I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Chapter 284: The workplace is a secret war

If you don't know how expensive firewood and rice are, this is how Li Xiaokai feels right now.

Every problem needs to be solved, including trivial matters, such as two workers in the factory getting into an unpleasant fight, someone stealing something from a roommate, a male worker teasing a female worker...

These things happen every day. Li Xiaokai compared his feelings and suddenly understood Lin Zhaohui. It is not easy for everyone.

Dong dong dong.

Chen Hansheng knocked on the door and came in. Li Xiaokai didn't have any airs. He stood up and said, I'm sorry to ask you to come over so late.

You're welcome, I just went to the design team's office to have a look.

Chen Hansheng sat on the soft sofa: Looking at their expressions, there is really a feeling of unity.

It would be difficult to do otherwise.

Li Xiaokai sighed: Team leader Lin Dongtao is an old employee. He has a good style and reputation. He has never made any mistakes in his work. His subordinates respect him...

What does it have to do with us?

Li Xiaokai rambled a lot, but Chen Hansheng became impatient and interrupted him directly.

What I mean is that you must be cautious when dealing with such employees.

Li Xiaokai frowned: Otherwise, we may lose people's hearts.

Brother Kai is such a good person.

Chen Hansheng smiled. In fact, this comment was sarcastic, but Li Xiaokai didn't hear it and waved his hand modestly.


Chen Hansheng changed the topic: If you want to be a good person, you will not be able to complete this task, so I still suggest that Lin Dongtao be fired. No matter how powerful he is, there is no point in being disobedient.

However, their entire team has to follow, and we can't find employees with experience and familiarity with MP3 appearance design. Li Xiaokai said.

Chen Hansheng always said: These people are talking too much. Just calm down a little.

How to calm down?

“Calm them down with reality and this stuff.

Chen Hansheng raised his thumb and index finger and rubbed them against each other.

Li Xiaokai didn't understand that this meant counting money, so he was stunned and asked: What does it mean?

Oh, that's okay. I'm comparing myself to you.


At around 10 o'clock, the five members of the design team were still waiting for the company's explanation. Anyway, they had handed in their resignation letters, and now they were waiting for the decision from above.

An employee from the administrative department came over and said, Hello, Director Li wants to talk to you in turn. Please be prepared.

I'm coming.

Several people looked at each other. At this time, they still trusted each other. The first man to go out patted Lin Dongtao on the shoulder: Boss, I'll be back as soon as I go, and we'll have a midnight snack together.


Lin Dongtao whispered.

However, after arriving at Li Xiaokai's office, the team member discovered that the person he wanted to talk to was not Li Xiaokai, but the young consultant.

Liu Hao, right?

Chen Hansheng flipped through the personal information in his hand: You and your lover just got married?

Liu Hao originally thought that the meeting was about work issues, but now he was going to have a serious talk with the management. Lin Dongtao is such a good boss, how can you just fire him?

Ah, yes.

Liu Hao couldn't figure out the answer for a while, so he nodded and admitted.

I heard that you once applied for a single dormitory with the factory, but it was never approved?

That's right.

Liu Hao became very angry when he mentioned this matter. The head of the logistics department at the time deliberately made things difficult for him and refused to arrange dormitories even though there were spare ones.

This is an oversight on the part of the factory. The treatment of married people should be different from that of bachelors. Now we are going to arrange a south-facing single-room dormitory for you. You and your wife can live in it.

Chen Hansheng said lightly.

Liu Hao raised his head in surprise, but Chen Hansheng hadn't finished his sentence yet: You have worked in the factory for more than three years, so you are considered an old employee. After your wife became pregnant, the factory subsidized your family 100 yuan for milk powder every month. , it’s not a lot of money, it just represents a feeling.”


Liu Hao's eyes flashed and he opened his mouth to say something.

You have been working for so long, and you are already qualified for promotion. Once a position becomes available, the factory will arrange it.

Chen Hansheng said with a smile.

Liu Hao lowered his head and remained silent. In fact, he understood the hint. Now the most senior person in the group is Lin Dongtao, followed by himself.

If Lin Dongtao leaves, will he be able to take over this position? In addition, there will be dormitories, subsidies, and no need to find a job.

“Now, let’s talk about the product design side.”

Chen Hansheng and Liu Hao communicated for a few minutes. In fact, it was meaningless. They just wanted to cover up the transaction by talking about something serious so as not to make the transaction look naked.

Soon, the second team member also came over. Chen Hansheng flipped through the materials and said a few words.

I heard that you have always wanted to take leave before, but your superiors refused to approve it.

Let's do this. After the second round of MP3 sales is completed, the factory will give you a week of paid annual leave and provide you with a 500-yuan travel fund. It's not much money, but it just represents a sentiment.

The third team member also came and said the same two simple sentences.

I heard that you want to become a full-time employee before the end of the year?

If you can stay and complete the second round of MP3 design work, the factory will allow you to become a full-time employee before the end of the year and enjoy this year's year-end bonus. You have just graduated from college, so it is not recommended to change jobs frequently.

The fourth team member also arrived.

I heard that you want to apply for a salary increase, but you are not qualified enough, but there is always a way around everything. If you are willing to stay and complete the second round of MP3 design work, you can get a little more year-end bonus this year, which is quite significant. It’s time for a salary increase.”

It's almost the end of the year. I have to bring some money home to celebrate the New Year. If I quit my job, I'll have nothing.


The last one to come over was Lin Dongtao. He is no longer as steady as he was at the beginning, because starting from Liu Hao, every colleague who went out to talk sat dull in his chair when he came back.

Someone even picked up the label that he had dropped before and hung it around his neck.

This subtle movement made Lin Dongtao suddenly panic.

Pushing open the door and entering the office, Lin Dongtao saw the young consultant and Li Xiaokai talking with a smile.

But when the two people saw themselves, their faces immediately became serious.

Especially the consultant, who directly handed over a piece of paper, which was New Century Electronics Factory's Instructions on Automatic Resignation.

Team Leader Lin, this is the resignation letter. Just fill it out and you're good to go.

Lin Dongtao's expression was stunned. Did he really fire him this time?


Chen Hansheng looked at Lin Dongtao and said: Your behavior is taking the lead in causing trouble. You only obey other leaders and despise the authority of the current leadership. It has made normal production impossible. Therefore, you will not be paid for the last month. If you feel dissatisfied, you can go to Jiangling District to work. The inspectorate prosecuted the factory.”

This sentence was not only unexpected by Lin Dongtao, but also Li Xiaokai was surprised.

Any question?

Chen Hansheng handed over the Automatic Resignation Instruction: If you don't have it, take it back and fill it out.

Lin Dongtao silently picked up his watch and went out. When he returned to the office, he found that some of his colleagues who had just vowed to do so had already left.


Liu Hao was still there, and he stood up and wanted to say something.

Lin Dongtao gently pushed Liu Hao away, picked up his bag and left.

Liu Hao stood there, looking at Lin Dongtao's back with a complicated expression, but did not catch up.

In Li Xiaokai's office, he finally asked his doubts: Why do you want to deduct Lin Dongtao's last month's salary?

Chen Hansheng leisurely lit a cigarette: If I don't deduct his money, how can I spare the time to pay subsidies and bonuses to those four people?


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