"Don't laugh! Lily said that if I can win this Quidditch game, she will go on a date with me! Do you know how valuable a date is? Do you know? You guys!" James shouted unwillingly. In his eyes, he was determined to win this game.

Bet on the honor of the college, the Quidditch trophy, and a date with Lily!

"Oh no! James, don't set up such a strange flag, okay? If you say that, I can already foresee that we are halfway to losing!" One of James' teammates shouted!

"That's right, it's just like a man on the battlefield telling a woman that he will get married when he comes back. It seems that we are going to win, Alice, you work harder!" A senior sister who is a chaser next to Alice touched Alice's shoulder slightly. Compared with the Gryffindor player who just bumped into James, the treatment of the cute girl Alice seemed much better.

"Oh, thank you James." Alice smiled happily, although they didn't believe in this kind of thing, or it could be said that everyone else didn't believe it.

But this does not prevent everyone from persecuting James together!

Is there anything more fun than that in the world?

What do you mean? Really? I don't believe it!

James waved his hands and beat up the male compatriots who had just laughed at him. As for the reason why the women escaped, well, James thought he had male virtues and was very gentlemanly.

"Anyway, Alice, we will never lose to you!" After James "dealt with" the group of people around him, he said to Alice.

"We will never be yours either. Wait and see, I will definitely get the Golden Snitch! I will definitely win." Whether you can win or not, you must not lose in momentum! Right?

Alice thought so. Her chubby face showed a confident smile, like a lively little sun, with small wool curls neatly tied behind her head, and the whole person looked very energetic.

"Well, come on." A voice came from behind Alice, which made her "big talk" pause a little.

Frank was holding a broom and smiling gently. He always had a tolerant and gentle look when he saw his younger classmates.

"Well... I'll do my best! I believe I can win the first battle!" Alice's voice was a little soft at first, as if she was guilty, but she immediately became full of confidence and enthusiasm. The following words were even more sonorous and full of confidence.

"Captain, you can't be like this. You don't say harsh words to each other before the fight, but you encourage her? It's too much!" James was holding the tune, fiddling with his broom, and leaning on the broom as a fulcrum. It must be said that this school is the most like a bad guy and a playboy. If James says he is second, no one should dare to say he is first, right?

"But isn't this good? Alice is very energetic, right?" Frank was still smiling, as if he didn't care too much. Compared with Alice's shyness at the beginning, this kind of confidence is obviously better now.

I used to be like this, so I hope Alice can be like me, because as a friend, she has gone from being shy to being confident.

"Okay..." James' eyes drifted for a moment, and he didn't say anything else. When will Lily tell him when he messes up a lot of things or does something outrageous?

Isn't it good that he is very energetic?

Oh, no. Maybe in the next life.

At this time, Carl was on his way to sleep.

The Quidditch game started soon. Lily, Sirius and Remus sat in the stands. Almost all the Gryffindor students sat together.

Sirius looked at the court attentively. He still liked Quidditch very much. I believe no boy would refuse this. Remus also liked it very much, but he was not so obsessed.

Lily next to him was also very interested this time. As a child from a Muggle family, she liked it, but in fact, she could not be as excited as James and Sirius in many cases.

But this time, she was a little too excited.

"Lily? You seem to be very concerned about this match." Sirius and Remus didn't know about the bet between James and Lily. James was just grinning after making an appointment with Lily yesterday.

He grinned almost all day, and was daydreaming when Professor McGonagall called the roll, not to mention telling his dear friends. Forgive him, some people's language nerves will be broken when they are immersed in joy.

"Oh, Alice vs. Gryffindor... I'm a little nervous."

Lily's heart is actually very complicated. As a friend, she really hopes that Alice can win this victory. She is a newcomer and needs enough victories, so that she will have more confidence.

Compared with the men around her who are not ordinary but very confident, Alice is indeedA little bit unconfident...

But as a student of Gryffindor, she hopes that Gryffindor will win, so that she can get the chance to win the college cup, which is the honor of the college.


In short, no matter which side wins, she will feel complicated. "Who do you think will win?" Lily asked Sirius.

"Of course it's Gryffindor. I'm a tough guy. No matter who is on the other side, I will never show mercy!" Sirius showed a "sinister" smile.

No wonder Carl said Sirius was a villain. This time, it's really hard to explain. Lily thought to herself, and she felt a little more subtle when she looked at Sirius's actions.

"Where's Remus?" Lily continued to ask.

"We won't know the answer until the game is over, right?" Remus said objectively.

"That's what you would say." Sirius said nothing more. His eyes were attracted by the Quidditch match that was about to start. Compared with Carl, who had poor dynamic vision, he could tell who was who. Moreover, he had not officially taken off. Now the first step was to find James...

Oh, he found it. Sirius found the mixed-feathered chicken coop over there very smoothly, and then he saw that the mixed-feathered chicken coop seemed to be watching them in the end...

He gave the stands a wink...

Then he winked several times in a row. Although this wink was like a cramp in the eye, but...


The two men present stared at the recipient of the wink - Miss Lily.

Sirius and Remus were standing next to Lily, so the situation was extremely delicate. Lily covered her face with one hand. The game had not started yet. It was reasonable and legal for James to make trouble. They couldn't scold him for not playing well.

Lily relaxed her mood and wanted to look at James to at least let him play well.

Then she saw it...

James sighed a little when he saw Lily lower her head, but he was even happier when he saw Lily raise her head again the next second. After continuing to draw a heart in the air with both hands, James nodded contentedly and began to wait for the game to start.

"Wow--", Sirius said a plain wow expressionlessly beside him. The wow that should have been said with an accent was said in this tone, but it was more yin and yang.

"You two teamed up to do it on purpose, right?" Lily stared at Sirius, and then stared fiercely at James who was full of confidence and felt good about himself.

"James has been like this for a long time. I swear that wow was just a procedure. You might as well teach James a lesson instead of me." Sirius said without any care. Hahahaha, why bother so much? Compared to himself, James should pay the price for this. Who taught him such a greasy way to chase girls?

Oh, it seems that part of it is still from my own handwriting, so it's okay, Sirius thought mercilessly.

"Forget it, at least he proves that his brain is still working...", Lily's tone was a little helpless, oh, but saying this to Sirius doesn't mean she has to say that to James.

At this time, Carl was still on his way to sleep.

The game started, and the two teams of Quidditch players began to compete.

The audience watched intently, and bursts of cheers and applause from time to time.

The overall atmosphere was also relatively peaceful. You know, when Gryffindor and Slytherin competed a few years ago, the surrounding cheers were not so friendly.

The audience of Gryffindor was braver than the other, and Slytherin was not to be outdone. The young ladies and young masters all let go of their reserve and etiquette. The scene ended almost in an atmosphere of fighting. Of course, there was a winner, and the winner would live with the priority to ridicule in the quarrels in the next few months.

The perspective returned to the scene. The score was not very close this time. Gryffindor was always in the lead. James was worthy of being James, and Harry's flying ability was really inherited from his father.

Although James was flexible enough at ordinary times, he became more flexible after a semester of running-in with flying.

Once he got on the broom, he was as agile as a monkey. He was about to hit the Bludger, but he could just dribble past it and even playfully lift his hair to enjoy the cheers around him.

But if Carl was awake, he would probably complain, isn't it flexible? How many things have you broken?

Other people fly just to fly, but James, who is not afraid of death, flies to risk his life. But he can't die even if he breaks his bones n times.

Crisp [although not caused by objective factors], but it is particularly difficult to kill.

With this ultimate killer weaponWith the help of Gryffindor, the score gradually widened the gap with Ravenclaw while leading.

The score was so far away before the time for releasing the Golden Snitch in the middle of the game...

The Ravenclaw male player who was preparing next to him was sweating in his palms. He was obviously a little panicked, but he still wanted to pat Alice on the shoulder to remind her not to be nervous.

Everyone remembered the time when Alice was a little disappointed because of the failure of the game last semester.

For a soft, fragile and gentle child like Alice, most teammates are encouraging.

Everyone cares about little Alice.

But this time his hand did not fall on Alice's shoulder. Instead, Alice put her hand on her shoulder, "It doesn't matter, even if the score is very big now, it doesn't matter, I will definitely get the Golden Snitch, please rest assured!"

Alice's eyes were bright and the smile on her mouth was very confident.

To explain why, she had led Carl and his team to violate school rules several times, planned to become an illegal Animagus, violated the first half of the school rules yesterday, violated the next version of the school rules tomorrow, occasionally changed her taste to violate the law, and was sent to the principal's office for violating various rules.

She has grown up!

None of the above things is bigger than the Quidditch game. Even if it is reasonable, she should not be afraid of the nervous Quidditch game.

With the determination to win, thinking that there are friends behind her, just like planning every night tour mission, thinking about the decision she wants to make, and then showing the trophy to everyone!

Alice smiled even more brightly when she thought of this.

"Okay, it's almost time, I'm ready to go, wait for me to get the golden snitch and then show it to everyone!" Alice waved her hand, and the golden snitch was released. Only the seeker can reverse the big score difference.

Alice's dynamic vision has always been good. At this moment, she observed the surroundings and tried hard to find where the golden snitch is.

You know, the score between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor is getting farther and farther away. Alice not only has to catch the Golden Snitch, but also has to catch it quickly.

The faster the better, otherwise the score will continue to fall, and even if she catches the Golden Snitch in the end, she will not be able to win the game.

Alice dodges the bludger deftly. She not only observes the movement of the Golden Snitch, but also observes the movement of other players at the same time, and reminds them at the right time, such as now.

"Fly to the left, there is a bludger next to you!" Alice shouted, and the players over there reacted immediately and narrowly avoided the bludger that passed by.

It was really a close call, but how did Alice find it? Not only was she looking for the Golden Snitch to dodge the bludger herself, but she also had the energy to look at her companions around her.

This observation is a little too much.

But now is not the time to praise Alice. Everyone calmed down and continued to compete with Gryffindor.

The flight path of the Golden Snitch is really hard to predict, and the Seeker sometimes predicts the Golden Snitch by the flight path of the opponent's players.

But Alice can't use this, because Senior Frank...

is a sixth-rate player.

He often makes a lot of fake moves to confuse the opponent. If you really believe in this guy's evil, you will waste a lot of physical strength, which will make you unable to compete in the future.

In short, it is very insidious and cunning, not like a Gryffindor move. In the past, Gryffindor or Hufflepuff were often fooled on the court.

Frank is a big exception, so when he used this tactic for the first time, no one reacted, and thought he was lucky.

In short, Alice trusts her own judgment more than relying on Frank's judgment, so it is not easy for Frank to make a big move to steal the home because of misjudgment.

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