I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Five hundred and sixty-nine, a father and son with high emotional intelligence

After sending Bian Shishi, Wang Zibo just returned to the car and was immediately denounced by Xie Wanqiu and Liu Xiaomeng.

Zi Bo, you hid it so deeply that you actually chased Bian Shishi quietly.

Shishi's condition is very good, it's really hard to tell.

Zi Bo's real person will not show his face.


Wang Zibo's face was red, and he had no position to explain. This situation was already true. Even Chen Hansheng didn't say a word just now. He took the initiative to get out of the car and help pick up the luggage.

In fact, before Wang Zibo got out of the car, he also experienced a battle between heaven and man in his heart. However, remembering the lesson of not sending Bian Shishi back to the dormitory that night, he finally gathered the courage to take that step this time.

If you back down again, you will regret it for a year this time.

Of course, the last two fellows and old classmates from Hong Kong City still gave encouragement: Come on Zibo, you have to learn from Chen Hansheng and work hard to win the classmate Bian Shishi from 985 Dongda University!

What does it mean to study with me?

Chen Hansheng said nonchalantly: Xiao Rongyu and I have been having an affair for a long time. She has been interested in me since high school. The rejection at the graduation party was just a cover.


Xiao Rongyu smiled and stretched out his arm, gently twisting Chen Hansheng's ears: I really didn't want to fall in love at that time.


Xiao Yu'er pouted and added: I don't want you to date other girlfriends. If you do, I'll leave, huh!


Xie Wanqiu and Liu Xiaomeng both laughed, and Xiao Yuer was so cute even when he said angry things.

Chen Hansheng also smiled and suddenly took off his sunglasses and put them on his face to prevent others from seeing the look in his eyes.

However, no one doubted that it was normal to wear sunglasses while driving. Xiao Rongyu also helped to straighten the sunglasses and took out snacks from the small bag to share with everyone.

The winter sun is not blazing, but just a little warm. Through the window, you can see the high blue sky and white clouds. There is a little music playing in the carriage. Five classmates from Gangcheng No. 1 Middle School chat about the past and wander around. future plans.

Chen Hansheng, you used to be a boss. How is the job situation now?

Liu Xiaomeng from Jianye Medical University asked Chen Hansheng.

“Don’t you go to graduate school for medical majors?”

Chen Hansheng suggested: Those who want to study medicine should go to graduate school and return to Hong Kong City People's Hospital after graduation. In the future, if a relative in our hometown has a headache or fever, we can directly find acquaintances.

I just don't want to go to graduate school, and I don't want to go back to Hong Kong City. Liu Xiaomeng said gloomily.

Xiaomeng also needs to consider studying for graduate school.

Xie Wanqiu of Sudong Economic and Trade shook her head while drinking yogurt: I plan to work directly. I will work in a big company for a few years, and then I will change jobs. Maybe I will learn from Chen Hansheng and start my own business.

“It’s not that easy to start a business.”

For the sake of his old classmates, Chen Hansheng advised: Besides, the company will not let you goof off. Don't think that the boss is a fool. He is actually the smartest person in the entire company. He just doesn't want to expose it for the greater benefit.

Yes, Wanqiu.

Xiao Rongyu also said: I used to think this sentence was quite unreasonable. Since I became the director of the law firm, although there are only four of us in total, I can gradually understand everyone's thoughts.

Chen Hansheng and Xiao Rongyu both advised like this, but Xie Wanqiu still listened.

She wrinkled her nose and said, I have a senior brother who just graduated who has the opposite view to yours. In addition, he seems to have a kind of mysterious self-confidence. He obviously doesn't have ten thousand yuan, but he doesn't put hundreds of thousands in his conversation at all. In my eyes, I always think those are small coins.”

Young people are so awesome.

Chen Hansheng sneered: I really want to share Wang Zibo's inferiority with him.

Holy shit, what are you doing to me?

Wang Zibo was startled. He thought it was good to chat like that just now. While others were talking loudly, he listened with interest and never changed the topic.

Chen Hansheng, a bad boy, refused to let him go. He smiled and said, Don't be too ambitious and too weak-minded. That senior brother of yours should learn from Zi Bo.


Wang Zibo muttered a curse. He was about to say something to regain his face when he suddenly heard a ding-dong-dang sound in the back compartment, which sounded like the sound of bottles and cans colliding together.

Xiao Chen, what is it?

Xiao Rongyu asked strangely.

I've heard noises several times. Is it a can?

Liu Xiaomeng knelt down on the soft chair in the back row and reached out to flip through the contents of the bag.

It was spicy mustard greens given by Shen Youchu before leaving. Chen Hansheng threw them in the trunk. Unexpectedly, this group of people had sharper ears than cats.

Oh, that.

Chen Hansheng looked calm and said calmly: It's just stinky tofu, stinky tofu given by a friend.


Liu Xiaomeng had already picked up the bag, but when she heard it was stinky tofu, she was so scared that she threw it down again.

I fainted, but luckily I didn't open it.

Liu Xiaomeng said with palpitations: Otherwise the whole car would stink. Chen Hansheng, you actually like to eat stinky tofu.

What's the matter? It smells bad but tastes delicious.

Chen Hansheng told a lie calmly, which frightened Liu Xiaomeng into giving up her desire to get to the bottom of things and returned to the previous topic.

Little fish.

Xie Wanqiu said with some anxiety: If I can't find a suitable job after graduation, can you ask your Chen Hansheng to help? We all know that he is very energetic, but he is not easy to talk to.

Wang Zibo twisted his butt unnaturally. He knew that Chen Hansheng had millions of dollars in capital, so it shouldn't be difficult to arrange someone. However, since he was an old classmate, he might not be suitable for joining Guoke Electronics.

Xiao Rongyu was a little hesitant. She usually paid little attention to Chen Hansheng's career development, and she never thought that the two of them would be hungry in the future. This was probably the confidence brought by the family.


Chen Hansheng didn't make it difficult for Xiao Rongyu at all and agreed directly.

I will most likely start a business in the future, but let's work together. What if Xiaoyu'er gets jealous? I'll simply introduce you to a certain female boss's company. She should be full of things at that time and needs talents urgently.

You think too much, Xiao Yu'er won't be jealous.

Xie Wanqiu rolled her eyes at Chen Hansheng, and then expressed her gratitude: However, I still thank you. After all, my old classmate is very loyal.

Little case.

Chen Hansheng warned again: But there are very few places. If you spread the word and other students come to compete for it, then there is nothing I can do.

Xie Wanqiu immediately agreed: Don't worry, I will never say anything, and Xiaomeng and Zibo are not allowed to say anything either.

It has to be Xiao Chen.

Wang Zibo secretly admired him. He first used Xiao Yu'er as a reason to jokingly refuse Xie Wanqiu to join his company, and then cleverly reminded him not to reveal it when arranging work.

It’s great to have such emotional intelligence.

The Land Rover was fast and stable, and the passengers in the car talked for two hours and slept for an hour. When they suddenly opened their eyes, it was no longer the highway.

There are very familiar buildings on both sides. They look much shabbier than Jianye, but they have a stronger sense of belonging. Even the aunt buying vegetables looks familiar.

Wow, we've arrived at the port city.

Liu Xiaomeng shouted softly.

Next, Chen Hansheng sent them home one by one according to their distance. Xie Wanqiu said before getting off the car: There is a class party this year. You and Xiao Yu'er didn't attend last year.

I want to participate.

Chen Hansheng glanced at Xiao Rongyu: If someone didn't tell me, we guarantee that we will arrive this year.


Xiao Yu'er didn't admit his mistake either.

The last one to send was Xiao Rongyu, because Chen Hansheng couldn't help other people carry their luggage, he could only help Xiao Yu'er, and he went up to say hello to Lao Xiao.

Let's eat here for lunch.

Lu Yuqing invited: I'll just talk to your mother.

Chen Hansheng was worried that Xiao Rongyu would be obsessed with the bottles and jars in the trunk, so he left decisively: The Empress Dowager Liang cooked my meal. If there are any leftovers, I will not be happy this year.

Lu Yuqing thought about Liang Meijuan's temper, nodded and actually agreed.

Sure enough, after Chen Hansheng left, Xiao Rongyu suddenly reacted: Oh, I forgot to leave a can of stinky tofu. My dad eats it occasionally.


After Chen Hansheng returned home, he went upstairs with a bag of chili and mustard greens and saw that there were guests at home.

In fact, he is not an outsider. The neighbor upstairs is Lao Zhou. He and Chen Zhaojun work in the same company, but they are older and will soon retire. They both have the same hobbies - calligraphy and literary games.

Hey, Lao Zhou is here to trick my dad into buying something again.

Chen Hansheng saw some calligraphy and paintings on the coffee table, picked them up, flipped them over and threw them down casually.

Be careful, your dad hasn't agreed to buy it yet.

Lao Zhou quickly picked up the calligraphy and painting, and while observing the creases, he said: This one is from the Yingzong period of the Yuan Dynasty, that one is from the Xiaozong period of the Ming Dynasty, and the ones from Shunzhi and the Republic of China. They are all good objects of their time. ah.

Tch, it's still of its time.

Chen Hansheng grinned: Old Zhou, among these things, you should be the oldest one.

You brat, what nonsense are you talking about?

Lao Zhou pretended to hit someone, but Chen Zhaojun stopped him: Children don't understand this. You can come over next time. We have lunch too.

You're still so unruly in college.

The good business was ruined by Chen Hansheng. Lao Zhou picked up the calligraphy and painting and went upstairs angrily.


Chen Hansheng smiled and ran to the kitchen to say hello loudly: Mom, your son is back.

Don't make any noise, your ears are deafened by the noise.

Liang Meijuan was not in a good mood when she saw Lao Zhou coming over, because he had deceived Chen Zhaojun many times, always using some modern handicrafts to fool him, but Chen Zhaojun always cheated.

Lao Zhou's son has meningitis and has been a fool since he was a child. His wife recently got breast cancer.

While Chen Hansheng was washing his hands and changing into pajamas, Chen Zhaojun walked over and explained to his wife: I also understand that it is a fake, but firstly I like it, and secondly I treat it as helping others.

I know, I know.

Liang Meijuan said with a straight face, Otherwise, I would have cut off your pocket money long ago. Even if he treats our family as a fool every time, what if he borrows money honestly?


Chen Zhaojun sighed: After all, he is a senior in the unit, so he must save some face.

Chen Hansheng came out whistling after changing his clothes. When he saw noodles on the table again, he curled his lips and said, Mom, I finally got home, so why don't you order some hard food? I don't want to eat noodles for lunch!

Don't eat it.

Liang Meijuan picked up the bowl in front of Chen Hansheng and placed it in front of Old Chen with a bang: If you don't want to eat it, feed it to the pigs!

Chen Zhaojun:······

Chen Hansheng:······

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