I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 48 Gambling and Assessment

"Li Xiuchang, the orifice stone tested the spiritual orifice aptitude of two and a half inches, four and a half months into the practice, and the cultivation level is the third level of Qi training. Have you taken the realm-breaking elixir?" Yan Song's calm tone revealed pressure.

Li Xiuchang was not surprised that the other party could call out his name, but was surprised that the other party knew exactly how long he had been a practitioner and his spiritual orifice aptitude.

He came suddenly and did not make an appointment in advance.

It seems that this Senior Brother Yan is strict, but he is still very dedicated.

"I haven't taken it." Li Xiuchang replied.

"Yeah." Yan Song nodded, without any doubt, as if he believed Li Xiuchang's words at once, and did not ask Li Xiuchang why he practiced so quickly.

This made Li Xiuchang understand that the other party might not have suspected that he had taken the realm-breaking elixir at all, but was just asking a routine question.

This also shows that Yan Song may know more about him than he thought.

At least the other party should know that he earned a lot of spiritual stones by selling smoked spiritual meat.

Yan Song did not go into this topic any further, and instead asked, "How many skills have you practiced?"

Li Xiuchang's heart skipped a beat, it seemed that this Senior Brother Yan was really going to be serious about this matter.

He knew that the sect did not allow new disciples to practice multiple skills without mastering one skill in principle.

However, as long as it was not too excessive, the sect would not impose too much discipline, at least it was no problem to practice two skills at the same time.

After all, there were many outer disciples who entered the wrong profession at the beginning and regretted it later.

But Li Xiuchang practiced more than two skills, spiritual cooking, alchemy, spiritual plants, and soul control, he practiced four immortal cultivation skills.

It was just that Senior Brother Motu guided him to the spiritual plants and soul control, and the sect did not know.

Li Xiuchang's mind raced, and he immediately answered, "I learned three skills."

Yan Song's eyelids twitched slightly, and it was obvious that this answer was somewhat unexpected to him. He asked in a deep voice, "Which three skills?"

"Spiritual cooking, alchemy, and spiritual plants."

Li Xiuchang concealed the soul control, but took the initiative to reveal that he also learned the spiritual plant.

Spiritual cooking and alchemy were two things that could not be concealed. Obviously, Yan Song already knew about them. He took the initiative to mention the spiritual plant because Li Xiuchang was about to sign up for the first-level spiritual plant husband assessment, and he signed up in the general affairs hall.

Yan Song took a deep breath and his tone became stern: "Since you have become a disciple of Elder Zhao, this is an opportunity that many people would not beg for. How can you waste time on other ways!

"It is understandable that the spiritual cooking way is practiced before the alchemy way, and I can turn a blind eye to it, but you actually practiced three ways at the same time. According to the rules, I have to punish you.

"I will be fined for three months. I hope you will take this as a warning. Remember to be sincere when seeking the truth and not be indecisive!"

Li Xiuchang had already made a statement in his mind. He said calmly, "Brother Yan, I have already mastered the art of spiritual planting. It should not be considered a violation of the rules."

If one has already mastered one art, it is indeed reasonable to practice other arts at the same time. Many talisman masters in the outer sect are stuck at the first level and have to practice other arts to find a way out.

Hearing this, Yan Song's face, which had been stern, finally lost control for a moment, revealing five points of shock and five points of doubt.

After more than four months of entry, one immortal cultivation art has reached the first level. This is not enough to surprise and doubt Yan Song.

Many talented outer sect disciples can do it.

But this was done while practicing three arts at the same time. What's more exaggerated is that Li Xiuchang also practiced from a mortal to the third level of Qi training at the same time.

In Yan Song's opinion, Li Xiuchang must have spent a lot of time practicing to reach the third level of Qi training in more than four months, and his skill level must still remain at the unfamiliar apprentice stage.

But he didn't expect Li Xiuchang to claim that he already had a skill that reached the first level.

He couldn't imagine it, and his first reaction was to disbelieve it.

He suspected that Li Xiuchang was lying to avoid punishment.

"Are you sure that the spiritual plant skill has reached the first level?" He slightly released the aura of the late stage of foundation building, and cast his eyes at Li Xiuchang with substantial pressure.

"I came here this time, intending to sign up for the first-level spiritual plant husband assessment." Li Xiuchang said calmly.

Yan Song was silent for a moment, and said: "There will be a first-level spiritual plant husband assessment tomorrow. It's too late for you to sign up and you have to wait for the next one, but I'll find a way to let you jump the queue."

Li Xiuchang was confident and naturally not afraid of the stage. He asked: "If you pass the assessment, will you not be punished?"

"The sect rules are that you can practice multiple skills after passing the first-level skill assessment. Even if you really reach the level of a first-level spiritual plant husband, it is still a violation to practice multiple skills before getting the certificate. You should still be punished, but..."

Yan Song paused and changed the subject: "I can make a bet with you. If you can pass the spiritual plant husband assessment tomorrow, I will pay your monthly salary for the next three months."

"What if I don't pass?"

"If you don't pass, you will temporarily give up the spiritual kitchen and spiritual plants, and concentrate on practicing the alchemy with Elder Zhao."

"Then do as Senior Brother said."

Li Xiuchang's attitude and tone softened a lot. Whether he wins or loses, this bet will not benefit Yan Song in any way. In the end, Senior Brother Yan Song is still doing it for his own good.

It's just that he is a person with a cheat, and he doesn't need others to tell him what to do.

The two agreed on the time for tomorrow's assessment, and Li Xiuchang was about to leave, but Yan Song stopped him:

"Tomorrow's assessment is the assessment, today's routine inspection has been passed, and the sect has prepared a gift for you."

Li Xiuchang just remembered that there was such a thing as an "adult gift package".

Yan Song called the tall senior sister just now, and she took Li Xiuchang to receive the coming-of-age ceremony.

Finally far away from Senior Brother Yan Song, Li Xiuchang quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Being in the same space with someone like Senior Brother Yan Song was really suffocating.

He was vaguely looking forward to the "big gift package", so he asked about the tall senior sister.

The tall senior sister introduced with a smile: "This first gift is to upgrade your identity token.

"After the token is upgraded, you can purchase and exchange some resources within the sect that are only sold to adult monks, and enter and exit some places that are only open to adult monks."

"Where is the place that is only open to adult monks? Does our Fairy Dust Sect still have such a good place?" Li Xiuchang asked in surprise.

"Of course there is. For example, if you don't have an upgraded identity token, you can't enter the restaurant that specializes in fairy wine."

That's it...Li Xiuchang was not in a good mood.

Senior sister Gao Piao continued to introduce: "Of course, the most important thing is that the upgraded token has a sound transmission function. It can transmit sound within the sect area, including outside the sect, but it must be paired with other tokens from the same sect first. , to carry out sound transmission.”

This function is quite good, and it will be much more convenient to communicate within the sect in the future.

"Besides the token upgrade, are there any other gifts?"

"Of course, there are quite a few. You'll find out later."

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