I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Five hundred and sixty-eight, young love is the most exciting

Remember in one second【】

The next morning, Xiao Rongyu was taking the last subject at Dongda University, and Chen Hansheng was eating breakfast in Tianjingshan Community.

I'll go back to Hong Kong City today.

Chen Hansheng wiped his mouth and said to Shen Youchu: Wander around the house twice and you can come over at any time.

In 2004, Chen Hansheng made several far-reaching decisions. The most important in his career was the bold sale to Shenzhen Tong Express during the peak period of Rocket 101, and the second was the establishment of Guoke Electronics.

In terms of life, that is to settle Granny Shen Youchu and Aning in Jianye.

It used to take at least a day to go from the port city to Liangshan in Sichuan and Chongqing, and at the same time, you had to find a way to hide Xiao Rongyu. Now it only takes more than three hours, and you can even lie about being on a business trip or visiting relatives.

In terms of operation, it is more relaxed for Chen Hansheng.

Shen Youchu nodded, walked into the kitchen, took a few bottles of chili cold dishes, put them in the bag and said, You can bring the chili I made to my uncle and aunt to eat.

Chen Hansheng took a closer look. Some of these old godmothers or cans were dark, and some were red. They should be peppers or mustard greens.

He was still a little disgusted in his heart, but considering that this was Shen Youchu's wish, he reluctantly accepted it.

Let's go.

Chen Hansheng said hello to his mother-in-law, pinched Aning's little face, and then turned and went downstairs.


After Chen Hansheng left, Aning raised his head and asked, I gave it all to brother. We don't have any side dishes to eat at night.

Sister, I'll do it later.

Shen Youchu walked behind Aning and helped her braid her hair: You can eat it the day after tomorrow.

Although Shen Youchu had very little to offer, she basically gave everything she could. Just like the milk tea shop's profit passbook, she always used Chen Hansheng's name.

If there is a problem in this relationship, this silly baby Shen Youchu may be left with nothing but endless sadness and grief.


After Chen Hansheng left Tianjingshan Community, he first went to the College of Economics and Trade and the Medical University to pick up Xie Wanqiu and Liu Xiaomeng.

They consciously went to the back row.

The two of them looked at the luxurious interior, took pictures of the soft leather seats, and said in amazement: Chen Hansheng, you are amazing. You can still buy a new car if you go bankrupt.

Not worth the money.

Chen Hansheng did not shy away from it: Xiao Yuer's father bought the water tanker at a reduced price through internal connections.

Is this equivalent to a dowry?

Xie Wanqiu was joking and while chatting, she suddenly remembered something: Gao Jialiang is also in love, do you know?

Liu Xiaomeng shook his head: I have no contact with Gao Jialiang. He is so good at pretending that I couldn't stand it in high school. Didn't he say before that he would guard Xiao Yuer with all his heart?

Just listen to those words. If you believe what a man says, a sow can climb a tree.

After Xie Wanqiu finished speaking, she patted Chen Hansheng's back on the chair: I'm sorry, I also hit you.

It's okay, I'm not a good person anyway.

Chen Hansheng's confession made the two girls laugh. They thought Chen Hansheng was making fun of himself.

I heard Wang Zibo say that Gao Jialiang's girlfriend seems to be a rich second generation, and I haven't seen what she looks like.

Chen Hansheng also knew this.

I met her once when I was shopping. She was an average-looking girl, but she was very good at dressing up.

Xie Wanqiu curled her lips: Even if she looks down on people, she doesn't want to say hello to me.

This is no longer interesting.

Liu Xiaomeng snorted coldly: We are all old classmates. Xiao Yu'er's family is also very rich, but she never puts on airs, she is so arrogant and cute; when Chen Hansheng was the boss of Rocket 101, we could still get a ride home.

How about saying that girls are too good at gossiping? On the way from Jiangling to Xianning, Xie Wanqiu and Liu Xiaomeng were recalling Gao Jialiang's famous scenes of pretentiousness when he was studying, and they criticized each one of them.

Chen Hansheng was laughing along and thinking, although I didn't hang out in high school, I still had a good reputation, and I probably got a lot of complaints from girls, not to mention college.

It wasn't until Wang Zibo got in the car that the two girls became quieter.

Wang Zibo doesn't have any flaws. His grades are above average, he is neither outstanding nor degenerate. He is one of the high school students. This kind of boy is also the most common in college.

Xie Wanqiu and Liu Xiaomeng greeted Wang Zibo politely and sat aside politely.

In fact, if it weren't for Chen Hansheng, Wang Zibo would not have any contact with many high school girls.

Is your bag so heavy?

Chen Hansheng glanced through the rearview mirror and asked Wang Zibo: What did you bring?

Books on computer programming.

Wang Zibo honestly pulled it out for everyone to take a look at: I want to study on my own after I get home.

Chen Hansheng knew that he was preparing for the ordering and cashier system of the milk tea shop after the new year. Xie Wanqiu and Xiaomeng did not know, and they even laughed that Wang Zibo thought too much.

Because high school students have such an experience. Every time they have a vacation, they always go home with a backpack full of papers and materials. They vow to use this vacation to make ten or eight sets and review dozens of pages of textbooks.

But after the vacation, I realized that I had thought too much, never opened my schoolbag, and carried more than ten kilograms of information back and forth in vain.

It is better to imitate Chen Hansheng at that time and go to an Internet cafe to play games without bringing anything.

After arriving downstairs in the Dongda Girls' Dormitory, Xiao Rongyu came out not long after.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

She was accompanied by Bian Shishi.

Xiao Chen, Shishi has to go to the bus station.

Xiao Rongyu went straight to the passenger seat, which was her special seat.

However, the back seat is a bit crowded. Although the Land Rover is spacious, it is inevitable for four adults to bump into each other.

Wang Zibo was the most embarrassed. He had Liu Xiaomeng on his left and Bian Shishi on his right. He felt uncomfortable being caught in the middle. Fortunately, the bus stop was not far away, so he could just hold his breath and endure it for a while.

Xiaomeng, Wanqiu.

Bian Shishi greeted each other politely, and they had met each other on Xiao Yu'er's twentieth birthday.

But when passing the bus stop, Chen Hansheng didn't step on the brakes at all and drove past.

Chen Hansheng, I want to get off the car.

Bian Shishi quickly reminded.

Aren't you going to Zhonghuamen Railway Station?

Chen Hansheng said with a smile: I'll just take a detour here.

This is too much trouble.

Bian Shishi felt very embarrassed, because starting from Dongda University, you could take the Jiangang Expressway directly, but going to Zhonghua Gate would be equivalent to a detour.

Xiao Rongyu was a little surprised at first. It was too complicated and not like Chen Hansheng's character, but she understood after turning around.

Wang Zibo was holding the roof of the car hard with his hands, trying not to let himself turn to one side, but when the car turned, he would always approach Bian Shishi from time to time.

It doesn't matter.

Xiao Rongyu said mischievously: Anyway, we are fine.

I'm in trouble!

Wang Zibo shouted in his heart that this posture was too uncomfortable, but he did not dare to show it, so he had no choice but to endure it.

In fact, some inexperienced boys always do the opposite of what they think in front of the girl they like.

For example, Wang Zibo clearly wanted to get closer to Bian Shishi, but his behavior seemed to be a little disgusting. If they didn't understand each other, the girls might really misunderstand and think that this boy hated them.

Fortunately, after contact, Bian Shishi knew that Wang Zibo did not have such thoughts. She shook her head and took the initiative to shrink towards the door, so that Wang Zibo would not feel so uncomfortable.

After finally reaching the China Gate, Bian Shishi said goodbye to everyone and dragged her suitcase towards the station.

After a while, Wang Zibo caught up from behind.


Bian Shishi asked: Chen Hansheng asked you to help again.

Wang Zibo said nothing and took the initiative to take the suitcase.


Bian Shishi felt a little unhappy. This person really seemed to need someone's reminder to pursue girls.

The two of them were silent all the way, except for the sound of the plastic wheels of the suitcase creaking, creaking. The morning sun shone down, making the atmosphere a little dry.

When she came to the ticket gate, Bian Shishi took the suitcase, nodded and said, Thank you, goodbye.

Do you want a drink of water?

Wang Zibo groaned and said: I'll buy you a bottle.

Oh, okay.

In fact, Bian Shishi brought a thermos cup, but she just wanted Wang Zibo to run more, so that she would feel inexplicably comfortable.

Wang Zibo bought mineral water, handed it to Bian Shishi and reminded: It's a bit cold.

I know, bye.

When Bian Shishi was about to enter the station, Wang Zibo struggled for a moment and suddenly said: Actually, Xiao Chen didn't remind me, I'm coming to help myself.


Bian Shishi's face was dyed with a touch of red clouds, and she walked into the station carrying her suitcase.


(I don’t know why I wrote about Wang Zibo. Maybe it’s because of the important supporting role of Rich, or maybe because I see my former self in him.)

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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