I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Nine hundred and forty-four, blow, blow hard for me, Director Chen!

Middle-aged parents only think about food, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea. They no longer have the energy to chase stars, and it is difficult to understand such fanatic fans, so they are very puzzled by their son Xiaoou's behavior.

Xiao Ou didn't have time to explain to his parents now. After finally calming down, he immediately ran along the sidewalk to the quiet riverside.

In addition to old people walking here, there are also couples in love. The river reflects the lights of thousands of houses on the shore. From time to time, small cruise ships pass by with their whistles honking, and the tides rush against the embankment.

The summer breeze was mixed with the smell of beer, and Xiao Ou suddenly felt that the scenery tonight was so charming.

Strange, why didn't you notice it just now?

However, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it is far less than the joy of sharing happiness with shell fans.

Xiao Ou quickly opened the Guoke community, and sure enough, ten minutes ago, all of Chen Hansheng's posts were full of doubts, but now they have been replaced by overwhelming praise:

Dr. Chen is awesome, he is indeed my idol!

Director Chen's impassioned tone made my heart surge. One day I am a shell fan, and I will be a shell fan forever!

I've watched this video more than twenty times, what about you?

It floated by more than thirty times.


These are serious and affirmative posts. Of course, there are also some experts who say When everyone is drunk, I am alone awake; when everyone is dirty, I am alone clear:

I really don't know what you are so excited about. I have never doubted it.

Me too, I should eat and have fun. I never pay attention to those junk messages.

So, the truth is in the hands of a few people. You should quit your fans immediately. You are not worthy of being a fan of Nutshell!


There are also some confessional parties, which are also indispensable:

I have questioned Director Chen, and now I sincerely apologize. I'm sorry.

I also made a post today questioning Guoke and Director Chen, sorry +1.

I said this with red eyes. I am still a high school student and don't have much pocket money. When I go to college, I will definitely buy a fruit phone to support me.

High school students should stop surfing the Internet secretly and go to evening self-study!


Finally, there is a super silly post.

The Guoke community has such a large amount of daily activity that comments like Can Barcelona pick five people to beat our school football team? or I have been practicing boxing for three years, and I feel like Bruce Lee is no match for me.

Without exception, these posts received over 10,000 replies and became the classic mascot of the Guoke community.

Another one appeared today, with only three words in the title: Call Dad.

The content is as follows:

Director Chen was detained in South Korea. I thought that Director Chen had committed a crime in South Korea. My roommate believed in Director Chen from beginning to end, so we made a bet. Whoever loses will post in the community and call every netizen who replies Dad .

Although I am convinced by this result, Mr. Chen is awesome! China is rising!

However, I still hope this post sinks in.

In the end, the poster failed to achieve his wish, because within half an hour, it had become a hot post with more than 4,000 replies.

This poster also has a strong personality and literally calls Dad from floor to floor.

This idiot!

Xiao Ou laughed so hard that snot bubbles almost came out of his nose. Of course, he also left a message on that post.

They are all young people, who doesn’t want to have more sons?

But after laughing, Xiao Ou suddenly found that the mobile phone page of Guoke Community jumped a few times, and then went blank for an instant.

Crashed again!

Xiao Ou scratched his head in annoyance. This was not the first time that the Guoke community collapsed today. This time, it collapsed again because of the video.

What is Fatty Huang doing?

Xiao Ou was blaming Huang Liqian, chief engineer of the network department: If we collapse like this a few times, people will think that the quality of our shells is not good!

At this moment, Xiao Ou seemed to have become a director of Guoke Electronics, helping Chen Hansheng condemn Huang Liqian.

In fact, Lao Huang cannot be blamed for this.

There are now less than 60 million netizens in China. It stands to reason that a server that can host 5 million people online at the same time is definitely enough. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen.

At present, the only website that checks scores after the college entrance examination has this kind of treatment.


Xiao Ou killed a blood-sucking mosquito, and a small red bump gradually bulged on his leg, but he didn't pay attention and continued to brush the Guoke Community over and over again.

How to describe this feeling? If I describe it in terms of the LOL game 10 years later, it would be that my favorite team achieved good results in the World Championship, or that my favorite player scored 5 kills on the big stage.

At this time, as a fan, not only do you want to brag, but you also need to find a place to watch others brag.

The harder others brag, the happier Xiao Ou feels, so when the posts in the Guoke community were refreshed so quickly just now, Xiao Ou tried his best to reply with a (*^▽^*) expression.

But now the web page has crashed and it will probably not be restored within ten minutes. Xiao Ou can only go to Baidu Tieba to take a look.

In the end, it was okay not to watch it, but Xiao Ou was very angry after watching it.

Because in those big forums, some netizens not only failed to praise Chen Hansheng, but also made questioning comments:

A: I just saw the video and I suspect that it was a fake by Guoke Electronics.

B: Brother, I also have this idea, but if I question it a little bit in the Guoke community, some idiot fans will immediately jump out to refute it.

C: Guoke community = Guoke’s private land, boring.


Of course, it’s not all such remarks, because there are also Guoke fans who also messed up the post, or even if they are not Guoke fans, they are very unhappy with such remarks.

This is a publicly released video, how could it be fake?

I checked and found that Samsung does indeed have a business consultant named Zheng Baoxu. The photo and video are exactly the same.

Some people upstairs are really mean. The Guoke community is the gathering place for us Hu fans. We are all very excited now. But at this time, you run over and question, it's not that you don't want a mother, you simply don't have a mother!


It's so exciting to fight!

Xiao Ou couldn't help clenching his fists.

Xiao Ou doesn't know how to curse, but he feels very refreshed when he sees other people spitting out sweet things, especially the humorous and free-spirited boss Chen Hansheng. Every time he launches a product launch, Xiao Ou feels like he's listening to a cross talk.

Baidu will be finished sooner or later.

Xiao Ou closed the Tieba and silently came to a conclusion.

Not only did Tieba netizens say bad things about Chen Hansheng, Xiao Ou felt that Baidu's management was too loose and did not know how to correctly guide netizens' three views. Although it is now known as the BAT troika, if it continues like this, sooner or later it will be replaced.

It would be great if it were replaced by a nutshell, then it would be called GAT!

When Xiao Ou was thinking wildly, the Guoke community had returned to normal, and Xiao Ou was once again immersed in the joyful and satisfying behavior of watching others blow Guoke.


If this is just a glimpse of the Internet, in the real world, the heavyweight newspaper Yangtze Evening News, which was delayed for one hour, had the headline Recording Chen Jun's life in South Korea? Day 1.

The author is actually the editor-in-chief Liu Hua. After all, he is a cultural person. His realm comes out as soon as he writes, and he has a flavor of the literature of the Republic of China:

Chen Jun and I met at a cocktail party. At that time, Guoke’s first mobile phone had just been released. Chen Jun was so proud that he invited everyone to drink with his glass.

I am too drunk, but I am also happy to see such a scene. The wisdom of young people will make the country wise, the richness of young people will make the country rich, and the strong youth will make the country strong. Chen Jun has achieved something at a young age, which reflects the inclusiveness of our society.

It is true that Chen Jun is wanton and frivolous, high-profile and proud, but this kind of character shows that it is impossible for him to sneak around in Korea.

I firmly believe that the truth will eventually come to light, and I wish Chen Jun all the best.

This is the attitude of the official media in Sudong Province. Many people smell the scent of ink in the newspapers and slowly understand the deep meaning behind this news.

In addition, those netizens who questioned whether the video was fake were too frightened by the accident to say anything.

At around 9 pm Korean time, one of the protagonists of the video, former Samsung management consultant Zheng Boxu, committed suicide on the Han River Bridge.

In front of him, he left a suicide note apologizing.


(One chapter will be finished around 8 o'clock tonight. Remember to vote for the month at the end of the month, and help Jiang Jiang promote the book The Super Fierce Girlfriend Comes to Me.)

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