I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Two hundred and eighty-three, you can’t believe even a single punctuation mark.

Having people and factories in your arms is a beautiful ideal and wish, just like when you were a child and saw beautiful hosts on TV, you would always pester adults to ask Are they married?

Besides, Zheng Guanti is probably the woman in the world who knows how bad and scumbag Chen Hansheng is best, and she is not that easy to fool.

I'll think about it after I go back. Thank you for your so nice idea.

Although Chen Hansheng's suggestion had no loopholes, Li Xiaokai still did not agree.

After returning to the office, Li Xiaokai immediately contacted Zheng Guanti to report.

He told me last night.

Zheng Guanti said on the phone: This is a very typical Chen Hansheng way of thinking and doing things.

What do you mean, can I adopt it?

Li Xiaokai asked tentatively.

See for yourself.

Zheng Guanti thought for a moment and said, Actually, from my perspective, the result is the most important thing.

Probably after Chen Hansheng's brainwashing, Li Xiaokai seemed to have gradually woken up and could understand the subtext in the dialogue.

For Zheng Guanti, interests and the market are probably the factors she cares about.

I understand, thank you Mr. Zheng.

Li Xiaokai made a decision, but before hanging up the phone, he suddenly remembered something: I asked Consultant Chen just now why he helped me like this. He said it was because he fell in love with you uncontrollably the first time he saw you.

Did he say that? Hahahaha...

Zheng Guanti laughed on the phone for a long time, and then said to Li Xiaokai: Sometimes I can listen to what Chen Hansheng said, but sometimes I can't believe a word of it. Do you know the scene when I first met him? ?”

have no idea.

I was asking for directions at the time, and he had a girlfriend with him who was prettier than me.

Li Xiaokai was stunned.

Within a few days,

Li Xiaokai called Chen Hansheng and said that the tour group was ready and would fly to Sweden soon.

Chen Hansheng was stunned for a moment, thinking, is it so fast?

No wonder the old saying goes, it is easy to learn bad things but hard to learn well. Once Li Xiaokai, a scientific researcher with thick eyebrows and big eyes, turns evil, he is really unstoppable.

In fact, Chen Hansheng had misunderstood. Originally, Lin Zhaohui and the others were planning to organize a travel event at the end of the year, but Li Xiaokai took the initiative to propose it.

The two sides hit it off immediately, and for the first time, those managers found Li Xiaokai pleasing to their eyes.

“I deliberately didn’t book a return ticket this time because I said the scenery in Sweden is very charming and everyone will consider coming back when they get tired of it.”

Li Xiaokai later figured out that since Zheng Guanti had no objection, he was actually expressing a disguised support.

That's OK. I wish Brother Kai will make great achievements in his ambitions and prove himself in the MP3 project after he returns from Sweden.

Chen Hansheng looked like he was about to throw away his hands again.

Li Xiaokai refused: This task is very difficult. Come and help me when you have time. I can make the decision to increase your consultant commission.

Chen Hansheng still refused and only stated that he would continue to express his involvement and support in the project.


Probably Chen Hansheng's idea was too cruel, and no one like Lin Zhaohui thought of it, so Li Xiaokai implemented it smoothly. It didn't take long for him to come back with a pack of passports and ID cards.

We are about to start the second round of MP3 production plan, promote new people, purchase raw materials, and arrange design plans.

Since there were not many constraints, it went smoothly.

However, the factory was not all fools. Some people saw that something was wrong and quickly contacted the management such as Lin Zhaohui. However, because they were all abroad, they couldn't get through on their mobile phones.

Some workers adopted a policy of soft resistance and said they would not start work without seeing Boss Zheng, Director Lin or other deputy directors.

Among them, the MP3 product design team was the most negative. Li Xiaokai said that no one was doing anything.

Li Xiaokai wanted to report the matter to Zheng Guanti again, but he picked up the phone and put it down again. He went to the big boss to report and resolve any difficulties. This made him look so useless.

Han Sheng, how do you think we should solve it?

Although he did not report to Zheng Guanti, Li Xiaokai found Chen Hansheng again.

Ever since Chen Hansheng came up with that bad idea, he seemed to be a bit of a conspirator in Li Xiaokai's heart.

It's easy to deal with disobedience.

This was left to Chen Hansheng to handle. He had only one action: Let them go to the finance office to settle their wages and then leave.

This is not possible. They are all gone, and there will be no one to design the product.

Li Xiaokai shook his head and said.

That's it.

Chen Hansheng thought for a while and said: Any group behavior like this must have a leader. If you get rid of that leader, the incident will be calmed down.

Li Xiaokai thought it made sense and followed Chen Hansheng's instructions. As a result, he continued to find him that night.

Hansheng, your idea won't work. After I talked with the leader of the MP3 product design team, it turned out that the entire team was clamoring to resign. I have received several resignation letters.

Chen Hansheng was also surprised: This team leader has a very charming personality, and his subordinates are all convinced by him.

That's right, I asked about it too.

Li Xiaokai said depressingly: This team leader is very loved by his subordinates. We are still riding a tiger now. If we open them all, no one will do anything. But if we keep them, they will still not do anything.

Then what else are you doing? You can't have a bad temper.

Chen Hansheng smiled: Are they all in the factory?

Yes, they are still waiting for a reply in the office. Li Xiaokai said.

Okay, I'll go over and take a look.

Chen Hansheng handed the cards in his hand to Yang Shichao, changed his clothes and went to the New Century.

There are five people in the MP3 product design team. When Chen Hansheng arrived, he took a look at the office and then went directly to Li Xiaokai.

Team leader, who was that person just now?

someone asked immediately.

Consultant in the factory, Director Lin said that he has a good relationship with the big boss. He probably heard about our group and came here to take a look.

A man in his thirties explained that he was Lin Dongtao, the leader of the MP3 project design team, and the leader of this group riot and collective resignation.

Tch, it's useless for anyone to come.

A team member took the label off his neck and threw it casually on the table: Either you keep them all, or you resign together. Anyway, I'm determined to follow you, boss.

That's right, last time I had a bad cold and fever, my boss took me to the hospital in the middle of the night.

If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten. I just graduated last winter and had no money to buy a down jacket. My boss lent me money to buy it, otherwise I would have frozen to death on the street.


Several team members spoke excitedly, which moved Lin Dongtao to tears.

He was promoted by Factory Director Lin Zhaohui. The current design plan obviously went against Factory Director Lin's ideas. From the perspective of loyalty, Lin Dongtao refused to serve Li Xiaokai.

So it was normal for Li Xiaokai to resign. Unexpectedly, when he returned to the office, everyone was willing to resign.

Thank you, thank you.

Lin Dongtao couldn't help but thank him, and felt warm in his heart. His previous efforts had been rewarded.

Maybe we can survive until the day Director Lin comes back.

Lin Dongtao thought innocently.



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