Li Xiuchang couldn't figure it out. His equality path had already been perfected, even exceeding the minimum standard for the Great Dao to take root in the origin world.

Why was he rejected?

He even suspected that it was the little monk's trick just now, in revenge for his unwillingness to integrate the Great Dao into the Buddhist Dao.

But thinking about it carefully, it is unlikely. No matter how strong the little monk is, he can't directly control the origin world.

If he has this ability, what problems can there be in the Buddhist Dao?

At this time, it is meaningless to entangle the cause. What is important is how to solve it.

It is impossible to give up. That is equivalent to cutting off the way forward and stopping at the Refining Void Stage for life.

If you don't know the reason, you can't solve this problem from the root.

Li Xiuchang suspected that even if he agreed to the little monk to integrate the equality path into the Buddhist Dao, he would be rejected in the end and the integration would fail.

After all, the Buddhist Dao is also rooted in the origin world. If the origin world rejects his equality path, the Buddhist Dao cannot tolerate him.

The little monk has left at this time, otherwise he might be able to see something.

However, compared to the little monk, Li Xiuchang certainly trusts the neighbors more. Instead of asking the little monk for help, it is better to ask the brothers for help.

He thought about it and had several methods in mind.

One is to try his luck and integrate the equal way into Buddhism. What if it works?

The second is to ask the neighbors for help and see if they have any ideas;

The third is to follow the example of the Confucian saints and carry the equal way with themselves!

None of the three methods may solve the problem.

Especially the third method, Li Xiuchang doesn't know how the Confucian saints can carry the origin of the Tao with themselves.

The origin world can be regarded as a world with a higher dimension than the immortal world, so it can easily carry countless Taos.

But he is a cultivator in the refining period, even if he also practices body refining, he is still a mortal body, how can he carry the Tao?

Not to mention him, even if he becomes an immortal, the immortal body of an ordinary immortal is unable to carry the origin of a Tao.

Perhaps the strong among the immortals can do it, such as the existence of the neighbors, who should be able to bear the general origin of the Tao.

However, it cannot bear too strong avenue origin.

At least if it is a venue origin of the level of "Sword Dao" or "Buddhism Dao", it is estimated that it can instantly crush the brothers.

Li Xiuchang wants to carry the avenue himself, even if it is the equality Dao that has just taken shape now, at least he has to wait until he becomes an immortal.

But his avenue is not rooted, he can't even break through the Hedao period, how can he become an immortal?

This is a dead end.

So he wondered, how did the Confucian saint do it?

Could it be that the Confucian saint was born strong? Born an immortal?

Otherwise, how could he carry Confucianism and Taoism by himself?

Moreover, Confucianism and Taoism at the peak are at least at the same level as the current Buddhism and Taoism, and few immortals can bear it.

Li Xiuchang just sat quietly in the origin world, thinking about how to make a choice.

This is related to his future path, he can't be careless, and he must consider all aspects.

"The origin world does not recognize me and does not allow my Dao to take root here, so is there any other place besides the origin world where the Dao can take root?"

Li Xiuchang pondered and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"My second Dantian space, maybe it can!"

The second Dantian space, a small world that belongs to him alone, must not exclude him.

And compared to his own Dao, the second Dantian space, as an independent space, can better withstand the pressure of the Dao than his mortal body.

It is also more stable!

This is actually another form of carrying the Dao by himself.

It's just that a more tricky way is used to transfer the pressure of the Dao to the second Dantian space.

But the same is that the second Dantian space is closely related to him. Once he dies, the second Dantian space will collapse, and the Equality Dao will also collapse.

But it doesn't matter. If he really dies that day, why should he consider so much?

He doesn't plan to preach everywhere like the Confucian saints, spreading his Dao for others to practice.

So even if the Equality Dao collapses, it won't hurt others.

The main thing is that it is uncertain whether it can be done. This is just Li Xiuchang's whimsical idea. It is hard to say whether it will be successful or not.

But you can try it, because it is indeed his best choice.

Why did the Confucian saint carry Confucianism with himself?

In order not to be bound by the origin world, in order to transcend this world in the future and reshape the origin by himself!

If Li Xiuchang succeeds, he will also have a higher ceiling pursued by the Confucian saint.

And he is still the only one who opens the way, and he does not need to integrate his own avenue into the Buddhist way, which obviously has hidden dangers.

"It won't hurt to try it. If it really doesn't work, it won't be too late to ask for help from the senior brothers."

"If the senior brothers can't do it, try to integrate the equal way into the Buddhist way in the end."

The Buddhist way is the lowest priority choice in Li Xiuchang's mind, a pure spare tire.

After determining the idea, Li Xiuchang began to plan to root the equal way in the second dantian space.

This certainly cannot be done in the origin world.

Li Xiuchang's body cannot actually enter the second dantian space, so he needs to exit the origin world and enter the second dantian space with his body's soul.

He retreated to his residence in Donggeng District, left the golden body state, and then sat cross-legged.

After a while, his soul flew out of his body, turned around and looked at his body, locating the position of the second dantian.

Then the soul turned into a green smoke and drilled into the body.

He went directly into the second dantian, and the soul appeared in the space of the second dantian in the blink of an eye.

This space has been growing, and it is much larger than before.

He cultivated this place into a medicinal field, planting a large number of spiritual plants with added seeds.

After the seeds were added, coupled with the atavism effect of the second dantian space, the spiritual plants grew very slowly. Even though Li Xiuchang asked the ghost employees to water a large amount of spiritual juice every day, the spiritual plants that had not been added have not yet matured.

Li Xiuchang's soul flew above the second dantian space, suspended in the air, closed his eyes and entered a state of meditation.

This space belongs to him, so it takes almost no effort to connect the equal way with this space in an instant.

But before injecting the perception of the great way, he had some concerns in his heart, thinking that it would be safer to expand the second dantian space.

The larger the space, the stronger the carrying capacity.

At present, Li Xiuchang's length value is about 7700 inches.

Since the last time he added points, all skills have been slightly improved, especially the refining of equipment has been greatly improved, directly entering the seventh level, bringing a lot of length.

7700 inches in length, Li Xiuchang thought about it, there are not many places where the length is needed in daily life, so he simply took out 4700 inches of length and put them all into the second Dantian space!

Only 3000 inches of length are left for backup.

The further you go, the more points are added to the side length of the space, even if it is only one inch, the increase in space volume is huge.

Therefore, this time the addition directly made the second Dantian space reach an astonishing 1.2 million cubic meters!

Compared with the previous one, it has doubled by nearly ten times!

If the second Dantian space before could only be regarded as a small space, then now it can really be regarded as a small cave.

This is not the end. Once Li Xiuchang completes the breakthrough, the improvement of his cultivation will drive the second Dantian space to continue to grow and expand.

At present, such a large cave is completely enough to carry Li Xiuchang's equal way.

He no longer has any worries and concentrates on rooting the avenue in the second Dantian space.

This time, there was no rejection. Li Xiuchang's understanding of the Dao of Equality was materialized, like roots, taking root in this space.

The second Dantian space showed great welcome to the Dao of Equality. After all, the two came from the same source, both from Li Xiuchang.

Time passed unknowingly...

During this process, Li Xiuchang felt as if he was knitting a sweater, stitch by stitch, a sweater was knitted little by little.

Finally, he woke up from his meditation, because he had injected all his understanding of the Dao of Equality into the second Dantian space, like a seed buried in the soil, countless roots spread out, firmly embracing this land.

His Heart of Ten Thousand Daos was the seed, and the many Dao understandings he injected were the nutrients and fertilizers that prompted the seeds to germinate.

At this time, his Heart of Ten Thousand Daos had disappeared, but it was not gone. Instead, it was integrated into the second Dantian space as the foundation of the Dao of Equality and the carrier of the origin.

This is the special feature of the Dao Opener.

Although the Heart of Ten Thousand Daos is no longer in Li Xiuchang's body, the connection has not been broken, allowing Li Xiuchang to directly communicate with the origin and borrow power from the origin.

If future generations practice the Equality Dao, integrate more Dao perceptions into it, and strengthen the origin, Li Xiuchang, the pioneer of the Dao, will naturally benefit.

This is exactly the path taken by the Confucian Sage.

But Li Xiuchang has no intention of taking this path yet.

At this moment, a bright star appeared in the second Dantian space, bringing a ray of light to this dark space.

There is no sun, moon, or stars in the second Dantian space, and naturally there is no natural light and heat. It all relies on formations and spiritual energy for lighting and heating.

But now Li Xiuchang's Equality Dao origin has become the only star in this space!

Li Xiuchang looked at the star in the sky, silver and shining. As soon as he thought about it, the star enlarged in his eyes and turned into countless Dao rhymes and Dao patterns.

The Dao that seemed obscure and difficult to understand to others was easy to understand in Li Xiuchang's eyes, because he had woven it himself.

He thought, communicated with the origin, and absorbed the power of the origin!

This can't even be called borrowing power. As a pioneer, he also built this origin by himself. No one else's Dao perception was integrated into it, so he used his own power completely.

At the same time, his breath rose steadily, and the bottleneck that trapped him finally broke under the impact of such a powerful source of power!

Hedao period!

It's done!

The Dao is rooted in the origin world, and the Dao and the origin are combined, which is the Hedao period.

Li Xiuchang did not root the Dao in the origin world, but he also found a place for his own Dao origin. From then on, the Dao had a foundation and was no longer a rootless duckweed.

Therefore, his Hedao period is not watered down, genuine, and even more hard-won and more valuable.

"It's been about a year since I broke through to the Refining Void stage."

"It's so-so to cross a major realm in one year."

"Practice makes perfect, the more you practice, the faster you will be. Try to enter the Tribulation Stage in a shorter time!"

Calculating the time, he has been practicing for eleven and a half years.

For eleven and a half years, he has been more focused on practicing. In addition to practicing skills and occasionally going out for training, the rest of the time is spent on practicing.

Finally, hard work pays off. His persistence and hard work are rewarded, and the speed of practice has been significantly improved.

As long as you persevere, how can you not become an immortal?

"Breaking through one minute is the result of eleven and a half years of hard work. The bitterness and hard work in it are not worth telling to outsiders."

Eleven and a half years, in his previous life, was enough for him to go from primary school to junior high school and then to high school, and there was still half a year to prepare for the college entrance examination.

Li Xiuchang sighed, and the joy brought by the breakthrough in his heart was diluted a lot. He hoped that he could also usher in the "college entrance examination" of the immortal cultivators in half a year.

The "college entrance examination" of the immortal cultivators is undoubtedly to pass the tribulation.

After practicing for many years, they only want to become immortals, and the heavenly tribulation is the biggest test before becoming immortals.

The difference is that the college entrance examination can be repeated, and once the tribulation fails, there may not be a chance to start over again.

Li Xiuchang calmed down, adjusted his mentality, and guarded against arrogance and impatience. Before passing the tribulation and becoming an immortal, all the achievements he had made were nothing but clouds.

He calmed down his emotions, looked up at the sky, and looked at the only star in the sky.

"What will happen if I add points to the avenue?"

This thought naturally popped up in Li Xiuchang's mind.

As the holder of the length plug-in, he would inevitably have such thoughts as "what if I add points to it" when he saw any new things.

However, the points added by the length plug-in are added to the actual length of the target.

For example, if you add points to the sun, it will only make the sun grow an inch in reality, not the sun in his eyes.

And now the star formed by the origin of the equal way has no substance. It looks like a star from a distance, but it is only the size of a fingernail, but it covers the entire sky when you look closer.

Li Xiuchang thought for a while and decided to add an inch to try.

It shouldn't cause the origin to collapse if it adds an inch, right?

He looked directly at the star, and with a thought, he added an inch of length.

Length -1

Indicates that the point addition was successful.

But the size of the star in his sight did not change at all.

Sure enough, this star looked directly at the epitome of the avenue, not the actual size of the avenue recognized by the length plug-in.

After adding an inch of length, Li Xiuchang did not feel any change. He put his consciousness into the star, the avenue emerged, and there was no extra content.

Li Xiuchang frowned and began to activate the power of the origin.

After the power of the origin blessed himself, he finally found some differences. He was stronger than before!

After adding one inch of length, he absorbed more source power than before, which also made him stronger.

"Adding points to the source of the Great Dao increased the total amount of source power, but the level of the source of the Great Dao did not increase accordingly..."

Li Xiuchang roughly understood that the level of the source of the Great Dao is determined by the development of the Great Dao. As a newly created new Dao, Li Xiuchang's Equality Dao is still very immature and needs to be continuously developed and integrated with more Great Dao perceptions to obtain a higher level.

Adding points to the source only increases the source power and does not provide substantial content of the Great Dao perception.

However, the amount of source power is also determined by the level of the Great Dao. Only the higher the level of the Great Dao, the stronger the source power can be. However, Li Xiuchang's length addition can ignore this limitation, which is also very strong.

Li Xiuchang is currently the pioneer and the only practitioner of the Equality Dao. He can absorb all the source power of the Equality Dao.

Therefore, it is reflected in him that his strength is increased more, but he cannot achieve a qualitative breakthrough.

After all, at this level, it is often a duel of great ways. If others suppress you with great ways, and you want to break the way with force, you must be far ahead of the enemy in hard power to do so.

In general, adding points to the origin is useful, but adding too little is useless, you have to add more!

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