"That's right, it's me!"

Facing Uchiha Futen's questioning gaze,

The young Uchiha Fugaku hesitated slightly, did not have too much quibbling, and said in a deep voice: "When the judgment continues to suffer from it, my lord, they are already crazy, their ambitions are so ambitious that their spirits have gone out of control, and they have gone to an extreme where they are not even afraid of death, do you really want to put the Uchiha family in a situation where everything is impossible to recover?" "


Hearing these words, Uchiha Futian showed an expression of hatred that iron is not steel, stretched out his finger and pointed at Uchiha Fugaku, opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but trembled his body and took a few steps back.


The one who betrayed the Uchiha family was actually his own son?

No wonder the third generation of Hokage-Sarutobi Hinata-sama will burn the second fire to the Uchiha clan

It turned out to be his own son, who secretly informed the news that the Uchiha clan had a tendency to rebel to the third generation of Hokage-sama.

That's right

After learning that the three generations of Hokage have returned to their peak

The elders of the expansive faction of the Uchiha clan not only did not have the slightest fear and fear, but became more and more crazy and radical, wanting to secretly gather strength, wait for the right time to rebel, and take back everything that the Uchiha clan had lost.

It's just,

The Qimu Shuomao file happened

After attracting everyone's attention, the strife within the Uchiha clan was temporarily calmed


And in order not to attract the attention of the three generations of Hokage, Uchiha Futen let the Konoha garrison enforce the law impartially from the beginning to maintain the peace and stability of Konoha Village, and also taught his son Uchiha Fugaku a lesson by the way.

The result is good

Things have come to now

He realized that he had been taught a lesson by his son, Uchiha Fugaku.

"Father, you are old and indecisive, have you forgotten that you often say that politics is cruel?"

Uchiha Fugaku looked at the shivering Uchiha Futen, and said without fear at all: "The Uchiha clan can have today, standing at the peak of Konoha Village, all thanks to the third generation of Hokage-sama, now... Those crazy people actually want to be white-eyed wolves, I can't let them mess around. "

When it comes to this,

Uchiha Fugaku also added: "Have you forgotten the several civil wars of the Uchiha clan recorded in the history of the Uchiha clan? "

"What do you mean?"

As soon as he heard these words, Uchiha Futian only felt a shock in his heart, and immediately reacted, couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat, and subconsciously said: "Well... Well, it is worthy of being my good son, you did it right, in this regard, daddy I am not as good as you. "


Uchiha Futen is also very clear

The matter has developed to this point, facing the golden giant Buddha incarnated by the three generations of Hokage-sama

His son's choice was the right one

Once it really makes the Uchiha Expansion faction make a big deal

That will not end well, there will be a big problem, it is better to fight, early to the third generation of Hokage, but also effectively avoid the internal strife of the Uchiha clan.

"Futian, your son betrayed us?"

"Damn it! Uchiha Fugaku, you traitor, are you worthy of the cultivation of the Uchiha clan for you? "

"Uchiha Futian, you must give us an explanation, otherwise, our elder group will immediately remove you from the position of patriarch."


Since the dialogue between Uchiha Futen and the two fathers and sons was not suppressed at all

Therefore, it directly caused the surrounding Uchiha Wave Old Group, who were still in a state of stunned thought, to react, and six of the elders looked extremely ugly, and directly shouted madly.


Suddenly named by the golden giant Buddha incarnated by the three generations of Hokage

Unprepared, they were still a little surprised, they couldn't figure out the situation at all, and they thought that there was a problem within the expansion faction, but now it's okay, it turns out that they were backstabbed by Uchiha Fugaku

As soon as I think of it,

They secretly discussed the rebellion and plotting the position of the fourth generation of Hokage, and it was already known to the third generation of Hokage

The six elders of the Expansion Sect were angry for a while, as if the mood swings were too violent, causing the Sharingan to directly enter the state of Sangou Jade, quite a taste of starting without saying a word.

"Traitor ..."

"We Uchiha clan do things, why should we be afraid?"

"Patriarch, your son betrayed us, shouldn't he give us an explanation?"


Along with the crazy aura that the six elders broke out, many ninjas of the Uchiha clan swelling faction showed cold expressions, and they all looked at Uchiha Futen and Uchiha Fugaku, and they all showed violent eyes.

"Do you want to rebel?"

"Whatever you want, back off for me!"

"Dare to be disrespectful to the patriarch, do you want to go to confinement?"


At this time, the ninjas of the Konoha garrison that had already gathered also reacted, and without hesitation, stood behind the captain, Uchiha Futen, and confronted Mai Mang, the ninja of the Uchiha clan expansion faction.

All the time,

There are also contradictions between the Uchiha ninja of the expansion faction and the Uchiha ninja of the Konoha garrison, looking down on each other.

Since the last civil war,

The Expansive Faction has actually been suppressed one by one by the Konoha Garrison under the support of the Second Generation Hokage

It's just that with the reuse of the Uchiha clan by the three generations of Hokage, no longer suppressing and suppressing the development of the Uchiha clan, making the Uchiha clan more and more powerful, invisibly making the ambitions of many ninjas of the Uchiha clan begin to expand, so that the expansion faction has risen again.

Now contradictions have broken out,

Of course, the Uchiha ninja of the Konoha Garrison will not join the ambitious and extreme madmen of the Expansion Faction.

And it all happened in an instant,

From the opening of the golden giant Buddha incarnated by the three generations of Hokage, to the outbreak of civil strife in the Uchiha family, divided into two distinct factions, it took less than two minutes

So that this sudden change directly made many ninjas standing on the roofs and trees confused, what is the situation, the three generations of Hokage-sama just started, and the Uchiha family broke out in civil unrest?

Of course,

Because of the distance,

People don't know why

Can...... It still does not prevent many people from showing a puzzled expression.

"Why bother?"

Looking down at the Uchiha ninja who had infighting

The ape flying sun slash that turned into a golden giant Buddha did not fluctuate in his heart, and even wanted to laugh a little

Sure enough,

The days of comfort have been too long

will breed some ambitions that do not match their own strength

Originally...... I thought that getting younger and returning to my peak would make the ninjas of the Uchiha clan retreat, but they didn't expect that it would make them more and more crazy and violent, and lose control of their emotions.


It is worthy of being a ninja of the Uchiha clan

It can only be said that the impact of writing wheel eyes on them is really too great, once they open their eyes, they will fall into extreme spirits if they do not pay attention to it, and they cannot extricate themselves.



(PS: Ask for tips..... Collection..... Flowers and evaluations, moe new.......... Thank you, readers. )

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