I Really Don’t Want To Be a Natural Disaster

Vol 2 Chapter 783: "Unit 0-Prototype"

Yi Lin was no ordinary person at this moment.

Even if he is on the spiritual side, his power attribute is more than a lot of power side.

If this hand knife is really cut, it is just an ordinary person, Ling Yiyi who has not undergone any strengthening, and will only end up with a cervical spine fracture.

Ling Yiyi didn't realize it, with a bright smile: "I don't know why. Recently, I have seen things become clearer and clearer. Even Mengmeng is surprised at the speed of my vision recovery."


When Yi Lin's hand knife was only a few centimeters away from Ling Yiyi's white nape, he suddenly froze. An unspeakable pain appeared in Yi Lin's eyes. He closed his eyes and took a few mouthfuls of cold air. Then the motion of the hand knife turned into a caress, and he touched Ling Yiyi's smooth hair.

"You have snow on your hair."


The corner of Ling Yiyi's mouth evokes a beautiful arc.

I don't know why, Yi Lin felt a little cold.

Xiaoxi was right.


He should know how much time he has left.

But why is she?

Who is she?

He should have figured it out a long time ago.

But after thinking logically and mixed with emotions, Yi Lin no longer looks like himself.

Ridiculous, ridiculous, ridiculous.

It's ridiculous.

"I'm going back."

Yi Lin left a sentence abruptly, then immediately turned around, suppressed his emotions, and disappeared in place.

In the snow, Ling Yiyi looked suspicious and said to himself: "What's wrong with him?"


Past, present, Future.

Ling Yiyi, Yi Lin.

Yi Lin sits alone in the secret room of the ice cave, thinking about everything he has experienced over the years.

The story between him and Ling Yiyi reveals violations everywhere.

However, he didn't feel inconsistent before.

Yi Lin was really determined to break Ling Yiyi's neck with a knife.

At that moment, he hypnotized himself and regarded Ling Yiyi in front of him as a "fake".

However, his body seemed to have recognized that Ling Yiyi could not be hurt, and actively terminated the subsequent actions.

Then Yi Lin understood.

It was not that he felt that he could not hurt Ling Yiyi.

It was the matter of "harming Ling Yiyi" itself, which was deleted from his cognition.

"Oh, that's the case, it really is."

Yi Lin reconnected every sentence, every word, and every obscure action that Riddle had said.

The ancients Zeng Yun, when a puzzle has eliminated all possibilities, the remaining one, no matter how outrageous and absurd, will be the only answer.

I see.

In the ice cave, Yi Lin looked up indifferently, his eyes as cold as a knife.

"Ling Yiyi is... the monitor."



The next day.

On the branches of the sun.

Su Xiaosu got up early in the morning and offered tea to Li Kai and Mrs. Li... what a daughter-in-law of the Li family.

But Li Erpang was still motionless and could not wake up.

If it weren't for the thunderous snoring in the room, others might mistakenly think that the bridegroom died suddenly overnight.

It seemed that he was exhausted last night.

In the resident of Haiting City, a lot of drunk fell.

Until after three o'clock in the afternoon.

This group of drunks woke up awkwardly, crying for headaches.

I drank too hard last night, but fortunately nothing shameful happened.

Everything continues to follow the established trajectory.

The people in the Haiting City resident continued to prepare for the next trial.

The members of the Xueshan resident returned home and immersed themselves in work.

With Irin's help, Molly settled her mind.

She put the photos of her parents on the desk.

Inadvertently, she caught sight of the drawing Yi Lin threw to her not long ago.

[Drawings of three-dimensional mobile devices].

"What the hell?"

This gadget had been stuffed in the corner by Molly before.

She was in a good mood at the moment, and she spread out curiously, carefully pondering the above structure.

"How should I put it, it's pretty old stuff."

Molly quickly made a contemptuous and pertinent evaluation of the drawing.

This small device that allows people to move in the air with the help of a jet is indeed quite exquisite in the last century. But judging from the current gaze, it's a bit lagging behind. Like here, here, here, if you replace it with a crystal pattern and use the crystal energy to push it, it would be interesting.

Molly didn't seem to realize that she was a good scientific worker. After receiving the influence of Irin's alien world discipline, her thinking mode gradually changed subtly.

Ouch, but that outdated installation drawing, Molly looked at it, and seemed to have triggered some inspiration for her.

She felt that she should add a little trick to the zero machine.

Molly re-wrapped the 【Three-dimensional Mobile Device Drawing】 into a lump and threw it aside.

She has absorbed the essence of the blueprint.

The remaining dross was thrown into the corner.

Molly returned to work.

The parts of the zero machine are completed in the assembly line.

She personally polished to ensure the quality of every part.

After spending half a month, almost sleepless, day and night, Molly finally put together the zero machine she was thinking of.


In 2122.

November 25.

Molly called everyone to the workshop.

Yi Lin shook his fingers and counted the time it took Molly to build the zero machine. It was indeed a long time.

After a long time, Yi Lin almost forgot about it.

More than two hundred people gathered around the workshop to eat melons.

In fact, they are also looking forward to seeing the finished product.

Especially the female members of the guild, they have long heard that Molly's number zero machine is tailor-made for women, so they pay special attention.

"Wait a moment, I'll show it to you."

Molly seemed confident in her work.

In terms of words, neither low-key nor modest, she boldly used the word "show".

The implication seems to be that once my old lady's works are unveiled, I will surely show off your face.

Molly hurriedly stepped into the workshop.

There was a ding-ding-ding-bang-banging sound from inside.

About ten minutes later.

Click, click, click, click.

The full-automatic door of the workshop was opened, and a snow-white armor in a streamlined shape walked out of the workshop awkwardly.

For a while, there was silence outside the workshop.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the armor design.

The armored man has a clumsy gait, but the armor does not look clumsy at all.

Each armor part is a thin and dense alloy armor piece, which is connected to the joints by nano-materials and spliced ​​together. The overall design idea of ​​the armor is very close to the humanoid self-propelled weapons in many sci-fi works.

On the surface of the armor, there are confusing and confusing patterns that are densely distributed on the surface of the armor. From a distance, these patterns, which are channels for the flow of crystal energy, are like armor patterns, adding a bit of mystery and subtlety to the "No. 0 prototype". The breath of science fiction.

The convergence point of all the lines is the armored chest. The chest of the armor is inlaid with nine perfect crystals, and the nine perfect crystals are distributed in concentric circles. After Molly activated the armor, she seemed to have a high-power led light on her chest, flashing and flashing, very dazzling.

The armored head adopts a full-coverage design, and the eyes are equipped with long and narrow lenses, and the lens also shines with bright and blind light. On the head, a snow-white unicorn is also designed. I don't know whether it is purely for beauty or has other unique functions.


Yi Lin is an officially certified engineer.

In this world, no one knows crystal patterns better than him.

Others watched the excitement, but Yi Lin saw a lot of doorways.

Through the lines, nodes, and core distribution on the armor surface of the zero machine, he almost got a thorough look at the inside and out of the design of the zero machine.

After a while, Yi Lin sighed slightly: "It's really a genius."

As a pure ordinary human, Molly has not been strengthened in any way. Under the guidance of Yi Lin, in a short time, she has such a degree of theoretical knowledge of Crystal Pattern... This has already made Yi Lin feel astonished. .

In fact, Yi Lin gave a lot of opinions in the design of the crystal pattern technique of Unit Zero. In the final product, Molly actually added a lot of her own ideas. What amazed Yi Lin the most was that horn. He didn't expect Molly's solemn bones to hide the soul of Zhong Er, blending this exaggerated design into it.

At this time, the people who expressed feelings about the American armor began to make different sounds.

Some girls felt worried and whispered to themselves: "Is this specially made for women? My chest is a bit flat, I don't feel like I can wear it in."

"I don't seem to be able to wear it."

"I c, it's probably hard to squeeze in."

"I'm 36d, I feel like I will be crushed into two cakes..."

"Mine is 36f...uuuuuu." A tall and plump female mechanic wailed. For the first time in her life, she truly had a strong desire for "a pair of as".


There is a lot of discussion among the girls group.

Molly's trial model of machine zero seemed to strengthen her hearing, and she became angry when she heard it.

"Di, Di, Di, Di~www.readwn.com~On the zero machine, all the lines light up crazily.

The entire mecha was shrouded in a vast expanse of soft light.

"To shut up!"

Molly’s voice was re-synthesized through the sound components on the armor, and then passed into everyone’s ears: “Who can wear and who can’t wear it, don’t I know in my heart? Combat power, what I pursue is the combat power of armor. Oh! You don’t believe it, right?"

Molly was angry, and a halo came out from the feet of Unit Zero, and two spikes popped out of her heels, making Molly wearing the "Unit Zero-Prototype" even more ten centimeters higher out of thin air.

Two heel spikes, braving the dignified light. At a glance, you know that it's not an ordinary sparse thing.

"You guys, who dare to fight?"

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