I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 49 I didn’t work hard, it’s all talent

Li Xiuchang followed the tall senior sister and soon got the upgraded identity token and the "gift package" given to him by the sect.

This is indeed a big gift package.

A set of first-level talismans.

Li Xiuchang received thousands of first-level talismans, including attack, defense, escape, treatment... all kinds of talismans!


Li Xiuchang didn't know what to say for a while.

This gift is very practical, but... why are they talismans?

Not elixirs or magic tools, but talismans, and all of them are first-level talismans.

It's no wonder that he was thinking about it... Is it because the sect's first-level talismans are too many to use up, and he doesn't know where to use them?

So he just gave them as a gift for the new disciples.

Although there are many talismans, they are actually not worth many spirit stones.

The key is that Li Xiuchang is focused on developing in the sect and doesn't want to go out to travel and fight with others. He may not have a chance to use this talisman.

Seeing Li Xiuchang like this, the tall senior sister didn't hide it and smiled softly with her hands covering her mouth: "There are too many first-level talisman masters in the sect. According to the rules, the sect must issue them the sect's task of making talismans every year, but in fact, because the first-level talismans are constantly depreciating, every time they complete a task, the sect will lose some spirit stones.

"And the first-level talismans are flooding outside. The sect can't sell so many first-level talismans to sell, or it will only lose more if it sells them, so it's simply used to reward new disciples who have just entered the sect.

"Although it's not worth much spirit stones, it's still very practical. Now when Qigong cultivators fight each other, they all hold a stack of first-level talismans and smash them randomly. It's more useful than any magic weapon or spell."

Li Xiuchang has zero experience in fighting with others, so he really doesn't know this.

It seems that the proliferation of first-level talisman masters has changed the fighting style of grassroots cultivators.

Indeed, talismans are convenient and quick to use, and do not consume mana. The key is that they are cheap!

In any case, this talisman was given by the sect for free, and Li Xiuchang had nothing to be dissatisfied with. He immediately thanked him and left the General Affairs Hall.

Returning to Donggeng District, Li Xiuchang immediately prepared for tomorrow's spiritual plant skills assessment.

Although he was very confident in his spiritual plant skills, mainly because he was too talented in this area, he could not be careless, so as not to capsize in the ditch.

Cramming the day before the exam is the minimum respect for the exam.

The next day, Li Xiuchang went to the General Affairs Hall early in the morning to accept the first-level spiritual plant husband assessment.

Xianchen Sect is one of the few sects in the world of immortal cultivation that has the qualifications for the immortal cultivation skills assessment. This also saved Li Xiuchang a lot of trouble, and he could accept the assessment in his own sect.

The chief examiner who presided over the assessment was an old man with black hair and white beard. According to the rules, the chief examiner must not be from the sect and must be proficient in the skills of this assessment.

This old man is at least a fourth-level spiritual plant master.

There are also six deputy examiners, who are required to be second-level spiritual plant masters. No more than half of them can be from the sect, which means that at most only three deputy examiners are from the Xianchen Sect.

Li Xiuchang came in through the back door this time. There were three other people who took the assessment with him, all of whom were outer disciples of the Xianchen Sect.

There were also a few spectators, including Senior Brother Yan Song and the tall senior sister.

At the beginning of the assessment, the chief examiner read out the rules and procedures of the examination slowly and clearly.

In fact, he didn't need to say it, and those who came to participate in the assessment naturally knew these in advance.

The first-level spiritual plant husband assessment has a very simple process, which is divided into two parts: theoretical examination and practical examination.

The first one is the theoretical examination, which is to say, doing the test paper.

The chief examiner took out a pendulum-like magic weapon, which was specially made for the examination. It also played the role of timing and suppressing spiritual consciousness.

The four examinees, including Li Xiuchang, immediately felt that their spiritual consciousness was suppressed and could not be used after the pendulum of this magic weapon began to swing, which also eliminated the possibility of cheating.

Then the deputy examiner distributed the test papers to the four people, and they had half an hour to answer the papers.

Li Xiuchang first glanced at the content of the test paper. Most of them were basic questions, and they were all about rote memorization.

They mainly asked about the planting and picking methods of some first-level spiritual plants, as well as some basic ripening techniques, etc.

After all, Li Xiuchang had experienced more than ten years of test-oriented education... training. This was his strong point. He memorized things and remembered them quickly and forgot them quickly.

He had reviewed these basic knowledge before coming. His memory was fresh, and he wrote down the answers as if he had a god, and he answered them like flowing water.

There were some divergent thinking questions at the end of the test paper, which were much more difficult, but not beyond the syllabus, and were all within the scope of the first-level spiritual plant master.

Li Xiuchang thought about it for a while, and found that it seemed that there were direct or indirect references in the class that Senior Brother Motu gave him.

By analogy, he answered the last few big questions smoothly.

Li Xiuchang couldn't tell for a moment whether he had a natural understanding of spiritual plants, or Senior Brother Motu taught well, or both.

After finishing, Li Xiuchang didn't hand in the paper immediately, but half-truthfully checked from the beginning, and waited for the other three to finish answering.


The pendulum magic weapon made a heavy sound, indicating that the half-hour answering time had ended.

At this time, the other three candidates reluctantly put down the test paper, and it seemed that they had not finished yet.

Li Xiuchang seemed to see his own shadow in them, just like when he took an exam in his previous life, he couldn't do the last few difficult questions, so he could only make up a lot of nonsense and write as much as possible, hoping to get more points from the teacher who graded the papers.

A humble beggar!

But this time, he got the script of a genius student, so cool!

The four people handed in their papers, and the examiners graded the papers very quickly, and it was completed in a few minutes.

For the theoretical exam, as long as more than 80% of the answers are correct, you can pass.

Those who can come to participate in the assessment are naturally confident, so the four of them have passed without a doubt.

However, the three candidates in front of them just barely passed with low scores.

When Li Xiuchang's score was announced, the chief examiner cast a look of approval: "Li Xiuchang, full marks."

Li Xiuchang instantly became the focus of the whole audience.

Even Yan Song nodded slightly.

Although the theoretical exam is simple, it is not easy to get full marks.

"It seems that Junior Brother Li has also worked hard." The tall senior sister praised without hesitation.

Li Xiuchang wanted to tell her: Really not, it's all talent.

After the theoretical exam, the next one is the practical exam, which requires a change of venue.

The examination room for the practical exam is in a medicinal field in Xianchen Sect.

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