I really can't control myself

Chapter 963 Killing and Burial

"Huh?" After hearing Linton's words, all three women turned around and looked at Linton with confused expressions. Yes, they said they didn't understand Linton's words. Garsain is a saint, so he can't swim? Have you ever heard of a saint who drowned in water? To take a step back, Garsain really can't swim, but Saint-level can fly. Wouldn't it be over if you just fly out of the water?

However, Linton was certainly not joking. Garsain was a person who had actually eaten a Devil Fruit. He would stop cooking as soon as he got into the water. Garsain had not gone into the water because of this before, and had been preparing barbecue ingredients nearby. So, Now submerged in the water, Linton was basically sure that the other party would not be able to get up.

Although he has the seniority of Garsain in his hand, the person who is reincarnated and resurrected from the dirty land is not really resurrected. There are still a lot of troubles, so of course it is better to live without death. It is only a last resort. Linton immediately prepared to rescue people. The simpler way was to lock Gasain's position and open a portal.

Garsain had Linton's Flying Thunder God on his body, so it was very convenient to lock him with chakra. However, just when Linton released chakra to lock Garsain's position, he was surprised to find that Garsain's current position in the water was not at the bottom. sinking, but rising.

"Something is coming out." Linton said suddenly.

"What?" Yalan asked.

There was a "bang", and as soon as he finished speaking, a huge thing suddenly pushed out of the water and appeared on the lake. The lake water surged in large quantities, rushing in all directions like waves. Fortunately, Linton and the others were still a little away from the water surface and were not affected at all.

Linton looked at what appeared on the water, and was surprised to find that what appeared in front of them was a steel giant. Yes, the whole body of this giant, which is dozens of meters high, is made up of huge pieces of steel, but it is not like a Gundam, but a bit like the shape of the summoned stone giant in this world, but the body is made of steel. That’s all.

But it was obviously not summoned by magic. The iron block on the opponent's body was obviously not an ordinary iron block. Although there were many cracks on his body, Linton felt that the steel giant was originally one piece at first, but was later shattered and cracked. The situation where it was broken into pieces, could it be a giant steel puppet made by someone?

So why can this pile of scrap iron-like things now form a steel giant? Linton looked at it and immediately understood that something was operating this damaged steel giant. This thing is a giant purple-black thing that looks like an octopus. The opponent's body is now on the missing head of the steel giant, and then a lot of its tentacles extend downward. If you look carefully, the following The fragments of the cracked steel giant are obviously connected by each other's tentacles. These tentacles replace the existence of muscles, and it is this thing that operates the damaged steel giant.

And after this long octopus-like thing now replaces the head of the Iron Giant, the shape of the entire Iron Giant is really a bit Cthulhu-style, because the octopus itself has a face covered with tentacles, which just replaces the head of the Iron Giant. With his head cut off, he looked vicious.

"What... is this?" The three of Yalan were frightened by this huge steel giant. After all, this thing was too big. The iron block on the opponent's body might weigh tens of thousands of tons. This thing could actually be operated. What kind of monster is this pile of iron blocks?

"Have you never seen this thing?" Linton asked, pointing to the octopus above.

"I've never seen it before, so I don't know what kind of monster it is." Yalan shook his head.

Arlan's knowledgeable and powerful Linton knew it, so the monster she didn't recognize must be something strange. It was probably the thing that the dragon Gathedran was afraid of.

"It's indeed a bit strange." Linton touched his chin and said, "This is obviously a lake, why is there an octopus? Isn't this thing in the sea?"

"Is this the place that's strange to you?" Yalan next to her couldn't help but said, "Besides, octopuses are not only found in the sea."

"Isn't it?" Linton touched his chin. Is it common knowledge that octopuses can appear in lakes in this world?

"Should we save Garsain first?" Jorah next to him said anxiously, "He hasn't come up for a long time. Isn't he really in danger? He was injured by the dragon before, so he may not be able to come up because of this. .”

"As for Garsain, he might have been eaten by this octopus." Linton pointed to the octopus above and said. After feeling it with chakra, he found that the opponent was on the steel giant in front of him. There was a high probability that he would be eaten by this octopus. .

"Really? What should we do?" Jorah said nervously.

"It's okay, it's a small scene." Linton waved his hand, "I'll handle it."

Although he didn't know what the other party was, he couldn't let his nephew really be eaten by this octopus. Linton said and was about to take action, but just as he took two steps forward, a voice suddenly sounded that surprised Linton.

There was a "ding" sound. This was a sound that Linton was very familiar with. Yes, it came from a system prompt.

"System prompt: Found a fragment of the source of the world."

Linton froze on the spot. There was a beep that he had never heard before. The source of the world. What was that? Linton was also a little confused by this sudden situation.

After thinking about it for a while, Linton found that this prompt was a bit like a prompt for finding valuables. Yes, the prompt method was the same. It also prompted the location of the target, which was the location of the steel giant operated by the octopus in front, so initially Judging, this thing called the source of the world may be similar to valuables, and it is probably what I want to get.

But what is this thing for? It was really sudden. Linton said that he was not prepared. He had visited many places in the main world before. Until now, he had never found anything like valuables in the main world. Could it be that the source of this world is the main world? valuables?

Although there are more questions, things must be obtained no matter what, but does the source of the world refer to this giant octopus or the steel giant below? If it's an octopus, can it be killed?

Just as Linton was thinking about it, the giant dragon Gathedran next to him suddenly spoke. Of course, the person he spoke to was Vecna, and the language he used was dragon language: "Vecna, I don't need to settle the accounts with you for what happened before. , as long as you help me deal with this guy."

"This guy? What is this?" Vecna ​​asked.

"I don't know either. It must be some kind of monster from ancient times. Its territory is near this lake. It's quite powerful. If you help me deal with it, all the previous matters will be wiped out." Gathedran said.

It's obvious that Gathedran also wants to get this territory, but it seems that he was taught a lesson by this octopus before. Now with the appearance of Vecna, he feels that he has another chance. One dragon can't defeat you, but two dragons can't defeat you. Can't beat it?

Naturally, Vecna ​​would not agree. She had no right to speak now, so she looked directly at Linton as if asking. Seeing Vecna's actions, Gathedran was slightly startled. He finally saw that Vecna ​​was actually asking Linton's opinion. What is the relationship between this human being and Vecna? No...the giant dragon was raised by humans.

"Vecna, you must have been raised by humans, right?" Gathedran said directly without any inhibitions. And while he was talking, he took steps and walked directly towards Linton. When Vecna ​​saw something was wrong, she originally wanted to step forward to stop him, but after thinking about it... she seemed to be worried about the wrong person. The person she had to worry about was not Linton, but Gatherendran.

"Human..." Gatherdran had already walked to Linton's side, lowered his head and looked at Linton below, "What on earth are you..."

"You have nothing to do here. Go away and lie down first." Linton interrupted Gathedran directly. Now his attention was completely attracted by this new thing called the source of the world, and he didn't even care about the dragon meat.

"What did you say?" Gathedran was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that a human would dare to talk to him like this. He opened his mouth and was about to say something. Suddenly Linton raised his hand and waved it at its chin. one strike.

There was a loud "boom", and the air seemed to condense. The next second, the entire dragon of Gathedran suddenly lifted into the air, spinning and flying back several hundred meters, and then hit the ground with a loud noise. Then the whole dragon bounced up again, and after rolling on the ground for more than ten times, it hit a mountain behind.

There was a "boom" explosion, and the entire mountain exploded. The falling stones directly buried Gathedran completely, turning it into the shape of a giant mountain tomb. Yes, it only lacked a tombstone.

This is a real punch into the grave, killing and burying in one go. The three women, Vecna ​​and Shiv standing next to them all looked at the huge mountain in the distance with expressions of confusion, although they already knew that Linton It's an exaggeration, but I still couldn't help but be surprised when I saw him take action.

Just now, Garsain fought hard for a long time before getting a small wound, and he was beaten until his life and death were unclear. How could such a powerful dragon be punched into the grave when he arrived at Linton? Suddenly they could understand why Vecna ​​and Sif were so afraid of Linton. This guy really didn't do anything in the world.

Of course, Vecna's heart was broken at this time. Although she also knew that Gathedran must be seeking death on his own, Linton hit her more easily than last time. He used some tricks to hit him before, but this time it was just casual. It was just a punch. It seemed that he had no chance to resist, so he had to obey and forget it. He looked at Shiv next to him in a very tacit understanding, and everything was clear.

"What is the source of the world?" Linton really didn't care about the dragon next to him. The thing in front of him made him even more curious.

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