I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Four hundred and seventy-eight, the routine of breaking a leg (Part 1)

Minister Chen, why don't you speak?

Nie Xiaoyu raised her head and felt that the expression on her boss's face was a little tangled and confused. She also said considerately: Is this a trade secret? I won't ask. In fact, no matter who is fired, I will support it!

emmmm... First of all, thank you for your support. Actually, I also have a question.

Chen Hansheng thought for a while and tried his best to use a tactful tone: You are not a legal major, what can you do in a law firm?


Unexpectedly, after Nie Xiaoyu heard this, she actually looked at Chen Hansheng with laughter and laughter: Isn't this a big project you arranged for me? In fact, it's not bad. Although the distance is a bit far, I can still accept it.


So, on the No. 97 bus from Xinjiekou back to Jiangling University Town, Chen Hansheng grabbed the boom ring with one hand and pondered deeply.

It turns out that in Nie Xiaoyu's heart, law firms are big projects. No wonder she classified herself among the Five Golden Flowers.

However, Nie Xiaoyu seemed to be very excited. Chen Hansheng thought to himself, let this beautiful lie last a little longer, at least until the bus arrives.

After arriving at Yiwu Commodity City, Nie Xiaoyu jumped out of the car. She squinted at the warm afternoon sunshine and said happily: Minister Chen, I'll buy something and I'll go back to school in a while.

Nie Xiaoyu thought that this was the end of the matter. She planned to buy a suit first, then go to the library to borrow some legal books to review, and wait for her official start to work in two days.

I'm going to buy something too.

Chen Hansheng ordered: Don't go back to school for a while, we have something else to do.

Okay, Minister Chen!

The little secretary said crisply.

Chen Hansheng is called by many names now, Brother Chen, Mr. Chen, Boss Chen, Chairman Chen... all of them, but only a few people can call him Xiao Chen. Only when they are intimate to a certain extent can they dare to It's called that.

Although Nie Xiaoyu cannot be called Xiao Chen, she is the only subordinate who can call Chen Hansheng a student union official when he was a freshman.

This thing is a very small detail. When Chen Hansheng did not really rise, no one paid attention to it. If Chen Hansheng opened a company and a factory in the future, with tens of thousands of subordinate employees under his command, Nie Xiaoyu would use this sentence Minister Chen\

,"Almost invincible.

No way, this is a symbol of seniority.

It didn't take long for Nie Xiaoyu to come back. From a distance, she saw Chen Hansheng holding a yellow safety helmet and a mask in his hand, sitting on the edge of the flower bed and smoking.

Why did you buy this?

Nie Xiaoyu asked.

I bought it when I needed it.

Chen Hansheng did not answer, but asked Nie Xiaoyu: Have you bought clothes?

It's not clothes, it's a suit.

Nie Xiaoyu looked pained: It's a brand-name product. It's very valuable. If it weren't for going to the International Trade Center to work, I wouldn't buy it.


Chen Hansheng didn't ask any questions. He put out the cigarette butt silently, put the yellow helmet on his head, and walked like a traffic light.

Nie Xiaoyu thought for a while, then she walked away calmly, away from this somewhat idiotic boss.


Chen Hansheng brought Nie Xiaoyu to the New Century Electronics Factory. The secretary was no stranger to this place. When Rocket 101 started, Boss Zheng of the New Century Electronics Factory gave a lot of help. Chen Hansheng was also a consultant here.

Minister Chen, what are we doing here?

Hang around.

Want to have dinner here?


Then go back early, I still have to read.

Not urgent.

Chen Hansheng answered perfunctorily, and finally came to the office of deputy factory director Li Xiaokai.

Han Sheng, you're finally here.

Ever since Chen Hansheng and Li Xiaokai revealed their top-secret plan to steal and replace others, every time Li Xiaokai met Zheng Guanti in the factory, he would feel a little nervous and a little expectant, eager to know the next step of the plan.

However, Zheng Guanti's behavior was normal, as if he didn't even know about it.

Li Xiaokai could only secretly admire that Boss Zheng was Boss Zheng after all, and his acting skills were much more natural than his own.

Chen Hansheng suddenly appeared today, and Li Xiaokai subconsciously felt that he came with a mission.


Li Xiaokai gently closed the door and looked at Nie Xiaoyu with a suspicious look.

Nie Xiaoyu was looked at inexplicably, but she was quite brave and glared at Li Xiaokai in turn.

Brother Kai.

Chen Hansheng said straight to the point: I have a small thing to ask of you. I am going to arrange for this classmate to come to New Century for an internship for a period of time. It is best to rotate all positions in the factory within a short period of time, whether it is the assembly line or administrative work, and finally Hao Canteen should also experience it.”

In a word, she must be familiar with the overall process of operating an electronics factory. Chen Hansheng concluded.

Li Xiaokai quickly realized that this was a sign that the plan was about to begin. Otherwise, how could Chen Hansheng arrange for one person to be familiar with all the positions.

First train a few capable assistants, and then slowly implement them step by step. It is indeed a good strategy!

no problem.

Li Xiaokai immediately agreed.

However, Nie Xiaoyu looked confused. She didn't even think about it, and asked blankly: Minister Chen, if I intern here, what about your big project?

I'll tell you the truth, Xiaoyu.

Chen Hansheng held back until now to tell the truth: Actually, the law firm is not a big project, this is. It's my fault that I didn't make it clear.

Nie Xiaoyu seemed unable to believe how the promised CBD of the International Trade Center turned into a factory in the suburbs of Jianye!

If I were not here, wouldn't the law firm be missing a golden flower?

Nie Xiaoyu asked in a murmur.

No less. In fact, there were only four of them, but with you, there are even more.

Chen Hansheng explained: Actually, you are still a flower in the new century, but you have just become a factory flower.

It can be the same!

Only then did Nie Xiaoyu realize that the one who really wanted to leave was her own. In order to resist such a tragic fate, she found many reasons.

Minister Chen, I still have to go to class!

It's okay. I'll say hello to Principal Lu. It's okay if you miss class occasionally.

I'm not familiar with the working environment here!

Get used to it slowly, and you'll be fine in a day or two.

I just bought a suit, and I didn't purchase the equipment to go into the production line.


Chen Hansheng took off his yellow safety helmet and put it on Nie Xiaoyu's head: Look, I've prepared everything in advance.

Minister Chen!

Nie Xiaoyu had no choice but to look like she was about to cry: You can't just keep bullying me just because Xiaoyu is honest.

Chen Hansheng patted Nie Xiaoyu on the shoulder and said heavily: The needs of the people, the needs of the revolution, and the needs of history. Only you can bear this heavy courage.

Nie Xiaoyu was very angry, took off his helmet and threw it aside, then turned around and ignored Chen Hansheng.

Li Xiaokai looked a little puzzled, wondering what qualifications a law firm has to compete with the new factory.

The first phase investment of the new factory is at least 10 million, and several high-end law firms can be easily established.

Little girl, you have to see the situation clearly, our plan is grand and magnificent...

Li Xiaokai wanted to give some advice, but Chen Hansheng stopped him: Brother Kai, I didn't promise to keep it secret, why are you talking nonsense?

I didn't intend to tell the truth, I just wanted to draw a blueprint. Li Xiaokai explained.

No way!

Chen Hansheng pondered for a while: Let's give the plan a name. You don't have to elaborate on the blueprint in the future to avoid accidentally leaking it.

This is a good idea.

Li Xiaokai also agreed: Then what are we called, Plan A, Plan B, plan to steal the sky, plan to hide the truth, plan to pull out the bottom of the fire?

Li Xiaokai provided a series of names, but they were all rejected by Chen Hansheng: These names are not good at first sight. We want to make them more nonsensical so that people can't guess the specific content.

Something nonsensical?

Li Xiaokai rubbed his chin and thought seriously.

Chen Hansheng was obviously more capable in this area. He quickly figured it out: I know, the name of the plan is 'I won't tell you even if you beat me to death'.

You won't tell me if you'll kill me?

Li Xiaokai thought to himself that this name was so strange and nondescript.

That's it.

Chen Hansheng stood up and said, I'll go report to Mr. Zheng.


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