I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Nine hundred and forty-three, the light of

Chen Hansheng's behavior is really rogue. It's like fighting outside when he was a kid. In fact, he didn't actually start a fight. He just compared his size. Then he ran home and called his parents out. He pointed at the other person and said, Please fuck him hard. !”

Of course, the parent was very personable. She just raised her fist and flashed it, and then went back.

This resolute young military attache represents the fist of the parents.

So when parking at the embassy on Mingdong Street, Chen Hansheng saluted the young man. Although it was not very standard, it represented Chen Hansheng's gratitude.

You're welcome, it's your duty.

The young man didn't say anything more and walked back in goose-step.

Tsk, tsk.

Chen Hansheng sat back in the car with admiration, turned to Cui Zhifeng and said: You see, a mother's child is like a treasure, Samsung is a traitor, Lao Lu can't wait to dismember the Samsung Group to reduce its impact on South Korea's political economy .”

Cui Zhifeng smiled and grinned. When a president is in the mouth of a big boss, he becomes Old Lu, but the Blue House should also pay attention to this matter.

Thinking about it now, I really have a sense of participation that has gone through the changes in the international situation.

I feel like I'm still angry.

Cui Zhifeng said: You should really accept the $300 million check, and then find any reason to pretend that the video was leaked, and disgust Samsung again.

This offended Samsung to death. I specifically informed Kim Jae-hwan in advance to leave some room for conversation when we meet again in the future.

Chen Hansheng analyzed: In addition, if our behavior of collecting money is exposed by Samsung, then there will be leverage left in their hands, which is very unworthy.

Qin Ying never had time to talk because she had to help Chen Hansheng block many unnecessary phone calls.

There are media reporters, business colleagues, and some friends whose names Chen Hansheng cannot remember. In short, as long as Chen Hansheng shakes his head, Qin Ying will find excuses. In fact, from these frequent contacts, it can be imagined that the domestic Internet must be Everything was turned upside down.

When I returned to Luo Xuan's apartment at noon, Zheng Guanti called me unexpectedly.

How are you doing?

Best friend Zheng asked hurriedly: I was at the ancestral hall in the morning. I didn't know the specific situation until I got the phone. Why did South Korea detain you?

This is not government action.

Chen Hansheng walked to the balcony and said: Samsung Electronics stopped us. The police just didn't want us to interfere with the order of the airport. But in the video shot by passers-by, it was like the police took Lao Cui and me away.

I see.

Zheng Guanti suddenly realized: Did you master some secrets, that's why Samsung wouldn't let you leave?


Chen Hansheng curled his lips. After all, she was Zheng's best friend. It was impossible for her to be affected by the Internet and she had a clear mind and logic at all times.

Please pay attention to the Guoke Community's statement tonight.

Chen Hansheng also gave it a try.

Then you're safe, right?

Zheng Guanti is still worried. She is very aware of Samsung's influence in South Korea.

I've contacted the embassy so that my safety can be guaranteed.

Chen Hansheng replied blankly.


Zheng Guanti choked for a moment. It was indeed Chen Hansheng who could ask for internal help in such a majestic manner.

That's okay.

Now that the national team has intervened, Chen Hansheng is basically safe. Zheng Guanti grinned and said, Call me if you need anything. I'm going to find a doctor.


Chen Hansheng asked doubtfully: Is it the reason why I knelt in the ancestral hall for so long?

Although Chen Hansheng does not know the specific process of entering a family tree in Hong Kong, these procedures must be indispensable.


Zheng Guanti said angrily: The signal at the ancestral hall is not good. When I was looking for a signal with my mobile phone, I fell and broke my knee.

So that's it~

Chen Hansheng was a little moved. It was obvious that Brother Ti wanted to contact him earlier.

The moment of panic led to the fall.

When I return to China, I will definitely repay with my body...

Before Chen Hansheng finished speaking, Zheng Guanti had already hung up the phone with a smile.

It seems that in addition to gaining reputation, this crisis also has side effects.

Chen Hansheng said to himself: Now that I have a reason to talk to Xiaoyuer Shen Youchu, I am a little closer to Zheng's best friend, and...

Senior Brother Chen, who are you calling?

Luo Xuan's sudden appearance from behind interrupted Chen Hansheng's lust.

Just a friendly businessman.

After Chen Hansheng turned around, his expression changed from frivolous to concerned about the country and the people. He frowned and said to Luo Xuan: After all, I have a bit of a bad reputation in China, and everyone cares about me. This is very reasonable. Bar.


Luo Xuan looked at Chen Hansheng, her big bright eyes filled with suspicion: Then why didn't you answer the phone in the living room? I doubt it was a woman who called you.

You, you don't have any sense of the overall situation.

Chen Hansheng pretended to be angry: At this critical moment, you still care about such a trivial matter as gender...

Chen Hansheng said as he walked quickly to the living room. If Luo Xuan was fooled so easily, Chen Hansheng probably would not have left her in her previous life.

Sure enough, Luo Xuan tried to grab Chen Hansheng's mobile phone from behind. Chen Hansheng was prepared and put the mobile phone in his arms, and the two started fighting on the sofa.

Cui Zhifeng and Qin Ying looked at each other in the living room. Cui Zhifeng suddenly picked up his mobile phone, without even dialing the number, he put it directly to his ear and said: Dr. Jay, thank you for your concern. We are fine here... ·”

As Lao Cui said this, he walked to the kitchen. Qin Ying was a little thin-skinned and actually called her husband: What are you busy with today? Have your children finished their summer homework...

Tan Ying also said that while walking to the bathroom, these two people are not stupid. The scene of the big boss flirting with the girl cannot be seen too much.

Luo Xuan didn't care about these looks, but she wasn't as strong as Chen Hansheng. It took her a long time to find the phone, so she could only say breathlessly: Anyway, Senior Sister Shen and Senior Sister Xiao have broken up with you. I want to take a look now. What little prodigal would dare to seduce you?

Just as he finished speaking, someone called again. Luo Xuan was like a vigilant little cheetah, staring closely at Chen Hansheng's cell phone.

Chen Hansheng glanced at the phone screen and saw that the contact person on it was Yan Ning, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Yan Ning.

Chen Hansheng raised his phone and shook it.

Luo Xuan's expression slowly relaxed. Senior Sister Yan was not pretty enough, and Senior Brother Chen would definitely not like her.

What's up?

Chen Hansheng asked, Yan Ning should have important news to report.

Director Chen, come to the headquarters at noon to express your attitude.

Yan Ning whispered: I received a task to arrange a large press conference. The deputy minister also visited Zheng Baoxu.

The press conference can understand that after the video is exposed, Samsung Electronics will definitely clarify and apologize.

Why visit Zheng Baoxu?

Let him kneel in public?

Could it be... to die to apologize?

Chen Hansheng suddenly woke up.

That's how it should be.

Yan Ning sighed: The Korean system has a strict hierarchy. When things get to this point, Consultant Zheng doesn't have much choice.


Chen Hansheng nodded. He didn't feel sorry for Zheng Baoxu. Instead, he felt that this was a typical example of a man who would never die. Then he continued to ask: What is Samsung Electronics' attitude towards us?

According to my observation and understanding, it should be mostly regrets.

Yan Ning thought for a while and said: There is not much hatred. On the contrary, because you informed us in advance, the headquarters has enough time to carry out public relations and preparations.

That's good, I didn't offend you to death.

Chen Hansheng chatted with Yan Ning for a few more words before hanging up the phone, and then said to Luo Xuan: See, you are either a business partner or a friend. You are too small-minded...

Dingling bell~

Before he finished boasting, the phone rang again, and the three words Shang Yanyan on the screen were really dazzling.

Damn it, I've already capsized, do I have to go through the Shura field again?

Chen Hansheng cursed in his heart. He didn't want to answer the phone originally, but Shang Yanyan persevered and kept calling one after another.


Luo Xuan said with wide eyes.


Chen Hansheng coughed: This is a classmate of mine. You should also know that I have always had a high prestige in the class and everyone cares about me. This is very reasonable.

If you don't answer, let me pick it up!

Luo Xuan didn't listen to Chen Hansheng's nonsense and wanted to grab the phone. Chen Hansheng had no choice but to press the answer button: Hello~


It was easy for Shang Yanyan to get through. She must have just gotten up, and her nasal voice was still a bit thick, but the concern in her tone could not be concealed: How are you now? I just saw the video and those comments... ·”

Shang Yanyan started crying as she spoke. She was essentially an ordinary girl. She didn't have the ability to see the situation quickly like Zheng Guanti. She just wanted to be more coquettish, coquettish, and bold, and she only wanted to be Chen Hansheng's lover.

Okay, okay, don't cry.

Chen Hansheng glanced at Luo Xuan next to him. The little girl was already jealous. He could only bite the bullet and comfort him: The news on the Internet are all fake. Everything will be subject to my phone call with you.

You, are you really okay?

Shang Yanyan said with sobs.

It's fine!

Chen Hansheng said firmly: You don't have to worry.

Then I'll fly over and sleep with you...

Shang Yanyan was about to say the word sleep when she suddenly heard Chen Hansheng say on the phone: Don't be so close to me. It's sticky on a hot day.

Then I'll fly over and accompany you to convince the Korean government. After all, I used to work at a radio station. I'm pretty eloquent. I often watch Korean dramas and understand a little Korean.

Shang Yanyan also reacted quickly. She immediately realized that there was someone around Chen Hansheng and changed sleep to persuade.

Words are the weakest weapon in disputes. In the end, it all depends on strength.

Chen Hansheng rejected Shang Yanyan's kindness: But thank you, classmate Yanyan. I have something else to do and will contact you later.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Hansheng shrugged at Luo Xuan: We are very popular in the class, that's how it is.


Luo Xuan spat: I also studied at the University of Finance and Economics for two years. Do you really think I don't know how this prodigal Shang Yanyan feels about you? Now you've blocked her!

I swear to God, we are innocent!

No, I have to block you!

If you grab your phone again, I'll spank you.

You go ahead and fight me. Anyway, I just want to block you!


When the two were arguing again, Qin Ying came from the bathroom to report on work. She was actually a little emotional. The country was in chaos, and the person involved was still teasing her junior sister here. How strong her inner quality was.

No wonder I am just a secretary, but Director Chen can be Director Chen.

Editor-in-Chief Liu of the Yangtze Evening News.

Qin Ying covered the speaker of her mobile phone and whispered to Chen Hansheng: He wants to talk to you.

Yangtze Evening News is the newspaper with the largest circulation in Sudong Province, and its superior department is the Provincial Propaganda Department. Due to the timeliness of the media, Chen Hansheng was detained by South Korean police should be reported.

After all, many media in other provinces have published it, and in order to attract attention, the titles are also various.

Drug trafficking? theft? Violence? Guoke Chairman Chen Hansheng is behind bars! 》

Young billionaire Chen Hansheng was brutally arrested by the police at Incheon Airport, and the video was exposed. 》

It's not wrong to be overbearing and high-profile, but please be low-key abroad, Mr. Chen! 》


These media are all good at fanning the flames. The Yangtze Evening News cannot do this. Everyone is in the circles of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.

Besides, the publicity department can’t get through either.

Therefore, Editor-in-Chief Liu would like to hear Chen Hansheng's personal opinion on how to describe this report, or point out a direction.

After Chen Hansheng knew the purpose of Chief Editor Liu's visit, he gave him an idea: How about calling it Long Serial: Recording Director Chen's Life in Korea? Day 1.

What's the meaning?

Media editors have very strong comprehension skills and quickly realized three meanings:

1. Chen Hansheng will not return to China immediately;

2. Chen Han seems to have a certain degree of freedom, even initiative;

3. There is another hidden story behind the matter.

Chief Editor Liu just wrote it like this and gave it a try.

Chen Hansheng said with a smile: Maybe it will become a popular page.

Okay, I'll announce it like this, and I will keep in touch with Director Chen.

Editor-in-chief Liu did not hesitate. Chen Hansheng was arrogant but not stupid. He would not joke with himself on such a matter.

Director Chen, aren't we leaving?

Qin Ying asked in surprise when she heard the conversation between Chen Hansheng and Chief Editor Liu.

She originally thought that by announcing the truth of the matter tonight, she would clear away the grievances of Guoke, slap the media and anti-fans in the face, and improve Director Chen's reputation, and she would return to China tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

You can leave, I want to stay for a while.

Only then did Chen Hansheng reveal his expected plan: If we go back tomorrow, everyone may forget about it soon, so I want to deliberately create a feeling of being detained...for a month, to create a feeling of being detained. The illusion of being detained for a month will make it appear more weighty.”

Cui Zhifeng also walked in, and he also listened to Chen Hansheng's idea.

Su Wu Muyang, you have all heard of it, right?

Chen Hansheng raised his hands and gestured excitedly: I almost fell asleep in math and English classes, but I was very energetic in the history class because the history teacher likes to brag. When he told this story, I remembered it in my heart. .”

I want to be a Su Wu in peacetime.

Chen Hansheng became more and more excited as he talked: The script is like this. When I was on a business trip in South Korea, Samsung consultant Zheng Baoxu insulted the motherland, so I left angrily. As a result, I was stopped at the airport and detained for a month. When I returned home, my reputation and honor points had been reduced. Full, in the end, the real winner of this chaos.”

But...will Samsung allow it?

Cui Zhifeng raised the first question: Can they really be willing to be your tool to increase your reputation?

What can we do?

Chen Hansheng spread his hands and said: They have no right to expel me. The South Korean government can, but Qingwa Dae wishes that Samsung would be unlucky.

Then Samsung Electronics can issue a statement.

Qin Ying raised a second question: Just say that they did not detain you. You stayed in South Korea on your own.

Who believes it?

Chen Hansheng pointed to the posts on Baidu Tieba that ridiculed, ridiculed, and smeared Guoke and himself, and said: Haven't you discovered that netizens are the easiest to be influenced? As long as we don't admit or deny it, they will be 100% It was determined that I was detained in South Korea and Samsung was just lying to cover it up.


Qin Ying suddenly realized: No wonder you suggested that the Yangtze Evening News start a long series just to record the living conditions of being 'detained'.

It's also a way to keep the heat going.

Chen Hansheng asked Cui Zhifeng for his opinion again: Old Cui, what do you think?

Then...will Samsung be very angry?

Cui Zhifeng rubbed his chin and asked one last question.

I guess most of them are helpless.

Chen Hansheng said with a smile: Actually, to put it bluntly, this time it is likely that the three parties teamed up to cheat Samsung unintentionally. Of course, in the final analysis, they asked for it themselves.

Which three parties?

Luo Xuan, who had been listening in confusion, couldn't help but interject.

China, Korea, and Fruit.

When Chen Hansheng mentioned fruit, he pointed to his nose.


Around 7 p.m., it was time to take a break after tea and dinner. College students on summer vacation were walking with their parents while playing with their mobile phones.

My parents always yell, you like mobile phones so much, why not just live with them.

The college students turned a deaf ear to these nagging and continued to chat on QQ. In addition to complaining to their classmates about the boring holiday life, they also discussed why Director Chen of Guoke Electronics was detained.

No matter what, Guoke officials should have an attitude.

Xiao Ou, a die-hard fan of Guoke and about to be a junior at Hohai University, followed his parents glumly, as if there was a stone pressing on his chest.

Xiao Ou likes Guoke so much that he will almost never miss any public event of Guoke;

As long as any product sold by Guoke is marked with a K? mark, Xiao Ou will definitely buy one. In addition to support, Guoke's products are also very cost-effective.

Xiao Ou is also a moderator of the Guoke community, so much so that Chen Hansheng knows this crazy fan brother.

However, Xiao Ou has been in a very low mood since this morning because the boss, Chen Hansheng, was taken away by the police in South Korea yesterday.

Public opinion on the Internet is also extremely negative, and slander and slander can be seen everywhere. Xiaoou fights against anti-fans on post bars, in communities, in Tianya... on various platforms, but there are too many opponents.

Even in the class QQ group, there were a few bitches who knew that they were shell fans and deliberately teased them about it. Xiao Ou really wanted to punch them in the face.

These are nothing. What makes Xiao Ou sad the most is that Guoke officials have not spoken out. This attitude seems to acquiesce to those rumors. Xiao Ou feels that his life is almost taken over by Guoke anti-fans.

Hurry up.

When her mother saw Xiao Ou standing behind in a daze, she couldn't help but scream.


Xiao Ou muttered in response and looked down at his short sleeves and pants. They both had a K? logo on them. They were clothes from Guoke Mall.

In the past, Xiao Ou dressed very proudly. He wanted the whole world to know that he was a fan, but today when he was walking on the roadside, Xiao Ou felt a little uncomfortable. The pedestrians seemed to look at him in a strange way.

This is a psychological illusion. In fact, everyone is just walking.

Xiao Ou secretly said: I shouldn't question the identity of Huoke fans. I should always trust the boss, Lao Cui, and everyone at Guoke Electronics... I have decided to go back to Jianye tomorrow!

Xiao Ou suddenly made a bold decision. He didn't want to wait any longer. He was going to the Guoke Electronics Factory in Jiangling to find out this matter.

Nutshell, always drop God!

After reciting the slogan several times, little Omo expelled a little wavering belief, then quickly ran to the spotlight at the entrance of Suguo Supermarket, raised his head and raised his chest so that everyone could see the K? logo on his chest.

This kid must be crazy.

Xiao Ou's father frowned and said.

Who's so confused? Weren't you naughty when you were a child?

Xiao Ou's mother said dissatisfiedly: It seems that there is no oil at home. Let's buy a bucket.

Xiao Ou's parents entered the supermarket, and Xiao Ou still stood stubbornly.

At first, he was a little afraid;

But soon, Xiao Ou suddenly noticed that there was a boy who looked like a college student next to him.

He looked ordinary and had a shy personality. He just nodded at Xiao Ou, then lowered his head and continued playing with his mobile phone.

It turns out that this brother is also a Huoke fan. His mobile phone is a Huoke, and he also has a Huoke MP4 on his waist.

Are you here to support me?

A warm power surged in Xiao Ou's heart.

After a while, a smart guy with colorful hair appeared. He looked at the two people for a few times, took off his short sleeves, and then lit a cigarette and smoked.

Xiao Ou thought he was trying to be a hooligan, but later he discovered that this energetic young man had a K? tattoo on his back.

I will never despise Shamate again!

Xiao Ou almost wanted to cry.

Two minutes later, a pretty little girl came out of the supermarket. She looked at Xiao Ou and the other three, then picked up her shopping bag and walked over.

She didn't get very close, and she looked like she was waiting for someone, but Xiao Ou clearly saw that this little beauty was using a Guoke II White Moonlight mobile phone.

This is also a fan of Nutshell.

I'm going to Guoke Electronics tonight!

Xiao Ou couldn't hold back his tears any longer. He wanted to ask the beautiful Sister Jing why, with die-hard fans like us, you didn't stand up and fight back.

Fight back!

Fight back!

We must fight back!

As long as you say a word, we, with so many Guoke users, will be able to drive away all the anti-fans!


Just as Xiao Ou was roaring in his heart, the first shy boy who came to support suddenly raised his phone and said: The administrator of the Guoke community seems to have posted a message.


Xiao Ou quickly took out his mobile phone, and the spirited brother and the little beauty also opened the web page. Sure enough, the community pinned a post a minute ago.

The title is:

I know you will never leave, but we are still late. I'm sorry and thank you! 》

Before Xiao Ou clicked it, his eyes blurred for a moment.

Boss, how do you know we won't leave?

Guoke, why did you send it out so late?

Samsung, I'll fuck your mother!

This sentence was not what Xiao Ou said. The spiritual guy who had already read the post threw away his cigarette butt and yelled angrily.

There is a video in the post. The video is not long because there are only two people in it.

One of them is an old man who is speaking in Korean. Xiao Ou does not understand Korean, but he was considerately added subtitles.

The Chinese should be respectful and beg us, Samsung, to invest!

Guoke is such a bastard, and Chen Hansheng is an even bigger bastard!

Don't even think about leaving Korea, I will keep you in Korea!

The second person who appeared immediately was Chen Hansheng, the chairman of Guoke Electronics.

He spoke very little, only a few words, but his tone was so upright and solemn.

You can insult me, Chen Hansheng, but you cannot insult my motherland!

This is my bottom line, and it's also the bottom line of Guohu!

Please forgive me that I can no longer cooperate with Samsung. This 2 billion deal is over now!

Then, Chen Hansheng walked out of the conference room proudly.

The video did not end, because there was still a narration:

We have obtained the video a long time ago, but for the safety of Director Chen and other colleagues, we have not released it. However, under the protection of the Embassy in South Korea, Director Chen is no longer in trouble, so we are releasing it now.

I know you will never leave, but we are still late, sorry and thank you!

Without going through wind and rain, there would be no beauty of the rainbow.

——Guoker K? Respectfully from all the staff.


Xiao Ou sniffed heavily and looked at the few shell fans: The boss didn't steal anything or sell drugs at all. He was detained because he was too tough and offended the Korean chaebol!

You actually believe the bullshit on the Internet?

The spirited guy put his clothes on his shoulders with disdain and walked away swaggeringly.

The little beauty also pursed her lips and smiled, picked up her shopping bag and left.

Before the shy boy left, he whispered a slogan to Xiao Ou: Nutshell, you will always be a god!

At this moment, Xiao Ou's heart seemed to have thousands of flames surging, and he needed to clench his fists to suppress his emotional excitement. Xiao Ou didn't dare to speak now, because he wanted to vent to the sky and yell. .

The parents, who were carrying olive oil from the supermarket, saw their son hunched over and gathering strength, as if they put a hot wheel on his feet and Xiao Ou could fly directly to Nantianmen.

This kid.

Xiao Ou's mother also said naa naa: Maybe the real devil is stunned.


(Sorry for being late. It’s a 7,000-word chapter. Please give me a monthly pass. Thank you all.)

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