I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Two hundred and seventy-five, the scumbag’s fiery trees and silver flowers

The Xianning Campus of Dongda University has just finished its freshman party and is very lively. Normally around 10:30, the girls’ dormitory is already relatively quiet, but today it was buzzing with excitement.

“Chairman Tsai’s confession was rejected.”

Xiao Rongyu, it's not strange.

Rocket 101 seems to have a store just over the west gate. I need to go and check it out during class tomorrow.


The girls who were present were talking happily about the freshman party; the girls who were not there were listening carefully to their roommate's exaggerated description.

The dormitory aunt was not very happy. She stood at the door with her arms akimbo and looked seriously at the girls coming in and out. College students were always more excited after group activities. Their task was to help young people return to normal.

Suddenly, a red Xiali slowly stopped under the girls' dormitory, and a male college student got out of the driver's seat.

The dormitory aunties looked up and down with suspicious eyes, and they all responded with hostility to boys who came to the girls' dormitory after 10 o'clock.

But the boy didn't call the girl to ask for a date, he just moved boxes of things from the car down to the bottom.

The dormitory aunt took a closer look and saw that they were actually fireworks.

Young man, what are you doing? Which hospital are you from?

Chen Hansheng was carrying fireworks. He bought ten boxes according to Kong Jing's directions, and the Xiali cart was filled to the brim.

When his aunt came to ask, Chen Hansheng wiped the sweat from his face and said honestly: I'm from the Youth League Committee Office of the school. The leader said that this year's freshman party was well organized and arranged for me to put away two boxes to celebrate.

Why didn't I receive this news?

The dormitory aunt didn't believe it.

A temporary task.

Chen Hansheng said generously: Just call the Youth League Committee office and ask.

The dormitory manager's aunt was a little confused when she saw Chen Hansheng's magnanimous appearance: The Youth League Committee office is off work, and besides, we only have contact information for the logistics office.


You can also ask the leader of the logistics department.

Chen Hansheng straightened up, took out his cigarette and smoked it leisurely.

The aunt didn't move: The logistics office is also closed. We can only contact the security office now.

The security department doesn't know about this, so I have to continue to complete the mission.

Chen Hansheng threw away the cigarette butts and handed one of the boxes of fireworks to the dormitory aunt: Auntie, please help me put it in the upper right corner.

Oh, oh.

The aunt at the dormitory management station has worked for so many years and has seen a lot of college students' routines, but she never expected that the boy in front of her not only lied, but also dared to order her to do things.

In particular, Chen Hansheng had an upright and open expression. His aunt helped set up the fireworks and subconsciously asked: Is this okay?

Okay, thank you, auntie.

Chen Hansheng smiled and said: When the fireworks are set off, please lock the glass door of the dormitory and allow entry and exit, so as to prevent female students from getting too excited and approaching.

Let it go now, I haven't called to inquire yet.

The aunt at the dormitory station said hesitantly.

There's no rush, then you go back and call to inquire.

Chen Hansheng smiled: My name is Chen Hansheng, the clerk of the Youth League Committee.

The dormitory aunt hurried back to make a phone call and locked the glass door.

Chen Hansheng saw his aunt pick up the phone, light a cigarette leisurely, put it in her mouth and took two puffs, then went to a firework box at the end and put the cigarette butt close to the fuse.


Immediately there was the sound of burning fuses, followed by a muffled boom, and a firework dragged a long light trail straight into the air. When it reached the highest point, it suddenly spread out with a crash, like a flaming tree.

Let it go now. Didn't I ask first?

The aunt put down the phone blankly. The fireworks had started and there was no point in calling anymore.

The girls' dormitory was silent for a while, and then someone shouted, Someone is setting off fireworks.

Suddenly, countless figures rushed to the balcony.

Chen Hansheng has lit several firework boxes in succession, and colorful lights continue to shine in front of the girls' dormitory.

The girls who watch the fireworks are also very cooperative. Whenever a firework rises and explodes, they always exclaim Wow, then they applaud each other and laugh, looking expectantly at the next one.

Of course, they were also wondering, who was the boy downstairs who lit the fireworks?

What does he want to do?

Aren't you afraid of being punished by the school?

Such a big commotion outside naturally attracted the attention of Xiao Rongyu and his dormitory.

The roommates all knew what happened at the freshman party, and they were tortured Xiao Rongyu, who had not had time to take off his makeup, in the middle.

Tell me, who is your boyfriend of five years?

You didn't even invite us to dinner, you just wanted to kidnap the most beautiful girl in our dormitory!

Bring it over to us when you can, Xiao Yu'er.

After Xiao Rongyu transferred to the Xianning campus, although her best friend was Bian Shishi, she had a relatively harmonious relationship with her other roommates.

His name is Chen...

Xiao Rongyu was about to confess honestly when suddenly there was a dull sound outside, followed by the excited calls of other girls in the dormitory.

Bian Shishi reacted first: Someone is setting off fireworks downstairs.

Xiao Yu'er's heart moved and she quickly followed her roommate to the balcony.

The fireworks are very beautiful, like dazzling and charming lamps, like shooting stars with trailing light tails, like blooming and flying flowers.

However, what excited Xiao Rongyu the most was that the figure under the colorful light was none other than Chen Hansheng.

He was still so naughty, biting a cigarette butt in his mouth, looking at the fireworks in the sky with his hands on his hips, a carefree and uninhibited smile on his face, and from time to time he lit a fireworks box with a cigarette butt.

Xiao Yu'er, this is Chen Hansheng.

Bian Shishi also recognized it.

That's him!

As soon as Xiao Rongyu opened her mouth, the smell of gunpowder smoke in the air made her nose uncomfortable, but she still pointed downstairs and shouted loudly: This is Chen Hansheng, he is the boyfriend I mentioned at the freshman party, I said If I want to watch the fireworks, he will show them to me at night...

However, her words were buried in the sound of firecrackers and cheers, and her roommates couldn't hear her clearly. Xiao Yu'er simply turned around and said, I'm going to find him!

Shoes, shoes, Xiaoyuer, you lost one of your shoes.

Bian Shishi reminded from behind.

When Xiao Rongyu came downstairs, she found that the dormitory door was locked. Through a piece of glass, she saw Chen Hansheng, and Chen Hansheng also saw her.

The scoundrel whom he had known for five years smiled at Xiao Rongyu and lit a firework box again.

Xiao Chen~

Xiao Rongyu had tears on his face, a smile on his lips, and the makeup on his face was stained by tears.

She is a girl who likes romance. Xiao Yuer will never forget what Chen Hansheng did.

How many years later, maybe she could still take it out and tell Chen Hansheng: Back then, in order to make me happy, you set off fireworks downstairs in the dormitory.


Another firework shot into the air and turned into a huge colored ball in the sky, shining with dazzling golden light. Even the girls' dormitories in other districts were attracted, and the balcony railings were full of people.

At the same time, Dongda security guards were also attracted.

Xiao Rongyu saw something bad and had no time to wipe his tears. He patted the glass door hard: Auntie, open the door. Open the door quickly. He is my boyfriend. I want to go out...

The aunt at the dormitory station saw it and thought to herself that the cadres of the Youth League Committee were really awesome, and she actually expected that there would be really excited girls.

The security guards were getting closer and closer. They didn't understand what was going on for a while, and they discussed with each other how to get closer to Chen Hansheng.

Classmate, why are you setting off fireworks here! the security guard shouted.

Chen Hansheng said nothing and quickly lit all the remaining fireworks, making several more swish, swish, swish sounds.

What are you doing!

The security guard grabbed Chen Hansheng.

Chen Hansheng simply threw away the lighter: I'm sorry, I was wrong. I won't dare to do it again next time.

Go to the security room with us and explain clearly!

The security guard pushed Chen Hansheng away.

At this moment, the entire sky above the Dongda Women’s Dormitory was illuminated by fireworks, and clusters of fireworks bloomed in the sky, like huge colorful umbrellas.

Chen Hansheng blinked at Xiao Rongyu indifferently, turned and left with a playful smile.

Xiao Rongyu couldn't open the door and could only watch helplessly as Chen Hansheng was taken away by the school security. She had cried so much that she had no strength to speak, and her palms were red from being slapped.

Xiao Chen, you are such a smart person. Why do you do such a stupid thing? I am already your girlfriend.



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