I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Two hundred and seventy-four, the significance of half an hour more

I confessed my love, what next?

Chen Hansheng asked calmly.

Why aren't you nervous at all?

Nie Xiaoyu was very strange.

You don't understand, confessing to Xiao Rongyu in high school is crazy.

Chen Hansheng is really not worried at all: She always receives love letters, flowers and chocolates from a drawer full. Now college boys will make a silent comparison in their hearts, so relatively speaking, the number of confessions will decrease.

But the quality has gone up.

Nie Xiaoyu rushed to say: The person I confessed to Xiao Rongyu tonight is the student union president of a department at Dongda University. His name is, what is his name?

Cai Feng.

Shang Bing replied from the side.

Yes, Cai Feng.

Nie Xiaoyu remembered: When Xiao Rongyu was about to go down after playing the guzheng, he suddenly rushed up with flowers to express his love. There was a cheer below.


Nie Xiaoyu made a turn: I was rejected by Xiao Rongyu.

Oh, not surprising.

Chen Hansheng replied, there are few family members accompanying them in the corridor of the gastroenterology department, and empty voices are echoing.

To be honest, Minister Chen, I have fallen in love with Xiao Rongyu now. Guess what he did.

Nie Xiaoyu seemed to have walked out of the auditorium, and the surrounding area gradually became quiet: She directly said that I have a boyfriend, and we have been together for almost five years.

Xiao Rongyu includes high school, so it’s not wrong to have been together for almost five years.

At that time, after these words were said, the entire auditorium became noticeably quiet. Probably no one would have thought that Xiao Rongyu actually had a boyfriend of five years.

Nie Xiaoyu continued: But Cai Feng is a top student in 985 after all, so he didn't bother. He nodded, put the flowers on the stage and left.

Chen Hansheng thought that this must be the surprise that Xiao Yuer said.

Unexpectedly, Nie Xiaoyu changed the subject: It's not just that. Xiao Rongyu also said on the stage that her boyfriend works in Rocket 101. In the past few days, Rocket 101 Express is preparing to open up the market in Dongda. I hope everyone can support it.

That's good. Then you will become famous. It will save a lot of effort to open up the market there. Chen Hansheng said with a smile.

Nie Xiaoyu couldn't help but roll her eyes: Being famous means being famous, but I'm also worried about being beaten. It's worth the hatred. There are two boss ladies here. Who should I listen to?

You can only listen to me!

Chen Hansheng heard the teasing tone in Nie Xiaoyu's words and hung up the phone directly.

Not long after, Gao Jialiang also called. He also went to see the freshman party of Dongda University today.

Chen Hansheng, you are so lucky that Xiao Yu'er actually confessed his love to you.

Gao Jialiang was full of emotions that he didn't know how to express. There were sourness and emotion, relief and sadness, and a hint of gloating: But you're not here.

In this case, you should find a girlfriend in a down-to-earth manner from now on. Otherwise, when we get together in the future, I will hug Xiao Yu'er and kiss her, and you can only watch it with your own eyes.

Chen Hansheng advised sincerely.


Gao Jialiang cursed and hung up the phone. Tonight might be a sleepless night for him. It was normal for Xiao Yu'er to find a boyfriend, but he would definitely be unconvinced when looking for Chen Hansheng.

The last call was from Wang Zibo.

Xiao Chen, why don't you come over this afternoon? Xiao Yu'er has confessed his love in public.

I know it's really hard to get through. A friend is sick and I need to stay with him. Chen Hansheng explained.

Wang Zibo asked tentatively: Shen Youchu?

Is Shen Youchu a friend? Chen Hansheng asked.

Wang Zibo thought for a while: Is that a woman?


Chen Hansheng had no need to hide it from Wang Zibo, so he nodded and admitted.

Xiao Chen, don't do this again.

Wang Zibo said earnestly: Isn't this tiring? Shen Youchu and Xiao Yu'er are not enough. Xiao Yu'er even helps you promote Rocket 101.

There are some situations that Wang Zibo is not clear about. Things like today are actually not considered an ambiguous relationship between him and Kong Jing. They are considered more from a long-term perspective.

You don't understand dad's happiness.

Chen Hansheng murmured unconsciously.


Wang Zibo was stunned when he heard this.

Oh, you don't understand the happiness of a scumbag.

After Chen Hansheng finished speaking, he stood up. The doctor came out to signal that Kong Jing was awake, holding a copy of the results in his hand.

Acute superficial antral gastritis is not a big problem, but you need to take good care of yourself, drink less and rest more. I just had a gastroscopy tonight and can only eat liquid food...

The doctor gave a lot of instructions. In fact, these were the most common ways of working and resting. Kong Jing knew it in her heart, but she just couldn't do it.

Thank you, Han Sheng.

Kong Jing had already slept, and she struggled to sit up.

Chen Hansheng helped her walk twice, and then let her go when her soles gradually regained strength and indicated that she could walk alone.

After coming out of the hospital, Chen Hansheng took Kong Jing back and asked with concern: The doctor said you can only eat liquid food. Do you want to find a noodle shop?

Forget it, I don't have much appetite. I feel nauseous all the time.

Kong Jing shook her head and refused, then looked at the endless traffic on the road outside my window without saying anything.

Chen Hansheng didn't deliberately stir up the topic. Gastroscopy was very uncomfortable. Kong Jing was probably already thinking about the relationship between the future, body and career.

When she arrived downstairs at Kong Jing's house, she returned to her normal state and said with a smile: You can go back first. I am really grateful for today.

Chen Hansheng got out of the car without hesitation: After working hard for so long, can't I go to your house for a drink of water?

At this time, it is not worthwhile to leave immediately to find Xiao Rongyu, because it is already too late. Half an hour late or half an hour early does not mean much.

But for Kong Jing, if Chen Hansheng is willing to spend half an hour with her to stabilize her mood, while cooking a bowl of clear soup and hanging it on the water, such companionship would be perfect.

When Kong Jing thinks about it in the future, she won’t just think that Chen Hansheng accompanied her during a gastroscopy;

She would feel that Chen Hansheng came to the hospital, performed a gastroscopy with her, sent her home, and made a bowl of noodles.

This shows how important the last half hour is when getting along with women.

I never thought you could cook.

After Kong Jing finished eating the noodles, she felt a little unbelievable: I always thought you were the kind of boy who would starve to death after leaving the cafeteria.

It's really not true. When I was young, my parents made me do housework early in order to train me.

Chen Hansheng said with a smile: I could have gone to Tsinghua University, but doing housework delayed my studies.

Kong Jing pursed her lips and smiled. The room was a little quiet. Chen Hansheng felt that it was almost time. He looked at the time and said, Sister Jing, I'll go back first.


Kong Jing stood up and walked to the door. The light at the stairway shone on her face, and there was a trace of fatigue in the corners of her eyes. After all, she was a 30-year-old woman. No matter how beautiful she was, she could not stop the erosion of time.

Thank you, Han Sheng.

This time, Kong Jing’s thanks were particularly solemn.

Chen Hansheng waved and went downstairs, but at the corner he suddenly remembered something: Sister Jing, is there any shop selling fireworks in Jianye?


(The chapter will be released in advance at noon tomorrow)


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