I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Four hundred and seventy-nine, the routine of breaking a leg (Part 2)

Zheng Guanti was reviewing documents in the office. When she saw Chen Hansheng walking in without knocking, she just glanced at him and continued to focus on her work.

But Chen Hansheng was not honest. He sat on the sofa for a while, picked up a newspaper and flipped through it. Occasionally, he curiously stared at the Outstanding Female Entrepreneur trophy and asked: This is awarded by Jianye City Yes, it was issued by Sudong Province, so it has little value in Jianye City.

Zheng Guanti didn't seem to hear it. He clicked the mouse with his hand and looked at the computer.

I'm asking you something.

Chen Hansheng felt ignored and a little unhappy.

Zheng Guanti then shook his head and said helplessly: If you are really bored, why not help me make a cup of coffee.

You told me earlier, I'm happy to help.

Chen Hansheng helped make the coffee with a smile. Zheng Guanti was not polite. She took a few sips, looked at Chen Hansheng and suddenly said: Scumbag, there is something I want to discuss with you.

Bestie Zheng's tone was very normal. Chen Hansheng didn't think about it. He replied as usual: Mr. Zheng still needs to discuss it. Just give the order.


Zheng Guanti put down the cup: I want to kick you out of the consultant list of New Century Electronics Factory.


Chen Hansheng was stunned for a moment: This joke is boring.

Zheng Guanti shook his head: I'm not joking, I originally planned to call you to inform you.

Chen Hansheng's expression froze. He had always been the only one to kick people, but this was the first time he was kicked out.

Besides, he was still waiting to break the estrangement and intensify the conflict between Zheng Guanti and Hong Shiyong. Finally, when the new century was about to be unable to hold on, he directly drained the electronics factory of all its effective resources.

What's the reason?

Chen Hansheng slowly sat back on the sofa, his mood gradually stabilized, and he asked in a deep voice: The whole factory knows that I have a good relationship with you, and also knows that I have offended Hong Shiyong, so you just fired me like this, so you don't have to worry about those younger brothers. Are your thoughts wavering?


Zheng Guanti said calmly: But I can't help it. Ever since you provoked Hong Shiyong, he has voted against no matter what the decision is recently.

Hong Shiyong has good skills and abilities.

If he was serious about arm wrestling with me, I would be sure to suppress him firmly while taking production into consideration.

Zheng Guanti sighed deeply: However, I'm afraid that he will ignore it and focus on tearing up his face and causing damage. This will cause much harm and the order of the entire factory will be messed up.

Zheng Guanti threw over a document, and Chen Hansheng flipped through it casually. It probably recorded Hong Shiyong's actions behind the scenes these days, which indeed affected the normal production of the electronics factory.

In fact, this result was beneficial to Chen Hansheng, but it was a pity that Zheng Guanti planned to stop it.

So, Mr. Zheng is planning to kick me out in exchange for internal peace?

Chen Hansheng sarcastically said: Will the Zheng family really appreciate your deliberate efforts for the new century? Do you believe that Hong Shiyong got the permission of his second wife to do such unscrupulous destruction?


Zheng Guanti interrupted directly: I'm going to ask you out temporarily. The top priority is to restore the production order in the new century. Only then will I have the confidence to compete with the second house when I return to Hong Kong.

What's the point of competition? You are such a smart person, why are you so confused when it comes to family relationships?

Chen Hansheng stomped his feet angrily: It's obvious that the head of the Zheng family doesn't take you seriously. It's no use if you go back to compete. It's better to cut off this relationship early and let's run a new factory together. From now on, the Condor Heroes will be together. The piano and the harp are in harmony.”

Are you confessing your love to me?

Zheng Guanti asked.

hold head high!

Chen Hansheng agreed without hesitation, and put on a gentle face: Brother Ti, there is something I have always hidden in my heart, and now I have to say it. In fact, I have liked you for a long time. Aren't you just worried about the future of the new century? After all resources are directed to the new factory, the Zheng family will break up with you.

it does not matter.

Chen Hansheng said affectionately and sincerely: I can create a home with you. This home will be warm, considerate, and humane. There will be no intrigues, no intrigues, only deep love and care.

Zheng Guanti was very moved after hearing this, so when she called the security office, she specifically reminded: Help me get Chen Hansheng out, and remember not to use brute force.

Fuck, are you really playing?

When the security guards from New Century Electronics Factory arrived [新 www.xxbiquge.xyz], Chen Hansheng realized that best friend Zheng was so damn decisive in doing things!

If I didn't know what kind of man you are, I almost would have believed you just now.

Zheng Guanti said with some aftertaste: But love words are still very nice. You should be good first. After I finish handling this matter, I will pay you to talk about love exclusively. One sentence costs 1,000 yuan.

After saying this, best friend Zheng waved her hand to signal the security guards to take Chen Hansheng away.

Fuck, Zheng Guanti, you are not a human being. You are trying to burn bridges by crossing the river!

Zheng Guanti, you are playing with my emotions and body, you scumbag!

Don't touch me, I shed tears and blood for Zheng Guanti, and even had an abortion!


Chen Hansheng shouted all the way to the door, attracting the attention of many employees. Finally, security guard Zhang Weiyu couldn't stand it any more and said awkwardly: Brother Chen, we didn't touch you either. You walked by yourself the whole time.

I know, I'm happy to roar twice.

Chen Hansheng straightened his clothes at the door, turned around and prepared to go back again.

Zhang Weiyu was a little embarrassed: Brother Chen, Mr. Zheng means that you won't be allowed to come to the factory in the near future.

Don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you.

Chen Hansheng smiled disdainfully: Zheng Guanti wants to drive me away, but I have to stay here.

In order to prove that he was not harassing Zheng Guanti, Chen Hansheng specially asked Zhang Weiyu to accompany him, but he actually came to Hong Shiyong's office.

The secretary and Hong Shiyong had already reported on the scene in the corridor just now.

Mr. Hong.

Chen Hansheng said hello and obviously had something to say.

Hong Shiyong nodded and glanced at Zhang Weiyu.

Zhang Weiyu immediately turned around and left. He was now confused.

Doesn’t Mr. Zheng have a good relationship with Chen Hansheng?

Why did she suddenly drive Chen Hansheng away?

Didn’t Mr. Zheng have a conflict with Mr. Hong?

Why did Chen Hansheng go to Mr. Hong again?


Zhang Weiyu felt his eyes were dazzled. He felt like he was watching a TV series, a drama about palace battles in the Qing Dynasty.

Unlike Zhang Weiyu who was confused, Hong Shiyong was silently sizing up this unruly college student who once pushed himself out of the elevator.

Chen Hansheng’s background is not difficult to check. A junior at Jianye University of Finance and Economics, he founded Rocket 101 from scratch, which is spread across universities across the country. However, at the peak of his career, he suddenly declared bankruptcy and transferred it to Shenzhen Tong.

In addition, he is also Zheng Guanti's loyal lackey.

Mr. Hong, I want to apologize to you first.

Chen Hansheng coughed and took the initiative to speak: The day I pushed you out of the elevator, it was actually...

I know it was ordered by Zheng Guanti.

Hong Shiyong said calmly: Otherwise, how could you, a little consultant, be so bold?

Thank you, Mr. Hong, for your understanding.

Chen Hansheng nodded gratefully, thinking that if his second wife had not been behind him, Hong Shiyong would be no match for Zheng Guanti.

in addition.

There was hesitation and hesitation on Chen Hansheng's face, and he seemed a little embarrassed to speak. Hong Shiyong did not rush him, which showed the self-cultivation of a senior manager.

Finally, Chen Hansheng said: I broke up with Zheng Guanti. She is a bit unreasonable. I want to join Mr. Hong, is that okay?


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