I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 328: Recruitment of Buddhist Boss

Li Xiuchang was fully confident in his breakthrough to the Hedao stage.

Although he could break through by just using his soul to enter the origin world, in order to further conceal the noise during the breakthrough, Li Xiuchang chose to enter the origin world in a golden body state.

The entire breakthrough process was completed in the origin world, so that even if the noise was loud, it would not affect the outside world.

Li Xiuchang's skin was dyed golden, like a golden Buddha statue, with a solemn appearance, and he disappeared in his residence in Donggeng District.

In the blink of an eye, he had entered the origin world.

However, the feeling of entering the origin world this time was different from the past.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, the knife-shaped Heart of Ten Thousand Daos was beating violently like a young heart.

It seemed that something in the outside world was attracting it, making it unable to help but jump out of Li Xiuchang's body in the next second.

Li Xiuchang did not rush to break through, but observed the surroundings first.

After all, he entered the origin world from the Xianchen Sect, and there was still a small possibility of encountering other people.

So he had to confirm that there were no other people around before starting to break through.

After confirming that there was no one around, Li Xiuchang stopped suppressing his Heart of Ten Thousand Daos and released it!

The Dao is invisible, and the Heart of Ten Thousand Daos is the manifestation of cultivating the Dao to be tangible, and it is the embodiment of the Dao of Equality.

In Li Xiuchang's body, the Heart of Ten Thousand Daos has always maintained the appearance of a small kitchen knife, but it can also change into any appearance.

However, at this moment, when it is released to the Origin World, it instantly condenses into a star!

In the Origin World, all Daos can be visualized. Here, Dao is no longer a mysterious existence that can be felt but not peeked, but a real thing that can be seen.

The stars in the Origin World are all condensed by Dao.

If you look closely, you can see the mystery of the infinite Dao.

Li Xiuchang's Dao of Equality has also become one of the stars at this moment, shining with its own light, and converging with the light emitted by other stars to illuminate this Origin Starry Sky.

But this is just the beginning.

The most important thing for breaking through from the Refining Void Stage to the He Dao Stage is to let Dao take root in the Origin World.

If Li Xiuchang cultivates the way of his predecessors, then he only needs to integrate his own understanding of the Great Dao into the corresponding Great Dao Origin and obtain the recognition of the Great Dao Origin.

This is a mutually beneficial process. Using one's own understanding of the Great Dao to feed the Great Dao Origin, and at the same time obtaining the recognition of the Great Dao Origin, one can borrow the power of the Origin and obtain a qualitative improvement in strength.

Most people, including several neighbors, brothers and sisters, take this path.

But Li Xiuchang's self-created Great Dao is to root the Great Dao Origin in the Origin World.

It is equivalent to others breaking through to the Hedao period and joining the big guys, while he wants to establish his own mountain.

After all, true pioneers are extremely rare, and it is unknown how many years it will take to produce one.

Moreover, most of the pioneers end in failure. After the Great Dao they created is integrated into the Origin, they cannot continue to develop it, and there are no later ones to add bricks and tiles, and it eventually becomes a "wasted path".

Walking around in the Origin World, you can see countless dim stars, each of which represents a "wasted path", and behind each abandoned path is the bitter blood and tears of a pioneer.

Perhaps many pioneers have already died, and the dim star of the origin world is the last mark they left in the world.

This road is destined to be difficult, but there are gains and losses. Being a pioneer naturally has many benefits.

For example, in terms of combat power, a pioneer like Li Xiuchang, who controls one origin, is naturally better than the cultivators of the same level.

Li Xiuchang controls his heart of ten thousand ways and tries to establish a connection with the origin world.

First communicate with the origin world, and then "plant" your origin way into the origin world little by little like planting a tree, and lay a solid foundation, and it will be considered successful.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from behind Li Xiuchang.

"I didn't expect you to get to this point so quickly."

This voice was immature but mature, but it suddenly appeared at this time, which really scared Li Xiuchang!

He just looked around and confirmed that there was no one before he started to break through.

Why did someone suddenly come out and talk at this time?

You must know that this is the origin world, and only those who come in at the same time and place can meet.

He felt familiar with the childish voice, but he didn't care to think about it at this time, and immediately turned around to find the source of the voice.

He saw at a glance that a little monk stood behind him at some point, with red lips and white teeth, very cute.

"It's him..."

Li Xiuchang recognized that this was the little monk who taught him the "Great Dream Sutra".

This person's strength is unfathomable, and his identity is also very mysterious. If it were him, it would be understandable that he suddenly appeared in the origin world.

Chen Changsheng even suspected that this little monk was the real owner of the wooden fish.

The tests of the Zen Heart Realm and the Pure Land Realm were also suspected to be left by the little monk.

When encountering such a senior master, any vigilance is useless. Li Xiuchang said generously but politely: "Hello, senior."

The little monk didn't say much, and went straight to the point: "I came here this time to ask you for something."

"Senior, if you have something to say, just say it."

"I want you to integrate the great way into the origin of my Buddhism."

The little monk's words were shocking, and what he said was completely beyond Li Xiuchang's expectations.

It turned out that it was for this matter...

No wonder he showed up at this time.

It was obvious that the little monk did not act on impulse, but had planned it long ago.

Li Xiuchang recalled that when he first met the young monk and the young monk passed on the "Great Dream Sutra" to him, he should have been thinking about his "equality path".

At that time, the young monk said, "I hope that when you achieve success in the future, you can contribute to the perfection of Buddhism."

Li Xiuchang didn't think much about it at the time, but now he thinks that he is not a serious Buddhist practitioner, and if he doesn't practice Buddhism, how can he contribute to the perfection of Buddhism?

It turns out that it's waiting for him here!

Li Xiuchang didn't rush to refuse or agree, but thought silently.

The young monk's proposal is certainly feasible.

Although the equality path is not Buddhism, it incorporates a lot of the content of the "path of sentient beings" in Buddhism, and it can be regarded as having a common origin and common points with Buddhism.

In addition to the inclusiveness of Buddhism itself, and the stronger inclusiveness of the equality path than Buddhism.

Integrating the equality path into Buddhism is likely to succeed!

Now looking back, before he got the "Great Dream Sutra", he happened to comprehend the origin of Buddhism and Taoism and comprehend the content of the "path of sentient beings" in Buddhism.

This may have been done under the intentional guidance of the little monk. If the little monk had not secretly opened the back door, he might not have been able to comprehend the Way of All Living Beings so easily.

The little monk discovered the commonality between the "Way of Equality" and the "Way of All Living Beings" at that time and made arrangements.

Sure enough, every move of the big boss was a move.

The little monk continued: "If you agree, I can accept you as my last disciple. From now on, all the resources you need for practice will be provided by me. I will teach you personally, and your achievements in the future will not be worse than Shi Tian."

Even though Li Xiuchang had seen the world, he couldn't help but be moved at this moment.

He didn't care about any practice resources or famous teacher guidance, because he didn't lack these things.

But what really moved him was the last sentence "not worse than Shi Tian".

What is Shi Tian's strength?

Although he didn't see Shi Tian take action with his own eyes, Li Xiuchang also roughly knew that Shi Tian was at least a strong man at the same level as Zhang Wanzhi and Senior Brother Chen Changsheng.

He is also a top strong man among immortals and Buddhas!

Although Li Xiuchang's cultivation progress is rapid, he is not sure that he will be able to reach the realm of several senior brothers and sisters in the future.

But now, the little monk dares to boast.

It is said that monks do not tell lies. If what he said is true, it also confirms Chen Changsheng's guess. Sure enough, the little monk is a higher status and stronger than Shi Tian.

As long as Li Xiuchang nods, there will be a broad road paved under his feet, ensuring that he can go all the way and become a strong man as strong as Shi Tian and his neighboring senior brothers!

Li Xiuchang seriously thought about the pros and cons.

Integrating the equal path into the Buddhist path, in this way, the equal path will become a new branch of the Buddhist path.

There are many benefits.

It will be easier for him to break through to the Hedao period. After all, he is no longer opening a new path by himself, but just merging his own stream into the ocean.

In addition, the development of the equal path will be easier in the future.

No matter how declining the Buddhist path is, it is still one of the three major cultivation systems of mankind at present, and there are countless Buddhist practitioners in all walks of life.

There is more than one Buddhist cultivation world like the Zen Heart Realm, not to mention the Buddhist holy land of the Pure Land Realm.

There are also many scattered Buddhist cultivators in other worlds, and even in the Immortal Shade Realm, there are still a few Buddhist cultivators left.

So many Buddhist cultivators all practice Buddhism. Once the Equality Path becomes a part of Buddhism, it will be available for countless later Buddhist cultivators to comprehend.

It is equivalent to that there are constantly later people comprehending the Equality Path, and brainstorming to develop the Equality Path.

It is much easier than Li Xiuchang opening the way alone.

And Li Xiuchang, as the founder and pioneer of the Equality Path, a branch of Buddhism, will naturally benefit from it.

Join the organization and use the power of the organization.

It is better to lean on a big tree to enjoy the shade, that's the reason.

"If that's the case, wouldn't I be a serious Buddhist cultivator?"

Li Xiuchang practiced the Buddhist body training method, but he didn't practice Buddhism, so he could only be considered half a Buddhist cultivator.

But if the Equality Path really became a part of Buddhism, wouldn't he be a thorough Buddhist cultivator!

Becoming a Buddhist is nothing. He can eat meat and drink wine, but the Buddha is in his heart. As long as he does not shave his head and abstain from the seven emotions and six desires, what does it matter if he is called a Buddhist? It's enough to be strong!

But Li Xiuchang has other considerations.

Senior Brother Chen Changsheng and Senior Brother Gui Wuyan have taught him with words and deeds not to only see the immediate benefits.

Let alone be fooled by the so-called "long-term benefits".

The immediate benefits can easily block the vision to the distance, and we should see the risks hidden behind the benefits.

Long-term benefits are like cakes drawn on paper. The farther they are, the more unpredictable they are.

If a person may not live to see the day when the benefits are realized, what is the use of the benefits?

Li Xiuchang calmed down and asked the little monk half-jokingly: "Senior, if I refuse, will you still accept me as a disciple?"

He was not asking a superfluous question, but was actually testing the little monk's attitude.

If the young monk said that if he didn't agree today, he would kill him on the spot, then Li Xiuchang would be very sensible to agree.

The young monk shook his head: "If you don't want to, you are not a true Buddhist practitioner, how can you become my disciple?"

After a pause, he added: "My Buddhist sect emphasizes fate and never forces anything. If you are willing, then you have fate. If you are not willing, then you have no fate. It all depends on your heart."

Seeing that the young monk said this, Li Xiuchang had no worries and said immediately: "Thank you for your kindness, senior, but I am not blessed enough to become your disciple. Please forgive me."

The young monk seemed not surprised at all and nodded: "In this case, I will not disturb your breakthrough. See you again if we are lucky."

After saying that, the young monk disappeared directly.

Li Xiuchang breathed a sigh of relief. Facing such a strong man, even if the other party had no ill intentions, he felt a lot of pressure.

Li Xiuchang also carefully considered the reason for rejecting the young monk's proposal.

Although the promise given by the young monk was very tempting, he also had to think about why the young monk wanted to win him over?

Because he is a genius and has potential?

This may be true.

But why don't the Taoist bosses come out to recruit people?

The young monk should be considered a top boss in the Buddhist sect, but he can lower his status to recruit Li Xiuchang, a junior in the Refining Void Stage.

This just shows that the problem of Buddhism is more serious than it seems on the surface!

There is a problem with Buddhism, but it is far less serious than Confucianism. Li Xiuchang has known this for a long time.

If Buddhism is thriving, Li Xiuchang doesn't believe that the young monk will condescend to recruit him.

As the saying goes, good birds choose trees to roost, people go to higher places, and gentlemen do not stand under dangerous walls...

In short, if you know that there are problems with Buddhism, then stay away from it, and don't get involved in it in a fit of rage.

The more benefits the little monk promises, the more difficult it is to solve the problem.

Even if the little monk's promises are true, one day in the future, he will become a Buddhist leader like Shi Tian.

At that time, solving the problems of Buddhism and Taoism may become his responsibility and obligation, and he will have a headache with Shi Tian, ​​the little monk and other Buddhist leaders.

At present, it is safest to take the path of immortality.

After the little monk left, Li Xiuchang adjusted his mood and used the Heart of Ten Thousand Daos to communicate with the origin world again, trying to take root in the Great Dao...

He closed his eyes, his consciousness fell into an ethereal state, and used the Heart of Ten Thousand Daos to wield the Dao rhyme and resonate with the origin world.

Finally, the Heart of Ten Thousand Daos seemed to be connected to the origin world.

But when Li Xiuchang was about to inject his own understanding of the Dao of Equality into it little by little, his face suddenly changed drastically.

He felt an extremely strong sense of rejection, which made it impossible for him to inject his own Dao perception.

"Why is it rejected?"

Li Xiuchang had never heard of such a situation.

The Origin World, which tolerates all Daos, even ghost Dao and demon Dao, why does it reject his Dao of Equality?

"What went wrong?"

Li Xiuchang tried many times, and even started to communicate with the Origin World from scratch, but the result was the same every time.

His Dao of Equality was treated unequally. The Origin World rejected his Dao of Equality and did not allow his Dao to take root here!

Li Xiuchang was more or less panicked, which meant that he could not advance to the Dao-unifying stage.

"Could it be that I should imitate the Confucian sage?"

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