After waiting for a while, two dragons appeared in everyone's sight. The one in front is naturally Vecna, mainly the one following behind. This is an adult giant dragon whose whole body is blue. Its body size is basically the same as that of Vecna. As for its appearance, this is the third dragon Linton has seen. Apart from the color, there is no other difference in appearance.

With a "boom", Vecna ​​landed first and came directly to Linton's side. The dragon above was slightly stunned when it saw the five humans headed by Linton below. It seemed that it did not expect humans to appear here, but since it was a human being, of course it had nothing to be afraid of, so it quickly He also fell down and stood slightly opposite Vecna. Of course, he mainly stared at Vecna.

Even so, Linton still found that the dragon was not only paying attention to Vecna, but also had some attention on other places. Of course, it's not just a few of them humans. Human beings are just bugs to the Dragon Clan and cannot attract his attention at all. Linton found that the other party was looking at the lake next to him from time to time. This probably confirmed his guess. It seemed that there was indeed something in the lake.

"That's it. In human terms, its name should be Gathedlan." Vecna ​​also introduced it to the dragon opposite.

"Gasain, this dragon's surname is also Jia." Linton said.

"You're looking for trouble, can I have the same last name as you?" Garsain said.

Seeing Vecna ​​and several humans starting to talk, the dragon opposite turned his attention to the humans. To be honest, he couldn't understand the current situation. Are Vecna ​​and these humans together?

"Vecna, what do you mean?" Gathedran on the opposite side began to speak, but it was not common language, but a strange language, probably dragon language. However, since the system comes with a universal translation, Linton can certainly understand it.

"What is it talking about?" Gasain next to him asked, of course he didn't understand.

"Anyway, just go straight up." Linton said.

"Okay." After all, he proposed it himself. Garsain was still a little scared after seeing the dragon, but he still moved his arms a little and decided to go ahead. "You are not allowed to take action until I am knocked down."

"Understand, understand, no matter how badly you are beaten, as long as you are still alive, I will not take action." Linton said.

"Then I'll go." Gasein nodded, took a few steps forward, and walked up to Gatherdlan.

"Um...Duke Meroway, be careful." Fulla suddenly said at this time.

"Oh?" Linton looked at Fula in surprise, and suddenly spoke at this time. Could it be that it was really interesting? At this time, should I give my nephew a little help and let him show off? If he is fucked badly by the dragon opposite, it seems not a good feeling to lose face in front of Fula.

Linton was still thinking, but Gasein had already walked up step by step. As he walked, Gasein slowly pulled out his sword, and fighting spirit gradually began to condense on his body. I have to say that this back view is still very... handsome. Linton gave a thumbs up to Garser, who was pretending well, and then looked at the reactions of the girls next to him. However, at this moment, Linton suddenly noticed that Jorah next to him looked at Garser with excitement. kindness.

"Hmm..." Linton touched his head strangely. Furla's eyes looked a little worried, which is normal, but the problem was Jorah's. He looked at Garsain as if he was looking at some idol. Very excited. Or maybe it's because she's young, the age to worship heroes, so she thinks Garsain, who dares to directly challenge the dragon, is an idol? I wouldn't accidentally create a love triangle.

Although the actual age difference is not big, Jorah and Garsain are ten years apart including the time of death. Jorah, who is now resurrected, looks like a junior high school student, so he won't really cause anything. Linton thought for a while and didn't speak for the time being. Anyway, he would check the situation first.

At this time, a golden body of fighting energy appeared on Garsain's body, which was of course the sign of a saint. The giant dragon Gathedran on the opposite side obviously also knew this, and finally paid attention to this inconspicuous human being.

"Vecna, you actually unite with humans?" Gathedran said to Vecna.

"Your opponent is him." Vecna ​​didn't want to explain anything. After all, she had indeed signed a servant contract with humans. It was really embarrassing, but there was nothing she could do. I believe that if the opposite Gathedran really Knowing Linton's strength, he could only behave like a dog.

"Your opponent is me." Although Gathern did not understand the conversation between the two dragons, he knew that Gathedran had not paid attention to himself so far, so he spoke directly.

Obviously Gatherdran also understands Common Language. Hearing Gathern's words, he turned around and said, "Human, you are seeking your own death!"

Garsain obviously didn't pay attention to what Gathedran said. At the same time as the other party spoke, Garsain suddenly accelerated, full of fighting spirit, and slashed his sword directly to Gathedran's neck. And Gathedran obviously didn't expect that this human actually dared to attack this great dragon. He didn't react for a moment, but subconsciously raised his claws to block the attack.

However, Gasein here was already prepared. He bent forward, slightly changed his position in the air, and passed from the right side of the opponent's raised paw. Although the two-handed sword changed its direction, he still exerted a fierce force and struck out. The slash struck directly at the opponent's neck, in the same position as before.

With a "poof" sound, Garsain's sword actually cut directly into Garthadelan's neck. Yes, the attack penetrated the opponent's dragon scale armor, but it only cut into ten centimeters, and the sword got stuck directly.

Garsain was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the opponent to be so tough. This blow only cut into this small distance. Although it broke through the defense, the damage was obviously not very great. Holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, Garsain wanted to continue to use force, but at this time, a claw from the side slapped him directly.

Yes, Gathedran was furious. He didn't expect that this human would actually hurt his body. This was simply a shame for him, a great dragon clan. At this time, Gathedran's eyes seemed to be dyed red. In anger, it raised its right paw and slapped the hateful insect directly on its chest.

With a "bang" sound, Gathern was hit by the claw itself. Although he seemed to have adjusted his defensive posture, Gathedran's movements were too fast. Before he could retract his sword, the opponent's claw had already Patted on the body. Garsain hit the ground directly, bounced up again, crashed through several trees behind him, and fell into the trees by the lake.

"Damn reptile, you deserve to die!" Gathedran was furious, because it felt that his neck was bleeding. A reptile actually hurt himself, how could he not be angry. At this time, hatred has blinded his eyes. He was still paying attention to Vecna ​​before, but now he doesn't care about it at all. He will shoot this hateful reptile to death first.

Opening his mouth, Gathedran took a sharp breath. Linton saw cyan flame-like energy gathering in the other person's mouth. It must be dragon's breath. Sure enough, the other party opened his mouth and blew a breath of dragon's breath directly in the direction where Gasein fell.

At the critical moment, Gasein suddenly stood up, holding the sword with both hands, and the fighting spirit golden body directly covered his whole body. He should also be conducting the previous possession test of the fighting spirit golden body. Garsain's own purpose is to improve himself in this battle, and it seems that he is also making attempts in this regard.

With a loud "boom", all the trees around Garsain were swallowed up by the huge dragon's breath in an instant, and there was a loud explosion all around. Linton also knew that each dragon had different breaths due to different attributes. For example, the fire dragon's breath of fire that he encountered for the first time, Vecna's breath of frost, and this time the breath of the cyan dragon seemed to Different situation again.

Seeing the amazing power of the dragon's breath, Fula and others next to her became a little nervous, but Linton used a circle to check the situation in advance, and Garsain's performance was quite good. Sure enough, as the smoke slowly dissipated, Gasein's figure appeared in front of Gathedran again. Although everything around him was blown up, leaving a big hole in the place, Gasein still stood there. , holding swords in both hands, majestic. The golden body of Dou Qi on his body is obviously one size smaller. It is not that the Dou Qi has been exhausted. It should be that some of it has been absorbed into the body, indicating that his use of Dou Qi has become somewhat advanced.

Seeing this situation, Gathedran seemed to be even more furious, probably because his dragon's breath couldn't kill a small human, and he started to become incompetent and furious. With a sudden flap of his wings, Gathedran suddenly accelerated and rushed directly towards Gathon, stretched out his claws and pounced.

Garsain also reacted quickly. He held the sword in both hands and slashed at Gartharan's claws again. There was another loud noise, and a black figure flew out again, of course it was Garsain. It seemed that he really didn't have any advantage in the confrontation in terms of strength. Linton frowned slightly because he also saw that Garsain was not the dragon's opponent yet.

With a "plop", Garsain flew a dozen meters away, floated directly on the lake next to him, and then plunged into the lake. Seeing him being knocked away again, Jorah next to him finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"What should I do? Garsain is no match for this dragon." Jorah pulled Linton anxiously and said.

It was Jorah who spoke first, not Fulla. Linton had a headache, but he still said: "It's okay. Although I'm a bit at a disadvantage, I can still fight for a while. My nephew is not that weak."

"Really?" Jorah said.

"Hmm... Don't worry... Wait, I seem to have forgotten something." Linton suddenly frowned, looked at the calm lake next to him, thought for a while, and suddenly slapped his palm, "By the way, I remembered it, Garsain He can’t swim!”

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