Hearing him speak so calmly, Su Yang felt that he had met a normal person.

So he asked again,"Do you think you have violated the law?"

Unexpectedly, the young man's answer was beyond his expectations as always.

"How is this illegal?"

He said with emotion,"Being a stranger in a strange land, in this strange city, do you know how difficult it is to meet a girl you like?"

"But I encountered it."

The young man seemed to be still thinking about it, and after pausing for two seconds, he continued,"Just last night, she stood under the dim light, so quiet, so beautiful"

"She smiled at me, and I fell in love with her at first sight"

"We'll be together soon"

"But after 20 minutes, I calmed down."

"How can I talk about love when I am alone? I have nothing, I can't let others down."

"Love doesn't have to stay together"

"So I soberly proposed to break up and gave her 200 yuan as a breakup fee."

"Although we can't be together, she is destined to be a beautiful memory in my life."

After saying this with great emotion, the young man looked up at Su Yang and said,"My love was just a little short, why do you say I'm a PC?"

Su Yang:......

Su Yang was completely silent after hearing these words.

If you don't go to the police station once, you will never know how weird the things are.

This logic, this literary talent.

He was strongly opposed to the gentleman's withdrawal from the literary world.

Please keep it in mind, and explain it to the police in the same way later.

I thought it was just for fun, but they looked at Su Yang straight after they finished speaking. They almost had"Is this illegal?" written on their faces.

It seems that this fun is not in vain.

He has to say a few words.

Su Yang's eyes rolled, and his tone became earnest,"Brothers, happiness is legal"

"Being particularly happy is against the law."


"Ha ha ha ha……"

As soon as these words came out, the fat man was the first to burst out laughing.

The others also laughed along.

It is illegal to be so damn happy.

Driving is fun, drinking is fun, but doing the two things together is too fun, it is illegal!

And PC, the happiness is doubled!

It is even more illegal!

This sentence really sums it up.

After laughing enough, the fat man patted Su Yang on the shoulder and asked,"Handsome boy, what did you do to be so happy that you were arrested?" After being tortured by their soul-searching questions all night, Su Yang also started his questioning mode after hearing these words.

"Others have money and support a woman for 365 days, but that is considered a behavior problem. I have no money and support a woman for one hour, so why are you saying I am a PC and want to arrest me?"

"Others who have money buy a few houses and sell them at a higher price, which is called real estate investment. I have no money, so I buy a few tickets and sell them at a higher price. How can you say I am a scalper and arrest me?"

"Others who have money buy futures and trade stocks, which is called investment and financial management. I have no money, so I play mahjong and cards. How can you say I am gambling and arrest me?"

"Is it so difficult to live without money?"

Su Yang's question made them laugh so loudly that it could blow the roof off.

Everyone present laughed so hard that they fell forward and backward.

Some people even laughed until they cried.

The noise attracted the police.

"Be quiet, everyone."

The policeman scolded and pointed at Su Yang,"Come on, it's your turn to take a statement."......

The whole recording lasted half an hour.

When he came out again, it was already one in the morning.

The recording process went smoothly. After all, Su Yang really didn't do anything illegal.

He may not have good character, but he must have a bottom line.

For today's incident, if he hadn't found a small red rash on the skin of one of the princesses, he wouldn't have called the police.

This kind of thing can be big or small.

A little carelessness will ruin a person's life.

In fact, it's okay to be infected. After all, the virus is not resistant to high temperatures. It can be burned in an incinerator.

But to be on the safe side, Su Yang still went to the hospital for a physical examination.

After returning home, he took a shower and disinfected his whole body. It took two hours to clean up everything.

This night was like a catastrophe.

Perhaps because he had experienced too many things today, even at three o'clock in the morning, Su Yang still didn't feel sleepy at all. He was bored and could only browse his phone.

This browsing was incredible.

Su Yang found that the replay of his live broadcast today caused a huge sensation on the Internet again.

Not only did many people like and comment, but even many official accounts were forwarding it.

In fact, this was also within Su Yang's expectations. The content of today's live broadcast can drive public opinion.

The plot is melodramatic, with constant twists and turns, and the ending is also satisfying. It has the visual sense of a perfect male-oriented cool novel.

Moreover, the incident itself also has a certain educational significance, allowing many men to wake up and recognize the facts.

It is not surprising that such an incident has been hotly discussed and has become a hot search.

However, above this hot search term, there is another more conspicuous one.

That is the replay of Dabin’s live broadcast.

At the beginning, he was still talking nonsense about Su Yang’s success being just a flash in the pan.

But when the scene changed, his words became that Su Yang stood at a height that he could not match.

The ghostly editing, coupled with the magical brainwashing music.

Made this video go viral.

It also makes people unable to help but watch it over and over again.

The comments below are even more hilarious.

"Dabin: If we have Yu, why do we have Liang!!!"

"I can see that this guy is in a bad mood."

"Is this a bad mood? Is this a bad market?"

"Why doesn’t Dabin smile? Is he born not to smile?"

"Don't be too outrageous.……"

"Dabin, you are very good, you should believe in yourself, but I still like Suyang more."

"If you can't beat it, join it."

"The competition in the anchor profession is fierce, there is nothing we can do about it"

"A veteran tells you that being a broadcaster requires time to accumulate popularity. If others broadcast at 8 o'clock, you broadcast at 7 o'clock. If others end the broadcast at 9 o'clock, you end the broadcast at 10 o'clock. You must be able to endure loneliness. You can't be impatient when being a broadcaster. It's normal that no one watches. After a long time, you will naturally give up."

"Damn, are you Xiu’er?"


Maybe Dabin himself didn't expect that the only trending search in his life was sent by Su Yang.

It was even more popular than when he was at his most popular.

I don't know whether I should be happy or sad about this effect.......

Let's talk about Su Yang.

I don't know when he fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was already 12 noon.

In the past, Su Yang usually started broadcasting at around 9 o'clock in the morning, and no later than 10 o'clock.

But today, there was still no movement at 12 o'clock.

This made many netizens who were waiting anxious, and they started to urge him to watch the black screen.

"What did the anchor do last night? Why hasn't he started the show yet?"

"The beautiful dealer is online to urge the host to open the door"

"Could it be that it has reached a bottleneck period and won’t broadcast the show unless there is new work?"

"How dare you question the anchor, you fake fan, get out"

"I heard from a friend that the anchor seemed to have been taken to the police station last night. I don’t know if this is the reason why he stopped broadcasting."

"Police station? Why was he arrested? Ask your friend."

"I heard it was because of PC"......

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