I, The Occult Painter, Draw The Truth

128: Can't hurt?! Mr. Shocked Mask!

Inside the Aoyama City Library, in the exhibition hall.

At least dozens of human beings were polluted into monsters by the polluted mental force field from the long-haired man.

The body is deformed, and the appearance is terrifying.

The bones in their bodies have actually suffered massive fractures, but these injuries heal due to the rapid growth of cartilage and hard bone.

At the same time, there is a large proliferation of other tissues.

But because the growth is too fierce, this causes their limbs and torso to produce jagged deformation.

Their spines were even dislocated a lot, and they looked crooked, making people unconsciously feel a sharp pain coming from the spine.

In general, the result of this kind of pollution is that normal people become twisted, crooked, mindless, and scalp-tingling monsters.

After completing the pollution of this scale, the long-haired man also closed his eyes and took a deep breath, showing an extremely satisfied look.

"Sure enough, it has become stronger..."

He is extremely satisfied, and wants to twist more people to increase his strength.

"Twisted Ancient Corpse" is in his body, and he temporarily possesses the power of this pollution source weapon.

This pollution source weapon, the more humans it pollutes, the stronger it will be!

In this art exhibition, the Evolutionary Sect sent "Twisted Ancient Corpse" in through various channels, in order to make this weapon crazy and powerful!

As for how much harm it will bring to the people of Qingshan City in the end...

I'm sorry, people from the evolutionary religion will not think about these questions at all.

"Come on, today, let's have a big fight!

The long-haired man's eyes flashed with excitement, and he said softly.

Beside him, the coquettish woman with bright red lipstick smiled charmingly:

"Don't say, you seem to have become a little more handsome after combining that thing..."

The long-haired man laughed.

Looking extremely proud.

"Really? After that, we have to have a good fight, hahaha...

The woman gave the long-haired man a look.

However, he did not say no.

Afterwards, the two capable people of the evolutionary religion began to walk towards the outside of the exhibition hall.

They looked extremely relaxed, as if they were going to the mall next.

They just walked to the entrance of the hall, and then they saw Ye Qingsi and other capable people from the Action Bureau who rushed in quickly from the outside!

Behind the capable people, there are also a large number of action bureau fighters, each of whom is fully armed and carries some special weapons.

When the two sides met, Ye Qingsi and the others suddenly showed shocked expressions on their faces!

Then there's anger!

As soon as they received the call for help, they rushed into the library immediately, but it was too late!

It is clear!!

The large number of twisted monsters behind those two people are the Action Bureau soldiers who just called for help, and the ordinary citizens who haven't had time to escape!


Ye Qingsi clenched her silver teeth!

The anger in my heart rises!

As a top capable person with rich experience in the Action Bureau, Ye Qingsi can see at a glance that those normal people are mutated because of pollution!

The source of pollution is the two people, a man and a woman!

And the deeper source is a painting called "Twisted Ancient Corpse" in the exhibition hall!

In the call for help just now, the soldiers of the Action Bureau had already roughly recounted what happened in the exhibition hall!

Ye Qingsi was shocked.

I never imagined that a painting could possess such great power!

But none of this matters for now!

Now, the Action Bureau must stop and even kill this man and a woman to ensure that the disaster will not spread further!

"Ye Qingsi, I order you to kill the two people in front of you two hundred percent!"!"

Ye Qingsi ordered to herself in her heart!

【God Half】The ability takes effect instantly!

Her strength, speed, defense ability, reaction ability, mental strength...etc, have all been greatly enhanced at this moment!!

At this moment, she can almost be said to be a powerful superwoman!


Ye Qingsijiao shouted!

Then rushed out!

The capable teammates behind her all rushed out with a decisive look!

And those ordinary action bureau fighters also rushed over!

This is the moment of life and death!

Pollution sources, hostile forces, terrifying and mysterious existences, these things are all deadly!

The duty of the Action Bureau is to stop them, destroy them, and protect the people!

But then!

Ye Qingsi and other capable people, as well as the ordinary soldiers of the Action Bureau, suffered a great defeat!

No one can think of it!

The mysterious long-haired man who seems to have merged with the source of pollution can be so powerful...

The mysterious world, in the territory of Huang Quan's death.

in the vast city square.

The huge death signal tower fell to the ground, smashing the ground with many cracks.

Mr. Mask, Flaming Bear, Abel, and Devouring Vines stood together. Among them, Mr. Mask and Abel's figures were quite small against the backdrop of the Flaming Bear and Devouring Vines.

On the other side, the Action Bureau fighters, Li Tie's team of three, stood with a group of ordinary citizens.

Except for the three people in Li Tie's team, everyone else looked at the surrounding scene in a daze and fear. Many people's emotions had collapsed, and their tears could not stop flowing.

The reason for these people's emotional collapse is precisely at this moment, distributed around the square, those strange figures in white sheets

Those figures are the "guests"!

Of course, people don't know what they are, only that they are monsters that kill their friends and relatives!

At this moment, seeing these monsters again, there is only a deep sense of fear left in people's hearts!

The three of Li Tie's team are actually similar in their hearts.

At this moment, they can still recall the scene when the third child died.

At this moment, seeing the "guests" again, and there are still so many "guests", great despair surged in their hearts...

This kind of monster, one, has already made the operation bureau do its best and can't solve it...

But what appeared at this moment was a group!

Can this number of "guests" really be handled by manpower?

I'm afraid, only those mysterious beings over there can deal with them.

Even, not necessarily able to deal with...

Li Tie pursed his lips and looked at the members of the mysterious group such as Mr. Mask in the distance, entangled in his heart.

He no longer has the heart to guess where so many "guests" came from...

He and everyone else, for now, can only wait.

Because, they have no way out!

However, it didn't take long for Li Tie and the others to find out in despair that those "guests" had begun to attack ordinary people like them...

There are already some people who have begun to be influenced and actively control their compatriots...

the other side.

The location of the mysterious group.

Mr. Mask's eyes were a little dignified, and he stared at the white sheet monsters around him, thinking about their origins and possible weaknesses.

Abel was by his side, still expressionless, and his eyes were still violent and crazy.

Both the flame bear and the swallowing vine are eager to perform!

Obviously, although they also sensed the difficulty of those white bed linen monsters, they would not feel fear...

Even if the opponent is extremely powerful!

They also dare to fight!

After staring for a long time, Mr. Mask said:

"These things are hard to deal with..."

Abel next to him heard the words and did not refute, because he felt the same way.

But a feeling is a feeling.

He still wants to rush to fight!

Flame Bear and Devouring Vines didn't speak, and of course, they didn't speak either.

But they all share the same thoughts as Abel.

No matter how strong the opponent is!

Just rush over and the battle is over!

Mr. Mask noticed the state of his teammates and couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

That's it.

Come to think of it, isn't that the case with him?

As a member of the mysterious group, how could Mr. Mask shrink back because of the strength of the other party?

Mr. Mask exhaled slightly.

Then, he turned his head and glanced in the direction they came from.

It was so peaceful there.

The sun was high, and the air was dead.

Looks like nothing has changed.

Mr. Mask was a little worried in his heart.

They have been in this world for a long time.

But from the old days to now, they have not invaded this world with the shadow plane.

There might be some problem.

Hope it gets resolved sooner than later...

Mr. Mask thought for a few seconds, and then, he looked at the monsters in white sheets around him again.

He found that those monsters were getting closer.

And, some of them, have begun to attack the group of ordinary humans not far away...

Mr. Mask noticed that the attacks of those white sheet monsters were very special.

They just walked straight towards the group of people, other than that, there was no other movement, but, even so, the group of people became confused.

I saw a lot of people who took the initiative to control someone around them and gave them to those monsters to devour...

The whole process is the same as what Xu Xiuqin once described with the members of the mysterious group.

"`. Some sort of psychic influence..."

Mr. Mask murmured, suddenly in his heart.

At this moment, on the other side, a monster with white sheets walked towards the mysterious group.

The flame bear next to him (Zhao Zhao's) roared in an instant.

Obviously, it is about to bear it...

Abel also clenched his pure black machete, ready to rush out at any time...

Devouring vines is also ready.

Mr. Mask looked around and was a little worried in his heart, because he felt that these white sheet monsters might be really unusual, and they might have very special properties!

But not so much anymore!

Everyone has already knocked on the door, and their mysterious group can't stand to be beaten...

So, go for it!

Mr. Mask instantly pulled out a dagger!

The figure rushed out instantly!

Abel and the others were secretive and did not speak, but in a very tacit understanding, they also rushed out!

A few seconds later, several mysteries rushed to the front of the white sheet monsters, but then, several mysteries showed shocking expressions!

Because, they found that they could not harm these monsters...

The raised dagger, the raised black machete, the raised huge bear paw, and the thick rattan vacated in the air could not fall completely!

This has never happened before!

Mr. Mask's eyes were full of shock, and a sense of crisis instantly rose from his heart!

And almost the same time.

In the distance from the city square...block...

A figure slowly appeared...

It was an ordinary-looking man, holding a white bed sheet monster in his hand, and walking towards the city square area with a blank face...

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