I, The Occult Painter, Draw The Truth

127: Twist it! This world! I am God!!!

The Plane of Shadow is eternal darkness, loneliness, and emptiness.

In front of the library on the Shadow Plane, the succubus, Xu Xiuqin, Xiao Qiqi, and even the gluttonous rabbit held by Xiao Qiqi were all watching the real world.

The space window is very stable, as long as the succubus doesn't actively erase it, it will always exist.

At this moment, the succubus stared at the chaotic crowd in the real world, thinking about whether to take action.

If her strength is sufficient, she will naturally take action to solve the source of the abnormality and bring it into the shadow plane.

But the problem is that their strength is not necessarily enough. If they make a rash move, they may not be able to solve the source of the abnormality 100%, and they may encounter danger.

After all, the old days and Ananda Shesha are now trying their best to conquer that mysterious world.

The old days themselves had to be conquered by themselves, but for the sake of safety and efficiency, Ananda Shesha shot with the old days, and the two combined forces, the energy was unimaginable.

In addition to the old days and Ananda Shesha, Mr. Mask and the Flame Bear, who devoured the vines, they are also in that mysterious world, and I don't know what the situation is now.

Msisha is very powerful, but it needs to follow the creator and protect the creator and the little master.

The rest of them, relatively speaking, will be weaker.

Not all problems can be solved.

After thinking about it, the succubus finally decided to go back first.

Anyway, the old days and Ananda Shesha are invading that mysterious world. If they succeed, it will be a whole world, far more than any other mystery!

Before they succeed, it is best for them to stay beside the creator and the little master.

to prevent accidents from happening.

Thinking of this, the succubus closed the empty window to the real world.

"Let's go, let's go back..."

The succubus spoke softly, and several secretives nodded lightly, walking towards the direction of the Happy Garden Community.

As for the chaos in the real world, as long as the creator and the little master are not affected, the members of the mysterious group will not care how many people die.

a little while ago.

Inside the Aoyama City Library, the exhibition hall.

After the operation bureau carried out an emergency evacuation, tourists swarmed to the exit.

Although the scene did not get out of control, it was still a little chaotic.

In this chaos, a man and a woman were mixed in, and they behaved very calmly.

They interspersed with the crowd like a stroll.

Before long, they came to the front of a painting in the exhibition hall.

That painting is the "Twisted Ancient Corpse" that makes people feel distorted and uncomfortable after seeing it.

"Let's wake up this thing thoroughly this time, I'm afraid a lot of people will die...""

The woman smeared bright red lipstick, looked at the hurrying tourists beside her, and pursed her lips and smiled.

The man has long black hair and looks a little feminine, but his face is rebellious.

"What about him, why, are you distressed?"

"Hehehe, how is it possible..."

The woman with big red lips smiled bewitchingly.

Then, the next moment, she violently grabbed a hurried man who ran past.

"Ah, what are you doing?!""

The man was startled and asked quickly.

"There are terrorists going to attack here, why don't you flee quickly..."

"Ha ha……"

The woman smiled at the man with a horrified smile: "I'm sorry, the terrorists those people are talking about are probably us...

After speaking, under the man's dazed gaze, the woman's palm waved violently, and her sharp fingernails directly cut a deep wound on the man's neck!

The aorta spurted blood on the spot!

The long-haired man next to him sneered, grabbed the man who was shouting "hoho", grabbed his head with his hand, and yanked it violently!

Ripped his head off on the spot!

Blood spurted out.

The long-haired man pointed the neck of the corpse at the "Twisted Ancient Corpse" hanging on the wall, causing blood to spurt onto the painting in large quantities.

"One is not enough, more! 99

The long-haired man pouted and said.

The woman laughed, and the surrounding crowd had already seen the tragic situation here, and everyone was terrified!

Many people started screaming!

And subconsciously escape!

The woman didn't care so much, she caught a few ordinary tourists again, killed them all, started bleeding, and smeared the blood on the "Twisted Ancient Corpse".

Because of this change, there was a deeper chaos in the exhibition hall. A large number of tourists panicked, screaming one after another, and the crowd rushed towards the outside of the exhibition hall frantically.

And the soldiers of the Action Bureau who were responsible for maintaining order also noticed the abnormality here, and they rushed over quickly...

But, it's too late!

"Twisted Corpse" is clearly not an ordinary item.

It is a special weapon!

It can also be said to be a controlled source of pollution.

At this moment, after a lot of blood stimulation, this weapon was completely activated!

The long-haired man directly ignored the soldiers from the Action Bureau, his eyes lit up, and he looked at the special weapon of the Evolutionary God on the wall in front of him...

The main purpose of this evolutionary sect's strategy is to make this weapon grow!

If this weapon wants to grow, it needs to distort human beings. The more it is distorted, the stronger it will be!

The purpose of the evolutionary religion is to make this special weapon grow into a super weapon capable of threatening an entire city!

"Come on! Let me see your power!

The long-haired man couldn't hold back his excitement and said in a low voice.

Then, he stretched out his hand and touched the pollution source painting on the wall - "Twisted Ancient Corpse".

"Twisted Ancient Corpse" absorbed and swallowed a large amount of blood and was already in an active state.

After the long-haired man's arm touched it, it immediately began to melt, like a liquid, it drilled into the long-haired man's countless pores!

The long-haired man closed his eyes, raised his head, and there was a touch of pain on his face.

His body began to twist, his limbs began to grow, and many crooked joints appeared, as if there were problems with the bones inside.

His head, his chest, his legs, his back, his face, everything on his body began to grow and twist.

In the end, he forcibly turned into a crooked, twisted person.

It looks exactly the same as the twisted ancient mummy in "Twisted Corpse"!

Makes your scalp feel numb!

Even the long-haired man's companion, the woman with big red lips, couldn't help but take two steps back.

"Tsk tsk, that's disgusting..."

Not far from them, the soldiers of the Operation Bureau had completed the siege, and many dark guns had been aimed at them.

The soldiers were shocked and even a little sluggish.

After all, the scene in front of them really exceeded their expectations!

"I feel... the power..."

The twisted long-haired man uttered strangely twisted syllables, and then his body transformed again, gradually shrunk, and returned to its original shape.

In this process.

The action bureau fighters had already fired.

Because they have already determined that the man and woman in front of them belong to the group of lunatics from the Evolutionary Religion!

Even if they are not evolutionary gods, they have just brutally killed many ordinary people, which is enough for them to shoot!


After they fired, the long-haired man stretched out a long, twisted arm, waved it quickly, and even forcibly blocked all the bullets!

The woman with big red lips was safe and sound under its protection.

"Hehehe, let's get started..."

The long-haired man completely returned to his normal appearance.

He gave a wicked smile.

The corner of the woman next to her mouth also raised:

"The plan went well, although the early evacuation of the crowd by the Action Bureau was surprising, but it did not affect the result..."

"Oh, by the way, why didn't that guy Eguchi Huamu appear?"

The long-haired man frowned:

"That timid guy? Hehe, maybe it's because of fear, so I hid..."

The woman shook her head and frowned:

"How can I not feel it, he knows the organization's way of doing things, and if he dares to escape, the consequences may not be what he can bear..."

"Damn, leave him alone, now, just the two of us is enough, hehe..."

770 The long-haired man smiled arrogantly.

His eyes gleamed around the stunned Action Bureau soldiers around him.

Then, the arms spread out violently!

That moment!

There is an extremely powerful pollution mental force field that spreads out!

The soldiers of the Action Bureau had no time to escape, and there was absolutely nowhere to hide!

All warriors, all are included in the polluted mental force field!

next moment!

A terrifying scene has occurred!

I saw that all the fighters were stunned in place, and their bodies began to change rapidly, visible to the naked eye!

Limbs grow, twist, askew...


body deformation...

The guns in the hands of the soldiers fell to the ground, and they all let out extremely painful screams that were not like human voices!

After a while, they were completely deformed and turned into twisted human monsters that were very similar to the long-haired man just now!

And, they also lost their sense of self!

All of them opened their mouths and roared in a low voice, as if they were beasts...

The polluted psychic field of the long-haired man doesn't just include action fighters.

And in the exhibition hall, those ordinary tourists who haven't had time to leave are also within the influence of this polluted mental force field!

They all let out the ultimate scream that made the scalp numb, and their bodies deformed, becoming one after another human-shaped twisted monsters!

In a short period of time!

All over the gallery!

There is no normal human being except the long-haired man and his companions!

All twisted human monsters!

They twisted abnormally, making people feel severe pain from the whole body just by looking at them!

"Hahaha, twist it, this world!

The long-haired man laughed arrogantly.

He temporarily merged with "Twisted Ancient Corpse", and during this time, he has extremely powerful power!

He feels it!

this moment!

You are a god!!!.

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