With a flash of orange light, two figures had appeared in the urban area of ​​Chioggia, Province of Venice, Veneto Region, Italy. Jie Biao Danxi, who was beside Linton, looked at the signs in foreign languages ​​around him in surprise. It seemed that they had really arrived at their destination.

"It's actually here." Italy and Japan are separated by half the world. They were really teleported over at once, or they brought her with them. Jiebiao Danxi is a space user herself, so of course she knows how difficult it is. However, Linton didn't seem to have any difficulty at all in doing it. Although he vaguely knew something about Linton after entering the ANBU, he still couldn't believe it when he saw it with his own eyes.

"It's evening." Because of the jet lag problem, it was still morning in Academy City before, but here it's night time. However, Chioggia is also a relatively modern city. Even though it was night, the surrounding lights were still very bright. Not only that, Linton saw that there were many people on the street, and there seemed to be a group of people surrounding him not far ahead. there.

What's strange is that there are actually many people walking that way, and Linton seems to have seen the red and blue flashing lights of the police or fire fighters from a distance.

"Go and ask what's going on." Linton pointed forward and said.

"I don't speak Italian." Jiebiao Danxi said.

"What? Why did you come here?" Linton said after a pause.


Linton ignored her, stopped a man passing by and asked, "What happened up front?"

"I'm not sure. It's said that the river channel was damaged. I heard that someone was injured. I'll go see if I can help." The man replied, "You are a tourist, so don't go there yet."

"You speak Italian?" Jiebiao Danxi asked in surprise, "What did he say?"

Linton, of course, didn't speak Italian, so he relied on the system for translation. He pointed to the front and said, "It seems like something happened up front. It probably has something to do with the mission. Let's take a look."

Jie Biao Danxi also nodded, and the two of them came directly to the front. As expected, there were many people around here. The surrounding residents probably came over with good intentions to see if they could help. Of course, many people came to watch out of curiosity. Yes, but the scene was surrounded by police.

Linton looked at the situation and found that the damage to the river was quite serious. All the concrete stone platforms next to the river were damaged, as if a particularly large ship had forced its way into the narrow river, causing the river to be damaged. look. Indeed, many houses around the river were damaged, and firefighters are now rescuing people inside.

Linton and the others didn't know what happened, and they couldn't go in to investigate. Just when they were about to use illusion magic to find a policeman to ask about the situation, Linton suddenly heard a female voice shouting next to them: "Mr. Linton, Mr. Linton, this This way, this way!"

Hearing someone calling him, Linton turned his head and was somewhat surprised to see Index jumping up and down. I didn't expect to see him here. Of course, he knew Kamijou Touma was here before, so he probably came with him. However, Linton didn't see Kamijou Touma now. He only saw Index alone. Because she was blocked by the crowd, she couldn't get through now. She was jumping and calling Linton.

Linton, of course, pushed away the crowd and walked over. He looked around and found that Kamijou Touma was nowhere to be seen, so he asked, "Where is Kamijou Touma?"

"Touma was taken away in a big boat." Index immediately said, "If I read it correctly, that is the Queen of the Adriatic."

"This guy moves pretty fast," Linton said. "How long have you been up there? In which direction did you go?"

"That direction has been out to sea for more than 20 minutes. What should we do now?" Index said worriedly.

"That's troublesome. If he destroys it first, I will suffer a big loss." Linton said, "I'll catch up first."

"You don't even know the other party's heading, how can you accurately calculate the position and send it?" Jie Biao Danxi asked next to him.

"Teleportation probably won't work, but..." Linton was about to say something when a man walked up next to him. He was stunned for a moment when he saw Linton, and blurted out: "Why are you here?"

Linton also turned around and looked around, and found that he was indeed someone he knew. He had met him before in the Book of Law incident. He seemed to be an Amakusa-style acting pope, but he couldn't remember his name. The other person was still carrying him. A Sword looked arrogant, but when he saw Linton, he could feel a little fear in his eyes.

"I should be the one asking this question, why are you here?" Linton asked.

"Yes, why is Mr. Linton here? Is he also here for a trip?" Index also asked.

"Kami TN Travel, aren't you and Kamijou Touma here to solve the Roman Orthodox Church's spiritual equipment? I'm considered a backup." Linton said.

"Huh? Solve the Roman Orthodox Church's spiritual equipment? But Touma obviously won the prize and came here to travel." Index touched her head and said, "Am I being deceived by Touma?"

"The higher ups didn't tell Kamijou Touma the reason for coming here." Yuebiao Danxi whispered in Linton's ear, "Of course, winning the lottery was arranged."

"..." Linton looked at Jie Biao Danxi speechlessly. He really thought he was here for a trip, but this was a bit strange. "Wait a minute, since you are here for a trip, that's not the case. The Queen of the Adriatic who found them on her own initiative attacked them? Were they attacked by the other party?"

"Yes, we were suddenly attacked just after we moved. Touma was also taken away, along with two nuns," Index said.

"Who are the two nuns?" Linton asked.

"Don't wait here, okay? The boat is ready. It's better to explain the situation while chasing." Jiang Gongzhaizi said next to him.

"Ship?" Linton was stunned for a moment.

The group of people quickly arrived at the beach not far away. Jiangong Zhaizi and Index also explained the situation along the way. Index and the others were attacked before. Kamijou Touma and others were taken away by the Queen of the Adriatic. Only Index stayed where she was. On her side, she found the Amakusa Cross Sect. Jiangong Zhaizi had just sent someone to help. Index waited there for a while, but unexpectedly saw Linton suddenly appearing here again, so of course she called him.

"Is this the boat you prepared? Isn't it a bit too simple?" Linton couldn't help but said as he looked at the boat in front of him. Yes, this ship is really... it can only be described as simple. You just draw a ship shape on the drawing and make it in real form. There is nothing above the hull, just a platform. It is really the simplest thing Linton has ever seen. 's ship. However, there are two wooden boards beside the hull, which seem to be able to cover the top of the ship when raised. However, it is open now. It is estimated that if closed, it will look like a turtle-shell ship or something.

"Don't say that. After all, it's a weapon we're proud of." Jiangong Zhaizi said, "Anyway, it's better to catch up quickly."

Linton thought for a while and got on the boat. Although he originally wanted to fly over to chase him, but to be honest, the other party had been sailing for more than 20 minutes and he didn't know the other party's route. It was night now, the vast sea, and the flying You may not be able to find them if you chase them, but these people from the Amakusa Cross Sect seem to be very confident that they can catch up. Could it be that there is some detection type of magic?

Linton Ye wanted to hear the specific situation, so he came to the boat. At this time, there were already many people from the Amakusa Cross Sect on the boat. When they saw a few people uploading, these people also quickly controlled the boat and turned around to set sail. I have to say that these Amakusa-style people know quite a lot of things, and they all seem to be quite proficient in sailing.

"Tell me more about the situation. What happened to the two nuns?" Linton asked, "Why did the Queen of the Adriatic take the initiative to attack you?"

"Probably because of the relationship between Orsola and Agnes." Index said, "After all, they are considered traitors to the Roman Orthodox Church..."

"Orsola and Agnes?" Linton was stunned for a moment. He still remembered some of Orsola. He should be the one who claimed to be the interpreter of the Book of Laws before. Of course, it was later confirmed that the interpretation method was wrong. Later, he remembered She was sheltered by the English Puritans. As for this Agnis, Linton also felt that it sounded familiar when he heard it. After thinking about it, he remembered that wasn't she the captain of the Roman Orthodox nun team last time?

The previous Roman Orthodox team was almost wiped out by Linton. There were only a dozen or so people left, and only six of them returned to the Roman Orthodox Church. As for the situation of Agnes, Linton didn't pay attention to it, thinking that she was killed by his teammates. After all, if she returns alive, the other nuns who betrayed the Roman Orthodox Church will be in trouble. Unexpectedly, the other nun is still alive and appears here.

After asking Index again, Linton found out that Agnes was now being protected by the British Puritan Church, but this matter had not been made public. But she had just learned about this. She was indeed traveling with Kamijou Touma, and later met Orsola here who was about to move. Although it was their first meeting, after all, they were both members of the British Puritan Church. The conversation was very pleasant. I heard that the other party was moving, so Kamijou Touma went to help.

Of course, we met Agnes at that time. She is now roommates with Orsola, and several people from the Amakusa Cross Sect also live together. They all have some connections, and they quickly got to know each other. He also helped Kamijou Touma and the others solve their accommodation problem. Because of Kamijou Touma's unlucky constitution, the hotel they booked lost their reservation for some reason, and they didn't know what to do.

Of course, for such a coincidence, Linton felt that Aleister and the Puritan people must have arranged it together, with the purpose of getting Kamijou Touma to participate in this matter. But if you think about it this way, isn’t Kamijou Touma all in Aleister’s arrangement? He was attacked more than 20 minutes ago and lost contact? It doesn't look like it. It seems that Aleister is plotting against himself again.

"We have found the approximate location of the opponent." Just as he was talking, a person from the Amakusa Cross Sect suddenly came over and reported.

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