"All the ninjas of the Uchiha clan have come forward for me..."

Accompanied by the low command voice of the golden giant Buddha,

The ninjas in the Uchiha clan, as well as the ninjas of the Konoha garrison who had just gathered, froze at once, and even the other people in Konoha Village who were paying attention to the movements of the three generations of Hokage were slightly stunned

What a situation,

Is the third generation of Hokage going to do something to their Uchiha clan?

Wait a minute...... Something is wrong,

The third generation of Naruto-sama is talking about the ninja of the Uchiha clan's expansion faction

This...... This is to take those swollen, arrogant, and extreme ninjas of the Uchiha clan?

In an instant,

The entire village of Konoha was shocked

No way,

No one expected that the third generation of Hokage-sama, the first official start after the end of World War II, would burn three fires without scruples

The first fire is to justify the captain of the dark department, Kiki Shuo Shigeru, who suppressed some civilians, spies, and ninjas who followed the trend and could not distinguish the situation with the momentum of destruction and decay; Now the second fire directly burned to the Uchiha family, the first major family in Konoha Village.

As for the reason,

Most ninjas with a little brain figure it out

With the ascension of the third-generation Hokage-Sarutobi Hinata-sama, the major blood succession limit families are treated equally, and they do not restrict and suppress the Uchiha family like the second-generation Hokage

So that the Uchiha family entered a period of rapid development, in just a few years, their own fame and rights reached the peak in Konoha, coupled with the violent institution such as the Konoha Garrison, it made the Uchiha family like a tiger, and for a time in Konoha Village.

In such cases,

Some of the ninjas of the Uchiha clan, who were already extreme, proud and stubborn, began to gradually expand in their hearts, and they looked down on other ninjas more and more, and did not put other families, and even the high-level of Konoha, in their eyes, and they had the posture of the first in the world of the Uchiha clan.

To this,

Some ninjas and families who have been bullied have some daring to be angry in their hearts

In addition, the third generation of Hokage-Sarutobi Hinata-sama turned a blind eye again, and continued to reuse the Uchiha clan, which invisibly contributed to the arrogance of some Uchiha clan, resulting in a lot of things even if they broke their teeth, some people could only swallow in their stomachs.

The only good news,

Perhaps it is the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Futen

And it didn't flutter

On the contrary, it suppressed the ninja of the expansion faction within the Uchiha clan, which made the Uchiha clan not have a big mess for the time being.

Although Uchiha Futen also faintly swelled a little and began to pursue higher political demands, he happened to meet the third generation of Hokage, who had returned to the peak, and directly poured cold water on him, so that he quickly calmed down.

"Finally, it is time to suppress the arrogance of the Uchiha clan."

"The third generation of Hokage-Sarutobi Slash-sama is already if he doesn't do it, and it will be amazing when he does it!!"

"The ninjas of the Uchiha clan are a group of crazy people who have gone to extremes, and if they don't teach a lesson to suppress it, sooner or later something will go wrong, and the third generation of Hokage-sama did it exactly right."


Seeing this scene, the patriarchs of the Hyuga clan, the Nara clan, the Yamanaka clan and other families did not make any movements on the surface, but in their hearts they praised the behavior of the three generations of Hokage-sama.

Just kidding,

So much for the resources of Konoha Village

The stronger the Uchiha clan, the more resources it needs, and the resources of the rest of the clans will be affected

Now the third generation of Naruto-sama has taught the ninjas of the Uchiha clan an expansion faction, at least to calm down the Uchiha clan, and also let those arrogant swelling ninjas know that even if their Uchiha clan is the undisputed number one family in Konoha Village, but... The sky of Konoha Village will always be Hokage's.

Of course,

At such a tense moment,

Like the Hyuga clan, the Nara clan, the Yamanaka clan and other big families,

Without receiving the order of the third generation Hokage-sama, he did not dare to act rashly, let alone make any sound.

Now fools know,

A three-generation Hokage-sama who has achieved a metamorphosis

Suddenly transformed into a golden giant Buddha, it must be a good "treatment" for all the stubborn diseases in Konoha Village.

"Huh... Ape Flying Sun Chopper actually made a move on the Uchiha family? "

"What the hell is he trying to do?"

"Does he really think that those madmen of the Uchiha clan who are easy to go to extremes and have mental problems will easily admit it?"


Koharu, the dormant of the elder group, Mito Gate Yanlen for a while, only then couldn't help but show the expression of watching the play

They also thought that the golden giant Buddha incarnated by the ape flying sun would come to question them?

But the spearhead turned

Pointed to the Uchiha family,

I have to say that the strange style of ape flying sun is unexpected for them.

"First to support the Uchiha clan, and now you want to take the ninja of the expansion faction of the Uchiha clan, and it has to be you-Sarutobi Slash."

A hint of teasing flashed on Shimura Danzo's dark cheeks, and he mocked: "Not following the legacy of the second generation Hokage to suppress Uchiha, this... It's the end; I just don't know, the group of "madmen" of the Uchiha family who have gone to extremes, will give you a face as the master? "

"If you get bitten again, it's kind of funny."

At the same time.

"Not good..."

"Something went wrong!!"

"The rash actions of the third generation of Naruto-sama will make the ninjas of the Uchiha clan more and more crazy and violent, and lose their basic sanity."


At this time, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan in the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Futian, suddenly had a big head after reacting, and his heart faintly began to regret


Is he a very incompetent patriarch?

Over the years,

As the Uchiha family became stronger and stronger

He did not restrict or restrict the ninjas of the expansion faction of the Uchiha clan, especially when he saw that the three generations of Hokage were getting older and weaker, and he also had some expansion

Outcome...... After he saw the three generations of Hokage achieve transformation and return to the peak, he wanted to turn back and suppress those swelling ninjas of the Uchiha clan

But I found that I couldn't suppress it,

In the past few days, he has been frantically pulling with the elders of the Uchiha clan elder group

Only to find that unknowingly, most of the elders of the elder group had already stood in a swelling faction, extremely crazy and paranoid, and looked like the number one in the world by Laozi Yuchibo, and went to an extreme.

In their words, the arrogant Uchiha clan must regain everything they have lost, even if the third generation of Mekage-Sarutobi Hibiki recovers to the peak, they will not admit and be afraid, and the position of the fourth generation of Mekage, even if it is a rebellion, the Uchiha clan is bound to win.

This made Uchiha Fugaku's anger not hit a place

Drafts do not forget to dig wells, without three generations of Hokage, can there be a Uchiha clan who is heading to a peak today?

No wonder the second generation of Hokage will suppress the Uchiha clan, there are really some ninjas of the Uchiha clan, and it is really extremely easy to get out of control.


In the end, several meetings were held, but they were all unhappy;

So that Uchiha Futian also has a bitter word, I don't know what to do?

All the time,

The character of the ninja of the Uchiha clan is like this

Especially after opening the Sharingan, the mental state will become more and more ups and downs, the control is a little more normal, the control is not good, it will become more and more extreme and crazy, and go to an extreme, the ninjas of the Uchiha clan are basically the same.

"Something is wrong..."

"The Third Generation Hokage-sama won't know something, otherwise he wouldn't..."

In the next instant,

It seems to realize something

Uchiha Futian suddenly looked at Uchiha Fugaku, who was standing next to


A high-level meeting of the Uchiha family,

Ordinary ninjas of the Uchiha clan don't know about it for the time being

Then there is only one possibility, someone has reported to the third generation of Hokage-sama.

He couldn't,

Those expansive elders of the Uchiha Wave Old Group are even more impossible

Thinking of Uchiha Fugaku's abnormal behavior in the past two days, there may be only one truth.



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