I really can't control myself

Chapter 837 Field Service

The Queen of the Adriatic Fleet, one of the largest spiritual units of the Roman Orthodox Church, the "Ten Forms of the Holy Spirit", consists of the flagship "Queen of the Adriatic" and about a hundred ice frigates. Simply put, it is a fleet A magical fleet made of ice.

"That's it?" After hearing Aleister's brief introduction, Linton expressed a little disappointment, "Even if it's made of ice, it's just a fleet. Is that all?"

"Because it is made of ice, it can be repaired with water, which means that as long as the core is not destroyed, this fleet is almost indestructible." Aleister said.

"Oh... but it's just a fleet." Linton said, "You were worried that the other side's fleet would come here and block the door, so you asked me to intercept it, but this sounds very weak. What threat can it really pose to the academy?"

"It's not that simple. The most special thing about this fleet is that when it attacks a city, it destroys not the city itself, but everything in the city. In other words, it can conceptually eliminate a city. The culture, the name of this city will not even remain,” Aleister said.

"Oh?" Hearing this, Linton suddenly became interested. Yes, he heard that it was just a fleet before and he thought it was not worth too many points, but now this ability is not an ordinary ability. It can eliminate everything in this city. Then Is this equivalent to global brainwashing? This is another weapon that is close to the law of cause and effect, so it is probably worth a lot of points when you hear it like this.

"Wait... If it was really so powerful, then... this world should have been destroyed long ago." Linton said, "Since destroying a city is so simple and can make people forget its existence, this fleet will go out and open A circle of human civilization will be gone. Are there any special activation conditions?"

After the last incident, Linton probably also knew that although the ten types of spiritual equipment of the Holy Spirit of the Roman Orthodox Church were very powerful, the conditions for their activation were also quite harsh.

"Yes, it does have a condition for launching it, that is... it can only be launched against the city of Venice." Aleister said, "The Roman Orthodox Church is also worried that someone will control the fleet and then turn against them. It would be really interesting if the Vatican erased it. Anyway, when making this spiritual equipment, we added this activation condition that cannot be changed."

"Huh?" Linton was stunned for a moment, "Can it only be launched against Venice? No, what kind of hatred or grievance is this? Is it also popular here to hang the Doge of Venice? And since it can only be launched against Venice, that is to say There’s no threat to Academy City, right? Are you really just providing me with information this time?”

"Although I want to say this to make you owe me a favor, the fact is that according to my investigation, the Roman Orthodox Church may have some method that allows the Queen of the Adriatic fleet to open fire on other cities." Yarei Star said, "It's probably a special technique that can lift the restrictions on spiritual equipment. We should be planning and preparing it now."

"Remove the conditions." Linton nodded. If the conditions were lifted, the threat to Academy City would be really great. After all, it can directly erase the concept of the entire city. I have to say that the Roman Orthodox people are really a bit too much. Previously they wanted to turn the people of the entire city into gods, but this time they want to erase the concept again. They really know how to play.

"Currently this fleet can only sail in the Adriatic Sea, but once the restrictions are lifted, the fleet can come to Japan." Aleister said, "From the news I have received so far, the Roman Orthodox Church We are already planning a plan to invade the academy, because they have already issued a 'kill order' to you. This time they will really send people to assassinate you, and they may also cooperate with the fleet to attack and destroy the entire city."

"How is this fleet... controlled? Does it run automatically or does it have a captain or something?" Linton asked.

Aleister pointed to the side, Linton turned his head, and a screen came down next to him, which displayed a man's photo and information. Aleister here said: "Piagio Pusoni, Roman Orthodox Church The Bishop, Commander of the Queen's Fleet, looks like a boring guy."

"He's on board?" Linton asked.

"Yes, it is usually on the flagship Adriatic Queen." Aleister said, "The core on the flagship is the key to controlling the entire fleet."

"Understood." Linton nodded. It would be easy if he knew who the owner was. "Let me handle this matter. After studying this thing, I will directly blow up the entire fleet and sink it. The reward for this mission is 4.5 trillion, no Question."

"No problem." Aleister nodded. Anyway, he never expected Linton to pay back the money.

"Then I can leave now. You have arranged the trip anyway, right?" Linton said.

"Wait, since this is a hiring mission, can I make a small request?" Aleister said.

"Oh? What's the request? I'm a little curious," Linton said.

"In fact, yesterday, I sent a person to handle this matter. You also know this person, that is Kamijou Touma-kun." Aleister said.

"Fuck, you sent him there?" Linton was stunned for a moment, "Did you know that this guy will damage the spiritual equipment if he is not careful? Who will pay for it if it is damaged?"

"I also have some plans of my own, which require the growth of Kamijou Touma." Aleister said, "However, something unexpected happened now, and the trace of Kamijou Touma was temporarily lost. If you see him, please stop by. Can we bring him back? After all, he is also a very important part."

"You are really becoming more and more rude." Linton said.

"After all... this is a hiring mission." Aleister said with a smile.

"Okay, if I see him, I'll throw him back by the way." Linton thought for a moment and said. Anyway, he just saw it, and it's not a mandatory task. If he really sees it, he can just throw him back through the portal. , save this guy from ruining his good deeds.

"Then it's up to you. According to the current time, Kamijou Touma's plane should arrive in a few hours. I will arrange a private plane to take you there," Aleister said.

"That's not necessary. It's just a matter of opening the door." Linton said.

"As for the specific situation, someone will contact you later." Aleister said.

After saying goodbye to Aleister, Linton first went back to talk to his nephew. After all, this was a business trip abroad, and he was also waiting for the people sent by Aleister to gather and set off together. This time Aleister also sent someone to cooperate with Linton. Even Aleister probably felt that if Linton went alone, something might happen, so it might be better to send someone to keep an eye on him.

"You want to go abroad?" Accelerator said with some surprise, "You don't have to go abroad directly if you don't want to teach others."

"Is it a trip? Misaka Misaka also wants to go." The last one next to her said immediately.

"It's not a trip, it's a mission." Linton said.

"What mission?" Accelerator asked.

"Oh, it's a very simple mission, just destroy a fleet." Linton said.

"Huh?" The last one looked at Linton in confusion, "Really?"

"Destroy a fleet?" Accelerator frowned, "An aircraft carrier fleet?"

"It seems like a fleet of sailing ships from the tenth century..." Linton said.

"Huh? Are there still things like that, exhibits in museums?" Accelerator said.

"Made of ice," Linton said.

"You take your time and play." Accelerator didn't bother to ask.

"It probably won't take long, just a few days at most. Don't think about me so much," Linton said.

"I won't, shut up." Accelerator said.

"When are we going to leave? Do you need to prepare anything? Misaka Misaka will help." The last one raised his hand and said.

"Wait for the liaison officer, and we'll set off as soon as he arrives." Linton had just finished speaking when there was a sudden "whoosh" next to him, and a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of several people. Seeing the other party's face, Accelerator here also stood up from the sofa: "Oh, is it you? Are you here for revenge?"

"Oh?" Linton was also stunned for a moment, because he knew this person who suddenly appeared. Jie Biao Danxi is a space user. Linton just sent her to the hospital more than ten days ago, but now the other party's appearance here must not be revenge. After all, looking at her appearance, she doesn't dare to be with him at all. He and Accelerator looked at each other, they were scared to death. The reason for appearing here is: "Are you the liaison person this time?"

"Yes." Jiebiao Danxi nodded, "This time I will act with you."

"Returned to the academy?" Linton asked.

"I was originally a student in the academy." Jiebiao Danxi said, "Now I just have a little extra work."

"Joined ANBU?" Linton asked.

"Only in this way can we get some pardon." Jiebiao Danxi spread her hands and said. After all, she had attacked people in the academy before and caused a lot of trouble. If she had not cooperated, she would have been thrown into prison. Now that she can come out, Naturally, a deal was made with the higher-ups of the academy.

"Okay," Linton said, "Although it's not of much use, at least it's not a burden."

"Shall we leave now?" Jiebiao Danxi asked, "The plane is already waiting at the airport. If we leave now, it will take off in ten minutes and reach the destination in about 13 hours."

"You are also a space user after all. Don't you feel ashamed to fly?" Linton asked, "Just open the door and arrive."

"Impossible, this distance is impossible even with LEVEL5 space ability..." Jiebiao Danxi said. As a space ability user, she is of course the most aware of the limitations of teleportation distance.

"I'll give you a piece of advice. Although we are only cooperating for a short period of time, I advise you to give up common sense for the time being." Linton said, "Common sense is not very useful here."

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