I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

One thousand and thirty-nine. At the end of the story, the villain is as worthy of cherishment as th

After subordinates like Cao Jiande came to visit on the 18th, Chen Hansheng's life gradually became normal.

In fact, the normalization of his life means that both the Xiaoyu Party and the Youchu Party have calmed down. Xiao Rongyu and Shen Youchu are used to taking care of each other's children.

Not only that, but they also unknowingly get used to texting and video chatting.

At the beginning, the topics were all focused on the baby, such as Where did you go for a walk today? Yesterday, the baby suddenly talked in his sleep when he was sleeping in the middle of the night. The temperature is unstable now. You should keep warm when it is hot and cold...

Later, the sense of restraint gradually diminished, and I started to talk about other things unconsciously. One time when Shen Youchu was writing his master's thesis, Xiao Rongyu accidentally asked, Is your professional thesis difficult?, and the conversation started.

Lu Yuqing no longer looked around for a wet nurse. After all, in her heart, Xiao Yu'er would return to China in a few days.

All this made Chen Hansheng deeply sigh, how can there be such a quiet time, it is just two girls carrying a heavy burden forward.

The only strange thing is that Xiao Rongyu did not receive a new ID card.

It stands to reason that it should arrive in the United States around the 20th, but it is understandable that international express mails are delayed by a day or two. However, from the 21st, 22nd, 23rd... until the 25th, the new ID card has still not been sent. , Xiao Rongyu realized that there might be a problem.

After Lu Yuqing heard about it, he went to the post office to question it. However, in 2007, there was no real-time logistics information in the express delivery industry. Even the post office could not tell which link the problem was. After all, this distance spanned thousands of kilometers across the ocean.

Therefore, the post office only promised to search carefully. If it cannot be found, it will compensate 1,000 yuan according to the maximum insured value of the document...

Lu Yuqing immediately refused. If he really wanted to continue the search, he would probably have to wait until the end of the year of the monkey. It would be more convenient to apply for a new ID card.

Of course, this convenience is only for family conditions like Lu Yuqing's. Although our country's laws do not clearly stipulate the time interval for re-issuing ID cards, if ordinary people want to apply for two consecutive ID cards within half a month, the household registration police will not respond at all. of.

But if it were the director's family, it would be easier to talk about.

At this time, no one doubted Chen Hansheng. First, it is still common for things to be lost in international express delivery;

Second, Xiao Rongyu signed the delivery address based on the house number, so Chen Hansheng should not be able to use tricks;

Third, everyone still retains some thoughts,

Can Chen Hansheng really be that bad?

However, it will take more than a week to get it done and then send it over, and it will be May before you know it.

Who would have thought there would be problems with the postal service.

Lu Yuqing and Xiao Rongyu complained: If I had known, I would have chosen SF Express.

it does not matter.

Xiao Rongyu consoled her: Anyway, Shen Youchu has already celebrated Xiao Xiaoyu'er's 7-month birthday.

Chen Zijin was born on September 19 last year. Xiao Rongyu is a very ceremonial mother. She helps her daughter celebrate her birthday every month.

In fact, it’s relatively simple. Just put a pointed birthday hat on your daughter, buy a small cake, and take a photo as a souvenir. Of course, the baby can’t eat the cake now, so the mother and Aunt Shishi usually help her eat it. Lose.

Xiao Rongyu originally thought that Chen Zijin's seventh birthday would be missed, but unexpectedly, at the instigation of his aunt Chen Lan, another mother Shen Youchu organized a small party for Chen Zijin.

Therefore, Xiao Rongyu didn't have many regrets except that she missed her daughter very much.

However, when talking about this matter, Lu Yuqing became more and more melancholy: The baby no longer kisses me. He would stretch out his little arms when he saw me a while ago, but now he is tired of being in Xiao Shen's arms all day long...

Xiao Rongyu was silent for a while, and his tone was a bit complicated: Chen Zipei is like this too, she shouldn't sleep with grandma anymore...


Lu Yuqing sighed. Both babies need their mothers to feed them, but looking at it from another perspective, the two mothers actually also need their babies to give them spiritual comfort, so they become more and more compatible.


A few days later, May 1st arrived, which was Chen Zipei's 7-month birthday, and Xiao Rongyu also held a small birthday party for her.

They also bought a small cake, but the birthday hat was cut by Xiao Rongyu himself, and then everyone gathered around the baby and sang happy birthday.

The little fool was sitting in grandma's arms, staring blankly at the cake on the table. There was a small candle on the cake.

The candlelight flickered, reflecting in her beautiful little peach blossom eyes. The cute little chubby face was full of curiosity about the unknown world. Xiao Rongyu took the opportunity to take a picture of this scene and sent it to Shen Youchu at the same time.

This kind of communication has become a daily routine for two mothers. Maybe it is no longer accurate to use communication to describe it. It is more appropriate to use sharing. It is just Shen Youchu sharing Xiao Xiaoyuer's life and Xiao Rongyu sharing The life of a little fool.

After celebrating Chen Zipei's birthday, Chen Hansheng continued to read letters in the mailbox in his study, when suddenly there was a dong dong dong knock on the door outside.

Hey, come in!

Chen Hansheng thought it was his biological mother, and thought that after all these years, Empress Dowager Liang had learned to knock on the door when entering her son's room.

Probably mothers all over the country are the same. When Chen Hansheng was studying, Liang Meijuan never knocked on the door when she entered the room. She also liked to take advantage of Chen Hansheng's vacation to sleep in, go into the bedroom to draw the curtains, mop the floor and arrange clothes. In short, Ding Ding-dang-dang made a sound.

Chen Hansheng ran away from home in a noisy manner because of this incident. After eating at Wang Zibo's house for two days, he came back as if nothing was wrong.

However, when the door creaked open, it was Xiao Rongyu.

Chen Hansheng was even more surprised. Since arriving in the United States, Xiao Yu'er had never spoken more than 10 sentences to him, and whenever he saw him, he always looked cold.

Sometimes, Xiao Rongyu was clearly chatting with others with a smile. When she saw Chen Hansheng coming over, her expression was like an air conditioner, instantly changing from hot air to cold air, and Chen Hansheng grinned from the cold. But there is nothing we can do.

Hey, it's a rare visitor.

Chen Hansheng stood up and said with a playful smile: Director Xiao is here in the study. Do you have any instructions?


Xiao Rongyu didn't want to see this man's appearance, so he simply turned his head and looked out the window, and said coldly: When will you let me return to China?

That's what I said.

Chen Hansheng sneered: My feet are on you, so you can go back whenever you want. It's like I'm restricting you.

Most people probably wouldn't be able to bear such a shameless answer, but Xiao Rongyu had given birth to a baby girl for Chen Hansheng, so this reaction was within her expectations.


Xiao Rongyu stretched out his slender hand: Give me back my ID card and passport. I can go back right away.

That's what I said.

Chen Hansheng laughed again: I didn't take those things. You have to ask Tan Ying for it, or do you not have her contact information?

How about this.

Chen Hansheng pretended to open the address book on his mobile phone: I will tell you her mobile phone number. Please remember it, 1386666...


Xiao Rongyu spat, what's the use of memorizing Tan Ying's number? How could Tan Ying send the information without this bastard man's order.

In fact, Xiao Rongyu had other matters with Chen Hansheng today. This was just an opening remark to break the awkwardness of not speaking for a long time.

Are you ready to return to China?

Xiao Rongyu suddenly asked.

Chen Hansheng originally planned to return to China at the end of last month or the beginning of this month. Zhu Saiwen had already helped pack his luggage, so he replied frankly: Yes, I will leave tomorrow. I have already told my mother.

I'm going back to China in two days.

Xiao Rongyu expected that her second ID card would arrive soon. What she was worried about was what would happen to Chen Zipei after she returned to China?

Xiao Rongyu wanted to talk to Chen Hansheng about this issue last month, but he was still very angry at the time and lost his ID, so he postponed it until today.

This problem is easy to solve.

Chen Hansheng said lightly: Isn't it okay if you don't go back to China? You can continue to take care of Chen Zipei here. She is so naive and well-behaved. Are you really willing to leave her alone?


Xiao Rongyu never expected that this would be Chen Hansheng's solution. Was he going to use the feelings he had gained from getting along with the little idiot these days to carry out moral kidnapping?

What if I don't care?

Xiao Rongyu stared at Chen Hansheng and asked.

Then wean off the milk!

Chen Hansheng answered without hesitation that he would not tell Xiao Rongyu that he had already found two wet nurses in the United States.

Chen Zipei is only seven months old. It's too early to wean now.

Xiao Rongyu believed it to be true, and she seriously advised Chen Hansheng: When I return to China, take out Chen Zipei's household registration book. I will take her back with me. Shen Youchu misses his daughter very much.

Xiao Rongyu's expression was full of sincerity, but Chen Hansheng still shook his head: Chen Zipei's household registration book is also with Qin Ying. Should I give you her contact information?

Hearing this wording again, Xiao Rongyu knew that Chen Hansheng would not agree. Her eyes became cold again and she turned around and left.

Chen Hansheng was indifferent. Xiao Rongyu could already think about the future for Chen Zipei, but this was not enough.

What Chen Hansheng wants is that Xiao Rongyu can appear in Chen Zipei's future, not just consider her future.

However, when he walked to the door, Xiao Rongyu did not turn his shoulders, but asked: Something happened to Shen Youchu's milk tea shop, did you know?


Chen Hansheng nodded.


Xiao Rongyu didn't say any more, and closed the door hard, causing the airflow to scatter the documents on the table.

Chen Hansheng watched expressionlessly. After a while, he took a long breath and bent down to pick up the A4 paper on the ground.

In this tug-of-war, Chen Hansheng is actually under the greatest pressure, but the situation is getting more and more favorable, and occasional small accidents can become whetstones.

The little surprise is that Meet You Milk Tea Shop recently encountered a copycat counterpart, its name is Meet You Milk Tea Shop.

Guoke Electronics has become a trend. Now, if any company that produces mobile phones dares to call it Guoke Electronics, Guoke Electronics, or even Guoker Electronics..., Chen Hansheng will sue this company the next day. to bankruptcy.

But the milk tea shop is not good. After all, it is a tea brand, especially if the business is so good, it is naturally enviable.

This Meet You Milk Tea Shop not only has the same name, but also has a similar logo and decoration style, which is very confusing. People often want to buy Meet You Milk Tea, but end up buying Meet You Milk Tea instead.

Naturally, Hu Linyu would not let it go. She and Feng Gui came to discuss with each other. However, the owner of this store also had some connections, otherwise the registration at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau would not have passed, so they did not dump Secretary Hu at all.

Mo's second mother also knew about this, but while selling milk tea, she said very bachelorly that she would go to court and sue us. In short, she would not close the store.

This is typical rogue logic. Mo Ke only found out the other party's background after asking about it, and it was quite tricky to deal with it.

At present, the only option is to go to court to sue for this infringement. Shen Youchu had been learning about this information before, but Xiao Rongyu was not able to ask about it at the time. Later, she gradually became familiar with it and understood it, and now she told Chen Hansheng.

In fact, Chen Hansheng knew earlier. Jianye was his base. Both Nie Xiaoyu and Qin Ying had asked if they needed Guoke Electronics to come out and say hello.

Dong'er is now Hu Linyu's assistant, and Jin Yangming, the Godfather of Jiangling Entertainment Circle, is planning to drag a bunch of big men to block the door.

However, these actions were stopped by Chen Hansheng. In fact, a big gangster like him has 10,086 ways to deal with small scoundrels. This time he chose the brightest one - supporting Shen Youchu in legal proceedings.

Not only did he support Shen Youchu in his legal proceedings, Chen Hansheng also asked Director Xiao of Rongsheng Law Firm to come forward to fight the lawsuit.

After the lawsuit is over, the Shura field should also be eliminated, and all disputes have come to a successful conclusion.

For this reason, Chen Hansheng specifically warned people like Zhang Weiyu, you are not allowed to frighten people, let alone say my name, so as not to scare them away.

When a villain finally pops up, you must cherish them like a giant panda.


(Please give me a monthly pass, thank you all.)

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