traces of Alice.

Sev turned Carl's head to the other side, then pointed to a figure flying very well in the sky and said, "Are you looking over there?"

"Alice didn't make any mistakes, she flew really well!" Carl said this sincerely. Alice's biggest weakness is not that she flies badly, but that she is prone to mistakes when she is nervous.

But now she is under the pressure of losing if she doesn't get the Golden Snitch quickly, and she still flies as well as Frank, which is really amazing.

There are even signs of surpassing, because the girl is lighter, so she will fly a little lighter. Although there is a gap in body size, these are enough to make up for it.

Ravenclaw and Gryffindor's respective houses used the loudest voices to help the players on the field fall asleep. In fact, if Sev didn't wake Carl up, Carl probably wouldn't continue to sleep in this environment.

Because the shouting is really deafening.

Alice on the broomstick seemed to be in a no-man's land. If she couldn't compete with Frank in size, she would find another way and try to avoid competing with Frank head-on for the flight, because she would definitely not be able to compete with him head-on.

The flight trajectory of the Golden Snitch is really unpredictable. It will appear not far in front of you in the last second, and jump behind you in the next second. It changes direction almost every few seconds, and there is almost no pattern to find. It is a test of the player's mobility and agility.

You must catch it!

If you compete head-on with Frank, you will definitely not be able to catch it.Even if she plays tricks, such as fake moves, Alice may not be able to beat Frank, after all, that is a trick he often plays, so what should she do...

She can only find a slightly different way. Alice chases the Snitch while her brain is working fast. The Snitch continues to evade Frank and Alice's pursuit.

Since he can't rob...

Then can I ask Frank to help me make the Golden Snitch fall into the trap? Alice's brain caught this point, and then she thought of a good idea. This must rely on very strong observation and be fast enough!

Another point is that it requires a little bit of luck and a little bit of courage to bet. It can only be used once. Frank will definitely notice it next time. Alice believes that Frank will definitely notice it. He is very smart.

Now Alice needed an opportunity, a legitimate opportunity to slow down and never be noticed. It turned out that Alice was lucky. While she was thinking, Gryffindor scored another goal. "It's already a 140-point difference! There's not much time left for the Ravenclaw players!"

"Especially their seekers. If they don't catch the Golden Snitch within a few minutes, once Gryffindor scores the next goal, the outcome will almost be certain!" The commentator's words will undoubtedly put invisible pressure on the players. Alice noticed that many teammates paused for a moment, but this was exactly what Alice wanted.

She legitimately slowed down, slightly deformed her movements, slowed down, and then speeded up again, following Frank not far away.

"Oh, it seems that Miss Brown is under a lot of pressure. After the mistake just now, how can she catch up with Longbottom in a few minutes and win the game?!" The commentator's words were very exciting and sounded suspenseful, but the Ravenclaw stands here have begun to clench their fists collectively.

The substitutes watching the game nearby even clenched their fists and sharpened their knives towards the podium! "Does this guy know how to talk? I suspect he did it on purpose! Alice's mentality is not good to begin with." said a player.

"Calm down, we are Ravenclaw, we...", the substitute beater over there comforted him, and then...

"Oh, the gap is getting bigger and bigger, it seems that the result of the game is predictable! It seems that Ravenclaw is doomed to lose!"

"You are right, I suspect he did it on purpose." Several substitutes looked at each other and said in unison.

Actually, it's not true, the commentator is actually telling the truth.

Looking up at the sky, James is about to catch the next Quaffle. If he scores, then there is no doubt that Gryffindor will win.

Not to mention that Frank is getting closer and closer to the Golden Snitch. He can catch the Golden Snitch in a few rounds, and Alice is already behind and has not caught up with Frank at all.

Frank took a step forward to catch the Snitch, while Alice, who was not far away, suddenly flew to the side with determination, not knowing what to do.

It didn't look like a fake move, but Frank didn't care. He kept his eyes on the Snitch, and he was just a little bit away from catching it.

James over there also got the Quaffle, and he only needed a few seconds to get another ten points.

At this critical moment, Alice, who flew to the side, counted the numbers silently in her heart.


The Snitch suddenly flashed when it was a little away from Frank's finger, and flew in the opposite direction with the characteristics of the Snitch, while Alice glided forward, and the escaping Snitch just bumped into her arms and was caught by her.

With a smile on her face, she raised the Snitch in her hand high, and the excitement on her face could not be concealed.

The prediction was right! Although there is a 50% chance of error, fortunately, courage + luck made up for the remaining 50% probability!

So the probability of success is!

One hundred percent!

The Seeker caught the Golden Snitch, and the Quidditch game ended. Although there was only a ten-point difference, the winner was undoubtedly Ravenclaw!

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